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 Chapter 3143 Excellent Opportunity

"The most advanced AI model?!"

He Yuanjiang's brain exploded when he heard this!

He has been on Wall Street for many years. When he worked in an investment bank, he invested in a large number of innovative technology companies and helped many technology companies to go public on the Nasdaq. Therefore, he has a very keen sense of the development of high-tech in the world.

The popularity of AI was unprecedented some time ago. Although he had left the venture capital circle for a long time at that time, he still kept a close eye on AI while teaching in Aurous Hill.

He knew too well what kind of application prospects the real AI model had, but he never thought that Charlie actually had the AI ​​model that all Chinese Internet companies were sighing at!

He asked Charlie excitedly: "Charlie, can Rothschild help you solve all the software and hardware problems? High-computing graphics cards are hard to come by now. Many domestic companies are trying to buy them one by one from all over the world. The demand for this hardware is too great!"

Charlie smiled and said, "I don't have to worry about these. The Rothschild family will help me solve all the software and hardware problems. Even the data center was purchased from Microsoft by them. It is estimated that it will be officially operational in more than half a month."

"Oh my God!" He Yuanjiang exclaimed: "This is a huge surprise. If it can be applied to cars, I think there must be a lot of room for development!"

Then he asked Charlie: "Are you sure that the Rothschild family can get the authorization for the application of this AI in the automotive field?"

Charlie said: "It's not a big problem. I can solve it. If they don't want to give the authorization, we can still mediate with them. At worst, we can use it ourselves without using their name. But Uncle He still needs to analyze how much practical application value AI has in the automotive field."

He Yuanjiang said: "I personally feel that the application value of AI in the automotive field is very high, especially in AI assistants, intelligent assisted driving, and dynamic adjustment of vehicle status;"

"AI assistants can be understood as voice assistants today, but you can buy a small smart speaker for a few dozen dollars to achieve basic functions. However, it is still a long way from becoming an AI assistant. Voice assistants require you to speak to give them commands, while AI assistants may not require you to speak. By analyzing your car usage habits, the time you go out, your clothing style, and the number of people in the car, it can determine where you may go and what you may do, and directly adjust the temperature, seat, route planning, and navigation for you;"

"It can also analyze your facial expressions, breathing, and heart rate to analyze your mood, what kind of music, air conditioning, and driving mode you need, and even chat with you and talk to you about your professional field. If you are a business elite, your AI assistant will take the initiative to talk to you about the latest business news every day while you are driving, and it can also give you its own unique insights. It can discuss with you, help you learn, analyze for you, and even debate with you;"

"In addition, if AI is used to train smart driving and analyze road big data, it will definitely make smart driving more intelligent, smarter and safer. Smart driving on the market relies on either millimeter waves and lidar or pure vision, each of which has very obvious advantages and disadvantages, but AI-based smart driving systems will definitely be better than other solutions;"

"Moreover, AI's greater ability is to conduct detailed analysis of our big data through its powerful autonomous awareness and huge computing power;"

"Once car sales continue to grow, every car owner will provide precious big data for the smart driving database every day when driving on the road. This big data has great imagination with the support of AI;"

"If I'm driving past a certain location on a certain road and my car jolts significantly, the sensor will immediately upload the sensor data and the road scene taken at that time to the processing center via the cloud in real time after capturing the shock absorption anomaly. The AI ​​model of the processing center can determine in a very short time that the road surface at this location is damaged to a certain extent. It can immediately mark the problem on the high-precision map used by the car computer and send it to the vehicles with real-time locations nearby. When other car owners approach this location, the car computer will be able to issue a reminder to inform the other party that the road ahead has large ups and downs and recommend a certain amount of deceleration to pass safely."

"If it is smarter, then our car computer may make a direct judgment when my car approaches an abnormal road surface, reminding me to slow down, and at the same time upload the situation to the cloud to remind all vehicles that will pass here to slow down. "

"If I drive past a certain section of highway and the left lane of this section of highway is closed for maintenance, my vehicle will evade it and upload the situation as soon as possible. After a few seconds, the situation will be delivered to the vehicles behind. "

"If the repair is completed a few hours later and another of our vehicles passes by here, the AI ​​will compare the cloud information with the real-time road information and find that the road has been unblocked, and will immediately upload it to the cloud, so that the following vehicles will not receive the road repair reminder;"

"If our computing power is strong enough, even if there is a foreign object spilled on the road surface of a certain lane on a certain section of the road, we can warn the vehicle behind within a few seconds, and even let the intelligent driving system directly help the vehicle behind to change lanes and avoid it, then our vehicles will be able to greatly avoid traffic accidents;"

"If there is enough big data on the road, when users use our car computer for automatic driving, they will find that our vehicle can autonomously foresee many road conditions and autonomously adjust the driving of the vehicle. In this way, the intelligence of our vehicles will far exceed that of our peers;"

He Yuanjiang said a lot, and finally he couldn't help but continue excitedly: "In short, I personally feel that AI has endless application possibilities in the automotive field. There is nothing AI can't do as long as we can't think of it. If this thing can really be put into use, it will become an absolute king bomb in the field of new energy."

The old man on the side smiled and asked: "Professor He, you see, the An family and Charlie will set up a platform for you. Not only can they provide the best hardware and financial foundation, but even the most advanced AI models can be integrated into it. You have such a high enthusiasm for this aspect, why don't you take this opportunity to do a big business you have always dreamed of?"

He Yuanjiang was also a little excited at this time.

He also began to re-examine the invitation from the An family.

As the old man said, this opportunity is rare. Just like a singer who has the opportunity to sing a song with the world's top equipment and on the top stage, as long as he really loves singing, he will never refuse.

He has been studying new energy for a long time, almost since Tesla built its first car, and his enthusiasm for new energy is beyond ordinary people. He also has many ideas and ambitions of his own, but he has been teaching in school before, and he has hardly thought that these ambitions of his have the opportunity to be realized.

But now, isn't this a great opportunity tailored for me?

Seeing that He Yuanjiang was obviously moved, Charlie immediately said to An Kaifeng: "Uncle, Professor He is getting married soon. After marriage, he may not want to be separated from his lover often. Is it possible for us to set up the future headquarters in Aurous Hill?"

An Kaifeng said without hesitation: "Of course no problem! Since the An family has publicly returned to China, and everyone is very clear about the marriage relationship between us and the Wade family, why not let the An family and the Wade family jointly invest in a company with the headquarters in Aurous Hill, and then merge Gao Heng's assets into the name of this company."

As he said, An Kaifeng said to He Yuanjiang: "By the way, Professor He, Gao Heng's production line is in this province, and it is only more than 200 kilometers away from Aurous Hill. It's a short drive. It will only take about three hours. If you join us, you can work in Aurous Hill and go to the production line occasionally. It won’t be very troublesome. I think Gao Heng’s current production line, technology and automation level are obviously behind Remi. Upgrading is imperative. Since we have set up our headquarters in Aurous Hill, we might as well acquire land in Aurous Hill and build a most advanced production base. This will not take long. Tesla’s super factory in China started construction and went into production in the same year. I believe we can do this in Aurous Hill!"

He Yuanjiang asked in amazement, "Are we really going to build a super factory in Aurous Hill?"

An Kaifeng smiled and said, "Tesla’s super factory in China is about 100 million square meters. It will take about 20 minutes to build a super factory in Aurous Hill." The first phase investment of the factory is less than 20 billion yuan. We can directly invest 50 billion yuan. Let's do something big!"

After that, he asked Charlie: "Charlie, what do you think?"

Charlie smiled and said: "Since it is a joint venture between the An family and the Wade family, let's take 20 billion US dollars in cash as the first phase investment. While establishing the headquarters and building a team in Aurous Hill, we will acquire land and build our own office building and production base at the same time."

After that, he asked He Yuanjiang: "What does Uncle He think?"

He Yuanjiang subconsciously said: "I don't think the factory needs to be built in Aurous Hill."

Charlie asked curiously: "Why?"

He Yuanjiang said: "Aurous Hill is not a coastal city. If our cars are to be sold all over the world in the future, we must have a port. The cars are shipped to all parts of the world on ro-ro ships. If fully developed vehicles are transported in large quantities from inland cities to ports, the transportation cost is too high and the efficiency is greatly reduced. It is better to invest directly in coastal cities, and it is best to get land near the port, so that our cars can be directly shipped after they come off the production line. Tesla's super factory is only two kilometers away from the sea. 

"When Charlie heard him use "we", he knew that he had made a decision, so he smiled and said: "Uncle He, I have lived in Aurous Hill for so many years and have feelings for this place. With such a large investment, I naturally hope that it can be located in Aurous Hill, so I will make a decision for everyone. Our first super factory will be located in Aurous Hill!"

"After all, our market must start from the domestic market first. Although Aurous Hill is not by the sea, land transportation and railway transportation are very convenient, and shipping on the Yangtze River is also very convenient. It is very convenient to build cars here and ship them to the whole country. When we gain a foothold in China, the second super factory will be located directly by the sea next to the port like Tesla!"



  1. Such a pity! Too detailed story about business. I chose the paragraphs that I read.


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