Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3201 to 3300 Charlie Wade Story

Chapter 3201

When Harold heard these words from Old Lady Willson, he became excited and said excitedly, “Grandma! If it‟s really like you said, that‟s really great!”

“I‟ve always felt that that son of a b!tch Charlie is going to get hit by a thunderstorm sooner or later, so it seems that this is the signal before the thunderstorm!”

Mrs. Willson‟s expression surfaced a bit smugly: “Their family has been doing so well for more than a year, all because of Charlie‟s deceitfulness!”

“In the past, those Feng Shui masters and masters of metaphysics have been collecting a lot of money from the pockets of rich people, but none of them have ended up well! I think Charlie will also be finished!” 

Harold‟s body twitched with excitement and said, “If he really fails, I think their family will soon be finished! Maybe in a few days, that White family will have to come and take back this villa!”

Noah, who was lying on the side, said excitedly, “Oh, if that‟s the case, the wind and water will really turn! It‟s best if Charlie hurriedly fails, then their family has nowhere to go, fall into the streets, then we will watch their family‟s joke!”

Speaking of which, he couldn‟t help but say with pride: “Thirty years of the river east, thirty years of the river west! They certainly can‟t imagine that our family can still survive.”

“Now Wendy has a valuable person to help her, and she manages the biggest ceremonial company in the whole city.

Mrs. Willson laughed and said, “Wendy is a real fighter! Starting from nothing, she was able to make a company the number one company in the whole city, she alone is much better than you two!”

The old lady Willson looked at the two of them and said angrily, “Speaking of which, you two are really a pair of wastes! I asked you to clean up Elaine, but you two got yourselves crippled and are now lying in bed, asking me, an old woman, to carry you for sh!t and ur!ne! This is outrageous!”

When these words came out, Noah and Harold looked at each other, and they could see the endless embarrassment in each other‟s eyes.

It was true that the male members of the Willson family did not have much ability and capacity.

Although Noah is the eldest son and has always been highly valued by the old lady, this person is essentially a straw man, belonging to the kind of half-bottle wobbly master. 

As for Harold, the eldest grandson, is more rotten mud can not support the wall, the standard useless, good for nothing, pretending to be the first.

The two of them have done so many years in the Willson Group, basically did not create any performance, the top of the Willson Group was the old man Willson who took the Wade family‟s severance pay, and fought for half a lifetime to progress, since his death, the assets continue to shrink, until the bankruptcy and liquidation.

Chapter 3202

At this time, Mrs. Willson saw the father and son did not speak, helplessly shook her head, sighing: “I do not know what the Wendy is to that nobleman in the end, listen to her words, the other party is very capable.”

“He directly took the company from its previous owner and gave it to Wendy to take care of!”

“And her previous boss, not only did not dare to put a f*rt, but also willingly went to KTV as a turtle! Dealing with the people is such an art, can‟t say how capable this person must be!”

“Yes!” Noah also could not help but sigh: “I heard that Wendy‟s previous boss is still struggling with his life. He must not have expected someone to bend his wrist and clean him up for his words.”

“I think that the noble person must know one of the most important people in the city‟s underworld, maybe he is a young master of a big family!

Mrs. Willson said, “If only Wendy could get together with that nobleman, what our family needs now is a good backer!”

Noah nodded gently and said, “I see Wendy‟s eyes shine every time she mentions that nobleman, so maybe she has long been secretly in love with him.”

“Hmm.” Mrs. Willson nodded and said, “I can also see what you said, but she has been unwilling to reveal the identity of that nobleman, so I, an old lady, can only be anxious.”

Then, Mrs. Willson said, “Right, Noah, you should talk to Wendy alone later, and ask her how far she has progressed with that nobleman, and if it‟s still unclear, let her speed up a little bit.

Noah said awkwardly, “Mom, how can I talk to Wendy about such things?

Mrs. Willson blurted out, “You are the only one who can ask the most appropriate question, because of your matter, Wendy has always had some opinions about me, so if I ask her, she will definitely not be able to open her heart with me.”

Harold immediately volunteered to say, “Grandma, why don‟t I talk to her, we don‟t have any generation gap, and it‟s easier to communicate.”

“You quickly pull back!” Mrs. Willson gave him a white look and said, “Just that expression ability of yours, I can‟t find anyone worse than you in the whole Willson family!”

Harold immediately said in disbelief, “Grandma! What do you mean by that? What‟s wrong with my ability to express myself? I think I‟m quite eloquent!”

Mrs. Willson said unhappily, “If you were really articulate, Elsa would have become the daughter-in-law of our Willson family! If you had held on to her, our family would not have been reduced to this state!”

Speaking of this, she said in exasperation, “But Harold, you have no other skills, but your ability to fan the flames is still very good!”

“If you hadn‟t slandered Claire in my ear, I wouldn‟t have gone back on my word and given you the directorship I promised her!”

“Originally Claire is a puppet, in addition, to let her divorce Charlie she did not listen, other than that she did what I told her to do, it was because of that time by your compulsion, this girl began to develop a backbone, even seeing me on the streets and she was not moved!”

Speaking of which, she looked at Harold, very dissatisfied, and said: “Harold, the three words “unworthy of reuse”, that is you!

Harold didn‟t expect that his grandmother would rebuke him, so he was speechless for a while and could only lower his head in shame.

Noah hurriedly said, “Mom, don‟t say anything about Harold, we had a miserable life some time ago, but honestly, who doesn‟t have some hardships in their life?”

“Look at my younger brother and his family, they had a hard time in the first few years, but they have slowly gotten better since then.”

“Wendy‟s career is going smoothly now, if she has a good harvest in love and career, maybe our family will rise again!”

Hearing this, Mrs. Willson could not help but sigh: “Hey, I used to think that my grandson is good, and he is my own person, but now I see that my granddaughter is much more reliable than my grandson!”

After saying that, she spoke again and lamented, “If I had known that Wendy had such strong ability, I should have given the company to Wendy to take care of it more than a year ago, maybe the Willson Group wouldn‟t have gone bankrupt today.”

Chapter 3203

Mrs. Willson‟s emotion made Noah and Harold, the father and son lower their heads in shame.

Seeing the two of them in such a weak state, Mrs. Willson felt a burst of contempt in her heart, so she stood up for a long time and said,

“You two lie down in bed, I‟ll go to Charlie‟s house and go around!”

Harold asked, “Grandma, what are you going to Charlie‟s house for?”

Mrs. Willson snorted coldly, “Humph! What else can I do, of course, I‟m going to mock


Noah said with some concern,

“Mom, the matter of Charlie‟s downfall is, in the end, only a speculation on your part, it

has not been confirmed yet, if you go to trouble them now, in case Charlie has not yet

failed and cleans us up by hand, wouldn‟t that be an unwarranted disaster?”

Mrs. Willson said disdainfully,

“My old lady‟s wise eyes, when have they ever looked wrong? I told you that your wife is

unreliable and asked you to transfer all the money to me, but you didn‟t believe me,

look, your wife has run away now, right?”

Speaking of which, the old lady couldn‟t help but gnash her teeth and curse: “Shameless

b!tch, just ran away, how dare she steal my money! If that b!tch doesn‟t die, it‟s like God

doesn‟t have eyes!”

Noah couldn‟t say anything at once.

His wife‟s matter really made him lose face.

Stealing the old lady‟s money was a minor matter, but the fact that she secretly

conceived someone else‟s child and infected himself with a disease was what he hated

the most.

Harold spoke up at this time:

“Grandma, this kid Charlie has always been very evil, sometimes the more you think he is

going to be finished, he can play out.”

“So I think we should keep a low profile, and when he really falters, then it‟s not too late

to mock him!”

Mrs. Willson was in deep thought for a moment.

She was so stimulated by Charlie in her heart that she had been trying to find an

opportunity to make a clean brea5t of shame for him.

However, she also admitted that her grandson, Harold, did have a point, this guy Charlie

was always inscrutable and did not play by the rules, so she really had to be more

careful and must not be sloppy.

So, she thought about it and said, “Let‟s do it this way, I‟ll go to their home first and

explore the truth!”

Chapter 3204

Harold hurriedly reminded, “Grandma, you must be careful!”

“Don‟t worry.” Mrs. Willson waved her hand: “I know what‟s going on in my heart.”

Saying that, she suddenly remembered something and said through clenched teeth,

“No! Since today is Charlie‟s birthday, how can I go empty-handed? I have to go to the

vegetable market and buy two catties of leeks and take them to him!”

Harold was confused and asked in amazement, “Grandma, why do you want to give

Charlie leeks? Claire didn‟t give Charlie a cuckold.”

Harold just mentioned the cuckold, Noah felt his head was so green that it glowed, and

angrily cursed, “Don‟t mention the cuckold in front of me!”

Harold looked resentful, and Old Lady Willson said, “When Charlie used daffodils to pass

off as leeks, he made us vomit and diarrhea and we were pulled to the hospital for

emergency treatment, this revenge, I have always remembered!”

Harold recalled the time when he was incontinent at home, his body shivered, and said,

“Grandma, I also always remember this revenge, but you can‟t solve this problem by

buying two pounds of leeks!

Mrs. Willson gritted her teeth and waved her hand, “It‟s just that, I‟d better go and feel

their bottom first!”

After saying that, she stepped out of the bedroom.

The old lady Willson, who had always been proud, had experienced a lot of human

warmth since she had fallen on hard times, but what angered her the most was how the

Charlie family did not care about her.

Originally, the family also gave her some face, but when she was bent on seizing the villa

of the family, she ended up completely torn with the four members of Charlie‟s family.

Since then, she had been in jail, fallen, and even reduced to pulling plastic bags for

customers at the supermarket, the Charlie family has not reached out to her, especially

Jacob treated her like air at the supermarket, which makes her hold a grudge to this day.

Soon, Mrs. Willson came to the door of Charlie‟s house in an aggressive manner and

directly pressed the doorbell.

Inside the villa, after Charlie put the cake into the refrigerator, he went back to the living

room, where Claire and her parents were still busy in the kitchen.

At this time, he heard the doorbell, so he got up and went to the front door.

Chapter 3205

He glanced at the monitor and found that the one standing outside the courtyard was,

surprisingly, Mrs. Willson, so he asked in a cold voice, “What do you want?”

When Mrs. Willson heard Charlie‟s voice, she coldly snorted and said, “Let me in, I want

to see Jacob!”

Charlie casually said, “Sorry, you are not welcome here, hurry up and leave, or I‟ll find

the property security!”

“You!” Mrs. Willson angrily scolded: “This is my son‟s home, you say you are not

welcome? I still have to go in today!”

Charlie laughed and said,

“It‟s true that my father-in-law is your son, but you have to be clear, this is my home, the

house is registered in my name, the property rights belong to me, so if I don‟t let you in,

you just can‟t enter, understand?”

Mrs. Willson was furious at Charlie‟s words and said,

“Charlie! Do you really think you are still the same bullish Master? Don‟t think I don‟t

know that you, a charlatan who makes a living by shaking things up, is about to fail!”

Charlie couldn‟t help but laugh and asked, “Really, who told you that I‟m about to fail?

How come I didn‟t even hear about it myself?”

Mrs. Willson sneered, “Charlie, you think your little thing can escape this old woman‟s

golden eyes?”

Speaking of this, the old lady said with a contemptuous face,

“Yes! you admit it! You did fool a lot of rich and powerful people before, but you should

know, which of these people is not a dragon and a phoenix among people?”

“They will be deceived by you, just for a moment, they are blinded by you, they can‟t be

unable to see the truth for the rest of their lives!”

At this point, Mrs. Willson looked him up and down and asked with a sneer,

“During the New Year, I saw that many people came to your house to give you gifts,

how come you have a birthday today and no one has come to your house to give you


“What is the reason for this, you do not know in your own heart? Still playing dumb with

me here!”

Charlie burst out laughing.

It turned out that Mrs. Willson concluded that the basis for his failure was because no

one came to his door to give him a gift today.

This is really a leaf blindfold, do not see the mountain, slippery world of the big joke.

However, when you think about it, in fact, life relies on this so-called “experience”, a

blind eye to judge a person‟s things, is too much.

In life, just to see others drive luxury cars, think the other party has big money, a rich

generation, and then a mind to go around the backward, and finally be cheated of

money and even s3x victims, are not a few.

Charlie still remember reading news, a hanger-on bought a domestic cross-country, and

then burst into a Mercedes-Benz G, posing as a rich young man while talking about a

dozen girlfriends.”

“Each girlfriend as long as they see him driving a fake G, immediately identified him as a

super-rich, and then he was cheating money and s3x, and even a few women not to

mention the lost money, but also pregnant.

He thought that only women with love in their brains would make this kind of mistake,

but he did not expect Mrs. Willson, who is so old, could be so stupid.

The reason why no one came to the door to give gifts today, it is because they have

long greeted in advance, otherwise with today‟s schedule.

After dinner to go to see Sara‟s concert, time is so rushed, and then a bunch of people

come to the door to give gifts, that really would be anxious.

Only, how does Mrs. Willson know this?

She relied on her own experience in the marketplace to judge that Charlie will soon be

cold, so this is why she thought to come over to properly taunt and mock, a throw


Seeing that Charlie did not say anything, she felt that her guess was 100% accurate!

So, she looked at him with a disgusted face and said,

“I think this villa of yours will be taken away in a short time, and if your family is on the

street then, don‟t say I don‟t take care of you as a grandmother, you let Claire come

back and kowtow to me, and I‟ll let Wendy arrange a job for her as a courtesy lady!”

Mrs. Willson said with a smug face: “By the way, I forgot to tell you, our Wendy is now

the GM of the largest etiquette company in the city and her future is bright!”

Chapter 3206

The reason for this is that the lady Willson came to have some fun with him, but it was

because of Wendy.

She certainly does not know that the reason why Wendy was able to leap from bullying

Miss Manners to become the general manager of Shangmei Etiquette Company is

entirely that he saw her pity situation and gave her a chance.

Hearing this, he looked at Mrs. Willson, just like looking at a stupid old monkey, and

said playfully: “Mrs. Willson, the most failed point in your life is short-sightedness, but if

you can look deeper, the Willson family would not have fallen to this point today.”

Then, he said seriously: “If you still want to continue to have the soup, then remember

that in the future it is our family‟s well water, but if you can not do this, then maybe you

will not have the opportunity to continue to live here.”

After saying this, Charlie was ready to close the door, but unexpectedly, when Mrs.

Willson heard this, she immediately became anxious and hurriedly stepped forward and

blocked the doorway, cursing offhandedly,

“Charlie! How dare you preach to me, what are you? If it wasn‟t for my old man who

brought you back from the construction site, you might be begging for food now, and

you dare to call me short-sighted? Do you think my Willson family‟s previous foundation

came from the wind?”

Charlie shook his head and said, “I don‟t know if the foundation of your Willson family

was blown by the wind, but now it has been lost by you, the Willson Group should have

been liquidated long ago, right?

If I guess correctly, you should still owe a lot of money on the bank side, otherwise, your

old villa will not be seized by the bank, now you can temporarily live in this villa given by

others, what else do you have? If not for Wendy‟s ability to earn more money now, you

would still be pulling plastic bags in the supermarket, right?”

Mrs. Willson didn‟t expect that Charlie would poke her in the heart with every word. The

bankruptcy of the Willson family was the one thing she couldn‟t let go of deep down,

while being forced to work in a supermarket was the one thing she felt most humiliated

about deep down.

Angry and frustrated, she said: “Charlie! Don‟t be complacent too early! It won‟t be long

before you‟ll be thunderstruck! I‟ll be waiting to see your family‟s joke then!”

Charlie nodded and laughed: “Welcome, but I‟m afraid that you, old woman, won‟t be

able to wait until the day I get that, so it would be a pity if you can‟t witness it?”

Mrs. Willson gritted her teeth and sneered, “I think you‟ll only be here for a month or

two! When those rich people react, not only will they take back all the money you

cheated them out of, they will also send you to jail and sentence you to life


The more Mrs. Willson said, the more furious she became, and continued to curse as if

she was on top of her head: “By then, Jacob and Elaine, as your accomplices, will

definitely not end up well either!”

She said, panting, “Right, I almost forgot! There is also Claire!”

Charlie‟s eyes suddenly turned cold as he stared at her and said in a cold voice: “Old

lady, it is because of Claire‟s face that I am reserving the last point of tolerance for you,

but if you dare to speak out against her, don‟t blame me for not showing mercy!”

“Aigoo! Do you think I‟m an old woman who‟s scared? I‟ve even been in jail, how can I

be afraid of you?”

When lady Willson saw that Charlie seemed to be very sensitive to her mention of Claire,

she immediately thought that she had caught Charlie‟s sore spot, so her anger suddenly

became even more arrogant.

Chapter 3207

Just as she was about to target Claire and make a good dig at him, she suddenly heard

someone shout out, “Grandma! What are you doing here?!”

The one who spoke was actually Wendy!

Today is the weekend, Wendy originally did not have to go to work, but because there

are more students at the training school, so she specifically went over to keep an eye on

the professional class for half a day.

The first thing you need to do is to get a new one.

Although Wendy knows very well, with Charlie‟s current economic strength, a Hermes

belt in his eyes is really nothing.

But for the current Wendy, this is one of the few luxury items she can afford.

After all, she now earns money alone, four people eat, and her father and brother still

need quite a lot of convalescence money, so she herself has been frugal, it was not easy

to save this more than eight thousand dollars.

After she had the shopkeeper help to wrap the belt, on the way back she had been

thinking about how she should hand the gift to Charlie.

After thinking about it, she planned to put the gift in the mailbox in front of Charlie‟s

house, and then send a WeChat to Charlie to come out and get it himself.

She felt that this was relatively safe and would not be known by others, especially her

sister Claire.

Moreover, if Charlie was not willing to accept his gift, he would not have the opportunity

to reject it face to face, and more or less leave herself some leeway.

However, when she was about to pass by his door, she heard her grandmother‟s furious

voice from quite a distance, and when she took a closer look, she saw her actually

blocked Charlie‟s door and quarreled with him!

This scared Wendy‟s soul half off!

So, she hurriedly stepped on her high heels and ran all the way to the door of Charlie‟s

house, dragged Mrs. Willson, and pulled her without saying anything: “Grandma, come

home with me!”

Wendy, after this period of training, can now be said to be very discerning, she saw the

old lady to find trouble with Charlie, she knew that the old lady must have caused big

trouble, this kind of time must not continue in front of Charlie‟s house and her tussle, or

her emotions up, excited, otherwise, don‟t know what will she say to Charlie in anger.

Therefore, the best way is to get the old lady away first, and then find a way to

apologize to Charlie!

Mrs. Willson didn‟t expect Wendy to come back at this time, and when she saw that she

was pulling herself to leave, she hurriedly said, “Hey Wendy, don‟t pull me, I‟m telling

you, this guy Charlie is about to get caught, what are you afraid of him for? Maybe in a

few days, their family will ask us to take them in!”

Wendy felt her back full of cold sweat, blamed off the mouth: “Grandma what are you

talking nonsense! Brother-in-law is so powerful, how can he fail! You quickly apologize

to brother-in-law, let‟s hurry home after apologizing, don‟t give him a hard time here!”

Mrs. Willson raised her eyebrows: “What? Let me apologize to him? He is a liar who is

always trying to cheat, how can you ask me to apologize to him? How dare you ask me

to apologize to him?”

“I‟m telling you, Wendy, you were deceived by the illusion of his previous call to action!

Look at his birthday today, not even a single person came to his door to give him a gift,

what does this mean? It means he is no longer able to do it! Maybe he‟ll be reckoned

with in the future!”

Wendy knew very well that Charlie‟s connections in the city were extremely strong, so

how could she just say that?

If he really is failing, then Shangmei etiquette company‟s ex boss must be the first time

to come back to find the company to snatch back.

So, nothing else to see, as long as he has not come to find her, then Charlie is certainly

not likely to face any trouble.

The only possibility is that her grandmother is in big trouble again!

Chapter 3208

Seeing her grandmother‟s arrogant appearance, Wendy was afraid in her heart and

hurriedly said, “Grandmother! How can you be so rude to brother-in-law! Hurry up and

apologize to him!”

Mrs. Willson listened in awe and said, “Wendy, are you out of your mind? Has our family

suffered less from his bullying?”

The old lady said with righteous indignation and reprimanded: “Don‟t you forget! Your

mother was sent to the black coal kiln by him!”

“If he hadn‟t sent your mother to the black coal kiln, your father and your mother

wouldn‟t be in this situation today! That shrew Elaine would not have had the chance to

humiliate your father by hanging green hats all over the balcony!”

“Also, have you forgotten what happened to you and me, when we were taken into

custody? That is not all thanks to him?!”

“Now that you have a chance to take revenge, you not only don‟t help me, but also turn

your elbow to this son of a b!tch, you want to kill me!”

Wendy‟s expression suddenly became very ugly, and she said very seriously, “Grandma!

You are so old, why don‟t you still have a correct sense of right and wrong?”

“You are right, my mother was indeed sent to the black coal kiln by my brother-in-law,

but have you ever thought about why she was sent to the black coal kiln by him? If she

hadn‟t made a game with that woman, pitted all of Elaine‟s money not to mention the

brother-in-law‟s villa, he wouldn‟t have been able to punish her that way!”

“And the two of us into the detention center, that incident, in the end, is also our own

blame, the villa was given to brother-in-law, but you wanted to take over, repeatedly

come to trouble, you also encouraged brother to come over to the old housekeeper of

Solmon at that time, we were not sentenced, is already brother-in-law‟s extra-legal

grace! “

Mrs. Willson stood dumbfounded as if she had been struck by lightning.

She looked at Wendy, unable to say a word for half a day, while her whole body was

already trembling violently because of her anger.

Half a day later, she pointed at Wendy and said in the utmost pain, “Wendy ah Wendy!

What kind of mesmerizing soup have you been given by Charlie? You have always hated

him, so why are you starting to speak to him now?”

Wendy looked at her and said without flinching: “Brother-in-law didn‟t pour me any

soul-soup, and I didn‟t speak to him, I just saw the truth of the matter itself!”

“Previously a thousand mistakes, it is our fault, I am sorry to my cousin, but also sorry to

brother-in-law, we hurt and failed them again and again!”

“You …… you f*rt!” Mrs. Willson was so angry that she almost had a heart attack,

trembling and pointing at Wendy, angrily rebuking, “Have you forgotten how Charlie

plotted to harm our family?”

“We almost lost half of our lives when we ate the dumplings wrapped by the daffodil! Is

this not a blood feud now?!”

Wendy shook her head and blurted out, “Daffodil was planted at home by brother-inlaw, and you stole it as leeks to eat, which is theft itself! Stealing other people‟s things to

eat, eating poisoning is also entirely your own fault, what does it have to do with him?”

Mrs. Willson was furious, her face red and neck thick, gritting her teeth and cursing,

“You …… you are trying to kill me, you! If you continue to favor him, then I won‟t have

you as my granddaughter!”

Wendy was not willing to show weakness and shot back, “If you don‟t apologize to

brother-in-law, then I won‟t have you as a grandmother!”

Mrs. Willson was stunned and cried out, “Wendy, are you crazy? What‟s so great about

this guy that you‟re willing to turn against your grandmother for him?”

Chapter 3209

Wendy‟s red eyes, emotional roar: “To be honest I‟ve long had enough of you bossing

me around!”

“You were the one who made me go with Gerald, you were the one who made me go

with Fredmen, you were the one who caused me to lose my reputation, caused the

Willson family to go bankrupt, and caused me to be forced to work as a courtesan to

support my family!

“I have been suffering for more than a year, and a large part of it is because of you! You

don‟t repent, but now you want to force me to turn my back on my brother-in-law who

has been so kind to me.

Mrs. Willson also broke down and cried: “In the past, grandmother certainly did

something wrong, you can blame grandmother, I have nothing to say, but I have loved

you for so many years, do you not know how to be grateful?”

“You don‟t know how to be grateful to me, but you even said that Charlie has a kindness

to you, you talk like this, don‟t you think you are losing your conscience?

The angry Wendy said without thinking, “Of course I don‟t feel guilty! When I was forced

to sign a contract of sale at the ceremony company, it was brother-in-law who rescued


Wendy said, with tears in her eyes, continued, “Brother-in-law not only saved me, but

also drove away the black-hearted boss and his girlfriend, and restored the freedom of

all the other sisters who were forced to sign the deed together!”

“And, I tell you the truth, it was brother-in-law who gave me the Shangmei Etiquette

Company to take care of! What I can have today, it is all because of brother-in-law‟s

care! The nobleman I am talking about is him!”

When Mrs. Willson heard this, her whole body was shocked, and her eyes could not wait

to fall to the ground.

She had never dreamed that the noble person that Wendy had met was Charlie!

It is ridiculous that she thought that Wendy had climbed up to a nobleman, Charlie

instead might have to falter, so she ran over to him for a round of mockery, but did not

expect that the reason why their family still has food and drink is that he rewarded them

a mouthful of food!

At this time, Wendy more and more excited, to the old lady Willson, said loudly:

“Shangmei etiquette company can do so much so quickly, and it is not because of my


“It is brother-in-law who has long helped me to deal with the underworld men, so those

very people are now trying to take care of my business by all means!

“There are so many powerful people, so many different kinds of industries, now as long

as there is a need for a Miss etiquette, they will definitely seek my cooperation!”

“Even many times if they don‟t need a Miss Etiquette, they still have to find me to


“Why is that happening? That is all because of brother-in-law.”

“Have you ever seen the bosses of the road meeting, dozens of courtesans were invited

to the scene to welcome guests, do sign-in?”

“Have you ever seen a big man marry his daughter, do not want the hotel‟s waiters, but

instead spend money to hire more than a hundred ladies of etiquette, to go to the

scene to serve food and wine to guests, tea and water?”

“The reason they do so, all because of the face of brother-in-law, only to help me by all

means! Because of this relationship, Shangmei can develop so fast!”

Saying that, she pointed at Mrs. Willson and rebuked, “The food and clothing that you,

my father and my brother have now are all given by brother-in-law!”

“Even this new dress you‟re wearing is only possible because of brother-in-law‟s


“Otherwise, I would have been forced to sign a contract of sale and become an escort in

a KTV, so I wouldn‟t have any money to buy you new clothes.

“Maybe you even have to go to the supermarket to pull plastic bags to feed yourself!”

“Now that you have a stable life, you have to come out and make a fool out of yourself,

what are you doing?”

“Do you want to force me to leave home and make a clean break with you forever?”

Chapter 3210

Wendy‟s accusation made Lady Willson‟s legs go weak and she almost sat down on her

She never dreamed that the noble person who brought her family back from the dead

was Charlie, whom she had always despised and wanted to seek revenge on!

This reality, in the old lady‟s heart, was as shocking as the Big Bang.

Because, she thought, Wendy‟s noble person could be anyone in this world, but the

most unlikely one was Charlie.

However, the truth of the matter is just like that.

Saved Wendy from the trap of selling her b0dy. The one who gave the whole Shangmei

etiquette company to her to take care of was him.

Mrs. Willson was panicked and afraid, and deep inside she realized: “I just spoke in a

tone that was a bit too arrogant, and I know without asking that Charlie must be

particularly angry ……

He will not be just angry with me, will he directly drive Wendy away from Shangmei

etiquette company?”

“The hope of our family of four, now she is alone! If Wendy loses her job, then we will

not be beaten back to the original form again? If she loses her job, won‟t we be put back

in the same position?

When she thought of the consequences of offending Charlie, Mrs. Willson was terrified

to the extreme, and her expression immediately became very flattering and very selfcondemning, lamenting guiltily:

“Ah …… Charlie …… blame grandmother‟s eyes, I really did not expect. You actually

managed to repay your grievances with virtue and helped Wendy, helped us so much


Speaking of this, Mrs. Willson choked with tears and said: “You help us with virtue, but I,

a bad old woman, repay virtue with grievances, on your birthday, a happy day I came

and scream with you, really blinded my dog‟s eyes ……”

“You do not mind the small woman, for the sake of grandma‟s age I have been so old

I‟m sorry, but I‟m not sure if I‟m going to be able to get a good deal, right?”

Charlie looked at her instant change of posture, the heart can not help but sigh: “This

old lady though with other skills no, acting skills are really great, happy, sad and

instantaneous switch, far better than an old actor!”

“If she could devote a little of her mind to serious matters, then the Willson Group

would not have ended up in such a state.”

However, after all, Mrs. Willson is old, Charlie does not want to kill her, cold to the end,

since she has softened, it is natural to give her a step.

So, he said indifferently: “Okay, say a thousand words, you are after all Claire‟s

grandmother, I also do not want to tussle with you, but from now on you must

remember, we do not cross the river water.”

“You and your family, don‟t come to our family any cause trouble and discomfort,

otherwise, I will not be polite!”

When Mrs. Willson heard these words, she let out a long breath.

Now she finally realized that the basic security of life for her family of four was all given

by Charlie, and if she still did not repent, she was afraid that the family would have to

starve and beg for food in the streets.

So, she hastily nodded her head like a chicken pecking rice and promised: “Don‟t worry,

Charlie. Grandma will definitely not find you any more discomfort!”

Chapter 3211

At this point, she flattering smiled and said:

“Charlie, we are after all a family, there are only some unclear misunderstanding, as long

as we breathe, we are still a family of love, you are my grandson-in-law, Claire is my

granddaughter, Jacob and Elaine are my son and daughter-in-law, we are actually the

closest relatives!”

At this time, her face was full of smiles, and her tone was somewhat subdued: “You see,

grandmother has also made amends and apologized.”

“It‟s time for our two families to reconcile, and it‟s your birthday today, so on this happy

day, the two families can get together for a meal and completely resolve their

differences, don‟t you think?”

After listening to her words, Charlie said with a cold smile on his face,

“There is no need to settle the past, I don‟t want to have anything more to do with you.

My family is also the same, so you should not be playing this wishful thinking.”

Saying that he in order to completely put an end to the old lady‟s thoughts, and serious


“Today‟s matter, as well as the matter of me giving Shangmei etiquette company to

Wendy to take care, if you dare to reveal it to Claire, or my parents-in-law, then sorry, I

will take it all back!”

When Mrs. Willson heard these words, her heart thumped.

She knew that Charlie had sensed her intentions.

To the old lady, after she learned that Charlie was the one who was valuable to Wendy.

Then realized that not only does he seem to have a failure, but even his ability and

influence are far above her previous perception, after realizing this.

The old lady‟s heart began to think about taking the opportunity to repair relations with

him and his family.

In this way, the benefits that can be obtained in the future will certainly be much more

than now.

But she did not expect that this point in her mind. Charlie not only rejected her, but also

blocked her chances to find other family members to save the country.

At this moment, she was inwardly dying of a million regrets: “Hey! If I had known that

Charlie could be so capable, why did I have to keep targeting him, keep targeting the

family of four?”

“Now I have offended all of their family, it seems that there is little chance to further

repair the relationship in the future ……”

Charlie saw that Mrs. Willson had a strange expression and did not say a word, so he

questioned, “What I just said, do you understand?”

“Heard and understood ……” Mrs. Willson how dared to disobey Charlie, after all,

Wendy‟s current job was the survival guarantee for her family of four, if she offended

him, there was absolutely no good end.

So, she had to nod resentfully and said, “Okay …… I know ……”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction and spoke, “Just know, remember what I just said. In the

future, well water does not offend river water!”

After saying that, he looked at Wendy again and said, “You take her back.”

Wendy nodded gently and said in a good manner, “Okay brother-in-law, I‟ll take her


Then, she held Mrs. Willson and spoke, “Grandma, let‟s go home.”

Mrs. Willson was like a defeated rooster. Lightly nodded her head.

When Charlie saw this, he directly closed the courtyard door and stepped back to the


Outside the door, Mrs. Willson just turned to go, she saw the Hermes bag Wendy was

carrying in her hand, the bag was not big, and there was a Hermes box inside.

So, she subconsciously asked: “Wendy, how come you still bought Hermes things? Our

family‟s current economic situation, cannot afford such luxury goods ah!”

Wendy immediately said in some panic: “Ah, this …… grandmother …… this is what I

bought for someone else, you just leave it …… “

“Bought for someone else?!” Mrs. Willson said angrily:

“Now the whole family is saving money, I still hope that your father and your brother get

better soon, can go out to work to subsidize the family, but you are good, just earn

some money, and start to buy luxury goods to give away?”

“Are we the kind of family that can give away Hermes at the drop of a hat?”

She reached over and grabbed the bag, pulled out a small ticket, and exclaimed,

“Oh my God! A belt nearly 10,000 yuan?! Are you crazy? You can barely eat, and you‟re

still here to poorly burn the bag, hurry up and return it!”

Chapter 3212

Wendy didn‟t expect that the belt she wanted to buy to give to Charlie has angered her


As soon as she saw this temper of her grandmother who wanted to control and decide

everything, she also got angry and said offhandedly,

“Every penny I spend now is my own hard-earned money, what I want to buy is my

freedom, you have no right to interfere!”

“What?! I have no right to interfere?!” Mrs. Willson had just eaten at Charlie‟s place and

was disliked back by him, so she was very depressed in her heart, and seeing that even

Wendy dared to talk back to her, it immediately ignited her fire.

Then, she stopped in her tracks and angrily rebuked: “You must not forget that I have

always been the head of this family, before, now, and in the future!”

“The family is now the most difficult time, every penny, must be spent on the edge of

the knife! If you are so extravagant and wasteful, you are putting the life and death of

our family at risk!”

Wendy was aggrieved and said angrily, “You used to be in charge of everything because

you were in charge of everything in the family, but everything in the family is lost in your


“Now everything is back to zero, starting with nothing, for my hard-earned money, why

would I want you to be in charge?”

Wendy became angrier, her voice also raised a few points, and she said,

“From now on, I will be the one to decide my affairs!”

“As for the money I earn, I will take out a portion of it for your living expenses, as well as

the expenses for father and brother‟s rehabilitation, and every penny of the rest will be

at my own disposal, you have no right to interfere!”

Mrs. Willson was furious and accused through clenched teeth, “You‟re really wrong! Are

you going to follow the example of that heartless Claire and turn your back on me?”

Wendy said with tears in her eyes, “There‟s nothing wrong with following my sister

Claire‟s example.

She said in a very strong tone: “I have said what I should say, if you are willing to accept,

then according to what I said, I will give you monthly living expenses, the rest you do

not care, you have no right to care.”

“If you do not accept, then I will go out tomorrow to rent a room to live, I can not sleep

in the company, the company‟s general manager office area is very large, I will set a bed!

It‟s not a problem at all!”

Mrs. Willson, seeing Wendy‟s determined attitude, panicked and said,

“Ai Wendy, what are you talking about …… we have come a long way as a family of four,

we have suffered all sorts of hardships and seen all sorts of waves, how can we just

break up?”

The company‟s main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem.

Wendy immediately said, “Good! Then it‟s a deal!”

Mrs. Willson was busy saying, “Okay, okay, it‟s a deal, it‟s a deal!”

After saying that, she smiled and asked, “Right Wendy, how much do you give me for

living expenses in a month? You said that I am old, I must often eat good food to

replenish my body, the food standard must be a little more.”

“How about this, you give me six thousand a month, this is even if I and your father and

your brother‟s living expenses.”

“In addition, you give me an additional two thousand as your father and your brother‟s

rehabilitation costs, a total of eight thousand per month, what do you think?”

Wendy was naturally clear that a month, three people, and eight thousand for living

expenses, this standard was really a bit too high.

However, she did not bother to argue more with Mrs. Willson, after all, as long as she

could make this old woman willingly give up the idea of controlling her, this was already

a huge victory.

As for the eight thousand, although it is a little more, but now the company income is

very good, her own monthly income to hand is more than 10,000.

Moreover, the company‟s development is good, the profits are naturally high, after each

quarter after the company‟s tax return, there is a small part of the net profit of her own

commission, so that the calculation, how to say a year can also get three or four

hundred thousand, or even more.

So, giving the old lady eight thousand a month is not a big burden.

What‟s more, dad and brother will be able to recover in a month or two, and they will be

able to find a job to subsidize the family, which will reduce the pressure on her.

Chapter 3213

So, Wendy nodded and said: “8,000 is 8,000, but you remember your promise not to

interfere with my life and my freedom!”

“In addition, after my father and my brother can work, I will only pay 3,000 a month to

the family! If you don‟t agree, I‟ll move out!”

Mrs. Willson promised in a loud voice, “Okay, grandma will definitely not interfere with

your freedom in the future!”

Wendy took the Hermes belt back from her hand and looked at it in her hand for half a


She originally wanted to quietly put it in the mailbox of Charlie‟s house and then tell him

on WeChat.

But, grandma is around now, and she didn‟t want to do this in front of her.

Moreover, just now, Charlie‟s attitude did make her realize how distant he felt from

herself and her family.

Thinking, Charlie should just help her in passing, but at the same time keep a distance of

well water from her at all times in his heart.

In this case, she took the chance to send him a birthday gift, it will be a coincidence and

make him resentful.

Thinking of this, she sighed quietly and said to Mrs. Willson, “All right, Grandma, let‟s go


Mrs. Willson nodded resentfully and followed behind Wendy, walking towards her villa

while sighing and complaining,

“Wendy, it‟s not that grandma is talking about you, why didn‟t you tell me earlier about

Charlie helping you? If you told grandma earlier, I wouldn‟t have to run to touch this nail


Wendy walked in front, looking at the Hermes belt in her hand, said distractedly,

“Brother-in-law won‟t let me tell anyone.”

“Ai ……” Mrs. Willson sighed and sighed: “This Charlie heart, everywhere wary of us ah

…… “

Wendy heard these words, the heart is even more difficult, so the bottom of the feet

quickly walked two steps, first back to the villa where the family lives.

Mrs. Willson trotted all the way up to catch up, the two came to the upstairs bedroom,

lying in bed Noah and Harold have long been a little impatient, Harold with a look of

expectation asked Mrs. Willson: “Grandma, did you see Charlie?”

Mrs. Willson said with a despondent look, “I have ……”

Harold was busy asking, “Then what does he say? Is this guy really about to burst into


Mrs. Willson lamented, “What bursting into flames? Really whimsical, Charlie is

impossible to falter ……”

“Why ah grandmother?” Harold was amazed, hurriedly said:

“This is not all your analysis? Say what a leaf to know the autumn, also said what before

the door to the market, and what now the door can be a sparrow, etc, how now say I


Mrs. Willson said in exasperation, “What‟s wrong with me saying a few words? It‟s not a

crime to speak such things!”

Noah said in a roundabout way, “Mom, don‟t be so mean to Harold, he grew up

naughty and didn‟t read much.

After saying that, seeing that Mrs. Willson‟s expression had eased a few points, he

hurriedly asked, “Mom, you can tell us. Charlie that son of a b!tch why it is impossible for

him to fail?”

Mrs. Willson sighed and said quietly,

“In the end, I was wrong in my estimation, this kid really has some ability, before Wendy

has not told us, the person that helped her a lot, who gave the Shangmei etiquette

company to her management, is Charlie!”

Chapter 3214

When Noah and Harold heard this, the father and son duo both lay on the bed and

froze for more than a minute.

Harold still had some disbelief, he opened his mouth and asked, “Grandma …… you

shouldn‟t be joking with me and teasing me, right?”

“I do hope it‟s a joke!” Mrs. Willson resentfully said, “I never dreamed that the noble

person of Wendy would be him, if I could choose, I would rather choose a dead person

than him ah.”

Harold was full of doubts: “But …… but why would he help Wendy? It is reasonable to

say that he has a grudge against us, and can‟t wait to see us go to ruin, so how can he

help us?”

Wendy spoke: “Brother, you should not take the heart of a gentleman, brother-in-law

did have a grudge against us before.”

“But that‟s because we‟ve been looking for trouble with him and his family time and

time again, but brother-in-law has never taken the initiative to find fault with us!”

Harold depressed said: “To find trouble for them, but also because they are always

against us, other than to say, Claire.”

“Grandmother had long asked her to divorce Charlie, but she just did not listen, and

then suffered some grievances, left the Willson Group to set up her own business.”

“She was not filial, they never agreed to move grandmother to their villa, they did not

agree. They even put Grandma in the prison!”

Wendy‟s tone was stern as she rebuked, “How come you still haven‟t figured it out yet?

Don‟t you realize that we were wrong all along?”

“Since Sister Claire was not willing to divorce Charlie, who were we to force her?

Freedom of marriage, freedom of love, this is what the state has been saying for years,

why can‟t we respect her choice?”

“There is also the matter of her setting up her own business, why did she want to set up

her own business in the first place, don‟t you still have a clear idea in your heart?”

“She took the initiative and got the contract from the Empire Group, so by rights

Grandma should have kept her promise and given her the position of director, but what

did you do? You said bad things about her in front of Grandma.”

“You slandered her for having an affair, and finally fooled Grandma into giving you the

position of director, that alone broke Sister Claire‟s heart.

Harold‟s face was red and black, he wanted to refute something, but he couldn‟t find a

point to refute, so he said,

“Let‟s forget about this matter, let‟s say they moved to a new villa, a family of 4 live in

such a big villa, shouldn‟t they invite grandmother over to enjoy the blessings?”

“On what grounds?” Wendy said,

“To be honest, grandmother has never treated the family well, never given them any

benefits, just, every now and then will give them some discomfort, and even kicked

them out of the house.”

“Why would they invite her to their villa? If you were in their shoes, would you do that?”

Although Mrs. Willson was very upset in her heart, she couldn‟t refute directly, after all,

Wendy was the pillar of the family, and she had almost flipped with her just now.

So she didn‟t dare to confront her now, so she just sat on the side like an aggravated

bag and didn‟t say anything.

Harold was unable to refute Wendy, said red-faced: “Then our mother‟s revenge is

always understood, right? He sent our mother to the black coal kiln, this thing you can

forgive him?

Wendy rhetorically asked, “Then you tell us why Charlie sent our mother to the black

coal kiln?”

Harold was speechless.

In fact, he knew very well in his heart.

In the beginning, this matter was ultimately because Mom and Dad had ill intentions

towards Charlie‟s family, and they had joined forces with others to set a trap for Elaine,

but they just didn‟t expect to be cracked by Charlie.

So, in the end, Mom‟s matter is also considered to be to blame, how to wash their own

ground is meaningless.

Chapter 3215

Wendy said: “Brother, you are almost 30 years old, don‟t look at things like a child now,

you have to know right from wrong and recognize reality!”

Wendy said with a bit of sorrow: “Our family has long been different from the past, and

now this situation.”

“When you and Dad recover, you both must go out to find a job to support the family, if

you are still so immature, still lack of sense of right and wrong, how will you stand in the


“You also need to start a family in the future, also need to establish a career, also need

to have children to pass on the family! You can‟t be as confused as you are now, right?”

Wendy‟s words directly hit the biggest pain deep inside Harold‟s heart.

He also knew very well that he had always been just a straw man. He couldn‟t do

anything, and he didn‟t have enough to eat.

In the past, with the halo of the Willson family above his head, he was considered to

have no worries about food and drink, and could barely be considered a rich second


But now, everything has gone to zero.

In the future, he does not have any aura to rely on, and there is no mountain to sit on, if

he continues to muddle along, it is likely to be the same as those 40 or 50-year-old

street yo-yo who can not find a date, wasting their lives.

He suddenly remembered a movie called Mr. Tree, in which there is a role, seems like

some magic realism, but in real life. You can often see such people, and you can even

say that there are such people everywhere.

Poor, pathetic, and hopeless.

Thinking of this. Harold‟s heart suddenly felt very hard, he realized at this time, he

simply can not see where his future is, his own future is so bleak.

He thought desperately in his heart, “My sister now, with the help of Charlie, is

considered to have a career, and also a career with a bright future ……”

“But what about me?”

“Willson‟s group is no more, when I recover, what can I do?”

“I also have not learned any professional skills, no skills, and also never looked for a job

outside, not even a good resume, how can I find a job in the future? What kind of job

can I find?”

“Will I just be eliminated from society?

“And I‟m so old, I don‟t even have a girlfriend, and now my family is not doing well, if I

can‟t even find a decent job, how can I find a date?”

“To really have been bachelor, to 40 years old when this life has no chance to turn over


The more Harold thought, the more desperate, desperate to the extreme, he could not

control, so he whimpered and cried. While crying, he choked and said, “What can I do in

the future I ……”

Noah, who saw Harold‟s appearance, could not help but sigh and said,

“Okay, let‟s not talk about this, your mother was really our fault in the first place, we let

Elaine lose so much money at the gambling table, if the matter really went to the


“The amount of money involved is enough for your mother and me to go to jail, so in

the end, Charlie is also considered to have left us some leeway ……”

After saying that, he looked at Harold, comforted: “Son, you look like a woman in that


“After the body is well, go to a serious class, we will deliver couriers together, by delivery

we can also earn a few thousand a month, as long as you are willing to suffer, hard work,

we can always find a way to live!”

Harold cried and nodded.

Noah then said: “When the time comes, you save some money yourself, I will also help

you save some, also let your sister help a little, to put together a few hundred thousand

bride price, you will be entrusted to a daughter-in-law, no matter what, we can also give

your family a backing!”

Chapter 3216

Noah‟s words did not really comfort Harold.

On the contrary, what he said was too pragmatic, and suddenly made Harold full of

despair about his future life.

He has always been pretentious and always feels that he will definitely become a great

man in the future, and even his future wife must be a good first-class woman.

Not only must she have a top-notch look, a perfect body, but also a strong and

extraordinary background.

That‟s why he pursued Elsa with all his heart and wanted to become the son-in-law of

the Dong family.

But now, his father‟s words made him realize that he has absolutely nothing to do with a

woman like Elsa in the future.

Afraid that his future self can only be a blue-collar worker who makes money by doing

coolie‟s work, and he is afraid that it will be difficult for him to find a favorite object, and

may even rely on a high gift to marry a wife home.

Following this blueprint to conceive of his future, Harold felt that his future was simply

bleak, just like falling into a black hole.

As a result, he cried more fiercely.

When he cried like this, Noah felt very painful in his heart.

He wanted to help his son, but he knew very well that his future would not be much

easier than his son.

The only good thing is that he has at least been married and has a pair of children, and

if Harold doesn‟t work hard, he may not even get married in the future.

As a result, he couldn‟t help but sigh, and his whole person was much more decadent.

Wendy felt the extreme depression of the two of them, rubbed her temples, and said, “I

am going to the kitchen to cook.”

After that, she fled and walked out of the bedroom quickly.

Originally, she wanted to find a chance to put the belt bought for Charlie in the mailbox

at the door of his house, but when she thought of her current downturn, she couldn‟t

help but feel a strong sense of inferiority in her heart.

After thinking about it, she still decided to go to the store tomorrow to return the belt,

and from now on, she will work hard to make money.

At the same time, Charlie returned to the living room of the villa, and his wife and

father-in-law were still busy in the kitchen.

Mrs. Willson was making noise at the gate of the courtyard just now, and they didn‟t

hear any sound at all, which made Charlie breathe a sigh of relief.

However, with today‟s appearance, Mrs. Willson, Noah, and Harold will definitely

disappear completely in the future.

In this family, Wendy can be regarded as knowing a mistake and can correct it, and

Charlie helped her with a small effort, which is also regarded as benevolent.

As for the remaining three people in the Willson family, Charlie didn‟t want to talk to

them at all, as long as they didn‟t make trouble, it didn‟t matter whether they were alive

or dead.

Chapter 3217

In half an afternoon, Claire and her parents cooked a large table of sumptuous


When Claire and Charlie went to the restaurant, a total of twelve dishes of all kinds were

placed on the dinner table.

Charlie really didn‟t expect that the three of them would cook so many dishes. He was

surprised and said,

“Claire, Dad, Mom. There are only four of us. Is it not too wasteful to cook so many

dishes? It‟s so hard to cook so many dishes.”

Claire wiped the sweat from her forehead and said with a smile: “The food is too much,

but it doesn‟t appear to be too much when you eat it, and it‟s all for your birthday

dinner. Naturally, it should be a little grander, and there is no talk at all of the hard


Jacob said with a smile, “Charlie, let‟s have a drink?”

Charlie nodded and said, “Of course I have to accompany you for a couple of drinks. I‟ll

go to the storage room to get wine.”

Elaine hurriedly said: “Charlie, bring a bottle of red wine, by the way, Claire and I will also

accompany you to drink some.”

“Okay.” Charlie agreed and asked Claire: “Wife. Can you drink?”

Claire nodded and said with a smile: “I can‟t drink though I want to drink, if we both

drink, we won‟t be able to drive when we have to go to the concert.”

Charlie said, “It‟s okay, I have a way to metabolize all the alcohol in a short time.”

Claire smiled helplessly: “Just blow it up and metabolize the alcohol. You know that it

takes more than ten hours to metabolize alcohol. Drinking and not driving is a matter of

principle. You can‟t just use it just because you drink well. Try it out.”

Charlie can actually metabolize all the alcohol with aura, but he also knows that his wife

won‟t believe in him, since that‟s the case, he doesn‟t need to explain too much.

So he smiled and said: “It‟s the wife who is right. Drinking and not driving. Let‟s drink

first. When we go to the concert, we will use our mobile phone to call for a car.”

“It‟s almost the same!” Claire smiled: “It‟s okay if you don‟t drive today. Sara‟s concert

will have at least tens of thousands of people.”

“By that time, the entire venue will definitely be very troublesome to park. We might as

well take a taxi and wait for the concert to end.”

“After that, we can walk back. From the stadium to our house, it will take about 30 to 40

minutes to walk back. Just take a walk?”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “Okay, I listen to you.”

Jacob hurriedly said with a cheeky smile at this time: “Oh my son-in-law, when you go

down and remember to get two bottles of good Moutai, I have been greedy for those

Moutai for many days!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Okay, let‟s take the best Moutai!”

Elaine hurriedly said: “Charlie, the best Moutai in our house is hundreds of thousands of

bottles. Jacob drinking it is too wasteful. Or you can take the best Moutai and drink it by

yourself, and then just give him a bottle of the normal one.”

Jacob immediately protested with depression: “Elaine, what do you mean by this? It‟s all

stuff that enters the stomach. Whose stomach is not a stomach, and why is it wasteful to

enter my stomach?”

Elaine curled her lips and said: “Go, go to the bathroom and take a good look in the

mirror! Take a good look at your old face!”

“A face like like, it‟s worth drinking hundreds of thousands worth bottles of Maotai?

How many do you drink? When this news spreads, the Moutai stock will immediately

drop to a limit tomorrow morning!”

“You…” Jacob just waved his hand anxiously, jumped on the spot twice, and said angrily:

“Your broken mouth is too bad! You are mad at me!”

Elaine said seriously: “I didn‟t hurt you. I‟m telling the truth. People say that a good

horse can be equipped with a saddle. At best, you are a squeezed donkey.”

“You can‟t even match a saddle. At best, you will put on a donkey cover. ! So don‟t drink

such expensive Moutai, go to the supermarket at the door and buy a bottle of Erguotou

for not more than ten yuan, which is totally worthy of you!”

Jacob clutched his heart, and said to Charlie and Claire, “Have you seen it, today is

Charlie‟s birthday, but your mother is going to make me mad! Charlie‟s birthday will be

my death day. My son-in-law, I‟m sorry, Dad added a block to you!”

Claire was helpless, and said: “Oh, mom, you can say a few words, you use a set of

hundreds of thousands of skincare products, Dad didn‟t say anything? Why are you

always nagging him?”

Chapter 3218

Jacob‟s eyes lit up and he blurted out excitedly: “Yeah! Elaine! You said my old face is

not worth drinking expensive Moutai, then is your old face worthy of hundreds of

thousands worth of skincare products? Don‟t you forget, we are a couple!”

“If you say that is half a catty to a couple, if I, Jacob, am a donkey, then you Elaine are

the mule of the camel, who is better than the other?”

Elaine felt extremely humiliated, and yelled in anger, “Fcuk your mother‟s old mule! Just

like yours is also worthy of comparison with your old lady? Look at your old face,

wrinkled like a ripened pumpkin, it looks like even my mother is tender, white, and

smooth? You still have the face to say you‟re half a catty to me?

Jacob was angry, looked at Charlie annoyed, and blurted out: “Look, I said that the

skincare products you gave her so expensive are a waste. It is better to put skincare

products on a dog‟s face to pet it.”

“You should have listened to me in the first place, and just given her a fake, anyway, she

can‟t see it at all in her old hat!”

As soon as Jacob finished saying this, he regretted it instantly.

He was only excited and blurted out for a while, and then realized that he had stabbed a

hornet‟s nest.

Sure enough, when Elaine heard this, she stretched out her hand to tear it up with him,

and cursed,

“Jacob, you ba5tard, my son-in-law gave me something. If you don‟t give it, it‟s fine.

Make a bad idea about that, see if I don‟t dig out your old face!”

Claire didn‟t expect that the two of them would tear it up as they talked, and hurriedly

stepped forward to block in the middle, and said helplessly:

“Oh, dad! Mom! When are you two going to have trouble? Don‟t forget that today is

Charlie‟s birthday! The two of you are having trouble here on a happy day. Isn‟t this

deliberately adding to the block?”

Charlie also said at this time: “Mom, don‟t be so harsh with dad. You are all a family.

Don‟t make trouble because of this little incident all day long.”

“You say that it is better for us to keep a close eye on our days, but you two The

relationship is getting worse and worse. If this is the case, I think we should just move

back to the previous dilapidated house, and the family can be more harmonious!”

As soon as Charlie said this, Elaine immediately stopped all actions and blurted out, “No!

Good son-in-law, don‟t! We can say anything if we have to move back to the old house.

You can make a big joke. It‟s…”

Charlie shook his head helplessly, and said, “In this case, please cherish our hard-won

happy life with Dad and stop quarreling.”

“Okay!” Elaine said without hesitation: “No problem! Absolutely no problem! Mom

listens to you, not like this old dog!”

Jacob curled his mouth, just about to rebut, Elaine glared at him, and he immediately

closed his mouth with interest.

In fact, in front of Elaine, he didn‟t have any serious combat effectiveness at all.

If Elaine was the iron torrent of Nazi Germany during World War II, Jacob would be a

Poland at best. Under Elaine‟s iron hoof, he would not be able to survive a few rounds.

Therefore, he wisely chose to shut his mouth after being scolded by an old dog Elaine,

and the quarrel finally ended.

Seeing that the two finally stopped, Charlie turned around and took the elevator to the

basement floor.

From the storage room, he took out two bottles of Moutai and two bottles of red wine.

Charlie‟s Tibetan wine, whether it is white wine or red, is a very top brand, mainly they

got it during the Chinese New Year, and they haven‟t drunk it much.

Jacob had indeed coveted these for a long, long time, but each bottle of these wines

was worth more than one hundred thousand, and Elaine said that she would not let him

drink anything.

In order to prevent him from drinking secretly, she even made an inventory for these

wines, and checked every three to five days. Although Jacob was worried, he was always


When Charlie returned with the wine, Jacob took the wine in excitement and opened the

wine carefully. The sauce-scented wine scent drifted. Jacob couldn‟t help sighing,

“This wine is the best wine!” Just smelling a few times makes me feel like I‟m going to

get up.

Elaine gave him a white look and muttered: “The 75% antiseptic alcohol smells even

higher, if you don‟t believe me, try it!”

“What do you know.” Jacob murmured, and quickly picked up the cup to pour wine for

Charlie and himself.

Chapter 3219

Elaine also knew that saying too much about Jacob would also destroy the atmosphere,

so she didn‟t talk anymore, but took the red wine from Charlie‟s hand and took the

initiative to open it with a wine cork.

A family of four filled the wine, Claire took out the cake, and said to Charlie: “Husband,

you first blow the candles and make a wish, and then let‟s eat!”

Charlie smiled and nodded. This is the standard procedure for birthdays. It is like this at

noon and it is still like this at night.

This is basically the same as gatherings of classmates and colleagues. No matter which

city, the process of gathering is generally to eat first and then KTV.

Therefore, when Claire took out the cake from the refrigerator and lit the candles,

Charlie prepared to make a wish and blew the candles.

Claire on the side also sang a happy birthday song for him. Her voice was not loud, but

she was very gentle. With big eyes, she was singing out: “Happy birthday to you, happy

birthday to you… …”

Charlie acquiesced to his wishes in Claire‟s singing and blew out the candles.

Afterwards, Claire said: “My husband, close your eyes, I have a gift for you!”

Charlie nodded and closed his eyes gently.

Claire took out a gift box from behind, held it in both hands, put it in Charlie‟s hand, and

said with a smile: “Okay, open your eyes!”

Charlie looked down, and what was in his hand turned out to be a watch box.

A simple line of letters was written on the box, Charlie recognized at a glance, it turned

out to be Patek Philippe.

He looked at Claire in surprise, and said: “Wife, why did you buy me such an expensive


Claire replied with shame: “It‟s not expensive, open it and see if you like it!”

Charlie nodded and opened the package, inside which was lying quietly a Patek Philippe

Nautilus watch.

At this time, Claire said softly from the side: “This Nautilus, in Patek Philippe, is

considered an entry-level style.”

“After I completed the Emgrand Group‟s projects and settled all the upstream and

downstream payments, I will buy for you a better piece!”

Charlie hurriedly said: “My good wife, a Nautilus now has a price increase of at least half

a million, right?”

“The price of the current watch is too outrageous, so don‟t buy me such an expensive

watch in the future. A good mechanical watch is as accurate as the time on the phone.”

Claire smiled and said, “How can it be the same? Men wear watches not to see the time.

It is mainly a kind of temperament. Nowadays, men who are more careful have several

watches, attending different occasions and matching different clothes.”

“I also have to choose a different watch. I don‟t want my husband to be pricked when

going out in the future, especially since your customers are rich people who always see

that you don‟t even wear a watch.”

“You definitely think that my wife is reluctant to buy it for you!”

When Charlie heard this, he couldn‟t help feeling a little moved. He smiled and said,

“Thank you, wife! My wife is the most considerate.”

Elaine, who was on the side, heard the tongue stunned and exclaimed: “Good Lord, just

such a watch, it costs more than half a million, is its appearance that good?!”

Claire said earnestly: “Mom, this is a classic model. Not only is it expensive in China, but

it‟s the same all over the world.”

Elaine touched her heart and said, “This is a BMW car worn on the wrist!”

Claire smiled and said, “If you say so, there is still a luxury villa on your wrist.”

Charlie said seriously: “My wife. You just bought a watch, so don‟t buy it again in the


Claire smiled and said, “Whether to buy or not in the future depends on my mood and

whether I can make money. Anyway, your opinion doesn‟t count.”

Charlie smiled and nodded: “Well, I will listen to you.”

Claire said with satisfaction: “This is pretty much the same!”

After finishing speaking, she quickly took out the watch and said to Charlie: “I will help

you wear it. From now on, you will try to wear it every day. Just don‟t wear it for a few

days and leave it.”

Charlie smiled and said, “My wife gave it to me, of course, I have to wear it every day!”

Claire nodded, and while looking at the watch on his wrist, she exclaimed: “It looks

good! It is low-key and connotative.”

“It looks much better than the big gold watch that the elite like! Husband, don‟t take it

off. You will wear it when we go to the concert later!”

Chapter 3220

The family of four was full of wine and food, Jacob was already a little drunk and started

to speak with a big tongue, so it looked like he had drunk too much.

Elaine and Claire are not strong, but after Elaine heard that the wine also costs 100,000 a

bottle, she gritted her teeth and drank more than half of the bottle, she was so confused

that she was feeling silly holding the bottle of wine.

Claire drank less, although the cheeks are a little red, but the brain is still very sober,

seeing that everyone is full of food and drink, and only one hour is left before the

concert, said to Charlie:

“Husband, I‟ll go upstairs to change clothes, and we will go directly to the concert!”

Charlie nodded and smiled, “You go, I‟ll wait for you downstairs.”

At this time, drunk Elaine, holding a red wine bottle of Lafite, lamented:

“Hey …… I really …… did not think that our family‟s days could change like this… that we

can live like this, drive luxury cars, live in luxury homes, use hundreds of thousands of

worth set of skincare products, drink more than 100,000 worth bottles of premium red

wine ……”

“Even Mrs. Willson in her most glorious time in the past did not enjoy this kind of

treatment ah!”

Jacob, stimulated by alcohol, also said with some emotion, “Who …… who cannot say it?

I …… my mother that old …… old villa, old, broken, and dirty, long ago not a mansion of

the kind, which can be compared with this big villa …… “

Elaine rarely agrees with Jacob‟s words, nodded, and said: “I tell you, Jacob, this is our

family‟s destiny! If I had not given you such a good daughter, can we have all of this


Somewhat indignant, she said:

“When you married me into the door, your whole family looked down on me, especially

your mother, in her eyes, I was married into your Willson family by virtue of my belly,

mother and son, they thought I married you for a high climb ……”

Speaking here, Elaine‟s eyes are a little red, said: “At that time, how much she disgusted

me, how much she liked Horiyah.”

“Horiyah was different ah! She was beautiful, and would make the old lady happy, she

took that daughter-in-law out to have face, unlike me, rural origin, not as beautiful as

Horiyah, not dressed as fashionable as her.”

“I felt as if I have lost the face of the Willson family, so many years in your family, I do

not know how many blank stares, how much anger …… “

Elaine paused, rubbed her eyes, sighed, and spoke: “But look at it now! Whether it‟s your

mother or your brother‟s family, who has a better life than us?”

Jacob laughed awkwardly and did not say anything.

Elaine asked, “Jacob, why don‟t you say anything? I asked you a question. Tell me

yourself, who has a better life than us?”

Chapter 3221

Jacob said helplessly, “Yes, yes, you‟re right, okay?”

Elaine was so aggrieved that she couldn‟t help but choke up: “You‟re only perfunctory to

me! After so many years of marriage, you always act as if you are very aggrieved, but

have you ever thought about how aggrieved I am in my heart?”

Jacob could not help but scratch his head, smiling, “Elaine! It‟s been so many years, why

talk about this?”

Elaine blurted out, “You don‟t want me to talk my heart! Don‟t think I don‟t know that all

of your Willson family members despise me in their bones!”

Jacob sighed and said slyly, “Oh, no one despises you, you think too much ……”

Elaine cried and said, “Jacob, you have to feel your conscience when you speak, tell me

yourself, how much anger your family has given me over the years?”

“I don‟t mention it, say it yourself, your mother, and your elder brother‟s family, how

much anger I have suffered?”

Hearing this, Jacob could not help but feel some sadness deep inside.

For so many years, although he was outwardly confused and uncontested, he clearly

remembered all the discrimination and exclusion she had endured.

Seeing the sadness of Elaine crying, his heart surged to a point of heartache for her.

Don‟t know if it was from his heart or under the effect of alcohol, he stepped forward to

Elaine, gently patted her shoulder, and sighed: “Hey …… for so many years, you have

suffered a lot of aggression.”

Jacob‟s words instantly poked Elaine‟s heart, her whole body hugged Jacob‟s waist and

cried out with a wow sound, while Jacob patted her back while also some tears surging


At this time, Claire came down from upstairs and was startled to see this situation, she

wanted to speak, but seeing that her parents seemed to be able to snuggle with each

other so rarely, she hurried moved to Charlie‟s side and asked in a low voice: “Husband,

what happened to my parents?”

Charlie smiled awkwardly and said, “The two of them just talked about the old days and

seemed to have feelings as they talked ……”

Claire nodded and lamented, “It‟s good, I haven‟t seen them embracing like this for

many years.”

Saying that, she hurriedly beckoned to Charlie and whispered, “Then let‟s go! Don‟t

disturb them!”

Charlie answered and quietly left the house together.

Chapter 3222

The couple went out and called a car, then went straight to the City Olympic Center.

Near the venue, the surrounding traffic was already basically jammed to every inch.

The couple did not want to bother the driver, so they got off early and walked to the

entrance of the venue.

At this time, the surrounding area is already full of people, in addition to the audience

with tickets in hand, there are many anxious young men and women, they see people to

ask whether there are willing to transfer concert tickets, and even offered several times

or even ten times the price.

In addition to them, there were also many scalpers shouting slogans about returning

tickets at high prices, but every person with the tickets in hand turned a deaf ear to

these people‟s inquiries.

This shows that Sara‟s influence is indeed very great, and the loyalty of the fans is even

more which is needless to say.

Every ticket in pink is not easy to come by, and it‟s not easy to have a chance to see your

idol, no one would be willing to give up such an opportunity for a few times or a dozen

times the price difference.

When Charlie and Claire followed the crowd towards the entrance of the arena, they

suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from their side: “Hey, I‟ve said that the tickets

are not for sale, not for sale, can you stop pestering me?”

The one who spoke was surprisingly Elsa.

Claire turned her head and saw that Elsa was talking to a middle-aged man not far away

from them, somewhat impatiently.

The middle-aged man looked like a scalper, even though Elsa wanted to go, he was still

sticking his face to her, smiling and said: “Hey beautiful, as long as you are willing to bid,

the price is negotiable, I give you fifteen times the ticket price?”

Elsa said with great dissatisfaction, “I am not short of money, not to mention 15 times,

even if it is 150 times I will not agree!”

Claire then shouted at her, “Elsa! Elsa!”

Elsa looked up and found that it was Claire and Charlie, her face was happy and she

hurriedly ran a few steps to get rid of the yellow cow, and then came to them in three or

two steps.

“Claire, Charlie! You‟re here too!”

Claire said with a smile, “I‟ve been looking forward to this day for a long time, how could

I miss it.”

Elsa nodded and said with a smile, “It‟s so true, you seem to have always liked Sara.”

Saying that, she looked at Charlie and said with words in her mouth, “Hey, I didn‟t

expect you also like Sara!”

Chapter 3223

Charlie recalled that Elsa had seen him and Sara in the backwaters, at that time, he also

lied to her, saying that he was a helper of Sara‟s family, Elsa knew this and still asked, so

must be deliberately flirting with him.

So, he said casually, “Actually, I‟ve never had many feelings for idols and stars and such,

only that Claire likes, so I accompanied her to come and see.”

“So that‟s how it is.” Elsa also did not poke holes, smiled, and asked Claire: “Hey, by the

way, Claire, your seats are in which section and which row? Let me see if we are close to

each other.”

Claire said awkwardly, “I forgot if you didn‟t ask, the tickets were obtained with the help

of Charlie, I don‟t know exactly which row and which seat.”

After saying that, she looked at Charlie and asked, “Right husband, I haven‟t asked you

yet, which row seats are we going to sit?”

Charlie took out his ticket and looked at it and said, “It says 1st row, 18th, and 19th in

the infield.”

Elsa immediately exclaimed: “Hey! The first row of the infield? Charlie, this is almost the

most prime position! This kind of ticket, you are too awesome!”

Charlie casually laughed: “In fact, there is a layer of customer relations, you know, I often

give people feng shui or something.”

Elsa bristled, pulled out her own tickets, somewhat lost, and said: “Hey, I‟ve been looking

for connections everywhere to get an infield 6th row, and you are still several rows


The venues for large concerts are generally chosen in stadiums, which are generally

standard soccer fields, so the venues are large in size and volume.

But because the stage to be placed in the stadium at one end of the field, so only half of

the stadium can be used to sell tickets out of the whole area.

The surrounding fan-like stand area is generally cheaper, the further away the cheaper,

and the real core of the most expensive is the infield tickets.

The so-called infield tickets are in the middle of the entire soccer stadium.

This area is the closest to the stage, and in front as well, so it is said to be the best

viewing position for the concert.

And the most expensive of these is of course the first row, which belongs to the

absolute unobstructed golden area.

Moreover, there are forty people in one row of the infield, Charlie got this 18, 19, just in

the middle of the entire first row.

The first row starts from 16 and goes up to 25, these ten seats are the best seats, and

Charlie and Claire‟s position, in these ten seats, is also considered the best group.

Claire also did not expect that Charlie would be able to get such a good seat, so she

could not help but ask in a low voice: “Husband, how did Miss Gu give you tickets for

such a good position?”

Charlie whispered in her ear: “People in the showbiz are especially superstitious about

feng shui, don‟t you know? They all call me Master now.”

“They must want to have a good relationship with me for a long time, and it costs

millions to get a feng shui reading from me, so what is it to them to give two tickets

with a better location?”

Claire could not help but spit out her tongue and jokingly said, “It‟s more enjoyable to

be a master, when will you give me a package, so that I can also become a master?”

Charlie laughed: “Then you can be packaged as a success master, every day just stand

on the stage and say a word to hear the applause, there are countless students who put

6 or even 7 figures of tuition into your account.”

Claire laughed and said, “I can‟t do this kind of fooling around, I‟d rather do my design

in a practical way.”

Chapter 3224

Elsa, who was watching the two whisperings and laughing, was more or less jealous and

could not help but complain, “You two should pay attention to the occasion, don‟t

spread dog food in public, okay?”

Claire smiled cheekily and said, “Elsa, since we are in the arena, let‟s go in together,

don‟t stand here.”

Elsa nodded gently, followed Charlie and Claire together with the security check, ticket

inspection, and came to the venue.

At this time, the interior of the arena is already crowded, the surrounding stands are

basically full of fans, most of them have glowing glow sticks in their hands, as well as

LED light signs with Sara‟s name written on them, tens of thousands of people waving at

the same time, these glow sticks and light signs, all of a sudden it looks very spectacular.

Charlie grew up, or the first time to see a concert, so all of a sudden really some shock,

this kind of battle, really he had never seen before.

At this time, his side, Claire said with a chagrined face: “Oops! I actually forgot to

prepare the support materials in advance!”

Charlie asked with a puzzled face, “Support materials?”

“Yes!” Claire pointed to the fans holding glow sticks and light signs around her and said

seriously, “Look, other fans have prepared.”

Charlie laughed helplessly and said, “Wife, it‟s just a concert, no need to be so involved,

since you like Sara, just enjoy her concert later, right?”

Claire couldn‟t help but say with some regret: “I not only like her songs, but also like her

as a person, so as a fan.”

“I always want to do something more for my idol, but recently I‟ve been so busy with

work that I forgot all about the support, as Sara‟s iron fan, it‟s really a shame.”

Charlie saw that Claire was indeed showing self-condemnation, in his heart more or less

not quite understand.

First of all, he can‟t quite understand this mode of fans chasing stars now.

In his opinion, if you really like a star, whether you like their songs, or like their film and

television work, you should try to be sensible and put this like on the other party‟s

professional skills.

Like a singer on a good listen to her songs, like an actor on a good look at his work, in

addition to that, there is absolutely no need to be too crazy and too involved for them,

so much so that their real-life cause a relatively large impact.

Some popular actor‟s performances of the tickets can be speculated to tens of

thousands, even so, fans are still trying to do everything possible to rush to the general


Many of these fans do not really have very strong spending power, they save money in

various areas of real life, just to see their idols with their own eyes, which in Charlie‟s

opinion, is indeed somewhat less sensible.

Just like a crazy female fan some years ago, in order to pursue a Hong Kong male star,

completely overdrew the parents‟ finances, which eventually led to the father being

overwhelmed and going to extremes, resulting in irreparable bitter consequences.

So, he said seriously: “Wife, treat the star with an attitude of appreciation, not obsession,

if you stand on the attitude of appreciation, then you and she are equal, but if the

attitude of obsession, then you and she completely lost the status of equality.”

“We came here, to support Sara, which is already the greatest support and affirmation of

her, there is no need to do other additional things.”

Claire nodded gently and said with some relief, “Okay, husband, I know.”

Charlie softly smiled: “Good to know, hurry up and go to your seat, the show is about to


Chapter 3225

Charlie and Claire had just arrived at the first row and were about to go to the middle

when they saw four people sitting in front of them, all of whom were their


The one sitting closest to the entrance of the first row was Doris. Seeing Charlie and

Claire coming, she stood up and said with a smile, “Mr. Wade, Ms. Willson, you‟re here


Claire was surprised and said, “Hey, Doris, how come you also came to see Sara‟s


Doris laughed: “I‟ve always been a big fan of Sara, I can sing every song of hers.

Claire nodded repeatedly and said with a smile, “I really didn‟t expect that you would

have time to catch up with the stars when you are usually so busy with work.”

Doris looked at Charlie and said with deep meaning: “Hmm, I‟m here because my boss

doesn‟t come over often, so I can occasionally steal some time from my busy schedule.”

Claire, who doesn‟t know that Doris‟s boss is actually her husband Charlie, hurriedly said,

“It‟s okay, even if your boss knows you came to the concert, he can‟t say anything about

you, after all, it‟s already rest time.”

Doris laughed: “Maybe our boss is also a fan of Sara and also ran to join the concert.”

Claire thought Doris was joking, so she followed her words and laughed: “It doesn‟t

matter if he comes, everyone has their own hobbies, no one has the right to interfere.”

Charlie said: “Wife, let‟s not stand here chatting, there will be people in and out, we will

be in the way of others, so go to the seat first!”

Doris heard this, also hurriedly said: “Yes, Ms. Willson, you and Mr. Wade hurry to go in

and sit, later when the concert is over we can talk.”

“Okay!” Claire nodded her head and waved her hand, “Doris, then we will go over first!”


Charlie and Claire had just passed by Doris and had just passed two or three seats when

they heard a familiar voice: “Master Wade, you‟re here too!”

Charlie looked down, and the person sitting in front of him was the beautifully dressed


Just about to open his mouth to greet, he suddenly glanced at a series of acquaintances


The one sitting next to Warnia was the incomparably soft Nanako, while on the other

side of Nanako sat the young and cute little pepper Aoxue, and what Charlie didn‟t

expect was that the one sitting next to Aoxue was Zhovia, the granddaughter of the old

man, Tianqi.

At this time, Aoxue and Zhovia also stood up, slightly shy and respectful said: “Master

Wade you are here!”

After the two finished, Nanako also couldn‟t help but get up and bow slightly, “Mr.


So many beautiful women greeted Charlie, not only Charlie did not react, even Claire at

the side was confused.

Chapter 3226

Apart from Doris just now, she recognized two of these women, one of them was

naturally Warnia, the eldest lady of the Song family, while the other one, was Tianqi‟s

granddaughter, Zhovia.

A long time ago, her father Jacob was attacked by Junwei, had a car accident, and was

declared paraplegic in the hospital, when Tianqi took Zhovia with him to the hospital,

and cured Jacob with a miracle medicine.

The rest of them, including Aoxue and Ito Nanaiko, Claire only felt familiar, but for a

moment could not recall where she had seen them.

In fact, she also saw the report of Aoxue and Nanako‟s original competition, but at that

time, the two girls were on the field, both wearing professional combat clothing, looking

valiant, and at that time, Nanako‟s long hair was also tied into a clean ponytail, while

Aoxue had a fresh short hair.

But now, these two girls are draped in long hair, one is more gentle than the other quiet,

so Claire is finding it difficult to link these two girls with the two heroic girls on the

game field at that time.

These five women sitting side by side, it can be said that each has her own

characteristics, each has a separate one, simply out of five golden flowers.

Just when Claire‟s whole body was stunned, Warnia took the initiative to open her

mouth and said, “Hello Mrs. Wade, long time no see!”

Previously, when Claire‟s best friend Isabella got married, Charlie took her to Warnia‟s

top bridal store in order not to let Isabella lost face at her in-laws‟ house.

At this time, seeing Warnia take the initiative to greet her, Claire looked a little nervous

and said in a panic: “Hello Miss Song, long time no see!”

At this time, Zhovia on the side also spoke, “Hello Mrs. Wade!”

Claire hurriedly said, “Hello Miss Chen! I have to thank you and Dr. Shi for your troubles

dealing with my father before! I wonder if great Doctor Shi is doing well lately?”

Zhovia smiled faintly and said, “My grandfather‟s health is quite good, so I‟m sorry for

Mrs. Wade‟s concern.”

Nanako and Aoxue looked at each other and looked at Claire at the same time and said

with a little respect, “Hello Mrs. Wade!”

“I‟m Aoxue.”

“I‟m Nanako, nice to meet you!”

Charlie hurriedly introduced to Claire: “Aoxue is the daughter of Mr. Qin Gang, he is our

largest medicinal herb merchant in Aurous Hill, and works more closely with Dr. Shi.”

“Miss Ito is a very famous Japanese combatant, she has played with Aoxue in Aurous Hill

before, the two also became friends during the competition.”

Claire then suddenly realized, said off the cuff: “Oh …… I remember, Miss Qin in the

media before talking about our domestic once-in-a-century combat genius! I had some

impression, but the real and news report look a little different ……”

Aoxue said with a smile, “My father said that I do not look like a girl when fighting, so I

usually dress up in life to try to make myself more feminine, so Mrs. Wade may see me

with the impression of the gap will be a little big.”

Claire nodded and smiled, “I really didn‟t expect that Miss Qin is also a fan of Sara, and I

even didn‟t expect that Miss Ito also liked Sara ……”

Nanako put her hands in front of her body, bowed slightly, and said seriously,

“Back to Mrs. Wade, Miss Gu is also very famous in Japan, many of her albums are

selling very well over there, I have many friends around me who like her, I myself am her

number one fan.”

Claire did not expect this Japanese girl to bow and talk at every turn, at once also a little

rushed, hurriedly also slightly bowed as a return, said: “Miss Ito came so far to see the

concert, indeed counted as the number one fan.”

Nanako looked at Charlie, could not help but blush, spoke: “Actually …… actually

ashamed to say, this time to Aurous Hill, watching the concert is only incidental, in fact,

there is a more main purpose.”

Claire who doesn‟t know what Ito Nanaiko‟s purpose is, thought that she came to

Aurous Hill to do serious business, and then incidentally come to the concert, so she

politely said:

“In this case, it would be best, if one can do a lot of things in one trip.”

Charlie listened to Ito Nanaiko‟s words with deep connotations on the side, and was

more or less embarrassed in his heart, secretly thinking, “If I let them continue with such

pleasantries, I don‟t know what else they will speak.”

So, he then hurriedly said to all the people: “Ladies, you all sit first, our seats are a bit

ahead, so excuse us!”

Chapter 3227

As soon as the girls heard Charlie‟s words, they all nodded their heads sagely.

Although they all had good feelings for him in their hearts, they all knew very well that

tonight was Charlie‟s two-person world with his wife, and they should not disturb them

too much.

At this time, Warnia spoke, “Master Wade, Mrs. Wade, then we will not disturb the two

of you, for now, we can meet for a meal if we have time.”

After saying that, she looked at Claire and said seriously, “In addition, Mrs. Wade can

come to Song Group when she has time, we also have some needs for decoration

design recently, if Mrs. Wade is also interested, we can cooperate.”

Right now, Claire was at a stage where her career was very bursting at the seams.

She had always hoped to quickly make her company business bigger and stronger, and

also hoped to be able to take the initiative to take up the burden of the family so that

Charlie could be more relaxed.

Therefore, after hearing that Warnia had taken the initiative to offer her an olive branch,

she immediately nodded and said, “No problem Miss Song, see what time is suitable for

you, I will come over to pay a visit.”

While taking out her business card and handing it to Claire, Warnia said, “It mainly

depends on your time, Mrs. Wade, I can basically do it at your convenience.”

Claire asked tentatively, “Miss Song, I wonder if you have time on Monday?”

“Yes.” Warnia said with a smile, “Then let‟s do it on Monday at 11 am, so that we can

have a meal together at noon, our Song Group has quite a lot of business associated

with your field of expertise, so we can have a good wisp on Monday.”

Claire was excited and agreed to do so, putting the business card away properly while

saying, “Miss Song, then we have a deal, I will visit you on Monday morning.”

Warnia nodded and smiled, “Okay, Mrs. Wade, see you on Monday!”

Charlie gently pulled Claire and reminded her, “Wife, the concert is about to start, let‟s

hurry up and go to our seats.”

Claire answered and greeted several girls separately, before following Charlie to the

middle of the two seats.

As soon as they sat down, Claire couldn‟t help but sigh: “I really didn‟t expect to meet so

many acquaintances at this concert, and that Aoxue and Nanako, both very beautiful in

person! Especially that Nanako, simply too beautiful, in front of her I can‟t help but feel a

little inferior ……”

Charlie said seriously: “wife, you are also very beautiful, not at all worse than any of


“Which has ……” Claire said seriously: “Doris and Miss Song have great temperaments,

the confidence between the hands and feet is I can not compare, not to mention that

Nanako, she simply can not pick any shortcomings, looks, temperament, eyes, tone of

voice, and even manners, are very perfect.

“It is the first time for me to see such a perfect woman ……”

Chapter 3228

Charlie did not speak, but the heart of Claire‟s point of view is also somewhat agreeable.

Nanako is worthy of being the recognized Yamato Nadeshiko in the eyes of Japanese

people, her looks, temperament, manners as well cultivation, one in a million.

Moreover, although Charlie has always been sincerely patriotic, but also has to admit

that in the traditional classical aesthetic cultivation of Eastern women, current China is

no match for Japan.

Many Japanese girls like Nanako, from childhood, have to learn female red, that is,

needle and thread textile embroidery those fine work.

In addition, some Japanese girls will also learn flower arrangements, tea ceremonies

after school, these skills are more in line with the traditional classical beauty.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the relatively low status of Japanese women in

society, the whole society is teaching girls to be good helpers of their husbands, so

women as a whole will seem more vulnerable, and in the eyes of many people,

vulnerability is sometimes a kind of tenderness.

In addition, the Ito family itself is a very traditional Japanese family, so Ito Yuhiko has

been committed to raising his daughter in the eyes of the Japanese people‟s ladies, so it

also gives Nanako this gentle as water temperament.

Therefore, Claire in front of Nanako, also feels ashamed of herself, feeling that the other

party is way much better than her.

After Claire‟s inner sigh, she took the initiative to bring the topic back to Warnia and

said excitedly, “But if we can reach a cooperation with Miss Song this time, then the

company can go up another level!”

Saying that, she also said to Charlie: “Look, husband, Emgrand Group is the largest

enterprise in Aurous Hill, and the Song family is the largest family in Aurous Hill, if both

sides can cooperate for a long time, then my studio, in time, can also become the best

decoration design studio in the city!”

Charlie could not help but persuade: “wife, your recent career is too heavy, you have

already taken over the Emgrand Group‟s big project, and now the company has also

taken over a lot of private renovation projects.”

“You already have a lot of things on hand, why do you still want to cooperate with the

Song family? In fact, our family is not short of money now, there is absolutely no need

for you to be so tired.”

Claire shook her head and said very seriously, “Starting a business itself is not

necessarily about how much money you make, the main thing is that since you‟ve

already started doing it, you want to make it the best.”

“So you see, so many large companies with a market value of hundreds of billions of

dollars, their bosses many years ago have been financially free, but now still in the

company to work hard.”

“I believe that they have long earned enough money, that for several lifetimes can not

be spent, the reason why they play hard, in fact, are to do things to the extreme, to do

the best.”

To Claire‟s statement, Charlie also agrees.

The vast majority of people in this society, do not have this kind of extreme spirit.

The vast majority of people have a standard of self-satisfaction, and as soon as they

reach this standard, they start to enjoy life and stop working hard.

However, there are very few people who are driven by the spirit of extreme and are

never satisfied.

They will also set a standard for themselves, but the difference is that once they reach

this standard, they will not be satisfied, but will constantly set higher standards for


Those companies with assets of over 100 billion, or even reaching the world‟s top 500,

are driven by this drive to become stronger and stronger.

Claire is also this kind of person, just before there has been no good opportunity for her

to realize her ambition.

So, Charlie to her: “Wife, what do you think is the ultimate goal of your business


She thought about it and said seriously, “I don‟t have any specific goal, I just hope to

make it the best within my ability.”

Charlie nodded gently.

Although he was heartbroken by Claire‟s state of working at full strength, he could also

understand her heart to a certain level.

He felt that, to a certain extent, he thought basically the same as his wife.

He himself did not have any material desires and had not even taken the initiative to

buy himself a car by now, but he was still trying to do everything he could to constantly

expand his business and improve his financial strength.

However, unlike other elites, Charlie makes money, not to achieve any personal value, he

just wants to accumulate enough strength to be able to find out the truth about his

parent‟s death in the future and to be able to crush his enemies with an absolute

advantage after finding out the truth.

So in order to achieve this goal, he must also do his best to try to do the best he can in

the pre-storage stage!

Chapter 3229

While the couple was chatting, a figure walked up to the two of them and sat down next

to Claire.

Claire turned back to look and immediately exclaimed, “Oops! Miss Su!”

Charlie looked up and realized that the one sitting next to Claire was actually Zhiyu, why

did she come too?

Zhiyu seemed a little surprised to see the two of them and said with a smile, “Hey, Ms.

Willson and Mr. Wade, I didn‟t expect you to come here too!”

Claire said with a smile, “I‟ve always liked Sara, so I begged my husband to come over to

watch the show with me very early.”

Saying that, she hurriedly asked again, “Miss Su, why didn‟t Auntie come with you?”

Zhiyu smiled and said playfully, “To be honest, my mother actually doesn‟t like this kind

of overly lively occasion. And actually, I wasn‟t planning to come either, except that this

ticket was left by my brother, who is a fan of Sara, but suddenly he had something to do

and couldn‟t come, and I saw that this ticket was really a waste, so I came to take a


Claire laughed: “My husband doesn‟t seem to like this kind of occasion either, he has

never been a fan of stars, this time he is also dragged by me to the venue.”

Zhiyu couldn‟t help but look at Charlie and said with a smile, “So Mr. Wade doesn‟t like

Sara, huh?”

Charlie listened, with a big head, thinking: “Today what is wrong with these women?

Speaking of words, one has a deeper meaning than the other, all kinds of connotations


Thinking of this, he deliberately changed the subject and asked Zhiyu: “Hey Miss Su,

since your brother is a fan of Sara, how come he is not coming temporarily? It seems

that the fanhood is not iron enough.”

Zhiyu quietly gave Charlie a glance, thinking: “You bad egg, knowingly ask me this

question! Why didn‟t my brother come?”

“Is there anyone in this world who knows better than you? He left early this morning

with a long and impulsive kowtow, he can only walk a few kilometers a day at most, he

must not be out of the precincts of the City yet!”

So, she sighed under her breath, “Don‟t mention it, my brother met a bad egg, was

cleaned up by that bad egg, and I‟m afraid he won‟t be able to come back in the next

few years.”

Claire heard this and said in shock: “Miss Su, your brother was kidnapped? Then have

you called the police?”

Zhiyu smiled and said, “It‟s not a kidnapping, but my brother can‟t come back in a short

time, but he is willing to lose, so it‟s no one‟s fault.”

Claire listened to the confusion, but when she thought that this was someone‟s family

matter, she could not ask more detailed questions, so she nodded gently and said,

“Sorry, I am out of line.”

“It‟s okay, it‟s okay.” Zhiyu waved her hand hurriedly and said, “It may not be a bad thing

for him.”

At this moment, Philip and Lenan, the old couple, from Zhiyu‟s walked over, Philip saw

Charlie, the four eyes facing each other, outsiders can not see the magnitude of a slight

nod gesture.

Lenan also waved her hand quietly at Charlie, and then sat directly next to Zhiyu.

Philip, on the other hand, sat down next to Lenan.

Chapter 3230

The three people did not greet each other, so Claire did not pay much attention to these

two people.

However, when Zhiyu saw that there were people around her, she subconsciously

glanced at them and realized that the ones who came were Philip Gu, the head of the

Gu family, and his wife Lenan.

Zhiyu was a little surprised at first, but soon came back to her senses.

She is a member of the Eastcliff family, so she knows the Gu family, and knows that

Philip and Lenan are Sara‟s parents, so since it‟s Sara‟s concert, it‟s only natural for them

to come over as parents to support the show.

However, she has some doubts in her mind, both Philip and Lenan, in the past, in

various high society activities in Eastcliff, she could often see them.

But in her impression, this couple looked so young now.

Especially Lenan, she has given birth to a child, her age compared to her mother is not a

few years younger, but the whole state of the person does not look like a mother at all,

feeling just 30 years old at best.

And Philip is also very amazing.

Previously it has been said that he was dying of advanced pancreatic cancer, but who

would have thought that this person not only cured the terminal disease, but look better

and better.

However, she was shocked, but she felt that since she had seen them and was sitting

next to each other, she took the initiative to greet them and said, “Auntie and Uncle,

how are you?”

Lenan at first did not pay attention to who was sitting beside them, she had been

secretly observing Claire beside Charlie, wanting to see what magic this girl had that

could make Charlie so favored, but suddenly she heard the girl sandwiched between her

and Claire greeting her, so she hurriedly looked and realized that the one sitting beside

her was actually Zhiyu of the Su family.

She was surprised and asked, “Zhiyu? Why are you here?”

Philip was also surprised, not expecting Zhiyu of the Su family to be there.

Zhiyu spat out her tongue and said more or less awkwardly, “My brother left a ticket for

me before he left, so I came over to join the fun.”

When Zhiyu said this, Philip and Lenan, husband and wife, instantly understood.

They both know the situation of the Su family, know that Zhifei suddenly decided

yesterday to kowtow his head to go to the Temple to atone for the sins of his family,

also know that before that he has been pursuing their daughter, so once said, they know

why Zhiyu is here.

Lenan is also a bit embarrassed, spoke: “Zhiyu, your brother‟s matter, we also heard, hey,

we also really did not expect …… your mother‟s health is okay?”

Zhiyu nodded, thinking that she was sitting next to Charlie‟s wife, and thought that

Lenan, Philip and Charlie must have long recognized each other, in this case, the couple

looked at Charlie, certainly as an unopened son-in-law, so she hurriedly spoke: “Auntie,

my mother‟s health is quite good, thank you for your concern.”

After saying that, she came up to Lenan‟s ear and whispered, “Auntie, I‟m really sorry,

Charlie and his wife are sitting next to me, and his wife doesn‟t know his real identity, so

many things are too inconvenient to discuss on this occasion, let‟s talk later in private.”

When Lenan heard this, she was immediately surprised.

She did not know that Zhiyu actually knew Charlie and knew his true identity!

This made her think in her heart, “According to reason, Charlie‟s true identity has always

been a secret, and it is impossible for her to proclaim it everywhere herself, so how did

this girl know about him?”

“Could it be that Charlie took the initiative to tell her? It doesn‟t make sense! He has

always believed the Su family is unshakably responsible for the death of his parents, in

that case, the Su family is his enemy, so how could he tell Zhiyu his secrets?”

Chapter 3231

Surprised, Lenan couldn‟t help but whisper in Zhiyu‟s ear and ask: “Zhiyu, how do you

know Charlie?”

Zhiyu did not cover-up, and said openly and honestly: “Charlie is my life-saver, and also

my mother‟s life-saver, before my brother and I were kidnapped in Japan, it was him

who saved us both, and some time ago my mother and I had an accident in the

Forbidden Mountain Tunnel in this city, it was also him who saved us.”

Lenan suddenly realized!

“So that‟s how it is ……”

This time she also figured out why Zhiyu knew Charlie.

She sighed in her heart, “If Charlie just saved Zhiyu, it would be impossible for Zhiyu to

know his identity, but if he also saved Liona, then the situation would be completely

different, Charlie and his father look so much alike, it would be impossible for Liona not

to recognize him, in that case, it would make sense for Zhiyu to know Charlie‟s true


About several generations of the Su family, Lenan can be said to be very clear.

Zhiyu‟s mother, Liona, was also on good terms with her back then.

The first time Lenan and Philip fell in love, Liona wanted to increase the success rate of

her pursuit of Changying through the relationship between Lenan, Philip, and


So for a while, Liona and Lenan got very close.

But no one expected that Liona had been chasing after Changying for so many years

without result, while Changying came back from a trip abroad and brought back a

standout Margarate.

After the wedding of Changying and Margarate, Liona married Zynn with complete


As a woman, Lenan is actually very sympathetic to Liona.

But she knows very well in her heart, feelings such things can not be forced, if your heart

is destined to the other party who does not love you, you are invested in a pursuit

without harvest.

Thinking of this, Lenan heart can not help but feel that the world has been created so


She and her husband are here to see their daughter‟s concert, sitting next to her

daughter‟s fiancé and his current wife.

And sandwiched between herself and Charlie‟s current wife is the daughter of Charlie‟s

father‟s long-time admirer, and the family also has an unholy grudge against Charlie.

What is even more amazing is that Charlie had saved the son and daughter of his


What‟s even more amazing is that Charlie saved his enemy‟s daughter twice!

At the same time, Lenan couldn‟t help but have a question in her heart: “This Zhiyu, who

had been saved twice by Charlie and now appeared here, this is definitely not some

coincidence, can‟t it be that she also has that kind of heart for him?”

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that her guess was eight or nine times


She couldn‟t help but feel in her heart: “What kind of sinful fate is this ……”

When she was lamenting, the lights of the entire arena suddenly went out in this instant.

Chapter 3232

The lights went out, which signaled that the show was about to officially begin.

Sure enough!

After five seconds of darkness, the big screen on the stage suddenly lit up.

Immediately after that, a video of the show began to play.

At the beginning of the video, it was a video clip with yellowish tones, with a lot of noise

and a sense of age.

In the picture, a four- or five-year-old girl, wearing a beautiful floral dress, hands on the

skirt, is dancing around a beautiful birthday cake, while dancing also with a childish

voice singing the happy birthday song.

Next to the cake, stood a boy a little older than her, the boy wearing a birthday crown,

hands together in front of his nose, head down, eyes closed, and silently making a wish.

Because of the low wish, so the video can not see the boy‟s face.

At this point, the video screen suddenly stood still, and in the still screen, a string of

subtitles appeared: “The girl in the video who loves to sing and dance is only three and

a half years old, and she, Sara.”

As soon as Sara‟s name was typed out, a deafening cheer erupted from the fans at the


Many people were in awe that Sara was so beautiful and cute when she was small.

At this moment, another string of subtitles appeared on the screen: “And this guy who

made a silent wish is her Prince Charming.”

At this instant, the cheers from the scene almost turned the whole arena upside down!

The fans didn‟t expect that their idol, their goddess, had a prince charming since she

was a child!

Could it be that this is the rhythm of self-revealing her love affair?!

Just then, the screen suddenly went black, and immediately after that, there was an old


In the video, Sara is a little girl, wearing a beautiful dress, singing and dancing around a

cake, and in the video, there is also a boy bowing his head and making a wish, but, still

can not see what the boy actually looks like.

At this point, another series of subtitles appeared on the screen: “This time Sara, already

four and a half years old, and her Prince Charming, still silently making birthday wishes.”

Immediately after that, another video: “This is five-and-a-half-year-old Sara and her

Prince Charming.”

Everyone was driven by the rhythm of this video, immersed in that beautiful atmosphere

of two young children, childhood friends, and horses.

Immediately afterward, the picture suddenly turned.

Sara in the video was a little bit older, but she was alone crying red eyes at a piece of

birthday cake.

A string of subtitles popped out: “Sara, who was six and a half years old, didn‟t get to

celebrate her Prince Charming‟s birthday like she used to, because her Prince Charming

disappeared into the sea of people that year.”

“So, after this, Sara and her parents, set out on a journey to find Prince Charming.”

Then, the screen was no longer a coherent video, but old photos that kept surfacing.

One is a seven-year-old Sara, curled up in an airplane seat asleep, with the caption

reading, “Seven-year-old Sara, following her parents southward in search of her prince


An eight-year-old Sara, standing on the railing of a ferry looking out at her wishes, with

the caption reading, “Eight-year-old Sara, following her parents to search both sides of

the Yangtze River;”

A nine-year-old Sara, sitting in the back of an old red flag car, the view outside the

window is blurred with residual shadows, you can see that the vehicle was speeding,

with the caption reads, “Nine-year-old Sara, following her parents to search south


The caption reads, “Ten-year-old Sara, following her father to the United States still in

search, with famous Statue of Liberty behind her, before she returned.

Then there is Sara at the age of eleven, Sara at the age of twelve ……

These photos keep presenting, and Sara on the screen is getting older and older, from a

little girl of three or four years old, gradually growing into a generous, elegant and

outstanding young woman ……

This also means that for so many years, she has not given up the search for that Prince

Charming of her childhood!

Chapter 3233

After a short silence, there were many girls whispering and sobbing.

Many girls were touched by this true story.

Who would have thought that the famous singer Sara, who was the idol of countless

girls and regarded as a goddess by countless boys, would be such an infatuated girl?

In her twenty-five years of life, she spent nearly twenty years searching for her childhood

prince charming!

For many girls, this kind of infatuation story, can only possibly exist in a fairy tale.

But all this really happened in Sara‟s body.

Charlie sat on the chair as if he had lost his soul, and his eyes were already filled with


He really did not expect that Sara had given so much effort to find him.

Originally, he thought that this little girl, who was two or three years younger than him,

said every day that she wanted to marry him, but was only brainwashed by the so-called

marriage contract back then, but now he realized that, in fact, this matter had long been

engraved in Sara‟s bones.

And on his side, Claire has long been moved to tears.

Charlie could feel that Claire, at this time, was clutching his arm with both hands.

Zhiyu, who had always been calm, was moved by Sara‟s persistence over the years at

this time.

Moreover, she knew in her heart that the Prince Charming in this story was Charlie,

whom she had been secretly in love with for a long time.

The couple, Philip and Lenan, clasped hands and wept silently.

For so many years, their family has given a lot of effort to find Charlie.

Fortunately, the sky is not to blame, they finally found the whereabouts of the person!

And what made them feel even more fortunate was that because of their persistent

search for him, they had also planted heavenly good karma for themselves, so much so

that the family had regained their lives with Charlie‟s help.

Otherwise, if Philip died of a serious illness, Lenan and Sara, with the ability of the

orphans and widow, it was impossible to confront the other two brothers of the Gu

family, and by this time they would be empty-handed.

It is also from Charlie, the family completely understands a truth that has been passed

down for centuries, that is: “Though do good, do not ask the future!”

Wholeheartedly, do good without expecting anything in return, do not need to think

about the gains and losses, as long as they can afford their own hearts will be able to

ask for a clear conscience.

Even, it can also reap greater opportunities.

Then, the black screen, lit up a line of beautiful white handwritten pen letters, followed

by Sara‟s voice from the audio, she said personally: “I thought that I could not find you

again in this life, but I did not expect that the surprise would come so unexpectedly, so

suddenly ……”

Sara‟s voice sounded, the scene immediately also set off thunderous applause!

The audience who were moved earlier thought that Sara had not found her prince

charming by now.

But when they read the line and heard the words, they realized that she had already

found her prince charming!

Chapter 3234

The fairy-tale story, surprisingly, had a fairy-tale version of the perfect ending, and all

the fans were in an extreme frenzy for a while.

And Claire also choked with excitement, “It‟s so touching …… never dreamed that such a

story could happen in real life ……”

Charlie was speechless and choked.

At this moment, he only asked himself one question in his heart.

“How can I repay Sara for all these years of dedication?”

Just when he was asking himself, the lights on the stage suddenly lit up, and at the same

time, the music sounded.

Wearing a blue dreamy dress, Sara took the elevator and slowly rose from the center of

the stage. Holding the microphone, she said:

“In the past, I only sang my own songs in my concerts, but today, I‟m going to cover two

songs of my predecessors in the music industry, both of which are for that Prince

Charming of mine, and I hope he will like them!”

Then, the intro ended and she opened her mouth to sing a famous song “Love is just a


The lyrics of this song are too in line with her dedication to Charlie for so many years.

“Set aside the dark clouds in the sky, as beautiful as blue velvet ……”

“I go over the mountains for you, but I don‟t care to see the scenery ……”

“I miss you, gather enough courage, spread the message by the map of love ……”

“I wish you hadn‟t forgotten, I‟ll always protect you ……”

“From now on, no need to wander and look for ……”

“Love is one word, I‟ll only say it once ……”

“You know I‟ll only show it with my actions ……”

“The lively city searches for your shadow ……”

“Making you happy is the most joyful thing I can do ……”

The lyrics of this song were originally perfect, and Sara‟s singing was even more

impeccable, plus Zhifei spent tens of millions of dollars to replace this performance with

the top stage sound, the effect that came out, was simply the peak!

And more importantly, not only is the song good, good equipment, and Sara sang well,

but more importantly, combined with the previous opening video, Sara sang each line of

the lyrics, people could find strong resonance in her story just now.

Everyone could feel her persistence in going over the mountains and wandering in

search of her beloved, and moreover, her incomparably strong love for her beloved.

The fans were filled with tears, who could have imagined that the goddess, who seemed

to be high up in the clouds, could actually make so much effort for love, searching the

world for love and throwing herself away for love.

And all the men at the scene, have been jealous of the madness.

They would love to know, in the end, which son of a b!tch, can have such a blessing, can

get a goddess so sincere!

And the male protagonist of this touching story, Charlie, at this time also did not hold

back the tears, two lines of hot tears slowly flowed down from the cheeks.

What he did not know was that before Sara finished singing the song, someone had

already uploaded the video of the opening to the Internet, and the whole short video

platform and microblogging all blew up!

Six of the top ten hot searches were related to it!

The number one search was: Sara‟s Prince Charming, he must have saved the galaxy in

his last life!

The second search was: I want to beat up Prince Charming!

The reason why there is such a hot search is because many of Sara‟s fan groups are on

the screen, they said they must flesh out the ba5tard who made Sara search for nearly

20 years, and beat him up together, asking him where the hell he has been all these


He made such a good girl like Sara work so hard looking for him for so many years!

In the six related hot searches below, countless netizens crazy comments, some touched,

some envious, some blessing, but more, jealous!

Even if they weren‟t there, these male fans were jealous to the point of exploding in

place when they saw the opening video!

Some people said, Sara that prince charming, doesn‟t look worthy, his ancestors must

have been bombed mistakenly to have such a good luck.

There are also people who say that there is no man in this world who can match such a

good woman as Sara, not before, not now, and not in the future, so advise that

unknown so-called Prince Charming to behave himself and leave the house as soon as


Some people even said that Sara is never someone‟s Sara, she is the world‟s Sara, if any

man dares to possess her, that is a person against the world!

How could Charlie have thought that Sara‟s concert has just begun, he has become an

enemy of all the public……

Chapter 3235

At this moment at the concert site, as soon as Sara stopped singing, tens of thousands

of fans immediately boiled up, stood up to applaud desperately.

Even Claire could not help but stand up, too late to wipe away the tears that moved the

corners of her eyes, and clapped hard until her hands were red.

Sara on the stage, after the end of the song, said to the microphone: “I‟m very sorry, I

selfishly put my own story at the beginning of the concert, I hope this video did not

disturb everyone‟s interest in the show!

Countless fans on stage shouted slogans like “No”, “Cheer up Sara”, “Sara you must be


Sara smiled slightly and said, “Thank you all, so this next song is dedicated to you, dear


After that, the music started, and she sang the second song of the concert, which was

also one of her own hit songs.

The atmosphere of this song was instantly much more upbeat, so the scene continued

to be warm, and many fans even stood up directly to watch because of this fast-paced


Claire also quickly got into the warm atmosphere of the concert, and like other fans,

followed Sara singing and dancing, very happily.

But Charlie, has been a little distracted.

And Sara on the stage, during the performance will always look in his direction, always

paying attention to him.

As Sara sang more and more songs, the atmosphere at the scene became more and

more enthusiastic.

She changed her costume three times in the middle, and each time her look was very

elaborate and stunning.

After singing for two hours in a row, Sara on stage was still kinetic and full of energy.

You should know that after two hours of singing and dancing, even male singers can not

carry down, so most of the singers will invite guests to their concerts.

The guest performance time, for the singer, is very valuable rest time, this gap, gives the

singers to go backstage to rest for at least half an hour.

Originally, Sara also arranged a guest for this concert, the so-called popular male singer


Kim originally had a five-song performance, which was also left to Sara‟s rest time, but

he is now sent by Charlie to the South China Sea to fish, so she had to perform from

beginning to end by herself.

But the good thing is that she has just taken the rejuvenation pill given to her by Charlie,

so the whole person is extremely energetic, and the two or three hours of performance

can be easily taken down.

After two and a half hours of performance, it basically came to the end of the show.

Sara‟s song style also gradually began to change from cheerful and rhythmic to deep

and melodious.

As the last song on the list ended, many audience members still couldn‟t wait for

another cover song that Sara said she would sing.

At this point, she stood on the stage and spoke, “Today‟s last song has extraordinary

significance for me, because this song, too, is to be given to that Prince Charming of

mine ……”

Once these words came out, the scene was immediately boiling, cheers, shouts, whistles,

and even the abuse of that prince charming filled the entire arena.

She continued at this time: “In order to be able to sing this song perfectly, I also

prepared a final set of styling for myself, this set of styling is my own carefully prepared

for a long time, but also I specially prepared for him as a surprise ……”

The stage was once again bombarded with cheers.

Sara with some blushing said: “But this look, compared to my first few sets of styling, will

be a little more trouble, so later I go down to prepare for the theme it may take a little

longer, so please wait patiently.”

After saying that, she walked up the elevator in the center of the stage, surrounded by

the light pillars of all the chasing lights and the enthusiastic cheers of the audience,

slowly descended from the stage and disappeared.

Chapter 3236

Immediately after, all the lights on the stage instantly turned off, and the whole stage

was suddenly dark.

The original incomparably lively concert site, also at this moment suddenly got quiet.

But soon, countless people on the stage began to discuss with each other.

Everyone was eager to know what the last set of Sara‟s elaborate look would look like.

At this time, someone posted this topic to Weibo, and it soon shot up to the top ten of

the hot search again. The title of the hot search was: “Guess what style Sara‟s elaborate

look will be!”

Below this hot search, several options were given, including classical style, modern style,

post-modern style, western palace style, dark style, gothic style, and even abstract style.

There was even a prize-winning contest for famous top fans to choose ten lucky winners

among those who guessed correctly and send one person an autographed album of


Claire took out her phone and swiped the microblog for a while and couldn‟t help but

ask Charlie in a low voice: “Honey, what do you think Sara will do on stage later?”

Charlie said awkwardly: “This …… how can I guess it ……”

Claire said, “People do not call you Master Wade? You can pinch and calculate, can‟t you

calculate an approximate?”

Charlie shook his head and said truthfully: “I have no research at all on dressing style

and so on, so if let me guess definitely, I can‟t do that.”

Claire thought about it and said, “Then I‟ll guess a gothic style, on the cover of a fashion

magazine she said, the choice is black tone gothic style, when that look not only on the

hot search, but also won an award!”

Charlie smiled and said seriously, “Honey, to be honest, I don‟t even know what gothic

style is.”

Claire laughed: “Gothic style is mainly the architectural style of the Germanic peoples of

Western Europe, you must have heard of the Western Gothic cathedrals, monasteries

and castles and so on, is the kind of special towering, more exaggerated, and cold stone

architecture, and then gradually transformed, forming a Gothic literature, Gothic music,

Gothic dress and so on, I also learned when studying design, you boys are not clear

about this is normal.”

She said: “I will blindly guess a gothic style, if you guess right, there is a chance to get

Sara‟s signed album!”

Charlie nodded, and did not think much of what style Sara‟s last look was.

Time soon passed ten minutes, the stage lights have not been lit, Sara also has not


However, the audience at the scene is not anxious, on the contrary, although everyone is

very much looking forward to, but also waiting patiently.

These fans who are willing to pay for tickets to see her concert are real hardcore fans, no

one is up in arms, and no one is making noise.

Fifteen minutes, the scene is still the same.

At twenty minutes, a soft guitar sound suddenly came from the scene.

The fans cheered all at once!

Because they knew that the guitar sound they heard at this moment must be the

prelude to the last song!

So, Sara is finally going to make an appearance!

After the melodious sound of the piano, Sara‟s sweet singing voice came out.

“The second hand and minute hand ticking in the heart ……”

“My eyes flicker and twinkle so hollow ……”

“My heartbeat flutters in bursts ……”

“I ask myself how much I want to love you ……”

“How impulsive I want to fly with you ……”

“My heart is fluttering up and down ……”

Everyone at the scene was immersed in this wonderful atmosphere of only hearing her

voice and not seeing her figure. Sara‟s voice was so beautiful that, together with the

lyrics that were full of little beauty, made the fans at the scene intoxicated.

And at that moment, the stage lights suddenly lit up without warning!

All the spotlights were aimed at the center of the stage, and at that moment, the noble

and elegant Sara, wearing a beautiful, holy and dazzling white wedding dress, slowly

rose from the center of the stage!

At this instant, the whole audience suddenly exploded!

No one expected that the last look of the goddess Sara would be a white wedding


At this moment, with her white lace gloved hand, she gently held the microphone, with

tears in her eyes, and emotionally sang the most classic chorus part of the song:

“Tomorrow I‟m going to marry you, tomorrow I‟m going to marry you ……”

Chapter 3237

Sara‟s cover of the song “Tomorrow I‟ll Marry You” is an old song published in 1993.

Many young fans at the scene have not even heard of this song.

However, the song itself is very classic, and even many big-name singers have covered

this song in concerts.

However, in recent years, this old song rarely appears in the public eye.

And Sara sang this song to perfection, coupled with her perfect white wedding dress, it

simply fits the temperament of this song to the extreme.

What‟s more. Everyone knows that the reason why she sang this song is only for her

prince charming that she has been looking for for many years.

So. This makes the fans at the scene, even more, moved beyond measure.

Who would have thought that a goddess who was in the limelight and had the love of

thousands would be so infatuated with a childhood prince charming?

So, when she wore her wedding dress and sang the song on stage in a gentle and

moving manner, the female fans on the scene once again felt what it means to be in


What made the fans feel even better was. When Sara sang this song, her face was

covered with the shy and intoxicated smile of a young girl, and anyone could see her

deep love and intoxication from her face.

And her wedding dress is also extra colorful, the clothes on her body fit perfectly, the

look is specifically tailored to her figure.

Moreover, this wedding dress regardless of style, material, and workmanship is exquisite

to impeccable, even after the scene of more than ten meters high screen magnified out

of the high-definition picture, can not see any defects.

Charlie‟s whole person has long been frozen like a wooden chicken.

He did not expect that Sara would put on a wedding dress.

What‟s more, he didn‟t expect that she would sing such a song at the end of the concert.

At this moment, Charlie finally realized that this is Sara carefully prepared for his

surprise, which made his heart shocked and moved, at the same time. And there is

unspeakable guilt.

After all, his wife Claire is sitting beside him at this moment, and she is immersed in

Sara‟s song, she would never dream that Sara‟s song, in fact, is sung for her husband.

At this moment, Charlie felt that in his heart, two consciousnesses were madly attacking

each other.

One consciousness told him that Sara and him are married. And she has persistently

searched for him for so many years, and has been abiding by the marriage contract with

him, what it said was, he must give her a successful outcome.

However, another consciousness is telling him, Claire is your wife, the world has

despised you in the past few years, thanks to her she never left you, and how can you

start a mess?

Chapter 3238

In the depths of Charlie‟s inner conflict, he was separated from people like Philip.

Looking at his daughter in a wedding dress on stage, Philip had already burst into tears.

Before he reunited with Charlie, when he was suffering from advanced pancreatic cancer

and was determined by the world‟s best doctors to die within six months, he felt that he

had only two major regrets in his life.

One that he did not have the opportunity to make up for, one was that he never found

Charlie, and one was that he definitely did not have the opportunity to witness the

moment of his daughter‟s wedding.

But. Who would have thought that his life would be at the darkest moment, ushered in

the darkness of the flower, thus Charlie was found!

Finding him did not only mean that a major regret was made up for him, but more

importantly, Charlie gave him a new lease on life.

In this way, his second regret was no longer regret. Because he still had a long life cycle,

he could wait until the day his daughter got married.

He even believed with certainty deep within himself that once the three-year period

arrived. Charlie will definitely go to marry Sara.

At that time, his life will be completely fulfilled.

But he never dreamed that his own pearl, his precious daughter. Surprisingly, given a

surprise at the concert today.

Although at this time wearing a wedding dress, dressed up on stage, not really in the

wedding site, but he as a father, in the stage to see his daughter‟s current appearance,

as if this wish has been half-realized, the heart is naturally in incomparable relief.

In addition, combined with his own previous experience when he was almost in front of

the ghost gate, so at this moment he is in his heart is a mix of feelings.

Lenan deep inside just as her husband has as a lot of emotions, tears have long been in

the flawless face out of two tear marks.

Seeing that her husband was also crying silently, Lenan hurriedly grabbed his hand,

looked at him, and smiled heartily.

Philip realized that he was a bit out of shape and laughed. Quickly rubbed the tears with

both arms, subconsciously holding his wife‟s hand more tightly.

Lenan gently leaned on her husband‟s shoulder, listening to her daughter singing

emotionally on stage, could not help but say in her husband‟s ear, “If Brother Wade and

Sister An were still alive, how good do you think it would be ……”

“Yes ……” Philip‟s body trembled gently and sighed: “If that scene could really be

realized. It‟s really a thousand pieces of gold that can‟t be exchanged …… Even if I were

to give up the entire Gu Group with my hands, I would have no complaints!”

Lenan nodded heavily, nose sore, rushed to turn her face away.

At this moment, Claire also deeply touched by this song, gently holding Charlie‟s hand,

spoke: “Honey, you said Sara‟s Prince Charming, came to the scene today?”

Charlie was stunned by the words, then smiled and said, “I can‟t say this.”

Claire said seriously: “I hope he is there, so that will not fail Sara this deep love and

emotions ……”

She couldn‟t help but ask with some excitement: “You say, will she not call him on stage

later? Or will he be deeply moved, run up to Sara on the spot to propose?”

Charlie shook his head, said with a bewildered face: “I do not know ……”

Claire seriously said, “Sara has sacrificed so much for this man, if the two of them can‟t

get married, then it‟s really too unreasonable ……”

Charlie did not know how to respond to Claire‟s words, only to feel incomparably

contradictory deep inside, about his future where to go, he seems to have no clue.

But Claire does not know the extreme contradiction in her husband‟s heart at this time,

she is a little jumpy, can not hide the excitement of saying: “I think Sara will definitely let

him go on stage! Suddenly feel so nervous, maybe later to witness, I have met in my life,

the most romantic thing!”

Charlie casually nodded his head.

He knew that many fans were looking forward to witnessing the consummation of Sara‟s

love story at this concert.

However, he was equally clear that Sara would definitely not name him at this concert,

much less let him on stage in public.

After all, he has a three-year contract with her.

Moreover, his current identity has not yet been made public, most people still do not

know that he is a member of the Wade family from Eastcliff, not to mention that he is

the son of Changying and carries a deep blood feud ……

Chapter 3239

At this moment, Sara‟s song “Tomorrow I‟ll Marry You” has reached the end of the stage.

When Sara finished singing the last note, all the accompanying instruments in the venue

came to an abrupt end at the same time as her voice.

The audience didn‟t expect that the song would suddenly end, as if it had been cut off in

one fell swoop, feeling abrupt, yet with a sense of surprise and then developing into a

sense of unfulfillment.

And what‟s even better is that, just as the sound of the whole audience‟s singing and

instrumental accompaniment came to an abrupt end.

On the stage, Sara, as well as her backing dancers and accompaniment team,

simultaneously stopped their bodies in this instant, as if they had been cast in stasis, and

did not move at all.

The audience below the stage was excited and cheered, and many people shouted

loudly and neatly to let Prince Charming take the initiative to propose on stage.

But no one thought, Sara after a moment of stillness, opened her mouth and said:

“Thank you all, I sang here today, thank you again for your continued support and love,

thank you! Bye!”

After that, Sara, who was wearing a white wedding dress and standing on the stage,

suddenly started to sink and gradually disappeared in the center of the stage with the


No one expected that she would end the concert just like that.

Many people were waiting for her to confess her love to her Prince Charming in public,

or for her Prince Charming to propose to her on stage.

But who would have thought that she would be so dashing that she would exit the stage

without looking back?

It‟s like sending your lover off to a faraway place, hugging, k!ssing, and telling each

other that the heart is not enough, always feeling that the other side should turn around

and say goodbye with tears in their eyes before getting on the bus.

But the other side is in the hug, k!ss, tell each other goodbye after the dash to the car,

followed by the car door clicked shut, dry and crisp with your lover drove away, without


When the audience had not yet recovered from the two or three hours of the show, a

line of white handwritten font appeared on the big screen again.

Immediately afterward, Sara‟s voice read out this passage that she had written by hand.

“I had vowed that after I find him, I would permanently quit the entertainment industry

and then focus on being by his side and being a competent and virtuous wife and

mother like his mother and my mother ……”

“So, here, I am very sorry to officially announce to all my fans who love me that I will be

permanently retiring from the entertainment industry after this tour, and thank you for

your continuous love for me.”

“I hope you can understand me and forgive me for this selfish decision, and I hope you

can all reap your own happiness in your future lives.”

“After this concert, the rest of my tour will be officially renamed as „Sara‟s Farewell

Concert‟, next, I will go to more than a dozen other cities in the country and several

other countries around the world to hold my farewell concert.”

“So as to say goodbye to my fans nationwide, and worldwide! I hope to bring my

singing career to a successful conclusion and give all my fans a perfect memory.”

“At the same time, I will also donate all the box office income from this farewell concert

tour to the China Charity Foundation, the money will be used specifically to help

orphans around the country. “

“This way they can have a better growing environment, to enjoy better living conditions

and educational resources, my agency will also put the financial income data of each

concert on the entire network and it will also disclose the financial data of each concert

on the internet and ask a notary to audit it.”

“Here, I also call on the majority of fans who have the ability to do their part to help

orphans, so that the nation‟s orphans will no longer be displaced, no longer lack food

and clothing, and no longer have low self-esteem and discrimination.”

“Finally, here‟s wishing us all, a slow road ahead and a promising future, cheer!”

After Sara‟s recording finished reading these paragraphs, the lights inside the entire

stadium suddenly lit up.

Chapter 3240

In this instant, countless fans once again cried out in pain.

Because, they know very well in their hearts, when the lights of the whole stadium are

on, it is the time when the song ends.

Just like when a movie breaks up, when the lights come on, it announces the end of the


Moreover, Sara has just used her own handwritten words to say goodbye to everyone,

so naturally, there can be no return.

All the fans sat frozen in place because they hadn‟t recovered from the words left by

Sara just now.

They couldn‟t accept that their idol, their goddess, suddenly announced her withdrawal

from the entertainment industry without any warning!

If she continues to work hard for a few years, she will probably create the peak of

Chinese singers‟ influence in the world and become the most popular Chinese singer in

the world.

Nonetheless, this is such a promising superstar, chose to quit permanently, which for

fans, not only are caught off guard, for them this is simply a thunderstorm!

Many female fans with weak mental capacity almost lost their voices in pain at this


The male fans were all indignant, and many of them even clenched their fists, their veins


They couldn‟t stand the thought of their goddess, abandoning all the fans who liked her

just for a man.

This would not only hurt their feelings, but also stab them in the heart.

Because they knew that in the eyes of their goddess, all the men in the world combined

might not be as good as that Prince Charming of hers.

Even Claire was stunned, she looked at the stage dumbfounded and murmured softly:

“How can you quit like this? How can you quit like this? There is still a bright future, why

do you have to completely give up your career for a man? Can‟t you get married and

have children and take time out for your career?”

There were at least tens of thousands of people in the arena who had the same

thoughts as her.

No one could understand why Sara had to make such a big sacrifice for a man.

And of the tens of thousands of people in the whole scene, the only people who could

really understand Sara were only three.

Two of them are naturally her parents, and the only one left is not Charlie, but Nanako.

Because the education Nanako received since childhood was to try to be a virtuous wife

and mother when she became an adult.

As for her own character, her hobbies and her career, they are not important in front of

this goal.

Therefore, at this time, she also murmured deep inside: “So envious of Sara‟s courage, in

front of so many people to say what she wants the most, if God gives me a chance, let

me and Charlie together for life, I am also willing to give up everything like she did …… “

As for Charlie, but was moved by those two last paragraphs of Sara.

All the income is to be donated to the charity foundation, specifically to help orphans,

Sara will make such a decision, must also be because of his experience in the orphanage

in the past ten years.

This made him sigh in his heart, Sara is always thinking about him all the time ……

Chapter 3241

Sara retired long after the scene, the fans who had come back to their senses, cursed

and took the lead in leaving the arena.

And many female fans also wiped their tears while silently turning away.

Charlie even heard a male hangman behind him, cursing and saying: “Grass! Where the

hell is that stupid prince charming, don‟t let me meet him, or I‟ll break his hoofs!”

Immediately afterward, someone echoed: “Dude, count me in! This ba5tard dares to

steal our love, I think he doesn‟t want to be in the business anymore!”

“What the hell is this son of a b!tch capable of that makes my goddess sing in her

wedding dress and rush to marry him? Damn, it really pi55es me off!”

Charlie only felt a chill in his back at this moment.

What is a public enemy?

This is the public enemy of the whole fcuking world!

Claire, who was on the side, also said with some loss, “Honey, let‟s go.”

Charlie faintly nodded his head.

Claire stood up and said to Zhiyu, who was beside her, “Miss Su, my husband and I will

leave first.”

Zhiyu joined the conversation saying, “I‟ll go too, let‟s go out together.”

After saying that, she hurriedly stood up.

Charlie looked at Philip and Lenan, and felt that he could not say hello to both of them

even when leaving, it was a bit lack of respect.

At this time, Philip looked like I understand you, gently nodded, and waved his hand

with a smile.

Lenan also gave Charlie a look of reassurance, meaning to let him hurry home first, and

not care about the two of them.

But he knew that the two of them would have to rush back tonight and would probably

have to go to the airport soon for that.

With no choice, he could only decide to turn around and say goodbye to the two on


As for the five golden flowers, because of sitting relatively outside the reason, so when

everyone began to exit, they must be the first to give up the first row of the channel, so

everyone just got up from their seats, they were pushed by the crowd to go out.

This whole scene, tens of thousands of people exiting together was a spectacular sight.

When they came, these tens of thousands of people were spaced out long before and

after, some came early, and some came late.

But now, they all got up, and moved towards several exits, so the whole arena seems

unusually congested.

When Charlie and Claire walked out from the first row of seats, Doris, Warnia, Nanako,

Aoxue, and Zhovia, who were sitting on the outside, were already gone.

There were so many people around, so Charlie did not deliberately look for their figures.

Chapter 3242

Claire and Zhiyu were walking side by side. Zhiyu saw Claire‟s eyes were red and asked

curiously, “Ms. Willson likes Sara a lot?”

Claire nodded gently and said seriously, “I have always liked her, I feel that she not only

sings well, but is also a very rare stream in the entertainment industry now, very clean

and pure.”

Zhiyu smiled and said, “No need to doubt, she is not only a clear stream, but also the

only one in the entertainment industry.”

Claire asked curiously, “What does Miss Su mean by that?”

Zhiyu laughed: “Let me tell you this, in the entertainment industry, there is no shortage

of flies and dogs, some people sell themselves for profit, some people falsify the past for

fame, and some people tend to follow the trend for the sake of relationship ……”

“There are also people who are racking their brains to set up a persona, in order to

speculate PR exhaustive ……”

“Some are obviously poor, but they have to package themselves as rich;”

“Some of them obviously have no cultural level, but also have to package themselves as


“The most disgusting is that some foreign-favoring so-called publicists, in order to eat a

mouthful of rice do all kinds of denigration of the country, and even go so far as to

package those dirty third-world countries into a fairyland on earth with malicious

intentions and despicable purposes;”

“In addition, all kinds of plagiarism imitation, malicious speculation is innumerable, really

to count up, whose history is not absolutely clean.”

Speaking of which, Zhiyu turned the tables and said seriously: “Only Sara, never half a

black history, so far, she is in the entertainment industry, there has not been any hype,

nor has she done any fly-by-night hookups, she published all her personal history which

is 100% true, and many of the more powerful places people simply did not expose, and

even deliberately Not to let the media report, the real low-key and really cultivated.”

Claire curiously asked: “Miss Su seems to be very familiar with the entertainment


“Not familiar.” Zhiyu smiled lightly and said casually, “It‟s just that there are no secrets in

this circle that can be hidden from me.”

She smiled and asked Claire, “Does Ms. Willson know what Sara‟s family does?”

Claire thought about it and said, “It seems that someone said that her family is in

business, but what exactly they do seems to be rarely reported, giving the impression

that they should be more powerful.”

Zhiyu laughed: “More than powerful, her family‟s industry, a year‟s profits are more than

the entire entertainment industry a year to generate much higher profits, so people like

her to the entertainment industry, is a phoenix from the sky, fell in the flock of chickens,

completely descending blow.”

Claire listened dumbfoundedly, said: “No wonder Sara never engages in any publicity

hype, even the hype PR such a whole entertainment circle is doing things, she never


“There were a few male stars in the past to hype PR with her, but the fake news just

released, usually not more than an hour, Sara‟s agency would immediately issue a

serious disinformation statement, never give others the opportunity to hype. Never give

others the opportunity to speculate ……”

Zhiyu nodded and laughed: “But what exactly is done seems to be rarely reported,

giving the impression that it should be more powerful like.”

The company‟s main goal is to provide the best possible service to the public.

Claire nodded thoughtfully and said, “Miss Su has a point, according to you, she is

indeed unlikely to stay in the entertainment industry.”

Zhiyu glanced at the silent Charlie and said with a smile, “Didn‟t the opening video of

the concert just now also say that Sara has actually been looking for her prince

charming, I feel that she joined the entertainment industry, most likely to achieve this

purpose of finding someone.”

“Yes.” Claire agreed and said, “I feel the same way.”

Zhiyu added: “You see she has been raised well since she was a child, I think that her

Prince Charming‟s origin will not be worse than hers, and probably even better than


With that, she used her long and slender finger, lightly nodded her lower lip and said to


“Oh, so, that analogy I just made is actually not very appropriate …… although Sara is

indeed a fairy who came down to earth, but the person she came down for is not less

than her in status but beyond that.”

“Maybe, when they meet they will go back to the sky, together, forever!”

Chapter 3243

This set of analogies of Zhiyu‟s fairy descending to the mortal world made Claire

nodded her head repeatedly after listening.

She felt that what Zhiyu said was too right, and the real direction of things should be the

same as what she speculated.

Only, she did not know that these words fell into Charlie‟s ears, and another taste.

Charlie knew that Zhiyu‟s words, as if she was deliberately mentioning his wife, but

deliberately mentioning was very hazy, so that his wife simply did not know that all this

is related to her.

Charlie did not understand why Zhiyu said this to Claire, was it to give her a

precautionary shot?

However, he himself did not want to leave Claire.

Or maybe she meant to say this to him?

But what is the significance of this?

The company‟s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its


He felt that this woman was a little too smart, so that he carried a little bit of caution

deep inside his heart.

When the three of them followed the crowd out of the arena, Zhiyu asked Claire and

Charlie: “By the way Mr. Willson and Mr. Wade, how did you get here?”

Claire said, “We took a taxi to come here.”

Zhiyu said, “Oh, you can‟t take a taxi at this hour, I estimate that there are at least 10,000

to 20,000 people needing a taxi in our neighborhood, even if you use the software to

call a taxi, you still have to wait for at least an hour, it just so happens that I drove here,

why don‟t I send you back.”

Claire hurriedly said, “Don‟t bother Miss Su, we‟re not too far away, it‟s just a 20-minute


Zhiyu said: “How can I do that? It‟s so late now, you must be tired when you walk home,

and it will definitely affect tomorrow‟s work, besides, if my mother knows that I watched

the show with you guys and don‟t send you home, she will definitely talk about me.”

Claire heard this, the face is not good to refuse again, so she looked at Charlie asked:

“husband you say, we are walking back or take Miss Su‟s car?”

Charlie glanced at Zhiyu and said lightly: “Since Miss Su has invited us so kindly, we can‟t

let down her good intentions.”

After saying that, he looked at Zhiyu and said seriously, “Miss Su, I‟ve given you trouble.”

Zhiyu hurriedly said, “Mr. Wade is too polite, such a small thing, I should do it.”

At this moment, Elsa saw Claire in the crowd and ran over quickly, saying while running,

“Claire, how are you going back? My cousin is driving to pick me up, I‟ll give you guys a


Kevin now has two tasks, one is to live in the urban village to suffer, and one is to serve

as a driver for Elsa, so Elsa generally takes him with her wherever she goes, so that her

cousin is not so bored.

And Elsa also has her own personal feelings.

She felt that cousin Kevin‟s living conditions in the urban village, are really very difficult,

she often calls him out, on the one hand, as her driver, on the one hand, so that the

work of the reason, take him to eat something good with him.

When Claire saw Elsa coming, she said, “Sorry, Elsa, I‟ve already made an appointment

with my friend to go in the car back, so I won‟t bother you and your cousin.”

Only at this time did Elsa see Zhiyu beside Claire.

Chapter 3244

The moment she saw Zhiyu, Elsa was dumbfounded.

She recognized her right away, after all, she was the eldest granddaughter of the Su

family, and was extremely famous in the circle of Eastcliff‟s second generation, and could

be said to be the strongest one in the circle of Eastcliff‟s celebrity daughters.

The two of them are not friends, but they are acquaintances, and they have met on

many high society occasions.

She just didn‟t expect that why Zhiyu was here.

So, she subconsciously asked, “Miss Su …… Su? How come you are here?”

Zhiyu is also a little surprised, Elsa she remembered, the Dong family‟s daughter,

compared to these top families Dong family‟s strength is quite inferior, but after all, is

also a circle of people, with each other they have some interactions.

So, she then smiled slightly and said, “Miss Dong also came to Aurous Hill, is it

specifically for the concert?”

Elsa hurriedly waved her hand and said, “No, no, I‟m working in Aurous Hill now, right in

Aurous Hill‟s Emgrand Group!”

Zhiyu nodded her head and said with a smile, “So it‟s the famous Emgrand Group.”

After saying that, she also intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Charlie, and there

was even a little bit of something in her eyes.

Because after she knew that Elsa actually worked at the Emgrand Group, the first instant

she felt that this was a very fishy matter.

In her heart, she thought, “Although the Dong family is only a ten billion dollar family,

but it is far from letting their own first daughter run to Aurous Hill thousands of

kilometers away to work, and these families in Eastcliff are more refined than monkeys,

no one would do such a disgraceful thing, there must be a demon when things go

against the norm, the Dong family must have a deep meaning in this move.”

Before she could be surprised for two seconds, she immediately came to a realization

and exclaimed inwardly, “It must be because of Charlie!”

Although she didn‟t know through what channel the Dong family had groped for clues

related to Charlie, Elsa was definitely running towards Charlie.

On the side, Claire did not know Zhiyu‟s real background, she was busy with work all day

long, even though Zhiyu‟s previous car accident in the Forbidden Mountain Tunnel was

a big deal, Claire had only heard that there was that one thing, and had not taken the

initiative to understand.

So, she asked Elsa with some surprise: “Elsa, you also know Miss Su?”

Elsa was just about to speak, Zhiyu took a step ahead and said with a smile, “When I

used to work in Eastcliff, I had cooperation with Miss Dong‟s family company, so I can

say we know each other.”

As soon as Elsa heard this, she immediately understood that Zhiyu did not want her to

reveal her true identity.

So, she had to go along with her words, nodded her head, and said to Claire, “It‟s like

this, I just didn‟t expect that you and Miss Su also knew each other.”

Claire also didn‟t suspect and smiled, “Miss Su‟s mother is my client, we also just met

not long ago.”

“Understood.” Elsa nodded gently.

Zhiyu was also curious and asked, “By the way Mr. Willson, how do you and Miss Dong

know each other?”

Claire replied with a smile, “The two of us are good girlfriends, we used to go to college

together, including Charlie who used to be classmates with us for a year.”

Deep inside Zhiyu was even more surprised: “What the h3ll is going on here?

Charlie and his wife, and this Elsa were classmates? But Elsa came to work in Aurous Hill,

must have come for Charlie, and she is working in Charlie‟s Group, could this Elsa be

Charlie‟s lover under the eyes of Claire?

If this is really the case, then Charlie this hand of black under the lamp, play is really a

god‟s move!

Thinking of this, the dialectical thinking that is always in her heart began to work again.

She also felt: “seems not right, with my understanding of Charlie, he is definitely not the

kind of person who keeps a mistress behind his wife‟s back, and it is even more

impossible to get together with his wife‟s college classmate and a best friend directly

and privately ……

Then does it mean that Elsa does not know Charlie‟s true identity? Just treat him as a

classmate, as well as the husband of her best friend?”

A thought, Zhiyu said tentatively: “Right Miss Dong, since you work in the Empire Group,

then I have a request, I have some projects I want to dock with the Emgrand Group, I

wonder if you can help me introduce the chairman?”

Chapter 3245

Hearing this, Elsa replied somewhat awkwardly, “Miss Su, although I have also come to

Emgrand Group for a year, but to be honest, I have never met our chairman, he seems

to never come to the group, the group affairs are in charge of Doris Young, the vice

director, why don‟t I introduce her for you?”

“So.” Zhiyu figured it out instantly, it seemed that Elsa did not know Charlie‟s double


Thinking of this, she laughed in her heart: “This woman is stupid enough, she must have

come to Aurous Hill looking for Charlie, but after coming for so long even his identity is

not understood ……”

Elsa found that Zhiyu looked at her, more or less in a strange way.

She also couldn‟t help but look at Zhiyu back, but when the two were facing each other,

Elsa felt that she was under a lot of pressure in front of her, so she hurriedly said,

“That, Claire, Charlie, since you are going back with Miss Su, then I won‟t take your time,

my cousin is waiting for me in the parking lot, I‟ll go there first.”

After saying that, she hurriedly said to Zhiyu, “Miss Su, I‟ll go now, you guys take care on

the way.”

Zhiyu nodded, remembered something, and hurriedly said, “By the way, Miss Dong, in

Aurous Hill we both are outsiders, and seeing you here is like meeting an old friend in a

foreign country, why don‟t you leave me a contact, I‟ll treat you to dinner if you have


Although Elsa knows Zhiyu, but in terms of rank, she is far worse than her.

The difference between the two of them is the kind of heavenly difference that they

never sat at the same table even in the same banquet, so she and Zhiyu don‟t have each

other‟s contact information at all, let alone have dinner together in private.

Now Zhiyu took the initiative to invite her to eat together, which really made her a bit


So she agreed almost without thinking, and hastily took out her cell phone and said,

“Okay, Miss Su, I‟ve been in Aurous Hill longer than you, so I‟ll invite you, more or less

I‟m also half a host.”

Zhiyu smiled and said, “Okay, you invite me first, I will invite you back another day.”

Elsa hurriedly said, “That‟s okay, Miss Su, let‟s add a WeChat, I‟ll sweep your QR.”

Zhiyu nodded, took out her phone, found out her WeChat QR code, and then passed

Elsa‟s friend application.

The moment Zhiyu her as a friend, Elsa‟s heart is indeed taking a little excited leap.

This can‟t be blamed on her snobbery, after all, she has been growing up in the

atmosphere of Eastcliff‟s high society.

The Dong family‟s strength, in the entire Eastcliff high society, could only be ranked to

the lower middle level.

Therefore, people like her have been accustomed to surviving in the cracks of the upper

class, and naturally, they especially cherish every opportunity to come into contact with

the top of the hierarchy.

But, Charlie saw Zhiyu take the initiative to show goodwill to Elsa, and even wanted to

have dinner with her privately, his heart became more and more suspicious, confused

Zhiyu this woman, what in the end she wants.

After the two of them added WeChat, they came to the parking lot together. Elsa‟s car

and Zhiyu‟s car were not parked in the same area, so they waved goodbye to the three

of them at the entrance of the parking lot.

Chapter 3246

Charlie and Claire followed Zhiyu and found her car.

Charlie didn‟t expect that Zhiyu came out by herself and drove a very ordinary Audi Q5

SUV, which was indeed quite different from her status.

Zhiyu looked at Charlie and Claire and said with a smile, “The car is not very good, so

please don‟t mind too much.”

Claire said: “How could it be, it‟s already very good!”

Zhiyu said with a smile, “It‟s good if you guys don‟t mind, then you couples can sit in the


“Okay,” Claire answered, so she sat in the back row of the Q5 with Charlie, and Zhiyu

started the vehicle and drove towards Tomson.

On the road, Zhiyu sighed while driving, “I didn‟t expect that we are quite lucky, my

mom chose Ms. Willson‟s decoration design company, and as a result, Miss Dong is also

Mr. Willson‟s and Mr. Wade‟s college classmate, so this time and time again, we have

some connection with each other.”

Claire also could not help but nod and said with a smile, “It is indeed quite a destiny,

and I did not expect that your business, is still related to the Emgrand Group, my

biggest partner now is the Emgrand Group, and the hotel project I am working on is

from the same group.”

“Is that so?” Although Zhiyu‟s tone was very surprised, no one saw that the expression of

her, who was sitting in the driver‟s seat and driving, did not have the slightest element

of surprise.

She secretly thought in her heart, “You don‟t even know that your husband is the owner

of Emgrand Group, you as his wife, it‟s not hard for him to give you a hotel project?”

Thinking of this, she also could not help but sigh: “This Claire, is really a silly sweet,

haven‟t figured out Charlie‟s identity until now ……”

However, she said with a smile on her face, “That‟s still a real coincidence, in the future, I

will probably have a lot more cooperation with the Group, and maybe we will have

business dealings with each other in the future.”

Claire subconsciously laughed: “That‟s really great.”

Charlie heard a big head.

He really wanted to tell everyone around him not to negotiate cooperation for his wife,

how could she finish so many projects? Warnia‟s side also wants to give her the Song

family‟s project, Zhiyu seems to have a little hint.

Although he also knows that in the business world, party A is willing to take the initiative

to give party B a project to do, that is to send money to them, but he also does not want

Claire too tired.

At this time, In the car three people‟s cell phones, all began to send a variety of crazy


Charlie looked down, these tweets are almost all related to Sara.

This concert, is really a success in the entertainment circle so that the entire Internet


No one expected that this concert would explode so many explosive points, from the

beginning to the end, shocking news one after another.

First, announcing that there was a childhood friend for an hour and that she had been

looking for him.

Then she sang the song “Tomorrow I will marry you” in her wedding dress, could there

be a more direct confession than that?

Just after everyone thought that the news that Sara might be marrying someone in the

near future was the biggest bombshell, she suddenly announced her permanent

retirement from the entertainment industry!

This is really the big bang of the universe, the best top stream singer, said to withdraw

from the circle, not only extremely decisive and dry, and even a little too capricious.

The good thing is that although her fans are disappointed, but combined with the story

shared by Sara to everyone, the vast majority of people can understand her decision.

After all, she spent a large part of her life looking for her prince charming, finally found

him, naturally want to double up with him, to be a good wife and mother, and the

entertainment business itself is very busy, if not quit the circle, it is difficult to have

enough energy to play the role of a good wife and mother and entertainment icon.

The rest of the small number of those who can‟t understand, mainly because of envy

and jealousy.

However, there are still many fans who hope that there will be a day when the peak will

turn around.

After all, many stars have made statements about quitting the entertainment industry,

and the so-called farewell concerts have been held for an unknown number of times,

and then after a year or two, they make a comeback.

Claire also hopes so, so she hurriedly went to browse some news and Weibo hot search

to see if there is anyone discussing this, but after looking around, she could not help but


“Sara‟s agency has issued a statement confirming that she will officially quit the

entertainment industry after this tour, it seems that there will not be any room for

reversal in this matter ……”

Chapter 3247

At this moment, backstage of the performance.

In Sara‟s lounge, Tasha, with red eyes, personally helped her take off her wedding dress

carefully, choking with some heartache under her breath,

“Sara, I really don‟t understand, since you‟ve decided to wear a wedding dress at this

concert, why didn‟t you name that guy Charlie?”

Speaking of this, she complained somewhat indignantly,

“If I were to say, you should have forced him to marry directly in front of tens of

thousands of viewers, in front of the nation‟s fans!”

“Once the wedding dress is on, directly shout his name, ask him to come on stage, and

then ask him on stage in front of everyone when exactly he will honor his promise.”

Sara looked at herself in the mirror, carefully removed the shiny diamond earrings, said

with a smile:

“You must have watched too much romance idol drama, feelings and marriage is not

forced on people, why use the influence, forcing him to come on the stage?”

“It‟s not like no one in the entertainment industry has done this before, but the result is

not divorced?”

I just want to tell him personally on his birthday what kind of feelings I have for him all

these years, and I promised long ago to wait for him for three years, if I call his name on

the spot at this time and ask him when will he honor it or call his name on the spot at

this time, that is my own backtracking.”

Tasha depressed said:

“But today this confession of the battle is too big, and also completely out of the

entertainment industry, things, you have given so much for him, if not to force him a

little, in case of regrets what do you do?”

“In case he does not honor his promise after three years what do you do?”

Sara seriously said, “If he really can‟t keep his promise, then I won‟t blame him.”

“What?!” Tasha dumbfounded said: “Will not blame him?? I tell you, Sara!”

“If that Charlie after three years does not fulfill the promise, when the time comes, I will

have to expose this heartless man on the Internet myself!”

Sara said: “Don‟t talk nonsense! Charlie‟s family has been kind to our family, his father

helped our family a lot in the past, my father‟s life was also saved by Charlie, with such

great kindness, no matter what decision makes, I will willingly and fully accept it.”

Tasha was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot: “Sara, how can you think like that? He is

kind to your family, but don‟t you have any love for him?”

“The video that was played at the beginning of the concert is not your silent dedication

to him for so many years?”

“Could it be that just because he saved your father, he can disregard your dedication for

so many years? He can completely fail you?”

Sara said more or less impatiently: “Oh well, you talk the most! Hurry up and help me

take off my wedding dress, I still have to catch a flight later.”

Chapter 3248

Tasha asked, “You‟re leaving tonight?”

“Yes.” Sara said, “The concert is over, so there is no more business for me, you stay here

with the executive company to take care of the aftermath, I will go back to Eastcliff first,

to prepare for the next concert.”

Tasha said, “Then there is no need to catch a plane back so late, rest for one night, wait

until tomorrow, and then leave.”

Tasha said, “You have confessed so deeply at the concert, but that man took his wife

home after the concert, don‟t you want to stay one more day to see if he will give you a


“No.” Sara said with a smile, “I‟ve said it, I just want him to know clearly what kind of true

feelings I have for him, and that is enough.”

“That‟s why I didn‟t put any frontal photos of him in the video, not even as a child, and I

didn‟t say in public that it was his birthday, that he was there today.”

“Because I didn‟t want anyone else to guess that my Prince Charming was him,

especially not to make his wife suspicious.”

“And since I said I would wait for him for three years, I will definitely wait for him in a

down-to-earth manner, and definitely will not create any trouble for him in advance, not

to mention not wanting to put him in a dilemma.”

Tasha is convinced, rushed Sara arched her hand, exclaimed: “I really tried to convince

you! Really, I won‟t even help when the wall falls down, I‟m convinced of you!”

“Typical devotional personality! If Charlie does not marry you, he will regret it until his

next life and beyond!”

“Don‟t be silly.” Sara with her help took off the wedding dress carefully and said:

“Tasha, the makeup has not been removed, and later have to go to the airport, so this

wedding dress is too late for me to pack and take away.”

“You must help me properly pack it, and then bring me back to Eastcliff intact, in the

future when I get married I want to wear it.”

Tasha said helplessly, “I know, I know this is your treasure, don‟t worry, I will help you

properly with it and bring it back to you in good condition!”

Sara nodded her head and smiled: “Thank you! You are my good sister! I‟ll treat you to a

big meal when we get back!”

Tasha gave her a blank look and muttered, “And treat me to a big meal, you announced

this time to quit the entertainment industry.”

“I can also be laid off as an agent, and when I go back, I have to prepare for the layoff

and re-employment.”

Sara hurriedly laughed: “Don‟t! We still have dozens and dozens of concerts to stay busy

with, wait for the next concert.”

“After the commitments, I quit the entertainment industry, but I still have to do other

things, then I will look back to the family group to find a good job, you come to me as

an assistant I will give you double the annual salary!”

Tasha felt happy, but the face still hummed, she said: “Being an assistant is no problem,

after all, I am also a famous university graduate in economic management, to work with

you as an assistant is more than enough, but this double annual salary just forget it.”

“Your sister Tasha doesn‟t lack money, the reason to rely on you is because of a good

relationship with you, with you to work together even if I do not make money I am still


Sara held Tasha‟s arm, smiling, said: “Lovely sister, today you finally said the truth, it

seems that my personality charm is stronger, can keep such talent around to serve me,

ha ha ha, this lady has really extraordinary charm!”

“Pooh!” Tasha skimmed her mouth and said, “Don‟t be silly here, don‟t you have a plane

to catch? Hurry up and take off your makeup.”

As they were talking, there was a knock at the door and Sara‟s mother, Lenan, asked in a

soft voice outside the door, “Sara, can mommy come in?”

Chapter 3249

Sara heard her mother‟s voice outside the door and hurriedly said, “Mom, I‟m taking off

my makeup and changing clothes, are you by yourself?”

Lenan was busy answering, “Yeah I am by myself.”

Sara then said to Tasha, “Tasha, go and open the door for mom.”

“Okay.” she agreed and hurriedly opened the door to the room.

After the door opened, Lenan looked at Tasha and said with a smile, “Tasha, this time

has really been hard for you.”

Tasha hurriedly waved her hand and said, “Auntie, this is all my job, it‟s not hard at all.”

After that, she said with a shocked face, “Auntie, why do you look so much younger

today? I feel that if I don‟t control my food, wait for another two years, I may look even

older than you ……”

Lenan said with a smile, “I have some nice skincare products, the effect is really quite

good, I‟ve been using, and as we go back, I‟ll have someone send you a set, or you

directly come home to pick up.”

Lenan knew that she naturally could not tell Tasha about the Rejuvenating Pill.

Moreover, even if she told her, she was afraid that it would be difficult for her to get it,

but instead, she also cause trouble for Charlie, so she used skincare products to cover

the reality.

Tasha has always had a very close relationship with Sara, so she is also very familiar with

Lenan, hearing this, she said with a smile, “Then I‟ll thank you in advance, Auntie!”

Lenan laughed: “What else do you have to be polite to auntie, from now on all your

skincare products I will give you, I will have the group‟s driver send it to you regularly.”

“Really?” Tasha was flattered and said with some trepidation, “Auntie, there is no need

to go to such trouble, if it works well, I will just go and buy it myself in the future.”

Lenan laughed: “You and auntie are still so out of touch? This matter is settled, if you

push back again, you will treat auntie as an outsider.”

When Tasha heard this, she could only nod and said, “Thank you, Auntie, I‟m sorry then!”

Lenan nodded, then said to Sara:

“Sara, your father and I are ready to go to the airport, your father thinks you have

worked too hard today, so he asked me to tell you to take a good rest at the hotel

tonight, so you don‟t need to come with us again at night.”

“Don‟t say that mom,” Sara said:

“I‟m going to take off my makeup and go back with you guys, I‟m not tired at all now, I

don‟t need much rest, moreover, there‟s no point for me to stay overnight, I might as

well go back with you guys, then I can still have a good sleep at home.”

Lenan reached out and touched her face, asking gently, “You confessed so deeply at

your own concert today, don‟t you want to see how Charlie reacts in person? Stay one

more night, and you might be able to meet him tomorrow.”

“No no.” Sara said with a smile, “Making such a big noise, and did not say hello to

Charlie in advance, I am afraid that I have scared him so it is better to go back first and

see him again after a while.”

Lenan helplessly shook her head and laughed: “You girl, you dare to do such a shocking

thing, still afraid that you do not know how to face him afterward?”

Sara said delicately: “Mom, you know I actually have the thinnest skin, today dry this

thing will keep me nervous for many days until now the back is still sweaty, now the last

thing I want to do is meet Charlie, so just let me go home to avoid the wind ……”

“This child ……” Lenan helplessly laughed: “then okay, you take your time to take off the

makeup, change into comfortable clothes, I‟ll go talk to your father, we will wait for you.”

“Thank you, mom!” Sara smiled happily and gave Lenan a kiss on her cheek.


Chapter 3250

Ten minutes later, Sara, who had changed into an everyday outfit, got into the car with

her parents and headed to the airport.

On the way, Sara kept chatting with her mother.

Being a woman, Lenan had many questions in her heart to ask her, but her first question

was, “Sara, when did you order that wedding dress you were wearing tonight behind our


Sara said with a smile, “Mom, you know Vera Wang, right?”

“Yes.” Lenan nodded: “Isn‟t it the independent brand of the Chinese-American designer

Natalie Wang?”

“These years in Europe and the United States is really very hot, even the former U.S.

President Clinton and the daughter of Putin, married are wearing her designed wedding

dress, your set of wedding dress is also ordered from her?”

Sara laughed: “She had announced a few years ago that she will no longer make

wedding dresses for others personally, but I invited her over from the United States a

few months ago and gave her the measurements, and then she took them back to the

United States to make one for me personally.”

Lenan laughed: “Then you really have a lot of fame, people have closed the mountain,

but still resumed to help you make wedding dresses.”

Sara said seriously: “Mom, to be honest, I could not invite her, although her assets are

not as big as the top families, but usually make friends with the top powers, many top

wealthy and executive families in the United States who have asked her to design their

wedding dresses, and these celebrities in China were also lining up to find her.”

“But even so, no one could invite her personally in the past few years, not to mention

me, even if the Su family and the Wade family were looking for her, it is impossible for

her to come out personally.”

Sara took a slight pause, and said: “This time she was willing to personally come to

China to help me measure and make a wedding dress, mainly because she knows that I

am the future daughter-in-law of Auntie An who had long approved it.”

Lenan asked in surprise, “You said this Natalie, came because of the face of Charlie‟s


“Right.” Sara said, “I originally just paid a deposit to her brand for her designer to design

a high order wedding dress for me, but I didn‟t expect her to come in person ……”

“In fact, I was also surprised at the time, did not understand why she would personally

come over, asked her to know that she and Auntie An and Auntie An‟s mother were

good friends for many years ……”

“Moreover, when Charlie went back to the United States with Auntie to visit her family

when he was a child, she also met him and knew the relationship between our family

and Auntie An‟s family.”

Lenan lamented, “Natalie should also have to be more than seventy years old, at least

almost twenty years older than sister An, I did not expect her and sister An were friends


Sara said, “Or maybe they met through Auntie An‟s mother.”

Sara added: “But according to her, Auntie An had helped her a lot in the past, and her

tone seems to be quite grateful.”

Lenan nodded: “Your Auntie had helped too many people, in Silicon Valley alone, more

than half of the big companies had taken investment from your her.”

Sara hmm, continued: “So she tossed over so far to help me measure, and went back to

personally help me make a wedding dresses, also personally brought the wedding dress

to me to try on, on-site fine-tuning, before and after so long, and finally didn‟t take

money, not a penny, said I am Auntie An‟s daughter-in-law, just like her own daughterin-law.”

Philip, who had not spoken, suddenly asked Sara very seriously, “Sara, you did not tell

her about Charlie, right?”

“No.” Sara said, “She only mentioned her relationship with Auntie An‟s family, but didn‟t

ask me about Charlie.”

Philip suddenly remembered something, slapped his thigh, and blurted out, “Oh no, we

forgot an important thing!”

Sara‟s heart tightened and she hurriedly asked, “Dad, what‟s the important thing?”

Philip blurted out, “You made such a big noise at the concert today, if the An family sees

it, they would know that Charlie is still alive, and they would know that we have found


Chapter 3251

Sara heard this, the whole person immediately tensed up, off the tongue: “Dad! I ……

should not give Charlie trouble, right?!”

Lenan then spoke: “I think the An family know that Charlie is still alive, should not be a

bad thing, his grandparents are still alive, and in the family, they are also in charge.”

“If they know that Charlie is still alive, they will only be happy, will never have any threat

to Charlie, maybe after they get acquainted with Charlie, can bring more resources and

opportunities to him.”

Saying that, Lenan added: “Back a step, even if the An family has little affection for him,

but after all, there is blood kinship, at most, they will not bother him, they certainly can

not take the initiative to find trouble with Charlie.”

Philip thought about it, sighed with relief, nodded, and said, “That’s true, Charlie’s

apparent threat is the Su family, but the Su family is obviously no longer his rival.”

Lenan asked, “Then you say, if the murderer of Brother Wade and Sister An knew that

Charlie is still alive, would he attack him?”

Philip shook his head, “I don’t think so, if they wanted Charlie’s life, back then in Aurous

Hill, they would have killed Charlie together, after all, even big brother Wade didn’t get

rid of their poisonous hands, if they wanted to kill Charlie, how could he be spared.”

Lenan nodded slightly, aside Sara was slightly relieved, while she touched her heart,

while fearful beyond measure said, “I’m really worried about what trouble this would

bring to Charlie …… After all, I did not discuss this with him in advance about this

matter… …”

Philip smiled faintly and said, “In fact, it’s okay, know that you two’s marriage, is not only

known to the Wade family and the An family.”

“Other Eastcliff big families are also aware, even if you did not say this at the concert,

the Wade family has long known about Charlie’s matter, Su family Zhiyu and her mother

Liona must also know, as for the remaining two or three families, even now know, it is

nothing, not a big deal.”

“Right.” Lenan spoke, “Even if they know that Charlie is still alive, they also know who

Charlie really is, so I think it will have no effect.”

“That’s good.” Sara sighed, “Just now Dad suddenly said a thing, I thought I was in big

trouble ……”

Lenan touched her hand and said with a smile, “You don’t have such a big psychological

burden, this matter is not a good thing.”

The first thing you need to do is to go to the U.S. to visit Natalie when you go on tour. If

she knows about your concert today, she’ll know that we’ve found Charlie, so maybe

she’ll talk to Charlie’s grandmother about it. You may be able to meet with the An


“Meet with the An family?” Sara asked, “If Charlie knows, will he not be angry with me?”

Lenan seriously said, “So you have to grasp the degree, you go to the United States, can

only take the initiative to visit Natalie, as for the An family to see you, depends on

whether Natalie will convey this information, if she conveyed this matter, then to the An

family it is their initiative to see you, not your initiative to see them.”

Sara asked in confusion, “But what am I going to say when I see the An family ……”

Lenan said, “Naturally, it’s to help connect Charlie with the An family. If he can get help

from the An family, his future development will definitely get a huge boost, so he can

get twice the result with half the effort. This will only be good for him.”

Philip on the side said: “Sara, your mother is right, although Charlie and the An family

share blood, but they have not been in too much contact, plus Charlie’s mother has

died, the An family and he have been estranged for many years.”

“If you want them to re-establish their relationship in the future, the middle really needs

a link, and you, naturally, are the best candidate for that link!”

“And this time Natalie look at the face of the An family, to make you a wedding dress,

this in itself is a very good breakthrough opportunity, you go to the United States this

time, by the way, to visit Natalie, everything will be naturally a waterfall.”

Sara nodded with a sudden realization and said, “Okay Dad, I know.”


Chapter 3252

At this time, Charlie and his wife Claire had already returned home.

Claire because still not quite able to accept Sara suddenly has to permanently quit the

singing world, while has been holding the phone on the microblog to participate in the

first hot list of new activities, ten million fans joined to request Sara to stay in the

entertainment industry.

While she was busy swiping her phone in support, Charlie came to the courtyard alone

and made a phone call to Philip.

He knew that Philip was leaving Aurous Hill and returning to Eastcliff tonight, but just

now at the concert, he didn’t have much communication with him because his wife was

there and there were too many people, so he hurried to give him a call and wanted to

wish him and Lenan a good trip.

When the call was answered, Philip said smilingly, “Charlie, you’ve arrived home, right?”

Charlie said, “Yes, Uncle, I’ve arrived home. Have you and Auntie left for the airport?”

“Yes.” Philip said smilingly, “We are already on our way, it just so happens that Sara also

has to go back with us tonight, so we are going together as a family of three.”

“Ah?” Charlie was surprised and asked, “Sara is also leaving? She must be so tired after

the concert, why doesn’t she rest for one night before going back?”

Philip laughed: “Your Auntie and I also advised her to do the same, but the child insisted

on going back with us, saying that there is nothing more to do here, so she can go back

and rest properly.”

Charlie’s heart was a little empty, helplessly said, “Well, you tell her, after landing, send

me a WeChat.”

“Sure.” Philip then said, “Charlie, the time is late, you also rest early.”

Charlie was ashamed and said, “Uncle, I’m really sorry, you and Auntie came all the way

here today, I didn’t entertain you properly, and I couldn’t come to the airport to see you

off when you left.”

Philip casually laughed: “It’s okay, we are all family, no need to be so polite, and in less

than a month, you will come to Eastcliff to participate in the ancestral ceremony of the

Wade family, then you will stay at your uncle’s house, and we will have a few good


“Okay.” Charlie agreed without hesitation, going back to attend the ancestral ceremony

was something he had promised his grandfather before, since he had already promised,

it was natural to keep his words.

However, Charlie and the Wade family did not want too much contact, so he originally

did not intend to live in the Wade family.

Otherwise, if he looks down and raises his head, he can see your aunt Cynthia, not only

is she bad, he will also be unhappy.

At that time, if he lives in Philip’s house, it will naturally be much more convenient.

When Philip saw Charlie agree, he said very happily: “Then we have a deal, when you

depart to Eastcliff, tell me in advance!”

Chapter 3253

Sara is gone and Charlie can not help but feel a little lonely.

At this time, the courtyard is silent, the weather is still a little cold, looking up at the

moon and stars in the sky, more let him sigh.

He never imagined that Sara’s concert would come to an end in this way, thinking back

to those old photos of the concert, he was filled with emotion and shame deep inside.

Although he has lived a hard life over the years, but in the orphanage, with Leon’s covert

protection, he could actually be considered to be carefree, but the lack of all kinds of

material conditions were a bit more difficult.

But he never thought before, he suffered these years, Sara and her family were sparing

no effort to find his whereabouts.

This love alone, he has been very moved, do not know how to repay, not to mention,

Sara’s so many years to abide by the marriage contract with him, single-mindedly

waiting for him nearly 20 years of deep love.

So, how can he return this love of the three members of the Gu family, has become a

knot in the heart that can not be solved.

Because he simply can not think of any good way.

After all, he has been married for almost four years, never leaves Claire.

In Charlie’s heart sighing and sighing, Claire wrapped in cotton clothes, holding a down

jacket, came out of the villa.

She came to his side, gently put the down jacket on his shoulders, and said, “Honey, why

did you run outside and stand there? It’s quite cold tonight.”

Charlie smiled and said, “It’s a little stuffy inside, I wanted to come out for some fresh


Claire nodded and said, “Why don’t we stop the floor heating in our house, it’s already

mid-March, there’s no need to keep the heating on.”

Charlie said, “Let’s not turn it off, it’s easy to catch a cold in this season, so it’s much

better to turn on the heating in the house.”

Claire also did not insist, but looked at him and asked with concern: “Honey, why do I

feel as if you have something on your mind? Did you encounter any trouble?”

“No.” Charlie said against his will, “Around Qingming festival, there is a feng shui

reading business to go to Eastcliff, a big family wants me to go over to help look at the

feng shui of the ancestral graves, but it seems to be a bit tricky, I am thinking how to

deal with it.”

The reason why Charlie said this, on the one hand, also do not want to make her think

more, on the other hand, also wants to discuss with her in advance to take a precaution,

to inform her about his own Qingming Festival things, before going to Eastcliff.”

After saying these words, he did not feel complacent because of an excuse to kill two

birds with one stone, on the contrary, he felt a trace of sadness in his heart.

Ever since he had obtained the Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures, the relationship

between him and Claire had been filled with more and more lies.

Although many of these lies were out of good intentions, the nature of the lies could

not be concealed.

Chapter 3254

At this moment, when Claire heard that Charlie was preparing to go to Eastcliff to read

feng shui for others again, she did not suspect in her heart, but only asked him, “Honey,

did you take the job of reading feng shui again?”

“Yes.” Charlie said casually, “The money is quite a lot, so there is no reason to refuse.”

Saying that, Charlie was afraid that Claire would repeat the same old tune, so he

immediately added:

“And wife, you should also know that this group of rich people have their own circle, if

you offend the people inside this circle, it is likely to be blocked by this circle, and may

even be targeted by them, so I am also riding a tiger now, it is impossible to cut off all

This area of business.”

Claire originally wanted to repeat the same old story, according to her idea, as long as

her company gradually saw an upturn, Charlie could gradually reduce the business of

feng shui, as far as possible no longer touch this aspect of things.

But now hearing him say so, she put away her set of rhetoric and helplessly said,

“Honey, then you must pay more attention to yourself.”

Charlie smiled faintly and nodded, “Don’t worry wife, I will.”

She smiled gratefully and said, “It’s getting late, hurry up and go back to bed.”



Late at night, when Charlie and Claire were cuddling and sleeping together, a woman

walked out gingerly in the large courtyard of the Song family villa.

It was already 1:30 in the morning, but instead of sleeping, Nanako came to the

courtyard alone, found a dry place, sat cross-legged in the courtyard, and looked up at

the stars.

Sara’s concert was very shocking to her, with many details that she still hasn’t gotten


At the concert, she first saw her idol Sara’s infatuation and bravery, at that moment, she

revered Sara more and more.

After the concert, she repeatedly pondered this matter, there is always an intuition, as if

Sara in the scene of the object of confession, should be their long-time love of Charlie.

However, she could not think of any clear clues to support her intuition.

She had learned about Charlie’s background, but the specific information was not that

detailed, only that Charlie grew up as an orphan, grew up in the Aurous Hill orphanage,

and then joined the Aurous Hill Willson family.”

“This life experience seems very ordinary, and even with a few sympathetic tragic colors.

However, she could not figure out how exactly Charlie grew from a superfluous son-inlaw to the true Dragon Master Wade, who is respected by everyone in Aurous Hill.”

“And even more so, how he could have such a strong strength and even have such a

heavenly miracle medicine as the Rejuvenating Pill.

One is the Willson family son-in-law, the other is the true dragon, these two images,

simply a day and a place, so Nanako at this time is in a quandary, really can not think of

the connection.

Just when she was puzzled, Warnia walked into the courtyard, slowly came to her, and

asked with a smile, “Nanako, why are you still awake so late?”

Nanako looked back at her and smiled, “I couldn’t sleep, how about you, sister?”

Warnia shrugged her shoulders and returned the same smile, “Me too.”

Nanako smiled heartily and sighed, “Sister can’t sleep, it must be because of Charlie!”

Warnia was slightly stunned, then also smiled emotionally, “Hey, it seems that we both

have the same reason for insomnia.”

Nanako nodded and said without any concealment, “I was thinking that the Prince

Charming that Sara confessed her love for at the concert tonight, could it be him.”

Warnia’s eyes widened and she blurted out,

“I thought exactly the same as you! Although there is no evidence and I can’t think of

any kind of possibility, but I have been suspecting this matter too!”

Nanko didn’t expect that Warnia had thought of it the same as her, and hurriedly said,

“Sister, you have been living in Aurous Hill, and have known Charlie earlier, can you tell

me what his past was like?”

Chapter 3255

Hearing Nanako’s question, Warnia seriously said, “I actually know very little about

Master Wade’s past, I first met him last year in one of our family’s antique stores, at that

time he was not very famous in Aurous Hill, just a superfluous live-in son-in-law with a

very low family status.”

Speaking of this, she turned her words and spoke, “But he was young, mastered a long

lost antique restoration skill, this really shocked me very much, at that time I thought,

this man must have some unknown story.”

Nanako nodded: “There are many shocking things about Charlie, but what I want to

know most is his childhood!”

“For example, where exactly is he from, how did he become an orphan, was he

abandoned by his parents after birth, or was he born without parents, or did he lose

them at a certain point in time and that’s why he became an orphan.”

Warnia frowned and thought for half a day, shook her head, and said, “These ……

honestly I’m not really sure about.”

Nanako analyzed again: “Warnia sister look, Sara said her childhood friend, was missing

when she was five or six years old, according to her age also considering Charlie’s age

backward, that year he should be seven or eight years old, and Sara is from Eastcliff.”

“So this has a very simple dialectical logic: if he is a native of Aurous Hill, then he was

young when he couldn’t have had any interactions with Sara, so naturally he wasn’t

Sara’s Prince Charming, which proves that our intuition was all wrong.”

“But, by the same logic, if Charlie is not a native of Aurous Hill, then the possibility of

this matter is greatly increased!”

“If he is really Sara’s Prince Charming, then it proves that he should have been a native

of Eastcliff when he was a child, and moreover, the time he came to Aurous Hill should

have been around seven or eight years old.”

Warnia nodded with great agreement and said, “According to this, if he also happened

to enter the orphanage when he was seven or eight years old, then the timeline would

basically match.”

“Right.” Nanako said, “Sister, you have connections in Aurous Hill, can you ask someone

to check the records of the Aurous Hill orphanage?”

Warnia thought about it and said, “Checking the records shouldn’t be a big problem,

but in case Master Wade knows that we are investigating him, will he have any

misunderstanding about us?”

“After all, he also has a wide network of people in Aurous Hill, I’m afraid that if I just find

someone to check on my side, he will know about it on the other side.”

“It is indeed so ……,” Nanako thought about it and busily said, “By the way, didn’t you

make a deal with Charlie’s wife to cooperate with her on some projects?”

“Right.” Warnia nodded: “What’s wrong?”

Nanako said, “Then you just need to find a chance to ask her when you meet her, how

old Charlie was when he entered the orphanage, as long as you ask cleverly, she should

not be suspicious, that way, our suspicion will also be revealed!”

Warnia immediately agreed and said, “Then I’ll ask Mrs. Wade to meet us at the group

tomorrow to have a chat!”

After saying that, Warnia looked at Nanako again somewhat bewildered, and asked her,

“But …… Nanako, what do you think the meaning of us doing this is?”

Nanako seriously said, “The meaning of this matter to me, because I love Charlie

unreservedly and deeply, so I can’t control myself to want to know more about his past,

I also know that this idea is very selfish, but I just can’t control myself ……”

Warnia sighed quietly, murmured: “Who is not like this …… I also want to know, he

repeatedly saved me in crisis, let my soul dreaming of Master Wade, in fact, what is the

person …… “

After saying that, she sounded much firmer and spoke, “Tomorrow I will try to ask for



Chapter 3256

The next day, early morning.

Charlie and Claire got up one after another, washed up, and went downstairs for


According to the process of these days, Charlie after breakfast, drives Claire to work, but

the workplace may be uncertain, maybe to the company, may also be to the

construction site of the Emgrand Group, or to Liona’s old mansion.

However, Claire said excitedly to Charlie after a busy work on the phone during the

meal: “Honey! Miss Warnia of the Song family asked me to go to the Song Group to talk

about project cooperation!”

Charlie did not feel surprised, because Warnia had already expressed this intention very

clearly yesterday.

In his opinion, the reason why Warnia did this was definitely that she wanted to help

Claire start her own business to repay him for his help.

So, he didn’t think much about it and asked her, “Then I’ll send you to Song’s Group

after breakfast later, or should we go somewhere else?”

“To Song’s Group!” Claire said without hesitation,

“Miss Song is now the chairman of Song Group, and she should be able to directly shoot

this aspect of the project cooperation, so I have to hurry up and chat with her to see if

we can land the cooperation as soon as possible.”

Elaine at the side couldn’t help but exclaim: “Claire, you’re going to cooperate with the

Song Group now? Gosh! This is too powerful!”

Claire said, “Mom, I’m just going to talk to Miss Song to see if there’s any possibility of


Elaine laughed: “If the president of such a big group takes the initiative to invite you to

talk about cooperation, what else do you need to think about? It will definitely be a

success! In this way, your company will go up another level.”

Claire said, “We will only know this after talking with Miss Song.”

Elaine said without hesitation, “Don’t worry, Claire, this will definitely work. Don’t forget,

Charlie has shown the Song family feng shui, and Warnia came to our house personally

to give a gift before! For the sake of Charlie, how will she let you make a trip for


When Elaine’s words came out, Claire’s mood was a bit dark, she knew that Warnia

wanted to cooperate with her because of her husband’s face, even the cooperation of

the Emgrand Group before, it was Doris who gave it to her because of her husband’s

face, which made her heart’s entrepreneurial enthusiasm more or less suffer a blow.

Charlie saw that Claire was not right, smiled and comforted: “Wife, in fact, many

businesses, are relying on others to help match the bridge to get, however, whether the

business can do well and make the other party satisfied, or rely on own strength, I

believe that in this regard, my wife’s ability is the top.”

Claire smiled gratefully and said seriously, “Thank you, husband ……”

After eating, Charlie drove and sent Claire to Song Group.

He, on the other hand, because he had an appointment with Zhiyu and Melba to have a

meeting at the Emgrand Group, drove off alone and went there.

Claire was treated extremely well at Song’s Group.

Just after she mentioned her name to the receptionist, Warnia received the news and

personally came down from her office to greet her, which made Claire a bit flattered.

After inviting Claire to her office, Warnia opened the door and took out the plans of

several construction projects of the Song Group, and said to Claire:

“Mrs. Wade, these are the projects that we are preparing and will start soon, and the

design plans for the civil construction stage have all been released, but the subsequent

decoration design plans are still being tendered.”

“If Mrs. Wade is interested, these projects can be given to your company.”

Claire was shocked speechless because the total investment of these projects that

Warnia brought out even exceeded fifteen billion.

According to the standard of the construction industry, the design cost of the overall

architectural design generally accounts for about 3% of the total project cost, while the

cost of the interior decoration design generally accounts for 1.5% or less of the total

project cost.

If this ratio is followed, the design fee for the interior decoration of these projects alone

is more than 200 million.

If you get the construction also, the profit doubled more than that!

Chapter 3257

However, Claire knows very well in her heart that with her current strength and ability, it

is impossible for her to cooperate with the Song Group on projects with a total

investment of tens of billions of dollars in one breath.

The overall strength of her company now is far from the scale of a large design

company, plus she still has the project of the Emgrand Group on hand, so the energy

she can spare is even more limited.

Warnia took out this tens of billions of projects, Claire estimated that she could at most

eat one-fifth of it.

However, even one-fifth. It is also a very large piece of cake.

The design fee alone is almost forty million.

While Claire was excited about this, Warnia, who was opposite her, was thinking. But

how to lead the topic to Charlie, and do not let Claire have any suspicion, ask the

questions that they want to ask.

So, she asked her: “Mrs. Wade, do you think your company can cooperate with Song’s

group in these projects?”

Claire seriously said, “Miss Song. Our company can do all these projects, but I’m just a

little bit unsure, are these projects of yours going to start at the same time?”

Warnia explained, “Basically, all these projects have been prepared and launched one

after another, but for so many projects, the timeline should be stretched to half a year or

even a year for each.”

“So that it will be easier for you to arrange your time and energy reasonably, otherwise,

if all these projects are concentrated in a very intensive period of time, I am afraid that

you will also be affected. Otherwise, if all these projects are concentrated in a very

intensive period of time, I am afraid that you will not be able to cope with it.”

What Claire was originally worried about was that her company did not have enough

manpower and energy to eat so many cooperation projects in one bite, but if, according

to Warnia, these projects would be launched one after another within half a year to one

year, then she would have enough time to line up her troops.

In this way, it may not be impossible to take all these projects or take over a large part

of them.

So, she asked Warnia: “Miss Song. Are you going to take all of these projects to work

with us?”

“Yes.” Warnia said very generously, “As long as you are interested, Mrs. Wade, all the

projects can be given to your company, if you can do it yourself, well and good; if you

can’t do it yourself, then you can completely subcontract it to others, and then you can

earn a price difference from the middle.”

Claire really did not expect that Warnia would be so generous. In the past, for this kind

of project, every B-party company would have to scramble for a share. Just like her

parent’s group in the past.”

“In order to get the 30,000 projects of the Emgrand Group, the whole family had to hold

a mobilization meeting, and all of them still had no hope deep inside.

However, Warnia directly sent such a large share to Claire, which made her a little bit

back to her mind, after all, this is no longer a pie from the sky, this is a diamond from

the sky.

Chapter 3258

So. Claire was a little overwhelmed and asked, “Miss Song, this big gift of yours is too

heavy, I …… I am really embarrassed to……”

Warnia laughed: “Mrs. Wade you and I must not be so polite, Master Wade has helped

our family many times and even saved my life, my grandfather and I owe him many

favors. So as long as you feel okay with these projects, Mrs. Wade, I can leave them all

to you.”

Claire was astonished and asked, “Miss Song, you said my husband saved your life? How

come I’ve never heard him mention it before.”

Warnia explained, “It’s like this, when I listened to a con man from Hong Kong, I

accidentally turned my home’s feng shui into a trapped dragon formation, and almost

had a big accident, thanks to Master Wade’s advice I was able to turn the danger into a

success ……”

It was because of her own bad luck, by the fake Hong Kong master’s deception. Then,

she told Claire the story of how the fakeness was detected by Charlie, and finally, how

he helped her to break the Dragon Trap Formation.

Claire listened dumbfounded. She originally thought that her husband’s so-called feng

shui set, more or less had deceptive meaning.

But now, after listening to Warnia’s introduction, she understood. It turns out that

Charlie’s set of things is not just a false head but really has a practical effect.

So, she also couldn’t help but sigh: “Before, I was especially worried that the nature of

my husband’s feng shui reading for others was a kind of a scam, afraid that those

people would come back and look for him again, but now after hearing you say so, I’m

much more relieved.”

Warnia smiled and said very seriously, “There is a big difference between Master Wade

and those charlatans, he has real talent, and that is why everyone holds him in high


Speaking of this, Warnia’s eyes flashed with a hint of essence and said with a smile, “By

the way, Mrs. Wade. I’ve always been curious, what exactly is Master Wade’s origin and

mastery, how could he be so young and proficient in so many profound and mysterious


Claire seriously replied, “I’m not going to lie to you Miss Song, my husband, he doesn’t

have any mastery as far as I know. I don’t think the orphanage would have taught him

this, and I’m not sure where he learned these skills from.”

Warnia immediately asked: “Mrs. Wade, you said that Master Wade lost his parents at a

very early age, so it is possible that his skills were passed on to him by his parents

before he lost them, and if he is a natural talent, it is not impossible to learn something

at a young age.”

Claire, who knew the meaning of Warnia’s words, said stupidly: “But Charlie had just

turned eight when he entered the orphanage. An eight-year-old child, even if he is

talented, can’t have learned any profound skills.”

“Eight years old?!” Warnia’s heart was appalled and asked offhand, “Master Wade ……

really entered the orphanage when he was eight years old?”

“Yes.” Claire nodded with certainty and said, “This is something he has told me many

times before.”

“According to him, his parents met with an accident when he was eight years old, and

he had no other relatives in the world, so he was adopted by the orphanage until he

became an adult.”

Warnia recalled the various details that Nanako analyzed last night and exclaimed in her


“Now, the time Master Wade entered the orphanage and the time when Sara started

looking for her Prince Charming almost exactly coincide, then this is more proof that

Master Wade is that Prince Charming of Sara!”

“This likewise proves that Master Wade is not from Aurous Hill at all, but from Eastcliff!”

“More importantly, Sara is not just a star, many people know that her family background

is very strong, the Gu family can be ranked in the top five in China! And is the only

daughter of Philip Gu, chairman of the Gu Group!”

“Master Wade can set up a marriage contract with a rich woman like Sara from a young

age, which only proves that he himself is also from a famous family after all!”

“And if you look at the country, there are not many big families in total that can match

the Gu family, and within Eastcliff, there are even fewer such big families, only the Su

family, and the Wade family ……”

Thinking of this, Warnia’s heart thumped, and the question deep within her heart

gradually became clear: “Wade family?! Master Wade?! Could it be that ……”

Chapter 3259

What made Warnia realize that something was not quite right was that after all these

clues were cleared and all of them matched with Charlie, Charlie’s surname was like the

last piece of evidence that locked all the clues, making her no longer have any doubts

about her own guesses.

She thought to herself, “So it seems that Master Wade must be the young master of the

Wade family in Eastcliff, and the Wade family must have been very good friends with the

Gu family back then, so when the two children were still young, they had already set up

a marriage, but in the middle of this Master Wade had some changes so that he fell into

Aurous Hill and became an orphan!”

At this thought, she had mixed feelings deep inside her heart.

Before, she felt that Charlie had grassroots origin, but with his own ability he

successfully reversed the model, and it is based on this point, deep inside her heart has

always felt that she is not inferior to Charlie in front of him in every way.

At least, her own origin is better than his, born with a higher social rank than him.

Warnia did not have any intention of looking down on him, she just used this view to

cheer herself up and make herself feel that she was not out of reach with Charlie.

But now she realized that her own origin was not only not better than Charlie’s, on the

contrary, it was simply a hundred thousand miles worse than his.

Eastcliff Wade family’s overall strength is at least more than ten times stronger than the

Song family!

If the base is small, ten times, it does not seem to be too big a gap, but if the base is

large enough, the gap is simply frightening.

To use a simple analogy, one child has a lollipop in his hand, while another child has ten

lollipops in his hand, this tenfold gap is nothing, parents only need to come up with a

few dollars to help their children catch up.

But if it’s your family that has one suite in the local area, and another person has ten

suites in the local area, the gap is too big for many people to overcome.

What’s more, here we are talking about a hundred billion level assets, and the gap with

trillion level assets is simply more than an order of magnitude worse.

It was also at this moment that Warnia’s deep-seated inferiority complex reached its

peak, and now she felt that she had a huge gap with Charlie everywhere and that she

had almost no hope with him.

At this time, Claire, did not know Warnia’s inner changes, she saw her did not speak

again, and thought Warnia was not interested in her husband’s topic, she could not help

but sigh:

“In fact, Charlie really suffered a lot in the past, he lived in the orphanage until he was 18

years old, and then he came out to work to earn money, and he did all the dirty work,

and the money he earned from working, leaving some for self, almost rest of it was

donated to the orphanage to help the younger siblings there.”

Warnia nodded gently, could not help but feel emotion: “To be honest, I really admire

Master Wade, with such a background, he can still silently eat so much suffering ……”

As soon as Warnia spoke, she immediately regretted it.

She could see that Claire did not know Charlie’s true identity at all, so she was afraid

that the sentiment she had just said would make Claire discover the end.

Chapter 3260

But Claire didn’t even think about it.

She thought that Warnia had spoken out of turn and hurriedly said, “In fact, the reason

why Charlie suffered so much was that he came from such a poor background and lost

his parents at a very early age.

Realizing that Claire didn’t notice her mistake, Warnia hurriedly nodded and agreed,

“Mrs. Wade you are right, I was the one who said it wrong.”

After saying that, she hurriedly picked up the documents, selected three project plans

from them, handed them to Claire, and said with a smile,

“Mrs. Wade, you can go back and take a good look at these three projects, these are the

first projects we are ready to start right now, if there are no problems on your side, we

can sign the cooperation agreement first.”

Claire nodded and said, “Okay, Miss Song, I’ll take these materials back, read through

them carefully today, and then think about a feasibility plan, and then we’ll

communicate in detail!”

“No problem!” Warnia took out her business card and handed it to Claire and said, “Mrs.

Wade, this has my contact information, you can contact me at any time if it’s convenient

for you.”

“Okay!” Claire stood up and said, “In that case, I will not disturb Miss Song’s work, we

will contact by phone if there are any problems.”

“OK!” Warnia took the initiative to extend a hand to her and said, “Happy cooperation!”

Claire nodded: “Happy cooperation!”

Warnia also stood up and smiled, “Let’s go, I’ll walk you out.”

She sent Claire out of her office, and after saying goodbye to her, she immediately went

back to her office, took out her cell phone, and made a call to Nanako.

At this moment, Nanako was waiting for Warnia’s feedback at the Song family villa,

because she knew that Warnia was going to meet Claire this morning, so she also

expected her to be able to get some useful key information out of Claire’s mouth.

Therefore, as soon as the call came in, she immediately picked up and asked, “How is

sister warnia?”

Warnia said directly to the point: “Nanako, I suspect that Master Wade is, with 90% to

100% confidence, the young master of the Wade family in Eastcliff!”

Saying that, she then repeated the conversation she had had with Claire just now to


“Eastcliff Wade family?!”

After hearing what she said, Nanako was as if struck by lightning.

Some time ago, both the Su family and the Wade family had approached the Ito family,

hoping to start an ocean shipping cooperation with them, so Nanako knew both the

Wade family and the Su family better.

She knows that the Wade family’s strength has almost reached the tip of the pyramid in

China, and the Su family was slightly stronger than the Wade family in the past, but now

the Su family has divested the entire ocean shipping group to Zhiyu.

So the overall strength of the Su family at present is probably on par with the Wade

family, and may even have been vaguely exceeded by the Wade family.

If Charlie was the young master of the Wade family, that would also mean that he was

actually a direct blood relative of a top Chinese family, which was far from his original

orphan background.

Chapter 3261

For a time, in her heart, Nanako also felt a strong inferiority complex.

Originally, like Warnia, she had a small sense of superiority from her family background

deep inside.

She always felt that she might not be able to compare with Charlie in many aspects, but

at least, she was still a big girl from a big family.

But now it seems that he is not only in this point, not inferior to her, on the contrary, but

he is also still a young master from a large family.

The only advantage they had was crushed.

For a while, the two girls on the phone coincidentally silent.

After a long time, it was Nanako who took the lead in breaking the silence and spoke:

“Sister Warnia, I have briefly investigated some of these two families when the Su family

and the Wade family wanted to cooperate with our family.”

“It seems that among the middle-aged sons of the Wade family in this generation, there

is indeed one person who was lost a long time ago, if he is really the young master of

the Wade family, it is most likely that he is the son of this person!”

Warnia actually knew very little about the Wade family.

These large families are particularly concerned about protecting their privacy, so, in

addition to the local families in Eastcliff, more or less understand their situation, the

non-local families only vaguely have a general idea, deeper details simply they do not


Moreover, Changying died in that era, information dissemination was still very

backward, ordinary people understand the news in only two ways, one is the television,

one is the newspaper.

And the television at that time, almost rarely reruns the news, not to mention the

Internet video platform to help them keep the video files, so this means that if news just

began to expose out when you missed it, you will probably never have the opportunity

to see.

Because of this, Warnia had no idea how many members of the Wade family there were,

what each one’s name was, let alone that any of these had disappeared twenty years


So she said to Nanako, “I’ve never heard of the Wade family’s internal situation, so I’m

not sure who of their middle-aged sons and daughters have disappeared.

Nanako said, “No need, sister Warnia!”

Warnia asked in confusion, “Don’t you want to know more details?”

Nanako smiled faintly and said seriously, “Since Charlie has not said these things, it

proves that he does not want us or others to know this, we are all people who have

received favors from him, we can’t just pry into his secrets just because we want to

satisfy our own curiosity.”

Warnia froze, then sighed and said quietly, “You’re right …… this matter we really

shouldn’t dig too deep ……”

Saying that, Warnia reluctantly lamented: “Hey, I actually think, although we have so

many clues to echo on, but have not found a conclusive evidence to prove that our

speculation is true, nine, eight out of ten, but there is always that one or two percent

other possibilities, I want, in fact, is the nail on the coffin.”

Nanako felt empathetic and said: “I understand what you mean …… right sister Warnia, I

heard someone say that the Wade family will hold a very grand ancestral ceremony at

Qingming festival this year.”

“When you can pay attention to see if Charlie went to Eastcliff, if he also happens to be

in Eastcliff at that time, then this matter will be completely nailed down.”

“Ancestor Ritual Ceremony?” Warnia was surprised and asked, “How do you know?”

Nanako said, “People from the Wade family came to see my father and talked about

these things. It is said that they bought a mountain for their own feng shui and built it

as the ancestral tomb of the Wade family, and the ancestral ceremony of the Wade

family is held only once every twelve years, so it is very grand.”

“I understand.” Warnia was busy saying, “Then I will keep an eye on Master Wade’s

trajectory at that time to see if he will leave Aurous Hill and go to Eastcliff.”

Chapter 3262

The ancestral ceremony scheduled to be held by the Wade family in twenty days had

indeed touched many people.

Not only the Wade family in Eastcliff, but also the branches of the family all over the

country and even the world began to prepare for this ancestor worship ceremony early.

Even in Charlie’s heart, he was vaguely looking forward to this ceremony, because he

had long decided to get Zynn back from Syria at this ancestral ceremony, so that he

could personally kneel in front of his parents’ graves and repent, in order to console the

spirits of his parents in heaven.

Although Zynn is not the murderer who directly killed his parents, but this is a very

important start for Charlie.

From Zynn onwards, he will start with those who were once enemies of his parents, one

by one, to uncover, so that they pay the price for their actions!

And in addition to Charlie, there is another person who has been thinking about this

ancestral ceremony, that person is in Syria, Zynn.

During this period of time, Zynn has been counting the days, because he knows that the

time to Qingming is getting closer and closer, which means that the day to return to his

country is getting closer and closer.

Although he also knew that the so-called return to China was actually being escorted by

Charlie to the ancestral grave of the Wade family and kowtowing to Changying to

confess his sins, which was essentially an outright insult to him.

But even so, he is very much looking forward to this day.

Because, in his heart, he knew one thing very well, that is: “If I stay in this sh!tty place in

Syria, in Hamid’s base, then my whereabouts will never be known by my family!”

“But if Charlie can let me return to my country, even if it means that I have to go to the

ancestral grave of the Wade family to kowtow and admit my mistake, I have a certain

chance to let the Su family know my specific situation!”

“It’s not good to say that my father can still have a way to get me out.”

“Really can’t, he can still go to negotiate with Charlie, the big deal is to give up some

benefits and exchange me back.”

“So, even if there is only one percent chance, it is better than no chance at all!”

During this period of time, Zynn’s life in Syria was not good.

Hard conditions, at first he was not adaptable, but after some days he slowly was able to


However, the most depressing thing about this recent period is that Hamid does not

know which tendon is not right, and began to build infrastructure in this mountain nest!

In the surrounding mountains, twenty-four hours a day, he can hear the deafening

sound of construction, the sound of all kinds of machinery roar is surrounding him.

According to his observation, now the base, built more than one concrete mixing plant,

24 hours a day non-stop production of concrete, and then by high-pressure concrete

pump, one station to the surrounding hillside, and in the surrounding hillside, explosives

to open the movement of the mountain is also happening from time to time.

It is not easy to say when the gun will be released, and sometimes even in the early

hours of the morning disturbing his sleep.

Each time the cannon fire, accompanied by a burst of ground shaking.

This is just one aspect, more annoying is, each time after the use of explosives to open

the mountain, there will be heavy machine guns bursts, roaring up the sky non-stop.

At this time in the Middle East, the sky has just dawned, but Zynn woke up two hours

ago, by the machine roar of the night and it is hard to sleep.

After just two hours of sleep, he listened to the sound of several explosions rumbling

outside, the vibration of the explosion almost collapsed his roof, so he was awakened

from sleep, thought the war, pulling his legs to run outside.

He was immediately spotted by a soldier standing guard on the opposite roof, who

immediately pointed his gun at him and shouted angrily: “What are you doing? If you

try to run out again, I’ll shoot you!”

Zynn was so angry that he cursed and blurted out, “What the hell are you staring at me

for? The enemy’s shells are coming, why don’t you hurry up and go to the front line

position to support them!”

The man heard this, put down his gun, waved his hand, and said, “Do not be afraid,

there is no war, that is our engineering battalion opening the mountain, just a breath

detonated six working surfaces of the explosive point, so the noise is a little bit loud.”


Zynn jumped up and cursed: “Are you people sick? Day and night non-stop shelling to

open the mountain, after the shelling, it is more than a dozen air compressors on work.

That sh!t suddenly starts rumbling loudly when it doesn’t move, just like having a

fcuking Parkinson’s seizure, how to fcuking live here!”

Chapter 3263

The soldier saw Zynn jumping with his head swaying in a hurry and immediately said

with a serious face: “Hey! Are you tired of living? Watch your words! Otherwise, I will not

be polite to you!”

Zynn said angrily: “Nonchalant to me? Let’s be reasonable, any construction site, there

must be time and date, there is no such thing as you work blindly 24 hours a day,

regardless of day and night?”

“In our country, only during the daytime it is allowed to do these big movements, and

when the end of the day, all construction sites have to stop working and rest.”

“But you guys are good, you work endlessly, if you continue to do this, I will have a

nervous breakdown!”

“You go get your Commander Hamid, I want to question him face to face!”

The soldier said in a cold voice: “I tell you, these permanent fortifications and counterslope fortifications that we are building now are ordered by Commander Hamid himself,

asking us to finish them as soon as possible.”

“This matter is now the top priority of our entire base, everything must give way to it,

not to mention you, even our deputy commanders, are not qualified to question!”

After hearing this, Zynn’s entire face was dumbfounded.

“What are you saying? You are constructing permanent fortifications and counter-slope


“That’s right!” The soldier said proudly, “We are now building a powerful set of offensive

and defensive fortifications, and we also have to prepare a large number of strategic

reserves in advance.”

“Now our permanent fortifications on the four sides of the mountain, as well as the antislope fortifications have taken shape.”

“If there is a little more time, these mountains will be dug with dense pits inside, by

then, no one in the whole of Syria will be able to come in and fight!”

Zynn heard, the whole person dumbfounded.

No wonder the rumbling and grumbling all day long, so it is the construction of

permanent fortifications!

No wonder there are truck convoys outside these days to bring things inside, it turns

out that Hamid is engaging in permanent fortifications, while making strategic reserves.

This made Zynn puzzled and thought, “This guy Hamid, wherein did he learn such a set

of the strategic theory of digging deep and accumulating food?”

“The key is that he is a Middle Eastern man who can dig deep and accumulate grain, but

why is he playing with counter-slope fortifications?”

“This is our military’s mastery from centuries ago! Why did he learn it too?”

“The enemy’s artillery bombardment from the outside of the mountain made it difficult

to hit the anti-slope fortifications on the inside of the mountain. Now this man Hamid

has learned it! What an outrage!”

“Moreover, the overall level of development of Syria is quite low, both the government

forces and the anti-government forces are still stuck in the firepower level of the World

War II era.”

“In addition Syria is originally more mountainous and dotted with hills, doing this set, I

have to say, it is really suitable for a mess!”

Zynn so thought, and suddenly flashed a figure in his head.

“Charlie! It must be Charlie! It must be this man who quietly taught the gems of our

army back then to this guy Hamid!”

“If this was put aside decades ago, this son of a b!tch Charlie can be shot dead!”

Chapter 3264

Once he thought that Hamid attached so much importance to this matter, Zynn also

knew that Hamid was now transformed into the Syrian version of the infrastructure

maniac, and this kind of protest by him would be useless.

So, he said to the soldier resentfully, “Young man, can I discuss something with you?”

The soldier looked at him warily and questioned, “What do you want?”

Zynn said, “I want a pair of earplugs, to isolate the noise, so that when you turn around

and open the mountain again, I can also be less affected!”

“No!” The soldier gave him a blank look and took out a ball of crumpled toilet paper

from his pocket and threw it at Zynn’s feet from the wall, saying, “You can make do with


“Fcuk.” Zynn said with a depressed face: “To solve this fcuking matter, what the fcuk am I

supposed to do with the toilet paper? How so disgusting? It’s not like you’re done with

what you’re doing, and you’re carrying it in your pocket, right?”

“You bull5hit!” The young soldier’s face was red with anger and he blurted out, “I pulled

off a piece of it when I came to change my post and put it in my pocket with my hand,

you don’t need it, don’t talk nonsense there!”

Zynn listened, convinced to bend down, extremely carefully he pinched an edge of the

ball of the toilet paper, spread it a little bit, and found that indeed it was not used

before, sighing with relief, he put the toilet paper in his pocket.

Not afraid to say it, since he came to Syria, he has not used such soft toilet paper.

The soldier saw him put his toilet paper into his pocket and said with a contemptuous

face: “All right, I’m not going to bother with your nonsense, hurry back to your room!”

Zynn is also full of displeasure, turning his head to go back, suddenly the entire base

sounded with ear-piercing air defense sirens.

Although he had never experienced war, Eastcliff had often conducted air defense drills

before, so as soon as the noise came out, he asked the soldier nervously,

“What’s going on? What’s going on? The enemy is coming to attack?”

The soldier was also very nervous and blurted out,

“The air defense siren is not necessarily an air raid, our commander has stipulated that

the air defense siren will be sounded as long as the enemy is found within a 30-

kilometer radius in the vicinity!”

“Fcuk ……”

Zynn panicked, he could not remember how many dirty words he said today, he only

knew that once Hamid’s base is attacked, then his own life would be in danger, bullets

and shells are not long-eyed.

In case a shell blasted down If a shell comes down and kills him, who would he talk to?

At that moment, a voice suddenly came from the soldier’s intercom, the soldier

immediately picked it up and listened for a while.

Then he immediately jumped down from the wall, pulled Zynn’s collar, and dragged him

out, saying as he walked:

“A large number of government troops are found 30 kilometers south of the base, it is

estimated that the war will start! You quickly follow me to the mountain!”

Zynn slapped his head and said in a depressed voice: “Fcuk …… I’m not going! I don’t

know how to fight, why do you want me to go up the mountain?”

“The bullets don’t have eyes, in case one takes me out, how will your commander

explain to Charlie?”

The soldier blurted out, “Who asked you to go to war? I am taking you up the mountain,

of course, to take you to hide in the anti-slope pit!”

“The commander has just given an order for everyone to enter the designated

backslope pit within 30 minutes, if you want to stay here and take the shells, then you

can stay!”

After saying that, the soldier let go of him, turned his head, and walked out.

Only then did Zynn remember that the backslope pit itself was not a fortification?

The shells are difficult to hit the backslope, and even if they do, they can’t blow up the

pit dug into the mountain and reinforced with concrete.

Therefore, if the army really attacked, it is definitely safest to hide in the anti-slope pit!

Thinking of this, he hurried to catch up with the soldier and said with a quiet face:

“Brother, brother, don’t be angry, I’ll come with you, alright?”

Chapter 3265

At this moment, Hamid, wearing a camouflage uniform, is standing in the southernmost

highland fortification of the base, using tripod-type high-powered binoculars to look


Thirty kilometers away has actually been very far, so ordinary binoculars simply can not

see, these high-power binoculars can only show a general view, and the distance is too

far, the lens distortion is great, thus seeing things is very difficult.

However. He still saw the large army that was advancing toward him in the distance

from the field of view of the binoculars.

He was a little confused, the government forces have recently been fighting those few

larger resistance forces? How come they have freed up their hands to come towards

their side so quickly?

So. He immediately instructed his adjutant: “Go, hurry up and contact the hidden sentry

in front, prepare to release the drone immediately, and within five minutes, tell me their

numbers as well as their equipment!”

“Yes, Commander!”

Hamid’s adjutant immediately turned around and left, running inside to contact the

concealed sentry at the front by radio.

Soon. The concealed sentry immediately released several civilian aerial drones bought

from China.

These kinds of ordinary drones are sold in China for only a few thousand dollars, in the

country is nothing more than a toy for photography enthusiasts, aerial photography

enthusiasts, but in the Middle East, the strategic role of this thing is very powerful.

First of all, it flies high, after a slight modification, it can fly to a height of one or two

kilometers, the map can reach nearly ten kilometers in the open, the flight speed can

reach sixty to seventy kilometers per hour, the key is the original fuselage as long as the

palm of the hand.

When it flies up in the sky at hundreds of thousands of meters in height, to the nak3d

eye it is simply invisible, and one cannot hear its flight noise, thus it is suitable for use in

battlefield reconnaissance.

If it is faced with advanced modern equipment, this thing is certainly useless, before

going up it can be found and beaten down.

But if the front is ordinary motorized troops, the other side is really defensible.

So, this kind of drone is used a lot in the military field in the Middle East.

Once several drones took to the air, the size of the enemy force was quickly scouted out.

The adjutant reported to Hamid, “Commander. The size of the opposing army is about

eight thousand men, with ten armored vehicles, thirty-six towed howitzers, plus about

sixty transport trucks of various kinds, and the scouts in front said that it looks like it

should be Russian-made 152mm towed howitzers.”

“Damn it!” Hamid cursed, “That’s the firepower of two fcuking artillery battalions! What

do they want? What are they trying to do, blow us up?”

As he was talking, the deputy commander hurried in, panting, “Commander, I just got

word that the government army has hired 10,000 mercenaries from an overseas

mercenary group called the Cataclysmic Front.”

“It is said that these 10,000 mercenaries are extremely powerful and have already

conquered several anti-government forces one after another! Including the Hafiz, who

used to have a good relationship with us, two nights ago even he was nested!”

Hamid was dumbfounded: “What? Hafez got killed? How come I’ve never heard of this?”

The vice commander said awkwardly: “Everyone is scattered in the ravine, there is no

information, and we are recently working hard on infrastructure, we have no time to

care about the outside ……”

Hamid hurriedly asked again, “What is the origin of that what the Cataclysmic Front?”

Chapter 3266

The vice commander explained:

“Cataclysmic Front is a non-governmental mercenary organization that has risen in the

past few years, they have a number of mercenary training bases around the world, the

Middle East countries, Africa, South America, these more troubled place have traces of


“These years they are developing rapidly, under the command, the registered

mercenaries have 50,000 to 60,000 people, comprehensive strength has now been

among the top five global mercenary organizations!”

In this world, not every country or region is as peaceful and prosperous as China. Many

regions are in constant war, so mercenaries are simply everywhere in such places.

Most mercenaries are a bunch of desperadoes, they do not have any sense of justice,

only serve for money, ready to sell their lives for whoever pays, and some mercenaries

are dependent on the survival of certain countries, such as the famous American


“They train a large number of mercenaries, specifically for the U.S. government services.”

“The U.S. military operations in the Middle East, almost can not be separated from the

participation of Blackwater mercenaries, and some of the areas, the government forces

feel inconvenient to step in and such mercenaries act on their behalf.

And this Cataclysmic Front belongs to the first kind.

Hamid listened to the introduction of the Cataclysmic Front after a burst of the head,

asked off the cuff: “Hiring the Cataclysmic Front 10,000 mercenaries. At least a few

million dollars a day, right?”

The deputy commander said: “Commander, the price of the Cataclysmic Front is

extremely high, even the ordinary mercenaries under their command ask for one or two

thousand dollars a day.”

“The price of officers is even higher, some ask more than ten thousand dollars a day, it is

said that they have four war wings under their command, if anyone is out, the cost of a

day will be hundreds of thousands of dollars …… “

Hamid dumbfounded asked, “Really? Why is it so expensive?!”

The vice commander explained: “The reason why the Cataclysmic Front has been able to

rise in these years, relying on the superb combat power, their mercenaries are welltrained, especially the core cadre members.”

“The only problem is the high price, the average person really can not afford to hire.”

Hamid frowned and said, “According to this calculation. The 10,000 mercenaries would

cost more than $20 million a day?”

“Right.” The vice commander wiped his sweat and said somewhat nervously,

“I also received news that this time one of the four commanders of the Cataclysmic

Front has come! It is said that this person is able to defeat a hundred with one in battle!”

Hamid couldn’t help but shiver and said offhandedly, “I don’t fcuk!ng understands,

where the hell did the government army get the money to hire so many mercenaries?”

The deputy commander explained, “The government army doesn’t have so much

money, but they are willing to allocate a piece of land in Syria to the Cataclysmic Front

to prepare a base after eliminating the anti-government forces, that’s why the

Cataclysmic Front is so active.”

“Sh!t …… is finished ……” Hamid’s heart was dead, completely panicked.

He thought to himself, “If this information is true, then I’m afraid there must be several

thousand mercenaries from the Cataclysmic Front in that unit 30 kilometers away ……”

“Now I have a total of a few thousand people, and the level of training is far from the

top of the mercenaries, and the other side almost 8,000 people, and so many armored

vehicles and tractor artillery.”

“Whether the number of soldiers, the level of training and weaponry, I do not have any

advantage of this team, if we really fight this time, basically no chance of winning ah


The extremely nervous Hamid, suddenly remembered Charlie, so he immediately took

out his satellite phone, called him!

And at this time, Charlie just picked up Claire who came out of Song’s group, on the way

to send her to the company.

When he suddenly received a call from Hamid, he was also very surprised, so he opened

his mouth and asked, “Brother, why are you calling me all of a sudden?”

Hamid’s voice tremblingly said, “Brother Wade, your brother… my life is not long, if Zynn

dies here, you must not blame me ah!”

Charlie heart stuttered, hurriedly asked: “What happened?

Hamid let out a long sigh:

“Government forces have hired a group of well-trained overseas mercenaries, in a short

period of time they have destroyed a lot of troops more than I armed.”

“Now there is a force of more than 8,000 people only less than 30 kilometers away from

me, I am afraid that this time I will not be able to carry over!”

Chapter 3267

Once Charlie heard this, the whole person immediately felt a jolt, hurriedly first pull over

and park, off the record, said, “Brother, you do not panic, I ask you, how is the overall

level of government troops?”

“Not good.” Hamid said, “But the mercenaries they hired this time are very powerful. It is

one of the world’s top Cataclysmic Front, it is said that it has sent 10,000 soldiers over to

help the government army.”

Charlie frowned and asked, “Cataclysmic Front, what’s the origin?”

“I’m not really sure.” Hamid replied, “It is said to be a Chinese-founded mercenary

organization, which has seen rapid development in recent times.”

“The scale and strength are very strong! The quality of their single soldier is much higher

than the government army! Basically, they are developed countries special forces kind of


Charlie said with surprise: “I have never heard of this organization, I know the United

States Blackwater, Russia’s Cossacks, this Cataclysmic Front, I have heard for the first


Hamid sighed: “You usually have little opportunity to deal with mercenaries, this group

of people certainly you not understand, they are, frankly speaking, commercially

operated professional soldiers, paid to do things.”

“In our kind of more war-torn places they are most active, this Cataclysmic Front is said

to have the command of tens of thousands of people, including the top expert level

nearly a hundred people.”

“These are very strong, their war gods put the strongest four under the command of

one of the leaders, and also sent to Syria ……”

Charlie asked him:

“Don’t be nervous, first whatever the level of special forces, they will die when hit by the

bullet, your single soldier quality is not as good as his, but you occupy the time and

place, as long as you can play to your advantage, the real fight you may not lose.”

Saying that, Charlie asked again, “How is the repair of your permanent fortifications and

anti-slope pit?”

Hamid said, “I have been asking them to work overtime recently! But the workload is

really too big, and it’s really hard to implement the whole plan completely in such a

short period of time ……”

Charlie calmly said, “I understand, you just tell me, your frontal defense of permanent

fortifications as well as the reverse ramp pit, whether it can be put into use?”

“Can.” Hamid said: “My frontal fortification at the entrance of the base has almost been

built, after all, this is the top priority of my entire defense.”

“As for the backslope tunnel, I have dug on all sides, but now the inside is not yet open,

not formed inside the network of pits, but I have stockpiled a large number of supplies

inside, enough to hold for a year or two, not a problem.”

“Good!” Charlie said off the record, “Then I ask you, do you know the other side of the

8,000 troops, how exactly is the firepower distribution?”

Hamid said, “10 armored vehicles, more than 30 towed artillery, and 50 or 60 trucks,

pulling supplies and ammunition.”

Charlie thought about it and asked, “Do you know the specifications and models of the

30-odd towed artillery pieces?”

Hamid said, “The scouts said visually that they should be Russian 152mm artillery.”

Charlie’s father, Changyang, was a standard military fan, and there used to be a whole

room at home full of models of various weapons and equipment, and there were

countless books, magazines, and materials on various weapons and equipment.

Chapter 3268

Charlie as a child, had very much understanding of various weapons and equipment.

Therefore, he said almost without thinking,

“There are many models of Russian 152mm artillery, but I presume that the ones that

can reach Syria should all be produced in the 1970s and 1980s, or even older, so the

effective range should be around twenty kilometers.”

Hamid asked in surprise, “Brother, you know all this?”

Charlie gave a hmph and asked again, “Does the other side have any air firepower?”

“No.” Hamid said, “The government forces have a total of a dozen broke Su 24, a large

part lying in the hangar and cannot fly, can fly up to defend the capital, and occasionally

fight the terrorists, simply can not spare energy to fight me, and the Su 24 also has little

meaning, just to drop some bombs.”

He further said: “As for the helicopter gunships, I am not afraid of him to come, anyway,

their helicopter gunships performance is not too good, I have a lot of shoulder-fired

missiles here, to fight helicopters easily, I guess they do not want to take helicopters


Charlie slightly relieved, said: “So it seems that the probability is purely ground war, then

you do not need to rush for the time being.”

Saying that, he added: “I suggest you can first observe the other side’s intention,

because the other side has a great advantage in numbers itself.”

“If they want to attack strongly, they will not bring so much artillery, so their strategic

intention, should be the same as the ground war model between countries decades ago,

want to play with you infantry artillery synergy!”

Hamid asked, “What is infantry and artillery synergy?”

Charlie said:

“The infantry and artillery synergy, to put it bluntly, is the artillery bombardment after

the infantry rush, infantry rush without artillery bombardment, used in your current


“The other side should intend to first use artillery to cover with artillery shelling, after

bombing a mess, personnel cut in half, combat power waste, then use armored vehicles

to cover the infantry rushed.”

Hamid said approvingly, “You’re right, I think they must want to give me an intensive

bombardment first!”

Charlie then said:

“Bombing you should not be afraid, because you already have a counter-slope pit, now

hurry first, take your most valuable personnel and supplies and equipment and transport

them to the counter-slope pit, and then hurry to have your valuable helicopter gunships

to fly away.”

“The other side is in a large number, you can not play a big game with these helicopters,

or first take them hundreds of kilometers away, find an unoccupied valley or hilltop flat

ground to park, if later the other side shelling a start, your helicopters are estimated to

be all kneeling.”

“Yes, yes, yes!” Hamid came back to his senses and immediately ordered his adjutant,

“Tell the helicopter pilots to get ready, fly north and find a place to hide a hundred

kilometers away!”

It was no wonder Hamid panicked, although he had been tangled with the government

forces for a long time, there had never been a large-scale conflict.

So, his sense of the big picture is not that strong, at best, it is a small guerrilla leader


Now the government forces suddenly assembled such a powerful armed force to attack

him, he was immediately a little overwhelmed, completely at a loss as to how to


On the contrary, Charlie, who has never fought in a war but is more comprehensive in

his considerations, can remain 100% calm at such times and carefully analyze the

situation and give more reasonable advice.

Charlie said to him at this time:

“You have a certain impression of the landscape, I probably have a certain impression,

surrounded by hilly mountain roads, winding and rugged, so the other side of the

advance you will not be too fast, and you should not be too anxious to let the helicopter

leave immediately.”

Saying this he also suggested: “You can now first let the helicopter help lift some

precious heavy equipment to your counter-slope pit, at the same time you also have to

let your front-line scouts pay close attention to the other side’s movements.”

“When the other side stops marching and began to deploy artillery, it is even not too

late to let the helicopter leave.”

“The other side has 30 or 40 towed artillery pieces, from the state of towing to a

complete stop, and then fully deploying and calculating the coordinates, adjusting the

angle, readying for the artillery fire, this all needs a long time, you have enough time to

react, don’t need to panic!”

Chapter 3269

“That’s true.”

Hearing Charlie’s words, Hamid calmed down a little and said awkwardly, “Brother, I’m

not afraid of what you say, the thing is, since I joined the revolution, I have never seen

such a big battle, I’m indeed a little nervous ……”

“Never mind.” Charlie comforted: “This kind of thing, the turn of anyone’s head will be

nervous, what you have to do now is not to mess up.”

Saying that he added: “I guess the other party’s strategic intent is very simple, they know

the location of your base, know that you are not going to run away.”

“So they will certainly come up to you and there will be full-frontal shelling, and what

you have to do in this time is to endure!”

“If the other side fires at you, you must not return fire with artillery, let alone send your

helicopter gunships, or your elite troops to try to fight a counterattack or a sneak


“Huh? Why?” Hamid blurted out, “I was just about to tell you that I was going to hurry

up and send an elite force of three to five hundred men to sneak over and ambush them

right now, waiting to catch them off guard!”

“How can the other side let you get your way so easily?” Charlie said off the cuff: “No

need to think, the other side must be preventing you from this hand!”

“Don’t forget, they have 8,000 people, just 2,000 people in ambush around the artillery

position, you send 3,500 people over, the other side can easily cover you! When the

time comes, your men will definitely have no return!”

Hamid was stunned and said offhandedly, “Brother you are right …… I was hasty ……”

At this point, Charlie continued to instruct: “You have to remember one thing, the other

side’s commander since he can command 8,000 troops, it is absolutely impossible to be

stupid, he will at most only make the mistake of rash and adventure.”

“But will not make mistakes of principle, protect the artillery, protect the supply wagons,

it is the basic principle that all commanders understand, he will definitely not leave you

the opportunity for a sneak attack.”

“Right!” Hamid said seriously: “If I have dozens of artillery, I will also focus on artillery

defense, it is impossible to focus only on the front line of battle and leave the rear

unattended, after all, this is the key to firepower suppression.”

Charlie hummed, and said: “If he wants to blow up, you let him blow up, anyway he


After a pause, he continued, “Didn’t he just drive 50 or 60 trucks? Even if he has thirty

truckloads of shells, even if he finishes all thirty truckloads of shells, it will not be

possible to blow down your rocky mountain by tens of centimeters, so you don’t have to

be afraid at all.”

“If he only shells, you will all hide in the reverse ramp trench, so basically there will be no

attrition because of the shelling.”

“After all the shells are fired, they will only have infantry left, then 8,000 infantry will

attack your hill, you will be able to defend it with 800 men, then you will win and never


“Okay!” Hamid heavily agreed and said, “I know! Will definitely follow my brother’s


Charlie added: “In addition, you must keep an eye on when his armored vehicles start to

cover the infantry and charge your base, and are almost at your base’s heels, then you

can have your elite troops leave the anti-slope pit and head to the frontal permanent

fortifications to counterattack.”

“And this time to counterattack, you must also remember, absolutely no early fire, must

wait for the other side to enter into your effective range!”

“Close range before firing, not only can effectively kill the enemy, but also make the

other side’s artillery dare not casually give support, because your soldiers in the

permanent fortifications, can withstand the vast majority of artillery attacks, while their

soldiers have nothing but helmets on their heads.”

“In case they also enter the killing range of artillery, there will certainly be a large

number of dead and wounded.”

Chapter 3270

Saying that, Charlie continued to analyze: “In fact, if the other side of 8,000 ground

troops all launched a strong attack, for you it is nothing, your place is high and


“The standard is easy to defend and difficult to attack, absolutely counted as a man in

the gate, ten thousand men can not open, plus your new permanent fortifications,

defensive strength will be greatly enhanced, and, even if the other side attacked in you

do not have to be afraid.”

“When the time comes they just attacked in, your counter-slope of the pit will become

your dumpling position, then still occupy the high ground and the advantage of the pit,

and the enemy who came in is miserable, surrounded from the inside by you, there is no

place to retreat for them!”

“Holy sh!t!” Hamid suddenly got excited and blurted out, “Brother! Great! It’s really

great! I was a little nervous, but after hearing you say that, I can’t wait for them to come


Charlie said: “You can have this mentality, which is the best, seize the time, arrange the

troops, make the final pre-battle preparations, remember my words, do not be anxious,

do not be dry, must be a good shrinking turtle! Also be prepared for the worst, if the

situation really can’t be carried, go for the best plan.”

“Got it!” Hamid said excitedly, “I’ll arrange it! brother, I will communicate with you in

time, you must ensure that the phone is open, your brother can survive this wave, it all

depends on you!”

Charlie solemnly said: “Do not worry, my phone must be on 24 hours a day, as long as

you call, I must answer in seconds!”

“Okay brother, with your words I am relieved! You wait for my good news!”

“Good, I wish you a great victory!”

Charlie finished speaking, and only then hung up the phone.

Just after hanging up the phone, Claire on the passenger side asked with a shocked

face: “Honey, who called you? How come there’s a war going on?”

Charlie said: “Hmm, wife, you misunderstood, not what the war matter, it is the game!”

“A buddy of mine recently got hooked on a military game, and someone is going to

attack his base with troops. He didn’t know how to arrange his troops, so he called me

to ask.”

When Claire heard this explanation from him, she didn’t have any doubts.

After all, she grew up living in a peaceful era, and such things as fighting a war were

really too far away from her.

If Charlie really told her the truth and told her that he was actually helping a friend in

Syria fight a war, she would instead think that Charlie was making fun of her.

So, she smiled and said, “So your friend is really into playing games, just a little thing,

and called you for advice.”

Charlie nodded and said, “Wife you do not know, the game is set to be particularly cruel,

no matter how long you spent in the game before buried in development, once you fail,

there is nothing, so every war you must try to win, otherwise you have to start all over


Claire laughed, “I understand! No one wants to put their energy into the water, just like

the old days of playing the jumping game, no matter how far you jump, once you fail

you have to start all over again ……”

“Right.” Charlie looked at the time, drove the car onto the main road, and said, “Wife, I’ll

send you to the company first.”

Claire answered and smiled, “Okay!”

Chapter 3271

At this moment, Hamid’s base deep in the mountains of Syria is a tense and busy place.

All the soldiers are using the fastest speed to welcome the coming war under the rising


Hamid’s only helicopter gunships have all taken off and started to transfer some of the

more important equipment and materials inside the base to the anti-slope pit halfway

up the mountain.

Soldiers also began to enter the pit in an orderly manner under the command of officers

at all levels, while those construction teams that were still working just now, as well as

soldiers from the engineering battalion, also began to settle all the equipment as fast as

they could.

At the same time, the scouts from the front line sent back the news that the other side

was not moving very fast.

Although the armored vehicles were able to maneuver quickly, those several thousand

soldiers, for the most part, had to rely on foot.

And the wagons were already loaded with a large number of supplies, and towed with

the artillery behind, in this winding mountain road, the speed of movement was not

much faster than running.

This made Hamid more relieved.

The other side came aggressively, but also quite slow.

It is also possible that in the eyes of the other side, they are already the meat of their

mouth, so they are not at all anxious.

And the other side is not afraid of his escape, because their goal is to destroy his base,

as far as possible to eliminate his troops, as for his own death, it does not matter.

For Hamid, the opposition forces, the base is their everything, there are bases they can

have a life foundation, once they lose the protection of the base, they will be like a dog,

can only be passively beaten.

And if the soldiers under Hamid, wiped out seventy to eighty percent, then Hamid will

not have the possibility of turning over, then he can only hide, tired by running, simply

no longer have the ability to launch any counterattack, or cause any threat.

So this crusading force is not in a hurry, they also know that Hamid has found himself,

but they simply do not care.

But what they didn’t know was that Hamid now, was not the Hamid before.

He now has the strength to resist them!

The arrogance of the other side gave Hamid more than an hour of breathing time.

After more than an hour, everyone in this base, all withdrew into the backslope pit.

All the houses inside the base, became decorative, and all the valuable and useful things

inside, were also taken away by all means.

Some of the large power generation equipment originally too late to dismantle, but also

because of the time of more than an hour, in an orderly were emergency lifted using the

helicopter and sent into the backslope pit.

There are a few engineering equipment really can not be put in, then directly were flown

north from the base.

Hamid’s soldiers, at this moment, were in the backslope pit sitting in an orderly manner

to check the guns and ammunition, ready to attack at any time to meet the battle.

When everything was ready, the front-line scouts sent back the latest information that

the opponent’s army had stopped at a gentle area 20 kilometers away in a straight line.

At the same time, the opponent’s more than 30 tractor-trailer artillery pieces began to

unfold in place.

Hamid knew very well that this should be the other side’s chosen artillery position, and

after they unfolded the artillery and prepared for the attack, the first round of shelling

would begin.

Chapter 3272

While the artillery was being deployed, the enemy left more than 2,000 soldiers to

defend the artillery positions, and the remaining 5,000 infantry, immediately under the

path of armored vehicles, continued to move towards Hamid’s base!

When Hamid heard this news, his heart gave a jolt and he thought to himself, “The

infantry is really moving closer to me! They must be preparing to use artillery to shell me


“And when the shelling is over, when this 5,000 infantry are at the gate, they should

launch a charge! This should be the infantry artillery synergy tactic that brother Charlie

said, good, see how I will beat your infantry back then!”

Then, he immediately ordered, “Pass the order to everyone to prepare for the artillery

attack! Everyone must wear helmets, cover their ears, do not leave the pit, and also pass

down the order, do not lean against the pit wall, it is best to lie on the ground.”

“If there is something softer cushioned, it would be better, this can effectively alleviate

the vibration damage caused by the close-range shelling!”

Most of the time, the artillery is used to kill the human body, relying on the shrapnel

when the blast occurs, or blast to open the rock or blast open all other hard objects.

However, the vibration wave generated by the explosion of artillery can also bring great

damage to the human body, and if the distance is close enough, it is possible to shatter

a person’s internal organs.

Hamid did not have any grand strategic thinking, but he was, after all, on the battlefield

all the way to today, so there were many practical little experiences.

His orders were passed from layer to layer, and the soldiers in the various pits received

his orders.

So many of them started to get something on the ground and find something soft to lay

on it.

Many soldiers went to the entrance of the pit to get a lot of soft soil, and before the

nervous Zynn could understand what they were doing, he heard the soldier who was

watching him shout:

“What are you still standing there for? Hurry out to get some soil to spread under, or

later in case the shells explode in front of you, will shock you into internal bleeding!”

When Zynn heard this, he asked in a panic: “Is there really going to be a war? Can you

go talk to Commander Hamid and ask him to send a helicopter to send me away first,

I’ve never fought in a war, it’s not much use staying here.”

The soldier said in a cold voice: “The helicopter has long gone, you can’t go anywhere

now, if you don’t want to die, go get some dirt, if you want to try your luck, stay here

and don’t do anything.”

Once he heard this, how dare he pretend again.

So while cursing Charlie with the most vicious language in his heart, he reluctantly

followed the others and went outside the cave to prepare the dirt.

Zynn with an empty diesel engine lubricating oil bucket, painstakingly shoveled a bucket

of soil, just lift up to go back, outside came the sound of sharp breaking air.

Before he could figure out what the sound was, deafening explosions rang out in quick


The shelling, has begun!

In this instant, the whole mountain seemed to shake.

And the base outside the cave entrance, which was located in the valley, had instantly

fallen into a sea of fire.

Zynn screamed loudly in fear, growing up, it was the first time he had zero contact with


He felt that his ears had been deafened in general, in addition to tinnitus, eardrums are

also very painful, his body’s internal organs also seems to have just been pounded, how

uncomfortable to have such an experience.

The soldier in charge of guarding him hastily dragged him into the pit, and immediately

afterward, the second round of shells came whistling!

The target of this second round of shells was still the base in the valley, with deafening

explosions one after another!

Zynn hurriedly covered his ears with both hands and crouched on the ground shivering.

Other soldiers, on the other hand, had long been prepared to defend themselves

against the explosive shock.

Round after round of shells tilted down, causing no effect on them.

On the contrary, as the shelling continued for longer and longer, the soldiers’ psyche

instead had a strong sense of security and superiority.

Because they witnessed with their own eyes the great effect that the counter-slope

fortifications played in response to the shelling.

Hiding in such a strong fortification to meet the shelling was like hiding in an armored

car and being shot by the primitive people with bows and arrows.

Instead of having any fear, the soldiers have now a psychological feeling of superiority

towards the enemy that was almost mocking!

It can be said that the more shells the enemy fired, the higher the morale of Hamid’s


Chapter 3273

Hamid’s enemies, who knew that at this point his army, instead of being killed mostly by

the shelling, was getting braver and braver at the sound of the shelling.

At this time, he, seeing that the shelling had little effect on the anti-slope fortifications,

was also gaining confidence.

While listening to the rumbling of the artillery outside, he lamented in his heart, “If it

weren’t for this anti-slope tactic taught to me by brother Charlie:

I’m afraid that the lives of my several thousand men would have all been accounted for

during the first two rounds of artillery bombardment!”

The movie that Charlie told me to watch is indeed a textbook classic battle. The great

volunteer army was able to achieve the final victory in this battle against the

bombardment of millions of shells not only because they were brave and good at


“It was more because of their superb strategic vision and advanced tactical disposition!”

“When I get through this battle, I’ll dig up all the mountains around here and build a

super fortress that would be as solid as gold!”

At this time, the shelling of the government troops continued.

They carried tens of thousands of shells this time. With more than thirty guns, it was not

a problem to fire hundreds of rounds.

Moreover, their infantry was still advancing, so during this time, the artillery shelling

continued at intervals of one round every three minutes.

After twenty rounds of shelling, most of the bases in the valley had been razed to the

ground. Only a few houses were left standing intact and alone.

Some soldiers, carefully came to the entrance of the pit to observe the damage of the


After discovering that the base had been razed to the ground, many of them had red

eyes, clenched their fists, clenched their teeth, and their hearts were full of hatred.

Maybe to Zynn, that shabby little yard was a nightmare, a hell, but to these soldiers,

those little yards, those houses, were their homes.

And now, their homes were blown away by the enemy!

Just as many soldiers were angrily trying to avenge the loss, a new round of shelling


This time, the shells did not fall into the almost flattened base again, but landed directly

on the periphery of the mountain on the south side of the base, which is the positive

slope of the mountain.

Because, in the conventional perception of the other side, they felt that most of Hamid’s

soldiers, food and ammunition, and other supplies, must be placed inside the base, so

the shelling in front for such a long time was to completely destroy their base as well as

supplies and equipment.

And they also knew clearly that the main defense force of this man’s base must be

concentrated on the positive slope of the mountain. Therefore, after they destroyed the

base, they began to destroy the defensive positions.

They thought that as long as they used strong firepower to destroy all his defensive

forces on the positive slope, the tanks and infantry would be able to drive straight in!

In this way, basically, the infantry would only need to come over and sweep the tail and

the fight would be basically over.

However, what they did not know was that Hamid’s arms, and those other arms of the

same type, had been extremely different.

Before knowing Charlie. Hamid’s base fortification, was to dig some foxholes on the

positive slope of the mountain, and then use stones to build a firing stack, and then use

hay on top to make a top for concealment.

This kind of fortification is very simple, if in high places to deal with the enemy infantry

charge, to deal with infantry AK47 bullets without problems, and indeed has a very big


However, if the other side played fire suppression, the use of mortars or RPG, this

foxhole is basically the same as the paper, is simply the best grave of soldiers.

Chapter 3274

Now the government troops are intensively bombing the positive slope, also in order to

quickly dismantle Hamid’s defense force.

But. They never dreamed that he had just made a complete and utter transformation of

the frontal fortifications.

Now the permanent fortifications, which were carved out of the rocky mountain body,

and at the same time made multi-layer anchoring and reinforcement with reinforced

concrete inside, the construction process was as strong as the tunnel.

With the power of their towed artillery fire, the possibility of blowing up such a

fortification was almost nil.

Unless the use of high-end heavy drilling bombs. Only then would it be possible to blow

up the fortifications.

But this kind of high precision weapons, only the UN’s P5 countries can master, Syria’s

overall firepower level, at best, is the level of the 1960s and 1970s, it is impossible to get

this kind of equipment for them.

Moreover, even if they had such equipment, they would not be able to cause direct

damage to Hamid’s forces.

Because, right now, in his frontal fortifications, there was not a single soldier.

Hamid resolutely carried out Charlie’s instructions, since the other side was playing with

infantry and artillery synergy.

When the artillery stopped and the infantry started to initiate the charge, then the

troops will be mobilized to play defense.

And the soldiers at this moment when the enemy artillery shells hit dozens of rounds,

Hamid’s side is not even a wounded.

While the opposing artillery was bombarded, the infantry advanced rapidly toward the

base. After an hour or so, more than 5,000 troops were close at hand and stopped at the

base of the hill, about two kilometers from the entrance to the base.

At this point, another round of bombardment began!

The entire positive slope of the mountain had been bombed to blackness. The small hill

was soon full of devastation.

This was the last round of shelling before the infantry charge. Once the infantry started

to initiate the charge, the shelling had to stop, otherwise, a large area of shelling could

easily injure its own men.

However, the commander of the other side did not know what was going on inside the


Based on his past experience, he concluded that Hamid’s forces must have been

severely reduced in strength by now, and that the defenses must have been mostly

destroyed, so he immediately ordered the infantry to launch a charge under the cover of

armored vehicles!

Hamid’s base was already easy to defend and difficult to attack, and once the north and

south entrances were artificially cut off, there was no way for any personnel or vehicles

to enter.

So the armored vehicles could not charge in directly, and the only thing they could do

was to cover the infantry’s charge to the heights while providing close machine gun and

artillery support.

Hamid watched the opposing armored vehicles roar closer and closer from within the

permanent fortifications on the front.

Followed by thousands of bowed soldiers, the soldiers relied on the cover of the

armored vehicles and advanced unharmed to the foot of the hill, followed by another

round of artillery fire from the opposing artillery, which fired a new round of shelling on

the front slope of the heights.

This round of shelling lasted a total of twenty minutes, and after twenty minutes, the

shelling just stopped. Thousands of soldiers rushed out from behind the armored

vehicles, shouting and rushing all the way to the heights.

In the eyes of the opposing commanders, as long as they took the frontal heights, they

would have taken the entire Hamid’s base.

In traditional ground attack tactics, the significance of the high ground is very

significant, as long as in a local war to take the high ground, it is the same as taking the

initiative of the war in this area.

It is the same as the formation of a strong fire deterrent around, and the high ground

itself is easy to defend difficult to attack, five hundred people stationed on the high

ground, five thousand people may not be able to fight down the charge.

When defending, the side occupying the high ground is at great advantage, while the

enemy attacking from the lower ground has difficulty.

When attacking, the side occupying the high ground launched a charge to break

through, while the enemy defending from the lower ground was almost defenseless,

even retreating is very difficult because the whole back would be exposed to the other


So the opposing commander felt that no matter how many troops Hamid is left with

now, if he took the high ground and then launched a charge from it to the inner base,

he could settle the battle once and for all in a short time!

As thousands of soldiers swarmed up, Hamid’s soldiers immediately began to enter the

permanent fortifications on the front slope from the reverse slope pit.

After the thousands of opposing soldiers had also fully entered the firing range of

Hamid’s permanent fortifications, he suddenly ordered by radio, “Fire!”

Chapter 3275

Originally, the attacking soldiers found no resistance to their charge and thought that

the enemy had already been crippled by the rounds of artillery bombardment and could

not possibly launch effective resistance.

Therefore, they all relaxed their vigilance, thinking that they would rush up with a single

blow, and then finish Hamid’s nest with a single charge.

But who would have thought that just when they thought they would win this battle, a

large number of machine gun tongues suddenly erupted from the rocky crevices of the

high ground!

The ubiquitous sound of gunfire quickly covered the entire hill, and the soldiers in the

front fell down like rows and rows of wheat.

The soldiers in the back were all blinded!

They hastily raised their guns and tried to return fire, but where could they see half of

the enemy’s shadow!

The only thing they could see was the tongues of fire coming out of the rocks, and every

time they saw the fire coming out, a group of people would be hit and fall to the


In less than a minute, the attacking side lost at least five or six hundred soldiers.

Some soldiers subconsciously returned fire in the direction of the fire tongues, but their

weapons had no real effect on Hamid’s permanent fortifications.

At this point, the frontline commander shouted for the soldiers to find cover as soon as


But the most damaging thing was that Hamid had long ago had all the places where

they could hide on the sloping hillside treated, and the former potholes were filled in,

and the former boulders were blasted directly into pieces.

In short, these thousands of people are now on the slope of the hill, simply can not find

any shelter to avoid bullets!

And Hamid’s troops were still inside the permanent fortifications, firing back frantically!

His troops were heavily armed with Russian-made weapons, and each permanent

fortification was equipped with multiple 7.62mm caliber, air-cooled Russian PK generalpurpose machine guns, and a handful of 12.7mm anti-aircraft heavy machine guns.

The former has a fast rate of fire, wide fire coverage, and is very lethal to ordinary

soldiers after multiple angles and multiple machine guns form a crossfire network.

The latter is slow, but the power is huge, basically, is a death giver, more vicious, when

there are many people, this thing’s penetration ability is far beyond the ordinary

machine gun, a shot over, can penetrate the body of several soldiers.

These two weapons together, in this kind of highland battle, the combo is invincible,

plus the enemy simply have no place to hide, so is completely there to be beaten.

The enemy had to charge and had made the mistake of being light on their feet, not

carrying heavy equipment at all, so the firepower alone was a world away from the other


And the greater disparity is that the attacking army is simply unharmed, completely

using their bodies against the bullets.

Unlike Hamid’s soldiers, they were hiding in permanent fortifications built of rock and

concrete, reinforced with steel plates on the front and covered with a layer of soil on the

outside, so the bullets hit them like mosquitoes bite elephants, with no lethality at all.

Their front commander, seeing more and more soldiers fall around him, realized that the

other side had prepared for the attack, so it was impossible to attack so strongly, so he

immediately shouted:

“Retreat! Retreat to the back of the armored vehicles!”

So, the remaining 3,000 to 4,000 soldiers began to flee frantically.

With this retreat, the soldiers who were at the front exposed their backs to the range of

Hamid’s soldiers, so they lost several hundred more men in the retreat.

All soldiers retreated to the back of the armored vehicles, and the front-line

commanders immediately began to count their numbers.

Soon, the attrition was reported from each company. 5,000 men launched a charge, and

1,300 died in one shot.

Among them, there were more than 500 mercenaries from the Cataclysmic Front.

This time, Cataclysmic Front sent ten thousand mercenaries to Syria.

In principle, these people have to obey the command of the Syrian government forces

and cooperate with them in the extermination of anti-government forces.

The Syrian government army split these 10,000 mercenaries, and the 10,000 men were

divided into four equal parts to play with the four divisions of the government army, and


And this time, the army that came to crush Hamid included 2,500 mercenaries of the

Cataclysmic Front.

Originally, the officers of the group, like the commanders of the government army, were

somewhat gullible.

They felt that they had already seen the level of the Syrian anti-government forces and

that it would be a breeze to eliminate them.

So they didn’t make enough preparations at all. They only thought that after helping the

government to solve the big problem, they would immediately establish their own

mercenary base in Syria to further strengthen their influence in the Middle East.

But to their surprise, this time they suffered an unprecedented blow because of their


More than five hundred fresh lives were thrown directly on the slope of Hamid’s base.

Chapter 3276

The commander of this Cataclysmic Front mercenary unit was a yellow man who was

about thirty years old.

His name was Robin, a five-star war general of the Front, and considered one of the core


In the Front, in addition to the overall Chief and four War generals, there were nearly a

hundred of junior Generals below.

And their ability, resume, and battle achievements determine their star rating.

The star level of war generals ranges from one star to five stars. Five-star generals,

naturally, are the highest among them, and there are only twenty to thirty such men in

total who can get this level.

Including the Chief and the four War Generals, Robin’s ranking in the Cataclysmic Front

is at least in the top forty.

This time, he followed Walter, the first battle General of the Front, to conquer Syria.

But he never thought that so many people would die just after the battle started today!

After he saw his team suffered heavy losses, he immediately approached the top

commander of his government forces and angrily rebuke:

“Your pre-war intelligence work is a puddle of sh!t! Hamid built so many hidden

permanent fortifications, why did you never tell us this information?”

The supreme commander who was questioned was also annoyed and responded, “What

you are asking is all fcuking nonsense, if I knew that he had built permanent

fortifications, then I would definitely tell you this information, but the problem is that I

didn’t know either!”

The commander of the Cataclysmic Front was furious at the other side’s righteousness

and said angrily,

“Intelligence gathering before the war is a top priority for any army, why didn’t you do

it? That’s not too unprofessional!”

The commander of the government army asked him rhetorically, “We are

unprofessional, but if you are so professional, why didn’t you do the pre-war intelligence

collection as well?”

“After coming to Syria, have the generals of the Cataclysmic Front reduced their combat

level to the same level as us?”

“Fcuk!” Robin cursed angrily and said through clenched teeth, “You think fighting a war

is a shr3w’s scolding? I don’t have time to bullsh!t here, you have to give me an

explanation for these 500 or so men I lost!”

The government commander said in a cold voice: “Don’t give me that sh!t! It’s normal to

lose men in war, you want me to give you an explanation, I lost nearly a thousand men,

who will give me an explanation?”

“The most important thing now is to take out Hamid’s base! Capture him and beh3ad

him! This is the only way to console the dead soldiers!”

Saying that, the other party stared coldly at Robin and reminded, “More importantly, it is

also the only way to save each of us from the chastisement of our superiors!”

“If we lose so many people and still haven’t brought down Hamid, my superiors won’t

spare me, but I believe your superiors won’t spare you either!”

Robin was speechless for a moment.

What the other side said was true.

What was most feared was that after suffering losses, they were still unable to win.

If he could not defeat Hamid, he would become a laughing stock in the Group! Even his

future would be ruined!

So, he looked at the government army commander and said in a cold voice: “Your

artillery just blew up so many rounds, and the other side still has such strong firepower,

which proves that their permanent fortifications are quite sturdy.”

“If this battle turns into an assault battle, and it’s still from the bottom to the top, I’m

afraid it won’t be so good!”

The government commander gritted his teeth and said, “Then I’ll have the artillery bomb

a few more rounds!”

“It’s useless!” Robin said, “Just now so many rounds have no effect, it’s useless to bomb


He gave a slight pause, thought for a moment, and spoke, “How about this, you send

your soldiers with heavy weapons to continue the feint attack on his front.”

“I will lead our brothers from the Cataclysmic Front to detour from the side peaks,

quietly touch the high ground, and then directly go around to their flank to encircle


Chapter 3277

As soon as the government commander heard these words from Robin, his eyes lit up.

“Frontal feint, flanking detour!”

“This is definitely a very feasible battle plan, this General, he really does have some


How did Robin know that his own set of attack tactics, which were too ordinary and

common, had become a genius decision in the eyes of the opposing commander?

This is mainly because the other side’s military literacy is really too low, so low that it is

ridiculously below the standards.

Although the Middle East is constantly at war, it has to be admitted that the entire

modern Middle East is not good at fighting wars.

Since the Second World War, war has become more and more demanding in terms of

tactics and strategies as well as patterns.

The world has learned a lot of war experience from that war, even those originally weak

Southeast Asian countries, one by one, have become brave and good at fighting.

Only the Middle East, in terms of war talent and tactics, has not been enhanced, on the

contrary, it is still far behind other regions.

Syria, Afghanistan, and even Iraq for so many years, the local armed no matter how

large, to fight, basically are wild guerrilla mode.

Low military literacy is the biggest problem of the military in the Middle East, except for


The soldier’s training level is not enough, officers’ command level is not enough, the

various departments of the army, the ability to work together between the various

services is very poor.

At the same time, the troops also generally lack a strong will to fight, many times

seemingly huge army, in fact, a stab will break the flanks.

Not to mention Syria, a country that is at war all day long, even the few super-rich

countries that started with oil, their armies are a mess in all aspects except when they

spend money to buy equipment than anyone else.

For example, in almost all of the advanced American equipment of Saudi Arabia, in the

fight with the Houthis, even the United States sold them the M1A2 main battle tank

which got captured by the other side, and therefore honored the reputation of

“transport captain”.

The military level of the country is so worrying, let alone Syria.

The government commander, who is partnered with Robin’s war army, has not received

any professional military education at all, and when he came out as leader of the team

of several thousand people, how to arrange the troops, how to develop tactical

strategies, he is basically confused.

Even the most simple infantry and artillery synergy, are managed by Robin.

The reason why the government commanders did not think of using infantry and

artillery synergy was mainly because their artillery training level was extremely low, and

they were barely able to get by on the usual training ground by hitting targets at close


But when they were really pulled out in the hills and let them bomb Hamid’s base, they

could not even calculate the coordinates.

If it weren’t for the fact that Robin’s army had experts who were proficient in

calculations, they wouldn’t even be prepared to bring tractor artillery with them on this

battle against Hamid.

Because their soldiers were only good at operating just one kind of heavy firepower

weapon besides using guns, and that was RPG rockets.

That is too simple for them, no need to survey, no need to calculate, no need not to

cooperate with the departments, want to bomb something, just put that thing on the

shoulder visually aim, and then fired out and it’s done.

Even illiterate people can easily operate it.

But the artillery has more, behind a set of tedious tactical systems it is detection,

calculation, site selection, cooperation, attack, and defense, these elements are


For a range of 20 to 30 kilometers of artillery, if the coordinates are not calculated,

bombing a day may not be able to wound the enemy.

So, he who doesn’t know anything about tactics, after hearing this set of techniques and

tactics of Robin, he immediately took it as a guideline.

Chapter 3278

However, the question did come up.

Why do you want your army to feint?

Even if it is a feint, you have to make a show with the other side in the frontal battlefield,


Moreover, you can’t feint outside the enemy’s fire range, right? That way, even a fool

can see that it is an act.

But on the frontal battlefield, your side has no advantage, even if you feint, you will lose

a lot of soldiers.

Moreover, the feinting side will not only have losses, but the key is to wait for the

people of the Cataclysmic Front to detour from the flank and steal the opponent’s

permanent fortifications, the credit for the capture of the enemy camp is still fcuk!ng


The more you think about this deal, the more uneconomical it is.

So, he said, “Your method is fine, but I don’t think my team should be allowed to feint,

why don’t we switch, you let your team feint, I’ll let my soldiers go to the flank to


Robin said angrily, “Don’t you fcuk!ng dream! Letting my soldiers feint? Can your

seriously untrained soldiers take on such a daunting assault?”

“What’s the use of just being able to feel through and not be able to fight?”

When the commander heard this, he could not help but think: “It seems to be true that

…… my overall strength of soldiers is much worse, if they really go to fight the attack, I

am afraid that they will not be able to do the other side ……”

“Not to mention that the other side has the protection of permanent fortifications, when

the time comes, in case of failure to fight, I do not know how many people will die ……”.

Thinking about this layer, he immediately said, “Good! In that case, you go to the

circuitous penetration, I will front feint!”

Robin gave him a disdainful glance, then he snorted coldly and said, “Now the team has

withdrawn, but don’t let the other side breathe, let your artillery in the rear continue to


“I’ll go and work out a battle plan with my team and start to meander to the flank in 10

minutes, then you will launch a feint attack!”

The opposing commander also felt that Robin did seem to know more about war than

he did, so he immediately agreed and said with a smile, “Good point, good point, I’ll call

and have the artillery bomb five more rounds immediately!”


At this time, Hamid, seeing the other side dropped more than 1,000 bodies in retreat,

the inner sense of accomplishment is simply bursting in him.

Immediately afterward, the adjutant came forward to report and said joyfully,

“Commander, the squads just did a count, and we didn’t lose a single person killed or

injured in the battle just now!”

“Great!” Hamid slapped his thighs and said excitedly, “The techniques and tactics shared

by Charlie are fcuk!ng amazing! I have to call him and report back!”

Immediately after that, Hamid took out his satellite phone and called Charlie.

Charlie had already rushed back to his home in Tomson, locked himself in his room, and

waited for Hamid’s follow-up feedback.

He knew very well in his heart that he was thousands of kilometers away, and there was

really nothing he could do about Hamid’s side of the situation.

And this is not something as simple as going to rescue someone, but a war that involves

tens of thousands of people on both sides combined.

In this kind of war, it is never a certain strong person who can decide the direction of the

war, so even if he goes there now, he may not be able to help him much.

Not to mention the distance, plus the turnaround to Lebanon, even if he let the

Concorde come over now, he will arrive in Syria a few hours later, by then it is likely that

the big picture has been decided.

So now what he can do is to guard this side of the phone, waiting for Hamid’s feedback,

if he encounters problems, he has to provide him with timely help.

At this time, when he received Hamid’s call, he almost immediately picked up and asked,

“Brother, how is the situation over there?”

Hamid said cheerfully, “Brother, you’re really divine, every step of the other side’s action

is within your prediction!”

Said Hamid, catching his breath, continued, “They really used the kind of infantry and

artillery coordinated combat method you mentioned.”

“First they conducted a massive and intensive artillery attack on my base and positions,

and then they started to let several thousand infantry charge hard upwards, but they

were too gullible, my troops suddenly opened fire to counterattack and caught them off


“They have now been beaten back, the number of dead and wounded is estimated to be

at least a thousand people!”

Charlie asked, “So what is their state now? Start preparing for another artillery attack?”

“Not quite clear ……” Hamid said: “They just retreated, there is no movement for now.”

Charlie thought about it and said, “Then I guess they will continue to launch artillery

attacks again very soon, but you must be careful, the other side is likely to take the way

of circuitous penetration from the side and directly sneak attack your fortifications.”

Chapter 3279

“Detour through?”

Hamid at least studied in China, although the study is not military command, but at least

it is also considered to have opened his eyes, so he immediately said:

“Then I will let people release the drones, closely observe the surrounding situation, if

they really send troops to quietly infiltrate, the drones will definitely be able to detect.”

Charlie then said, “Good, release the drones, remember not to let the other side find

out, in this way can also lure the enemy deep, then directly hit them by surprise.”

“Okay!” Hamid said, “From now on, I will definitely play 120 points, absolutely do not let

them have any chance to sneak attack!”

Charlie looked at the time and spoke, “It should be morning on your side now, right?

Daytime is a bit better, but you must pay attention to the defense at night, if the other side fails to penetrate now, then they will definitely make a comeback at night.”

Hamid smiled and said, “Brother, you told me to strengthen the defense and hoard supplies, I not only hoarded a lot of supplies, but also bought some relatively high-end equipment, including a few thermal imagers, if they dare to sneak attack me at night, in front of the thermal imager they have nowhere to hide!”

Charlie could not help but praise: “Even you are equipped with a thermal imager, good good! How is your ammunition reserve?”

Hamid laughed: “Don’t worry, with the money you gave me last time, I bought a lot of ammunition, tens of millions of rounds of ammunition alone, even if I can’t get any supplies in, I can still hold here until next year!”

“That’s good!” Charlie said: “I guess they do not carry enough supplies to fight a protracted war with you, after three or four days they can not attack you, I believe they will first withdraw back to rest, otherwise, their supplies are not enough to support them to stay there.

“So you must be in the spirit of these days, do not let down your guard. “


Charlie also instructed: “There is another very important thing, after these few days, you must take the time to confirm the current situation of other armed forces, you can resist the siege of 8,000 people for a few days, will certainly be in the opposition armed fame.”

“Those other armed people who were dispersed have nowhere to go, you can ask them to come to you, and those who are in a precarious situation, you can also take the opportunity to annex them in.”

“Enhance your overall strength, after all, you have enough supplies, have a strong defense capability, this group of people are certainly willing to submit.”

“Right!” Hamid said excitedly, “I’ll take this opportunity to make the team bigger!”

“Hmm.” Charlie instructed, “Must remember, when absorbing this group of people must

do a good background check, do not let spies mixed in, the other is that after the

establishment comes in, must break them all up among your officers to manage, so that

they do not have the idea of rebellion!”

Hearing Charlie’s advice, Hamid was greatly cheered up, and he was about to express his

ambition to Charlie, when the sound of violent explosions rang out again outside.

He knew that the enemy had withdrawn the infantry and a new round of shelling was

about to begin!

So he said loudly, “Brother Wade! The enemy is firing again! I’ll hang up the phone and

make arrangements, I’ll communicate with you if there’s any situation!”

“Okay!” Charlie also spoke, “Remember, a thousand-mile dam collapses in an anthill, you

must be cautious and careful again, you must not take the enemy lightly!”

“I remember!” Hamid exclaimed, “Brother, wait for my good news!”

After Hamid ended the call, he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart that he could always

get a lot of different inspirations from Charlie.

This made him realize that the government army’s big fanfare to attack him this time

was likely to gift him an opportunity to develop and grow.

Chapter 3280

If Hamid could win in this kind of battle where he fought with less, then his fame among

the whole opposition forces would definitely rise!

This further makes him understand that whether he can be blessed by the disaster

depends on whether he can carry the attack of these 8,000 people.

Just when he thought of this, he said in his heart: “No! Now they only have six or seven

thousand people left at most!”

In order to hold the attack, he immediately summoned his adjutant and asked, “How

many drones are left in our base?”

The adjutant said, “There are still more than 20 aerial drones, and we bought more at

the time because they were cheap.”

Hamid asked, “What is the approximate endurance?”

The adjutant thought about it and replied, “It should be around 25 minutes, no more

than half an hour at most.”

Hamid nodded and said, “The time is a bit short, but it’s enough, you immediately order

down, all the drones into a state of readiness.”

“I asked to ensure that there are at least five drones around our base at all times, must

be alert to the enemy’s small groups of troops circuitous penetration, found such signs,

must be reported to me the first time!”

“Yes, Commander!”

Hamid added: “By the way, instruct the drone flyers to make sure to pull up the altitude

of their planes and try not to get detected by the enemy!”

The adjutant immediately took the order and turned to go down to arrange the


Soon, five folding drones flew out from the hole of the anti-slope trench.

These drones are very small, the fuselage is only the size of a palm, they just flew out of

the hole, they immediately climbed upwards, after the drones fly to a couple of hundred

meters, the naked eye simply can not observe.

And once the drone’s rotor noise to two or three hundred meters in height, it is also

basically difficult to hear, not to mention the battlefield is dominated by the sound of


The enemy does not have professional radar equipment, simply can not find these small

aerial equipment.

After the drones fly up, although the ground targets are becoming very small, but the

other side have many people, so it is still easy to identify them in the picture

transmission signal.

At this resolution, unless the opponent breaks up all the soldiers into individual actions

one by one, otherwise, as long as there are more than ten people maneuvering

together, the drone can capture it very easily.

And at this moment, Robin, who was conducting pre-battle mobilization for his soldiers,

did not know that all their movements were under Hamid’s close monitoring.

He couldn’t imagine that Hamid’s all-around air surveillance was achieved by a group of

civilian aerial drones with a single value of no more than 10,000 yuan.

This time, the Cataclysmic Front lost several hundred people when they came up.

Such a tragic failure had never happened since the establishment of the Front.

He did not dare to report to commander Walter immediately but only thought of

hurrying up to take down Hamid and wipe out the shame of the past.

After all, the level of weapons and equipment, as well as the overall level of training of

anman like Hamid, could not even compare to the ordinary militia.

He brought so many elites with him, but was repelled away by the other side in a wave

of several hundred people, which is simply an unacceptable humiliation.

Therefore, he now only thought of hurrying up to end Hamid’s nest, and then bring the

battle merit to report the casualties to Walter, and also can slightly save some face.

Therefore, at this time, he attached great importance to the next upcoming flanking

detour tactics, and decided to personally lead the attack, to make sure to hit Hamid with

a surprise!

Chapter 3281

Ten minutes later, Robin had already picked out who would participate in this

roundabout strike.

This time, he decided to lead a thousand elites from the Front to outflank Hamid’s frontsloping fortifications from the valley on the left flank.

He left half an hour of preparation time for these 1,000 elites, telling them to carry all

their weapons and equipment during this time, and strive to take out all of Hamid’s base

in one go.

At the same time, Suhang, China.

Outside the Su family villa, eight black extended bulletproof Rolls-Royces, slowly came

and parked neatly in front of the villa.

From the first car in the front of the line came down a young man in his twenties, sturdy,

with an inch haircut, this person opened the door, got out of the car, walking posture

are very straight and tough, the look has undergone intense professional training.

This man came to the gate of the Su family residence and said to the guard outside the

gate with a cold face, “Please inform Mr. Su that our temple master wants to see him.”

When the Su family’s guards saw so many luxury cars coming, they were immediately


The other party did not speak very politely, so they might be looking for trouble, so he

hurriedly said, “May I also ask what is the name of your master? I can also inform him.”

The man said coldly: “You are not worthy to know the name of our master, tell your

master to think about the identity of our master, and after our temple master meets

him, he will naturally tell him.”

The guard was very unhappy with his attitude, but seeing that the other party was not

small, he did not dare to provoke, so he could only speak: “Then you wait for a moment,

I will go to inform.”

After saying that, he turned around and immediately reported the situation to Anson,

the Su family’s butler.

Anson knew the most about Mr. Su’s daily dynamics, including whether he was going

out or not, or whether there were any important guests visiting him today, he knew all

of this.

Anson knows very well that today Mr. Su has no plans to go out, nor does he have any

plans to meet guests at home, so the fact that eight Rolls Royce came at once and asked

to see him is really something strange.

So he hurriedly informed the family’s servants and bodyguards to stand by, and at the

same time hurriedly invited the Su family’s strongest expert, Moby, to accompany him

to meet the owner of the eight Rolls-Royces outside.

After hearing about it, Moby also attached great importance to it and immediately came

to the door together with Anson.

At this time outside the gate, eight Rolls-Royce neatly parked in a row are not turned

off, in addition to the person who came down to negotiate, the other people in the car

also did not come down, each car is pasted with a very low light transmission rate of

privacy film.

What’s even more ridiculous is that these cars do not have license plates, only in the

license plate position, hanging a gold metal plate, and this metal plate is actually carved

with a dragon!

Anson was also baffled and could not understand what these people had come from, so

he asked Moby in a low voice: “Moby, do you see the dragon plate hanging in front of

their car, is it gold?”

Moby mused, “Looking at the color, it should be pure gold.”

Anson whispered, “Fcuk, no license plate on the road, hanging pure gold dragon plate,

these people are so fcuk!ng arrogant …… don’t know what they are from ……”

Moby seriously said, “What is the origin, go up to explore, we will know.”

After saying that, he stepped in front and asked, “Who wants to see my master?

The young man who stepped down from the Rolls-Royce before said in a cold voice:

“It’s our master who wants to see Mr. Su.”

After saying that, he scolded with some dissatisfaction, “Our Temple Master’s time is

very precious, we have just waited for two minutes, if you don’t invite our Master in

within three minutes, don’t blame us for not giving the Su family a chance!”

Chapter 3282

Anson was annoyed, cursing in his heart: “Fcuk, what kind of bullshit temple master

appeared from nowhere, driving eight Rolls Royce?”

“Our Su family is still the number one family in the whole country, your temple master is

more powerful, can he be more powerful than our master?”

Thinking of this, Anson responded in an unkind tone, “There are many people who want

to see our master every day, you have to announce yourself first, let me know who

exactly wants to see our master, and then our master will decide whether to spare

precious time to see you, otherwise you still think that our master will see everyone?”

“Declare yourself?” The young man sneered, “You’re just a subordinate, you’re not

qualified to know the identity of our temple master yet!”

Anson felt greatly insulted and said angrily, “I’m a fcuk!ng subordinate, and you’re not a

fcuk!ng subordinate? We are all subordinates, what qualifies you to have to talk to me

like that?!”

The young man rushed to Anson with great speed, and when Anson didn’t react at all,

he directly grabbed him by the neck and picked him up, sternly saying, “Listen carefully,

I am a subordinate of our Hall Master, one of the Four War Commanders, not some


Anson didn’t expect that the other party would dare to make a move with him outside

the Su family’s gate, so he was furious and cursed, “You’re looking for death here! Come

on, grab him for me!”

As soon as these words came out, a group of bodyguards and guards around him, even

Tom from the He family and other members of the He family, were all ready to fight.

But at this time, Moby suddenly came forward with a grave face and said politely: “Little

brother, don’t be so angry, Anshun is a senior housekeeper in the Su family, and he is

used to being a bit arrogant, so please don’t cross with a subordinate for the sake of the

Su family ……”

When Anson heard Moby say this, he was immediately confused and said, “Moby, you

are turning your elbow outward. ……”

Moby interrupted him with a hand and glared at him again, then said to the young man,

“Little brother, since the temple master wants to see our master, then please wait a

moment, I will go and inform the master now, what do you think?”

The young man heard this before he let go of Anson and said in a cold voice, “Better

hurry up, you only have two minutes left!”

Moby hurriedly nodded his head and said, “Okay! I will do it as soon as possible!”

After saying that, he immediately said to Anson who had an angry face, “Anson, come

with me to see the master!”

Anson was naturally very upset when he was insulted in front of the subordinates of the

Su family.

He still wanted to argue with the young man, but when he heard Moby say so, he didn’t

dare to disobey, so he could only follow him into the courtyard with resentment.

Once he entered the courtyard, Anson said in a depressed voice: “Moby, I don’t mean to

offend you, but you are really too ungrateful, you just didn’t help me in that situation,

why did you stop me? And you even spoke to that little son of a b!tch, that’s not polite,


Moby lowered his voice and said, “I’m not stopping you, I’m saving you! Do you know

that just now, that kid is far above me in strength!”

“What?!” Anson’s face was pale with fear, and he said: “This …… how is this possible

Moby! Just that little palsy-faced kid, the strength can be above you!”

“If you look at the whole country, there are not many people who can compare with

you, except for that old man of the He family who just broke through, who can be

stronger than you?”

Anson was instinctively unconvinced by Moby’s words.

The other party didn’t even know what he was from, just a random junior who came

down with a message, and his strength would be above Moby’s? What kind of

international joke is that?

However, Moby said very firmly, “That person’s speed, strength, and body strength are

all above me!”

Saying that, he explained with a grave expression, “Just now, he grabbed your collar and

lifted you up, the whole process was so fast that I couldn’t even react!”

“Moreover, the strength of his arms was so great that he grabbed your whole body, and

you struggled so violently to get free, but his whole body didn’t move at all!”

“You remember, to be able to grab you is not strong, grab you, so that you can not

break free is not strong, but to be able to stand and not move no matter how you break

free, not even a millimeter of displacement, this is very strong!”

“Even Tom level of experts here, let alone let him grab an adult, even if he grabs an

adult dog, he can not stand still in the violent struggle of the dog to break free! I can’t


“So, that young man’s skills are unfathomable and very good!”

Chapter 3283

Moby’s words made Anson’s heart, suddenly tense up.

He couldn’t think about how to get back his reputation, but hurriedly asked, “Moby, if

this person’s strength is really above you, if they have any evil intentions, then what

should we do?”

He said calmly, “If the other party really has bad intentions, then they may have already

done it, you have to know that they came in a total of eight cars.”

“The only one who came down, has strength is above me, those who did not get off,

maybe the strength is even stronger than him, in this case, we simply can not beat


Anson’s neck shrank in fear and he hurriedly asked, “So now is it time to go and let the

master make a decision?”

Moby said, “I feel that the other party should not have malicious intent, otherwise they

would not communicate in this way, it seems that we have to let the master meet that

so-called temple master of theirs ……”

At this time, Old Su did not know what was happening outside.

This time he is not in a good state, because in the hands of Charlie he has suffered a lot

of losses, not to mention the ruined reputation, two sons also disappeared, and gave a

large piece of the industry to Zhiyu, a succession of blows, so he is very decadent.

He has been trying to find an opportunity to turn the tide, but when he thought of the

mysterious expert’s superior strength, he could not even find out the other party’s

identity, he felt deeply frustrated.

At this time, Moby and Anson suddenly told him about the situation outside, which

made him even more annoyed in his heart.

However, after hearing that the other party was very strong, he didn’t dare to be slow.

So then, he could only fight his spirits and said to Anson, “Anson, go and ask that

Temple Master of theirs to come in, I’ll wait here.”

“Okay.” Anson nodded hastily, turned around and went back to the main gate, and said

to the young man, “Our master has agreed to see your Temple Master, please ask him

to come with me.”

The young man did not say anything, but turned around and went to the fifth car.

At that moment, the car window was slightly lowered into a slit, so he bent down and

whispered a few words into the slit.

Afterward, he heard the person inside command something and immediately stood up

straight, gestured with a hefty salute, and shouted, “As you command, Temple Master!”

After saying that, he immediately shouted, “All of you, gather!”

As soon as these words came out, the four doors of the other seven cars all opened at

the same time, and all at once, another two dozen men in black came down.

Subsequently, each of these men walked outward three meters and surrounded the

eight cars, guarding the fifth car.

At that moment, the door of the fifth car was pushed open.

A young man wearing a black trench coat and tactical leather boots stepped down.

This man has a handsome appearance, a cold demeanor, and a pair of dark eyes full of

murderous aura, which can bring a strong sense of oppression to the people around

him in an instant.

When this man stood outside the car, the group of people immediately said respectfully,

“Welcome Temple Master!”

The man did not respond, but walked straight toward the Su family villa gate, while

walking, with a few playful said:

“The Su family’s head ran away from Eastcliff to Suhang, it seems that the family’s

troubles are not small, right!”

Hearing these words, Anson was very upset in his heart, but at this moment, he didn’t

dare to speak nonsense, and could only say respectfully, “The master is already waiting

in the living room, please follow me.”

The man did not even look at him and walked straight into the villa door.

Chapter 3284

Crossing the courtyard and arriving at the front door, Anson ran a few steps ahead and

respectfully opened the door.

The man stepped on the hard tactical leather boots all the way through the foyer, and

then saw Old Su sitting in the living room.

At this time Moby standing by Old Su just took one look at the man and was filled with


He felt that the aura on this man’s body was definitely the only one he had ever seen in

his life!

Maybe even a four-star martial artist might not be his opponent!

So, he could not help but exclaim in his heart: “What is this guy’s origin? So young, why

does he have such great strength?!”

Elder Su also did not expect that the so-called Temple Master that the other party spoke

of was a young man of twenty-seven or twenty-eight, so he frowned and asked, “You

young friend, I wonder why you want to see me?”

The man looked at Elder Su, smiled, and spoke, “Grandpa, you don’t remember me?”

Chengfeng couldn’t help but frown, thinking, “Could this guy be some kind of an old


However, no matter how he looked at it, he could not recall any interactions between

this young man and himself.

So, he opened his mouth and said, “Forgive my clumsy eyes, I really can’t remember


The man smiled faintly and said, “More than twenty years ago, my father was very close

to Uncle Su, and at that time, Uncle Su led the anti-Wade alliance, or my father was the

first to respond.”

Speaking of which, he said with a somewhat dark expression, “It’s just a pity that he

didn’t listen to Uncle Su’s advice at the time and had to fight with Changying of the

Wade family in the futures market, and ended up falling into Changying’s carefully laid

out trap because he was too adventurous and lost his entire family fortune ……”

“Then later, he leaped from the roof of the headquarters building of the Future Group,

the Future Group since then fell to ashes.”

“Seven days later, my mother took a full bottle of sleeping pills and died with him, I have

been an orphan since then, was taken overseas by a relative ……”

Chengfeng heard this, suddenly widened his eyes, and said offhand: “Future Group ……

you …… your father is Arthur Wan?!”

“Yes!” The man’s eyes suddenly burst out two sharp auras and said in a stern voice: “I am

Arthur Wan’s son! And also his only bloodline in this world, Joseph!”

Hearing this, Chengfeng was completely relieved.

He didn’t know much about Joseph, he only had some impression of his father, Arthur


In his heart, he thought, “Thirty years ago, when Arthur was saddling up to Zynn every

day, he concluded that that guy Arthur would hardly become a great weapon.”

“This person’s ability was not outstanding, not thoughtful enough, and lacked the

understanding of the big picture, if not Zynn thought he was loyal, it was impossible to

bring him up all the way.”

“Arthur later couldn’t make a market value of ten billion Future’s group, but also thanks

to the Zynn even dragged the promotion help.”

“But this guy, still did not show much progress, after the Su family and the Wade family

fought, he in order to show loyalty, dared to fight with Changying in the futures market,

and ended up losing a fortune.”

“At that time, Arthur Wan’s funeral was presided over by Zynn, but what I didn’t expect

was that Arthur Wan’s wife took medicine to commit suicide, immediately following


“At that time, Zynn felt really very guilty, also talked to me about, wanting to adopt

Arthur’s only son, Joseph ……”

“Only, unfortunately, Joseph after that, directly evaporated, no one knew where the child


“But who would have thought that twenty years later, this kid actually took the initiative

to find me!”

“Moreover, listening to that meaning of Moby, this guy seems to come from not small, one of his men, the strength is far above Moby!”

“Gosh …… this boy, is now mixing well?”

Chapter 3285

At this thought, Chengfeng’s heart suddenly became excited.

“It seems that this boy Joseph is not an enemy, but even a friend!”

“This, is simply the silver lining in the dark cloud!”

“Other than that, just to say that this kid has experts under his hand who are stronger than Moby, maybe he can help me a lot!”

So, he suppressed his inner joy and said with incomparable emotion, “So you’re Arthur’s son! I can’t imagine, I can’t imagine! You’ve grown so big!”

Speaking of this, his expression suddenly darkened, and sighed, “I still remember when your mother had an accident, your Uncle Su was determined to adopt you.”

“But at that time, you had already disappeared, he searched for you for a long time, there was no news, and blamed himself for this for a long time.”

“Yes.” Joseph nodded and said lightly, “A relative of the family picked me up overseas …… at that time I was too young and did not know how to contact Uncle Su.”

Chengfeng nodded slightly and sighed, “Zynn must be very happy if he knew you were still alive!”

After saying that, he hurriedly asked again, “Joseph, what have you been doing overseas, all these years?”

Joseph spoke, “I lived in Colombia for many years, and then I ran around the world.”

“Colombia?” Chengfeng asked in surprise, “Are you looking after a business in Colombia now?”

“No.” Joseph said with his head held high: “When I was fourteen years old, I joined a mercenary army in Colombia and served the big drug lords there in the early years, and then I came out to start my own business.”

Chengfeng asked in surprise, “You also do that kind of business?”

Joseph shook his head and said in a cold voice: “I will never touch that kind of thing in

my life, the self-made business I am talking about is the establishment of my own

mercenary organization.”

Saying that, he looked with full pride and said, “Eight years ago, I set up my own

mercenary organization, with the name of Cataclysmic Front, as a way to remember my

parents, but also to constantly remind me that I must take revenge for my parents! “

When these words came out, Moby was immediately stunned!

He looked at Joseph and asked, his voice trembling a little, “Cataclysmic Front is yours?!”

“That’s right!” Joseph coldly said: “Cataclysmic Front is my creation, eight years, my elite

force under my command has reached tens of thousands! And it is also ranked as one of

the top five mercenary organizations in the world!”

After saying that, he said in a loud voice with some excitement, “For so many years, I

have never been back to China, and I came back this time to take revenge for my dead

parents and seek justice for them!”

Chengfeng did not know about the Cataclysmic Front.

Because although the rich and powerful people in China are very rich, but they will not

have anything to do with the mercenary organization.

The mercenary organizations were all in regions that were always at war, and many of

them were in the third world, so they were completely different from the rich people like

Chengfeng, so he didn’t know how powerful the Cataclysmic Front was.

However, since the Front has more powerful experts than Moby, and is still one of the

top five in the world, it is not necessary to think about it to know that it is definitely not

an idle person!

Moreover, the most exciting thing for him is that Joseph is here to seek revenge!

Who to seek revenge? Naturally, the Wade family!

And he has become the leader of the world’s top five mercenary organizations, that

Changying Wade died, he could possibly not know about it.

He knows that Changying is dead, but he still wants to seek revenge in the country,

looking at this meaning, he intends to make the Wade family pay!

Since it is to engage the Wade family, then is this not equal to give him help in disguise?

So, Chengfeng said with surprise at this time: “Great! It’s really great! Arthur his spirit in

heaven, know that you came back to avenge him, must be smiling in nine springs! He

must be smiling in his nine corners of the earth!”

Joseph’s eyes were a little red, he held back his tears, looked at Chengfeng, and asked,

“Grandpa, where is my Uncle Su at this moment? For so many years, I’ve wanted to

apologize to him in person, he was so kind to our family.”

“But when I left, I didn’t say hello to him, and I haven’t taken the initiative to contact him

for so many years, I’m really ashamed! Must apologize to him in person!”

Chapter 3286

Chengfeng froze, then let out a long sigh and stifled, “Ah! Zynn he …… has been missing

for a long time!”

“What?! Disappeared?” Joseph asked in surprise: “Uncle Su he …… how did he


Chengfeng lamented: “I do not know, only know that he disappeared in Aurous Hill, I

investigated for a long time did not find any valuable clues, and the mastermind behind

this matter is someone with a superb strength of the top experts, I thought of many

ways to find out the truth, but there is nothing …… “

Speaking of which, Chengfeng took a long sigh, full of sorrow!

Wan Joseph did not hesitate to say off the record: “This matter let me deal it, I must find

out the whereabouts of Uncle, save him back!”

To Joseph, he was only grateful to Zynn.

Because he heard his father say when he was a child, the Su family‟s old man actually

always despised his father.

However, Zynn had always been very good to him.

Because of Zynn‟s support and help, the Wan family was able to increase its assets by

more than ten times in just a few years.

It could be said that Zynn was the benefactor of his father, Arthur, and even the entire

Wan family.

Therefore, when Joseph came, he was not polite to Chengfeng, nor did he want to be

polite to him.

Moreover, he had been following the Su family‟s situation overseas before.

Knowing that before, Zynn was once forced to cover for Chengfeng because of Ruoli‟s

matter, and was even sent to Australia by old man, so he had a very bad view of him.

Now when he heard that Zynn had disappeared, he was naturally anxious from the

bottom of his heart, and almost immediately wanted to order his men to go to Aurous

Hill to find out what was going on.

However, once he thought that there was still an important thing to do, he temporarily

restrained his impulse.

Then, he looked at Elder Su and suddenly knelt down on one knee and said ashamedly,

“Grandpa, Uncle treated my family as kindly as a mountain back then, now that he is

missing, I should spare no efforts to find his whereabouts ……”

“It‟s just that …… right now I have something to do that I‟ve been waiting for twenty

years ……”

“So …… also please give me some time, when the Qingming festival is over, I will

definitely mobilize all the experts of the Cataclysmic Front to search for Uncle with all

my might!”

Chengfeng asked in confusion, “Joseph, what is the important thing you are talking


Joseph said with sharp eyes and a cold tone, “Avenge my parents! Avenge the hatred!”

After saying that, he said in a stern voice: “I heard that the Wade family just rebuilt the

ancestral tomb some time ago, and even developed a mountain directly for the feng

shui of the ancestral tomb, named Waderest Mountain, and will hold some kind of

ancestor worship ceremony there this year at Qingming!”

“That‟s right.” When Chengfeng heard this, his eyelids instantly jumped wildly, and he

said, “The Wade family spent a lot of money to build the Waderest Mountain, and it has

long been a sensation in the capital, and it is said that a top feng shui master was found

to sit in the Waderest Mountain for three years, which is really high-profile!”

Joseph gritted his teeth and said, “But when my father left, the ashes could only be

perched in a cemetery on the outskirts …… I remember, the cemetery, Uncle Su paid for

my father‟s …… “

Chengfeng nodded, emotionally: “After your mother died of medication, it was also your

Uncle who dealt with her affairs, her ashes, and your father‟s were buried together, your

Uncle spent a lot of money, bought a large place in the cemetery, to both of them

rebuilt the grave mound.”

Joseph heard this, the whole person has tears, he clenched his teeth, clenched his fist,

the whole body trembled violently.

A few moments later, Joseph said with great hatred: “My parents died one after another,

and the culprit, Changyang Wade, is lying on Waderest Mountain, a feng shui treasure! I,

Joseph, do not accept this! And I won‟t allow it! Therefore, on the day of Chingming, I

will lead my men to k!ll on Waderest Mountain!”

“I will strip Changying‟s coffin from the Wade family‟s ancestral tomb in front of the

Wade family!”

“I will strip the entire Wade family‟s ancestral tomb! And then let the whole family give

up Waderest Mountain and change its name to Wanrest Mountain!”

“I also want everyone in the Wade family to wear mourning clothes and kneel on the

ground to welcome my parents‟ coffin into Mount Wanrest and give them a beautiful

and respectful burial!”

Chapter 3287

Joseph‟s ambition immediately made Chengfeng extremely excited.

Even he would not dare to do such an outrageous thing to the Wade family.

Think about it, if in this top luxury circle, someone has stripped the ancestral graves of

another family, and also raised the ashes of others, and finally to hog the ancestral

graves of others, is there any law?

And if you really do such a vicious thing, how to mix in this circle in the future? Who will

cooperate with such a person?

After all, this is a beast that does not move to plow people‟s ancestral graves.

However, although Chengfeng also felt that the revenge plan of Joseph was a bit

shocking, but once he thought that the target of his revenge was the Wade family, he

was so excited that he almost roared out.

“Now someone is going to dig up the ancestral grave of the Wade family and then force

that old dog Zhongquan to wear sackcloth and mourn to bury Arthur, is there anything

more enjoyable in this world than this?”

“No more, absolutely no more!”

“If this can really become a reality, then the Wade family is completely finished, what

qualifications does a family that can‟t even guard its ancestral tomb have to come out

and make a fool of itself?”

“What else will there be in the future that will put them in their eyes?”

When he thought of this, Chengfeng stepped forward and held Joseph, who was

kneeling on one knee, and said with excitement, “Joseph! If you really want to do this, I

will help you to get justice for your parents!”

Joseph shook his head and said seriously, “I want to personally avenge my parents‟

death, Grandpa you don‟t need to interfere!”

Hearing these words, Chengfeng was even more pleased with him.

He actually did not want to get involved in this kind of thing, because once he did, he

would have to take the blame along with Joseph.

The company is a mercenary and does not mix with the rich and powerful circle in the

country, so he does not have to care, how people in the circle see him.

What‟s more important is that Joseph is at least famous, after all, he wants to avenge his


But if the Su family is also involved in this matter, then it is a master without a name.

Since the person committing this has no name in the circle, it will naturally fall into no

one‟s lap, Chengfeng also does not want to be involved in such trouble.

So, he waved his hand and said quickly: “You want to avenge your parents with your

own ability. This I understand very well, but, after all, yours is a mercenary organization

outside the country, if there are any problems that are not easy to handle at home, feel

free to contact me!”

“Good.” Joseph answered, said with a resolute gaze: “Please rest assured that Grandpa,

after I have eliminated the Wade family, I will do my best to find Uncle‟s whereabouts!”

“Back then, my parents‟ funeral was organized thanks to Uncle, and when my parents‟

tomb is moved to Waderest Mountain, I also hope that Uncle could be present to be a


“Good! Good! Good!” Chengfeng said with great emotion, “If Zynn knew that you had

achieved this today and could return to your country to avenge your parents‟ death, he

would be overjoyed!”

“You do not know, for so many years, Zynn was overwhelmed by the death of your

parents he felt hard to be at peace, I do not know how many times in front of me he

mentioned this ……”

Joseph clenched his fist: “I will not let Uncle disappointed!”

Chapter 3288

After saying that, Joseph stood up and said with an arch hand, “Grandpa, please forgive

me for disturbing you today, I just returned to China, there are still many things to deal

with, so I won‟t bother you much!”

Chengfeng hurriedly said, “Joseph! You‟ve just returned to China after such a long time,

so I must give you a chance to celebrate your return, so you and your men wait for a

moment, I‟ll arrange for the back kitchen to prepare a banquet, let‟s have a good drink

and catch up.

Hearing this, since the elder had already extended an invitation, and this old man was

also Uncle‟s father, he also felt that if he did not stay for a meal before leaving, it would

be unjustifiable in terms of etiquette.

So, he immediately clasped his fist and said, “Since that‟s the case, then I‟ll respectfully

comply with the order!”

Chengfeng was overjoyed and hurriedly instructed Anson, “Anson! If you don‟t have

enough staff, go to the best restaurant in Suhang and invite the entire back kitchen

over, make sure to prepare the best dishes and the best wine.”

“If there is even a hint of failure to meet the top standard, I will ask you!”

Anson hurriedly said respectfully, “Master, don‟t worry, I‟m on my way now!”

Chengfeng nodded and said to Joseph, “Joseph, let your men come in for a rest and a

cup of tea, and if you need anything, tell the servants directly, they will serve you well.”

“I‟m old, my health is not good, I need to take some medicine and oxygen at this time,

so I can build up some energy and have a few more drinks with you at the wine table


Chengfeng‟s warm and hospitable attitude also raised Joseph‟s impression of him by a

few points, and he nodded with some respect in his words, “Grandpa, you go first, I‟ll

just sit here.”

Chengfeng smiled and nodded, then said to Moby beside him, “Moby, you should

accompany me to my room.”

Moby hurriedly said, “Yes, Master, I‟ll help you!”

In fact, Chengfeng didn‟t need to take any medicine or oxygen at all.

The main reason why he had to find an excuse to leave at this time was that he couldn‟t

wait to find out from Moby what kind of organization and strength this Cataclysmic

Front was.

Chengfeng took Moby all the way to his room and closed the door before he lowered

his voice and asked Moby: “This Cataclysmic Front, what exactly is its origin? Why have I

never heard of it?”

Moby said: “Master, it is normal that you have not heard of the Cataclysmic Front, but I

have to say, the strength of the Front is very strong, especially in these years, they are

almost unbeaten in the mercenary field.”

“I heard some overseas martial arts colleagues talk about it, it is said that the

Cataclysmic Front is full of experts, the strength is above me, to say less than a dozen, to

say more than a few dozen people may also be possible!”

“D*mn!” Chengfeng said off the record: “This is bullsh!t, right? How can the strength of

the Cataclysmic Front be so strong? I‟m afraid there aren‟t even five people stronger

than you in such a large China, so how can he have so many experts in one


Moby said, “Master, there is no room for martial arts masters in the country, just like the

old dartboard, which was indispensable in the ancient chaotic times, but nowadays,

except for those war-torn places, there is no one to eat this bowl of rice?”

“Now want to eat this bowl of rice in the country, I am afraid they will go hungry ……”

“So most martial arts masters can not earn money at home, so they prefer to go

overseas to gain a foothold, other than that, just the first overseas Chinese gang – „big

circle gang‟ in, there are at least several people with strength above me.”

“Most of these experts have gone overseas in recent decades, the strength than what is

said outside the double flower red stick to be too strong!”

After a pause, Moby continued, “In addition, Colombia and Mexico‟s drug lords, Italy

and the U.S. Mafia, Japan‟s Yamaguchi Group, all have top experts sitting behind. These

are few to name but there are many more”

Speaking of which, Moby remembered something and said, “Right, there are many

experts in the country in the early years who were self-made overseas, they all have their

own gangs or organizations, the scale may not be as large as the Front, some may only

have a dozen people.”

“But even so, it is absolutely not to be underestimated, a dozen with a decade or even

decades of top experts, once they join to engage in a Beheading operation, even the

Cataclysmic Front is shadowed!”

Hearing this, Chengfeng could not help but marvel: “In that case, these overseas waters

are really unfathomable huh!”

Chapter 3289

Hearing Chengfeng‟s exclamation, Moby also agreed and said, “Master, there are too

many dark sides of the overseas world that are not known to the people, hiding dirt and

mixing fish and dragons!”

“Moreover, the more troubled a place is, the easier it is to breed such a powerful

organization such as Cataclysmic Front!”

“I really didn‟t expect that the head of the Cataclysmic Front was so young, and I really

can‟t imagine what kind of encounter this Joseph had. How can, in such a short time,

someone create an organization like Cataclysmic Front! Ordinary people can‟t possibly

do it anyway!”

Chengfeng couldn‟t help but ask: “By the way, how is the financial strength of the

Cataclysmic Front?”

“It‟s very strong!” Moby said seriously: “This kind of mercenary organization. The

profitability is very strong!”

After a pause, he continued, “The revenue of the Cataclysmic Front is estimated to be at

least a hundred billion dollars a year.”

“What?!” Chengfeng asked, dumbfounded, “Hundreds of billions of dollars a year, that‟s

opening a money printing machine!”

Moby explained, “Master, a hundred billion dollars seems a lot, but don‟t forget. There

are tens of thousands of mercenaries in the Front, and these mercenaries are all masters

of licking blood from the blade, and their average salary is very high.”

“Even the most ordinary big-headed soldiers, no one will do this kind of life selling work

without a hundred thousand dollars a year;”

“And then counting the senior officers in those mercenaries, I think the average annual

salary must be at least three or four hundred thousand dollars;”

“With 50,000 people, just the payroll, it would be one or two hundred billion dollars a


“And that‟s just the cost of salaries, not including the cost of bases, training, meals,

transportation, and the cost of maintaining weapons and equipment;”

“And the bigger cost is weapons and ammunition; a bullet costs a few dollars, a grenade

hundreds of dollars, a shell thousands of dollars, and when you fight a war, the money is

spent faster than it is printed.”

“Moreover, for these top-ranked mercenary organizations, reputation is very important,

and once casualties occur on the battlefield, they must be responsible to the end.”

“If someone is injured, a full set of medical treatment must be provided; if someone is

sacrificed, a substantial pension must be paid;”

Speaking of this, Moby concluded, “I estimate that the annual net profit of the

Cataclysmic Front should be around ten billion dollars.”

Chengfeng lamented, “Ten billion dollars is a lot of money! This group of people has

been hanging around outside the law for years, and they don‟t have to pay taxes, so

whatever they earn is their own.”

Moby nodded and said, “As far as I know, they are now expanding wildly in the third

world war-torn countries.”

“The overall investment cost is estimated to be very high, but after they have

successfully established their roots in all the war-torn regions, their strength will

definitely be able to go up another level.”

Chengfeng frowned and said offhandedly, “I really didn‟t expect that this Joseph was so


“In a place outside of the law, where even the most basic personal safety is not

guaranteed, he can actually build a mercenary organization with huge strength in such a

place, it‟s really not simple!”

“Compared to his simple-minded, reckless straw man father. I don‟t know how much

stronger he is!”

Moby said with approval, “This person is indeed not simple, and I see that he is very

grateful for the kindness that the youngest master showed to their family back then.”

“If you can make good use of this, it might bring us more help!”

Chengfeng nodded with excitement and said offhandedly, “Yes, this is definitely a oncein-a-lifetime good opportunity for my family!”


Chapter 3290

Half an hour later. When Robin, the five-star war general of Cataclysmic Front, was

leading a thousand soldiers to meander back towards the west wing of Hamid‟s base,

the Su family‟s subordinates had already prepared several tables of incomparably rich


Chengfeng kindly invited Joseph and his men to sit down at the banquet.

He took Joseph‟s hand and let him sit beside him, while not forgetting to continue to

climb up with Joseph, sighing:

“Joseph, if your father knew what you have achieved today, his spirit in heaven would be

extremely relieved ……”

Joseph thought of his late father, naturally, his heart was very emotional.

He came back this time to avenge his parents, but he also hopes to be in front of their


He wants to tell them about his experiences over the years in order to console their

spirits in heaven.”

“He should, He should!” Chengfeng nodded his head repeatedly. Asked, “Joseph, what

are your specific plans to seek revenge on the Wade family?”

Joseph spoke: “I have asked my men to use another identity and buy back our Wan

family‟s old mansion, I will depart for Eastcliff this afternoon.”

“First return to the old mansion for a few days, in addition, to wait for my three Generals

to finish the task at hand and meet me in Eastcliff.”

Saying that, Joseph‟s eyes burst out with a strong murderous aura and said in a cold

voice: “At that time, the four Generals of the Cataclysmic Front will gather in Eastcliff,

and other experts will also come to Eastcliff one after another from all over the world.”

“On the day of the Qingming Festival, I will bring them, as well as the sixteen battle

generals of the Front, and hundreds of elites, to destroy Waderest!”

Hearing this, Chengfeng‟s dried arteries were already boiling with fervor, and he was

busy asking, “Joseph. Those three Generals of yours, where are they at this moment?”

Joseph blandly said, “One person is in Palestine, another is in Yemen, and another is in


Chengfeng nodded gently and thought, “It‟s true that they are all places that are always

at war.

So, he complimented: “These places are constantly at war, your men have been training

in such places for years, the level of actual combat must be very good!”

“I‟m afraid it‟s no less than the famous Blackwater!”

Joseph said without modesty: “In terms of actual combat level, I am not inferior to

companies like Blackwater, and it is only natural for me to be ranked first in a large-scale

mercenary organization.”

Speaking of this, Joseph said disdainfully, “The reason why companies like Blackwater

are famous all over the world is because of the human tactics and the support of their


“It won‟t take long for me to overtake them and become the number one mercenary!

Chengfeng laughed and said, “I believe you will have no problem!”

Joseph nodded, said with an arrogant face: “American Blackwater was hired by Syria

some time ago to clear the opposition forces in the country, but it took Blackwater a

year to achieve results.”

“But I just cooperated with Syria for just a month, and I have already broken through

and conquered several cities in a row!”

“I believe, another half a month, we will be able to completely wipe out our opponents

and win!”

“At that time, Cataclysmic Front will beat Blackwater‟s face in front of the world‟s

mercenary organizations!”

After the victory, we will build a mercenary base in Syria covering an area of over 100

square kilometers.

Chengfeng was dumbfounded and said out loud, “A hundred square kilometers? How

could they give such a large area of land to the Cataclysmic Front?”

Joseph blandly said: “This is the condition I agreed with them, I help them to pacify the

opposition forces.”

“They provide me with the land and all the facilities I need, a hundred square kilometers

of land use rights, in developed areas is indeed impossible, but in that kind of place, ten

times is nothing, and for them, long-term cooperation with the Cataclysmic Front is


“The Cataclysmic Front will also assist them to maintain stability, we each take what we

need, a win-win for all!”

Chapter 3291

The words of Joseph shocked Chengfeng to the core.

If just now he still wanted to take advantage of Joseph, then he was now really very

admiring of him.

A young man less than thirty years old, able to develop to such a scale in the world of

guns and bullets, simply admirable beyond measure.

So, he took the initiative to lift a glass of wine and said from the bottom of his heart:

“Joseph! I have never admired anyone in my life, Changying of the Wade family is the

first, you are the second, come, I toast to you!”

When Joseph heard the word Changying, his expression was slightly cold, then he

looked at Chengfeng and asked seriously, “Grandpa, was Changying really as strong as

the legend?”

Chengfeng nodded and said heartily: “Although I have deep grudges with the Wade

family, but I have to admit that Changying was indeed very strong, think back when he

reigned, including me, I do not know how many people gnashed their back teeth,

lamenting in their hearts to have a son like him …… “

Joseph looked serious, and asked: “Grandpa, I want to know, Changying in the end what

made him strong.”

Chengfeng lamented, “Hmm …… Changying this person, seems to be a scholar, very

elegant, but he was not what the martial arts people are, can not be said to be unarmed,

but compared with the martial arts people, he was about normal.”

Joseph asked again, “Then why does everyone think he was very strong?”

Chengfeng pondered for a moment and said very seriously, “The word strong may not

necessarily be a hard fist, the most powerful thing about Changying, I personally think

there are three points.”

“Which three points?”

Chengfeng said: “First, was his strong personality! You know, most people are born to

disobey others, most people are born not to be led by others, but Changying‟s charisma

makes many people willingly follow him and obey him;”

“Second, was his unparalleled personal ability! Changying had an extraordinary strategic

thinking and big picture view, he was truly a top genius in the business world who could

plan between the tent and win beyond a thousand miles;”

“Third, was his unusual self-control ability!”

“Changying, never because the situation was optimistic and overly adventurous, and not

because the situation was pessimistic and overly cautious, just like the fast-changing

futures market.

Changying could in the extremely rapid rise in the market, firm in reaching the

predetermined target immediately after the liquidation of positions, even if everyone

was bullish to do long.

“All think that later will continue to rise, he would not change his predetermined target,

this point the vast majority of people could not do!”

“In addition, the Changying had many fans, like his women from Eastcliff to Zhonghai,

from China to foreign, there was no lack of initiative to send embrace, but he would turn

away all the temptation, I only saw this one man who could do this!”

Speaking of this, Chengfeng sighed: “In short, this person was in my life, was the most

admired one!”

Hearing this, Joseph could not help but frown and asked, “Changying was so powerful,

why did he die? Who exactly killed him? There are rumors outside that it was the Su

family that killed him, I wonder if it‟s credible?”

Chapter 3292

Chengfeng smiled and said, “Let me tell you this, when Changying‟s light was at its peak,

our Su family relied on a number of people to set up the Anti-Wade Alliance to barely

carry over.”

“In the end, the Anti-Wade Alliance was actually not a proactive organization, but for the

warmth of the group was set up, and if we had the ability to kill him, in the beginning, if

we had the ability to kill him, we would not have been outclassed by him.”

“What‟s more, Changying had already quit the business world when he died, so what‟s

the point of killing him at that time? We were all in business, who would do such a

money-losing deal with no return?”

Joseph nodded with a gloomy expression and asked, “Then who was the one who killed


Chengfeng shook his head: “This, I‟m not sure, all those years of divergent views, but no

one has conclusive evidence, slowly this matter has been too long, no one is there to

pursue the original cause.”

Joseph made a cold laugh, and said: “It seems that empty planning, decisive thinking, is

far from enough!”

“If you want to gain a foothold in this world, your brain must be alive and your fists

must be hard! If Changying could have one-tenth or even one-hundredth of the power

of my organization back then, he wouldn‟t have been killed at such a young age!”

Chengfeng was slightly stunned, then he reacted and hurriedly laughed: “You‟re right,

Joseph! These days, there‟s no point in just having a good brain, it‟s only the way to be

both literary and martial!”

After that, he said with a flattering face, “In my opinion, you are the model of both civil

and martial arts, and your future with Cataclysmic Front will be unlimited! Come on, I‟ll

drink to you!”

Joseph smiled, raised his glass, and said to Chengfeng: “After I win a great victory in

Syria, and after I move my parents‟ coffin into Mount Wanrest, Cataclysmic Front will

spend three to five years to fully penetrate and even cover the entire Middle East


“This will be achieved relying on the base in Syria! At that time, I will be the king of


The King of Mercenaries is the second major goal in Joseph‟s life.

And the first one, naturally, was to avenge his parents‟ death.

Now, in his opinion, he was not far from these two goals.

Right now, the situation of the Syrian war was very good, and the final victory would

definitely be obtained before the Qingming Festival.

At that time, the four war Generals under his command will gather in Eastcliff, take away

the Wade family in one wave, and then go to Syria for full development.

All this, at present, has shown the water to the momentum!


And just when Joseph was in high spirits at the wine table, the war situation in Syria,

however, had changed in a way that he could not expect.

Robin, who was leading a thousand Cataclysmic Front men on a sharp march through

the valley, had no idea, what was waiting for him next, exactly.

Under the cover of the rumble of artillery, the thousand men quietly followed the ravine

along the side of the mountain road and detoured towards the west side of Hamid‟s


The route chosen by them was very concealed, almost entirely valleys as well as counterslopes that were not visible from the high ground away from the eyes of Hamid‟s


Plus there was artillery fire as cover, so he felt that Hamid‟s men, could not have

detected that a unit had broken away from the frontal battlefield.

The mountain road was rugged, and they had specially made a circular route in order to

avoid being discovered by the enemy, so although the journey had been a sharp march,

it had taken a lot of time because of the large detour.

However, Robin had carefully planned everything, thinking that he could conceal it from

the world, but he never dreamed that as early as when he had just led his troops to


Hamid‟s drones in the sky had already captured the movement of this unit of men.

And now, Hamid has laid a death trap, waiting for him to throw himself into the net!

Chapter 3293

When the young people in other countries, holding a few thousand dollars worth of

drones, in the outdoor wilderness blindly shoot landscape, Hamid‟s men, have used this

inconspicuous thing, to achieve a local battlefield monitoring with complete stagnation

of the device in the air.

The advantage of complete stasis is that the drone can remain stationary in the sky and

closely observe the target, unlike the U.S. Global Hawk, which needs to constantly fly in

circles around the target.

Hamid, on the other hand, had already made tactical arrangements.

He analyzed that the opponent should not exceed 1,200 people at most, through the

picture transmission signals coming back from the sky

They were going to encircle them from the west flank, so he had already sent down

orders to send three hundred more soldiers to defend the permanent fortifications on

the west flank.

Although three hundred soldiers are not much, but using the timing and location, it is

still more than enough to defend against the attack of more than a thousand soldiers.

The permanent fortifications built by Hamid, although not yet fully constructed, were

specially camouflaged externally.

The camouflaged fortifications, if it does not fire, even if you pass by it ten times, it is

almost impossible to detect.

The firing holes of these fortifications had been blocked in advance with a large number

of fist-sized pieces of rubble, and then covered with a layer of loess from the outside.

Moreover, when they did the camouflage, they also left a few doorway-like gaps from

the inside.

With this small gap alone, the people inside can easily observe the situation outside.

And this camouflage made of rubble is also very convenient and easy to remove.

Once you want to shoot, you only need to pick up the rubble with your hands, you can

pick up all the rubble, and immediately after that you can put the gun out and fire with

full force.

If Robin encircled from the west flank, he would just pass through these hidden

fortifications, and by then, all of his men would be exposed to the crossfire of the

machine guns.

However, he did not know this.

He only thought that he had to hurry to take down Hamid and use a victory to cover up

his mistake just now.

This time after coming to Syria, they have been taking it easy.

Always feel that the opposition forces are just a bunch of third-world bandits without

much military education, not much stronger than the Somali pirates.

The elite came to fight these guerrillas with AKs, it was as easy as pie.

Therefore, they did not make adequate preparations before the battle, nor did they

carry very expensive high-end weaponry.

For the Front soldiers at this moment, the RPG shoulder-fired rocket was the most

powerful weapon they had on hand.

However, Robin felt that the RPG was enough.

Chapter 3294

The huge loss in the frontal attack just now was not because of how strong the enemy

was, but that his side was indeed too lightly defeated.

As long as he paid attention to it now and found the right strategic plan, he would

definitely be able to lead his men and easily attack the other side.

Now that he and his men had arrived at the foot of Hamid‟s west wing, he believed that

in an hour at most, this battle would be over! This time, there were three options in the

tactics developed by his army.

The first and best option was to quietly feel the entrance to Hamid‟s permanent

fortifications, then suddenly kill them and take them by surprise, wiping them all out

inside the fortifications they had built themselves.

This is the goal that the attacking side is most eager to achieve in all offensive battles, as

it is the only way to work the objective with the greatest ease and at the least cost in

terms of casualties.

The second second-best option is to use RPG rockets after touching the vicinity of the

permanent fortifications to strike them with precision.

As for the third and worst option, it was a forcible attack at all costs.

However, the third option is rarely successful.

Because once inside the opponent‟s fire network, and can not solve the opponent‟s

fortifications, the other side almost forms a reaper-style killing advantage, this situation

if you can still win, almost all rely on the corpses to the front pile up.

Therefore, Robin does not intend to use the third option until as a last resort.

But as a commander, he must also consider every possibility, so he again considers the

third option, set a red line, once the casualty reduction exceeds 60%, immediately


But he knew in his heart that this scenario, could never happen.

After the preparations were completed, Robin led all the soldiers and checked their

equipment and ammunition. After making sure there were no problems, he said through

the intercom with the commander of the frontal battlefield, “We have now touched the

opponent‟s western flank, you should launch a feint immediately now!”

The other side immediately replied, “After my side launches a feint, your side must

immediately launch a surprise attack as well!”

Robin looked at the time and said, “I will launch a surprise attack from the west flank ten

minutes after you launch your feint!”

“Why do you have to wait ten minutes?” The other side is very puzzled said: “The other

side firepower is very fierce, and the defense is strong, ten minutes I do not know how

many men to lose, my side of the fight, your must hurry and immediately encircle, this is

the most reasonable plan!”

Robin said seriously: “I have to wait for you to attack first, and wait for the enemy to

begin to engage in the fire with you, it is important to determine the location of the

enemy fire point.”

“My people can accurately launch a quick sneak attack, directly end the enemy fire

point, otherwise if we rush together, simply can not do it accurately!”

The other side hesitated for a moment and thought that was the case, so they spoke up

and said, “Okay! I‟ll have the soldiers prepare and attack in ten minutes!”

He knew very well in his heart that he had no other choice now, with the fortification of

Hamid, it was impossible to attack head-on, and there was no chance even if everyone

was exhausted, the only chance of success was here with the Frontal army.

And Robin has been a mercenary for several years, although said to be experienced, but

his kind of experience, all in the war-torn areas to attack small armed combat groups, he

did not encounter really strong, strategic opponents.

This is like a martial arts master, but all the time, only by beating street punks to

accumulate experience in real combat.

A person who abuses vegetables too much, they will certainly become more and more

like vegetables.

What‟s more frightening is that he will be immersed in the sense of accomplishment of

repeatedly abusing vegetables successfully, unable to extricate himself, not even aware

of the fact that he has become more and more vegetables like.

So, at this moment, Robin, not knowing that his side detour has been found out, is still

holding high-powered binoculars, observing the movement of the front position.

He was still instructing a few soldiers around him, saying: “You guys also pay attention

to observation, after their second round of feints, we can just observe the location of

Hamid‟s fire points, when we have marked down all these fire points, when we start the


“Immediately with the fastest speed, pull out all these fire points! As long as we pull out

their fortifications, we will have won!”

Several soldiers nodded and immediately took out their observation equipment and

mapping tools, preparing to map out the locations of the opponent‟s fire points as

quickly as possible after the feint attack began.

Robin was so sure of himself at this moment that Hamid‟s frontal position was already in

his pocket!

Chapter 3295

Ten minutes later, the shelling against Hamid‟s position stopped on time.

On the front battlefield, three thousand soldiers carrying hundreds of RPG rockets once

again charged toward Hamid‟s position.

The group had already been beaten back once and knew that the enemy firepower was

fierce, so the second time they launched the attack, each of them was nervous for fear

of accidentally getting k!lled.

But the military order was in front of them, and although they were afraid, they could

only go forward with their heads held high.

Soon, they entered the fire range of Hamid‟s fortifications again.

Hamid naturally showed no mercy to this kind of leek that came to his door and

immediately ordered to fire and k!ll as many enemies as possible.

The second round of fire was exchanged between the two sides, and it was immediate!

The attacking soldiers were in groups of five, one of whom used shoulder-launched

RPGs to bombard the fortifications.

While the remaining four all used machine guns as well as assault rifles to provide him

with fire cover to ensure that the RPGs would hit the opposing fortifications.

This is the only tactic taught to them by the army that can play a small role in the

offensive battle.

Originally, the government commander thought that as long as the RPGs were moved

up, they would not dare to take out all of Hamid‟s fortifications, but at least they would

blow up three or five of his fortifications and make him nervous.

Once he was nervous, he would naturally put more troops and energy into the front,

which greatly enhance the chances of success of the flanking detour tactic.

But what he didn‟t expect was that Hamid‟s fortifications were built very obscenely.

The front of each fortification was reinforced and camouflaged in layers along the

positive slope of the mountain itself.

Under this circumstance, the attacker carrying an RPG from the bottom to the top of the

mountain, the trajectory of the shot is almost parallel to the positive slope of the

mountain, so it is difficult to hit the fortifications.

In this way, the rocket either grazes the sloping surface of the fortification or hits it at a

very small angle.

For this kind of rocket, the real power must be a ninety-degree angle focus on the front,

otherwise, once grazing the edge of the explosion, basically with scratching nothing


Moreover, even if such a small angle hit, the probability will be directly refracted out of

the rocket, not only fails to destroy the enemy, refracted out of the rocket but also

scattered around, accidentally wound a lot of their own people.

Robin and his men were still looking through the binoculars, desperately recording the

location of each of Hamid‟s fortifications.

While observing, Robin ordered, “We will launch a sneak attack later, we must use the

fastest time to take out all these fortifications, once we take care of them, Hamid‟s base

will be defenseless! We will be able to win easily!”

The commanders at all levels around him immediately patted their chests and promised

that they would definitely pull out all these known fire points.

However, they had no idea that right in front of them, on the seemingly undefended

western flank, there were more than thirty fire points.

Long before Robin‟s mercenaries led the team to feel over, Hamid‟s three hundred

soldiers had already ambushed in one step ahead.

Originally, according to the plan, the interior of these fire points were to be completely

opened up with pits by Hamid.

And the interior of the pit should also be built with multiple firewalls, once the enemy

enters the channel from a certain point, it can immediately use the firewall to isolate the

enemy in a very small area, thus avoiding internal infiltration by the enemy.

This design, like the interior of a ship, to have multiple waterproof doors.

The function of the waterproof doors is that if a location ruptures to fill with seawater, it

immediately closes all the waterproof doors in this area to prevent seawater from filling

the other cabins, thus maximizing the safety of the ship.

Unfortunately, this wave of government forces attack came too quickly, Hamid simply

did not have time to build such a large project, so he could only first build some

independent hidden fire points.

Chapter 3296

In order to snipe the troops of Robin’s mercenaries, Hamid’s 300 soldiers entered more

than thirty fire points, then immediately closed the entrance of each fire point from the


In this way, each fire point became an independent bunker, and the soldiers did not

have any way of retreat inside.

Although this method has many disadvantages, but there is an advantage, that is, the

soldiers inside are almost there to break the boat, must live and die with the bunker, so

their will to fight is very high.

Each fire point is configured from five to ten men depending on the size of the area and

the angle of the design.

Inside, the firepower configuration was light and heavy machine guns and RPGs.

In addition to this, there is a very adequate ammunition reserve, as well as enough food

and drinking water to last for more than a month.

From this point alone, it is enough to see how strong Hamid’s sense of strategic reserve

is now.

He even plans to use a few years to open up a strategic base of several hundred

thousand cubic meters of space inside the surrounding mountains.

By then, including weapons and ammunition, food and drug, fuel supplies, all can

achieve huge amounts of storage.

What’s more ruthless is that he wants to dig several equipment depots at the foot of the


At that time, armored vehicles and helicopter gunships are all stored in them, and even

if the government troops keep bombing for a month, they can’t bring him substantial


At this time, the frontal battlefield feint had been carried out for five minutes.

Originally, there were five minutes left before the attack time set by Robin’s mercenaries.

However, Robin, seeing the heavy casualties of friendly troops, was afraid that these

guys would not last more than ten minutes before being repulsed.

Once the opponent’s feint was repulsed, then he could no longer flank the opponent

and catch them off guard.

So, after roughly confirming the location of Hamid’s fire point, Robin rushed to the

1,000 elites and said, “Brothers, we’re not waiting! Everyone join me to avenge the death

of our brothers! We will take Hamid’s head to pay tribute to the brothers who just died!”

As soon as they heard this, the crowd chanted the slogan of vowing to take Hamid’s


Seeing everyone’s enthusiasm, Robin nodded with satisfaction and continued,

“Once we meet the enemy head-on, no one should be soft or hesitant! As long as the

enemy, regardless of men, women, and children, must be k!lled on the spot, and strive

for a shot to the head! Do you understand?”

The group of people firmly nodded heavily, the color of murder overflowed.

“Good!” Robin only felt a surge of blood boiling, and he immediately shouted, “Charge!”

As the 1,000 soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front rushed up with Robin, at least half of

Hamid’s 300 soldiers were able to observe this army directly through the slits of the

hidden firing ports.

And they did not return fire, but each of them is holding his breath, afraid to make any

noise by the other side to be found.

The reason why they haven’t returned fire is that the mercenaries of the Cataclysmic

Front have not yet entered the middle of their fire coverage network.

Since they were fighting an ambush, they naturally had to wait until the enemy reached

the middle of the ambush circle before firing.

Only in this way, while striking the enemy on all fronts, can they cut off all the enemy’s

retreats, so that they have nowhere to hide.

Even, there should be nowhere to retreat for them!

Chapter 3297

When Robin led the 1,000 soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front and rushed up the slope of

the western flank, he had already fallen into Hamid’s encirclement on that side.

When he was worried about missing the opportunity to lead the charge, he didn’t even

notice that there were already several stone gaps around him, which suddenly turned

into flat black holes.

Immediately after that, the tongue of machine-gun fire instantly gushed out!

At one time, the sound of gunfire!

Robin only heard gunfire all around his ears, and before he had time to react, he heard

the miserable wailing sounds coming from around him, and the sound of soldiers falling

to the ground with bullets!

One thousand people were completely targeted by the muzzles of more than two

hundred light and heavy machine guns as well as dozens of RPG rockets.

Then came the unstinting saturation strikes.

The bullets were wildly venting, putting down rows and rows of soldiers around Robin. It

was no different from a massacre.

The sound of gunfire, explosions, just a minute or two, Robin’s team lost more than half!

His whole face was filled with horror, and he shouted: “Damn it! We’ve been ambushed!

Quickly organize a breakout!”

But. How could he know that there was no longer any possibility for them to break out


These 1,000 people had simply fallen into a death trap surrounded by more than 3 dark


No matter which direction they broke out, they were actually bumping into the gun.

They also tried to return fire, but under such firepower, they could not even find a place

to hide, and it was even more difficult to return fire.

After all. Their opponents, all hidden in the steel and concrete fortifications, and their

weapons are difficult to bring their opponents to effective killing.

On Hamid’s side, only a very few people were hit by the bullets fired into the


As the number of soldiers in the Cataclysmic Front became smaller and smaller, some

soldiers knew they had no hope of escaping and shouted out loud, “Quick, protect the


Immediately afterward, many people in all directions shouted the words “protect the

General” and surrounded Robin and few people standing around him.

Soon, he was covered by dozens of people.

Seeing his brothers falling down, Robin was filled with grief and anger, and shouted with

red eyes, “Brothers, today’s ambush is all because of my poor command, I hope you can

forgive me!

Several soldiers cried and said, “General, we are all your soldiers, from the day we

followed you, we have never regretted!”

Robin choked up and said, “To be able to fight alongside you guys is a privilege in my

three lives!”

After saying that, he gritted his teeth and said, “Now there is no hope of survival, why

are you still so protective of me, all get out of the way, let me fight with these ba5tards!

This way I can die with less grievance!”

Dozens of warriors from the Front had tears in their eyes. As more and more of their

comrades were killed on the periphery, only 40 or 50 of them were left in a group of

1,000 people.

Chapter 3298

At this time, the firepower of more than thirty fire points have all been aimed at them.

Seeing that the soldiers around him had fallen by more than twenty, Robin pushed away

from the soldiers in front of him and raised his assault rifle towards a fire point that was

spewing fire not far away, firing back hard while shouting: “Ba5tards! I’ll take you with

me even if I die!”

After saying that, he took a step and rushed out.

When the other soldiers who were still alive heard this, their blood instantly went to

their heads. A group of people neatly shouted the slogan of dying together and

followed Robin and rushed out.

However, this kind of suicide charge, except for making them feel less stifled, could

hardly have any impact on the battlefield.

As soon as he came out, he was hit by more than ten bullets and instantly fell to the

ground… dead.

The other mercenaries who followed him also did not escape this fate, one by one, like

cutting wheat, were quickly k!lled, in less than 30 seconds, all k!lled in action!

This one-sided massacre lasted less than five minutes before it was over.

Afterward. Hamid’s soldiers came out of their bunkers and began to clean up the


After the battle, there were 1,001 mercenaries, including General Robin, all of them


On Hamid’s side, there were sixteen casualties, six of whom died and ten were injured.

But none of them were life-threatening.

This was definitely a complete and utter victory.

At this moment, the commander of the frontal feint, after waiting for a long time and

not seeing Robin’s army not coming from the other side, and lost nearly a thousand

soldiers in this feint.

He was furious and used the radio to question why the other side still did not attack, but

on the other end of the radio, no one responded.

He immediately asked his men to contact the other officers of the Cataclysmic Front, but

the result was that there was no response.

This caused him to panic to the extreme.

On the battlefield, there was no way that a force of a thousand men would be lost, and

the other side was not just some shrimp soldiers or crab generals. These 1,000 people

are the elite of the Cataclysmic Front.

Whether it is the degree of training, combat ability, or combat literacy, they are much

better than his side.

The only possibility that such a force is completely lost. The only possibility is that they

have met with an untimely death ……

The other side was horrified and hurriedly withdrew all the soldiers they had sent up to


At the same time, and hurriedly sent scouts, with the fastest speed to feel over to find

out what happened.

An hour later. When the other side’s scouts approached the west flank slope, they

immediately used a high-powered camera to observe the positions.

This look does not matter, immediately he was frightened pale.

At this moment, Hamid’s soldiers were cleaning up the battlefield on the west wing


As for the 1,000 elites of the Cataclysmic Front, as well as their commander, Robin, all

became c0rpses covered with bullet holes.

Hamid’s soldiers were currently collecting their weapons and equipment as well as other

strategic materials.

The soldiers were more interested in the weapons and ammunition carried by the elites

of the Cataclysmic Front because the overall level of these weapons was better than

Hamid’s army.

All of the weapons used by them were NATO-style weapons, most of which are with

active U.S. forces.

While Hamid’s forces used almost all of the Soviet Union’s former Warsaw Pact-style

weapons from the 1960s and 1970s and 1980s, which were quite different from each

other, both in terms of level and age.

In addition to the soldiers’ interest in the weapons, they were also very fond of their

desert camouflage uniforms.

Regrettably, their desert camouflage uniforms had long been beaten with countless

holes and had no more use.

However, the Hamid soldiers who were good at treasure hunting found that. Although

the tops of the elites of the Cataclysmic Front were all beaten into sieves, the pants were

mostly intact and could be peeled off to wear.

This kind of American desert camouflage clothing, the fabric workmanship are very

good, the price is not expensive than the Hamid soldiers wear broken pants out of a

hundred thousand miles.

On top of that, what made the soldiers salivate even more was the boots of the elites of

the Cataclysmic Front.

This gang had very expensive professional tactical boots, reasonable design, superior

performance and anti-bashing, and anti-puncture, desert and mountain marching,

simply a godsend.

These boots have always been in high demand in the Middle East, placed on the black

market, at least several hundred dollars a pair, and there is no supply of them.

So, the scout witnessed the brutal image of Hamid’s soldiers str!pping the pants of the

soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front one by one, then taking off their boots, and finally

throwing the b0dies into the valley.

And what made him, even more, horrified was that his camera just happened to catch

the corpse of Robin, who, at this moment, had only a pair of pants left in the lower half

of his body, and his entire body was shot with at least a dozen bull3t holes, while he was

d3ad in a horrible way.

That scout was terrified to the extreme while fleeing in fear, he reported to his superiors

by radio: “Cataclysmic …… Cataclysmic Front, all dead …… Commander Robin… …also

dead ……”

Chapter 3299

The news of the death of Robin and a thousand soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front was

like a bolt from the blue to the commander of the attacking side!

He didn’t care about the death of the soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front, but he felt that if

even the Cataclysmic Front couldn’t attack Hamid’s fortifications, the group of hangerson under him would be even more hopeless.

Moreover, he brought a total of more than 5,000 soldiers, in two rounds of charges

nearly 2,000 perished, excluding 1,500 people of Cataclysmic Front, now the actual

combat power lost at least a large half!

More seriously, after two charges, his soldiers have clearly realized that want to rely on

flesh and blood to take Hamid’s position, almost impossible to see with their own eyes.

With two charges, so many of their comrades died, they are now full of fear.

At this time morale is already extremely low, if forced to organize a third charge, in

addition to sending them to death, there is no other meaning.

Therefore, he also knew very clearly that he simply could not have another chance to

take Hamid this time.

So, he immediately reported the battle situation to his superiors and asked for

permission to withdraw his troops and go back to rest.

When his superiors heard the situation, they were furious!

The many victories over the past few days had long filled their expectations for the

purge of the opposition, and they firmly believed that this goal would soon be achieved.

But unexpectedly, all of a sudden, the reality gave itself a blow to the head.

A war, not even the enemy has not yet seen, their own side has faced 3,000 deaths, this

is a bit unacceptable.

What was even more incomprehensible was that this man, Robin, had previously led

these Cataclysmic Front mercenaries to a number of victories, and in the eyes of their

group of native commanders, was simply a super war commander who could not be


Look who could have imagined that such a commander would die in such a way ……

In his anger, he also immediately synchronized this news to Walter, one of the four

battle commanders of the Cataclysmic Front.

At this time, Walter, who was waiting in Damascus for the feedback on the results of the

four fronts of the Cataclysmic Front, suddenly received the news of Robin’s death, and

he couldn’t believe it for ten thousand times until the other side sent him the video

taken by the scouts, and then he had to accept this reality.

In a small-scale attack battle, more than 1,500 of his men died as well as a five-star war

general, this is the first time since the establishment of the Cataclysmic Front.

Walter really can’t understand why mountain-occupying opposition forces can have

such a powerful fighting force, he feels that this matter is extremely strange, so he did

not dare to have any delay, rushed to call, ready to report this period of time to the

Supreme Commander of the Cataclysmic Front, Joseph.

And at this time, Joseph is at the dinner table of the family villa in Suhang, and enjoying

Chengfeng’s wine.

Chengfeng doesn’t look like the head of the Su family, this old thing really became a

licking dog, the level and attainment is extremely high.

Originally, Joseph had a problem with this old guy, after all, he did always look down on

his father, if not for the face of Zynn, Joseph would not even bother to eat and drink

with him.

However, the old man began to shoot him with all kinds of compliments as soon as he

came to the table, Joseph at first can also be bashful, but soon found himself floating.

For a person like him, who has endured humiliation for so many years, his bones are

indeed quite depressed.

The more this kind of person, the more he needs a chance to release, the more he needs

others to know his ability and to affirm and praise him.

Therefore, when he found out that Chengfeng, the Su family head who made his father

not dare to breathe in front of him back then, was actually groveling and flattering to

himself, his heart, which had been repressed for years because he had not been able to

avenge his parents, was greatly satisfied.

Unlike Joseph, Chengfeng, at this time, was already filled with shame inside.

He had never knelt down to anyone from his youth, and after middle age onwards, he

was admired by all.

But who would have thought that he, who had been proud all his life, would grovel to a

20-something-year-old in his later years?

This feeling hurts his pride, but he had to continue to keep this flattering face, because

he desperately needs Joseph to help him solve the series of problems in front of him.

So, after three rounds of drinking, he once again took the initiative to lift his glass and

said with a smile:

“Come on, Joseph, I’ll drink to you again, with this glass of wine I wish you a victory on

the day of the Qingming Festival, in Waderest Mountain! You will completely avenge

your parents’ death!”

Chapter 3300

Joseph played with the wine glass in his hand and said seriously,

“Grandpa , it’s not Waderest, it’s Wanrest! After Qingming, the whole Wanrest Mountain,

is the cemetery where my parents are sleeping, I will deploy a hundred elites of

Cataclysmic Front to seal up the whole mountain, not allowing any idle people to

disturb their peace in the future!”

Chengfeng immediately blurted out, “Yes, yes, Mount Wanrest! When your parents’

graves are moved there, I will personally pay my respects on the spot!”

Joseph nodded with satisfaction and said, “It would be best if you can go.”

Saying that, he said with great emotion, “Actually, my father told my mother more than

once back then that he felt a lot of pressure every time he saw you.”

“Is that so?” Chengfeng was very surprised and asked, “Arthur, why would he be stressed

out when he saw me?”

Joseph gave Chengfeng a look and said in a somewhat unpleasant tone, “Because he

felt that you’ve always looked down on him! In your eyes, he was Uncle Su’s fox friend,

and still the kind of fox friend who completely despises Uncle Su and only pulls down

Uncle Su’s rank.”

“Every time he saw you, he had that feeling of being disliked and disgusted by the other

parent when the poor student goes to play with the superior student.”

Chengfeng awkwardly smiled twice and hurriedly explained, “I think Arthur may have

some misunderstanding about me, I am a person who is not smiling, a little serious to


“Even to Zynn, I am always pulling a face, rarely give him any good look, so I definitely

did not mean to look down on Arthur!”

Joseph slightly surprised to look at him, seriously said: “But I have contact with you

down today, and do not feel that you are a person who does not smile, nor do I feel that

you are serious to anyone, is this because, I now have the strength that my father did

not have back then?”

“This …… cough …… this ……” Chengfeng stammered for half a day, but he could not say


Joseph’s words put him in an even more awkward state.

He knew that Joseph was laughing at him.

After all, his attitude was indeed very flattering after learning that he was the Supreme

Commander of the Cataclysmic Front and learning that his organization was extremely


To be honest, this face of his was a bit disgusting even to himself.

But what could be done about it?

The current situation for him is only to do everything possible to close relations with


The only hidden problem is Zhiyu’s powerful benefactor, because Joseph is about to

take on the Wade family.

About this matter, only Joseph can help him with.

Once Joseph can take care of that guy, he will have 10,000 ways to make Zhiyu return

the Ocean Shipping Group!

At that time, the Su family will have a great opportunity to take off again!

At this time, Joseph saw Chengfeng’s old face red, smiled playfully, waved his hand, and


“Forget it, these are all things that happened 20 or 30 years ago, let’s not talk about it, in

short, if you can go to pay respect to my father, I believe his spirit in heaven, will also be



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