Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3142 update || Chapter 6531 & 6532 || Chapter 3142: I thought of an opportunity | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3142 I thought of an opportunity

The An family instantly became very interested in He Yuanjiang's views.

For the An family, vehicle manufacturing and power batteries are not really intended to make money. They just hope to make more manufacturing investments in China to contribute to the development of China's manufacturing industry.

But He Yuanjiang's views have given them new expectations for this matter.

If this industry can be made into an industry giant like Tesla, the business opportunities and profits contained in it are needless to say. The help and improvement it can bring to China's manufacturing industry and local automobile supply chain are undoubtedly huge.

The biggest difference between manufacturing giants and Internet giants is that Internet giants are more likely to monopolize the industry. Before the monopoly situation is formed, they will continue to release benefits and even heavily subsidize the terminal market. When they have enough users and make users extremely dependent, they will unscrupulously grab profits.

Several years ago, when they subsidized online taxis, passengers might only need to pay five yuan for a ten-kilometer journey, and drivers could get ten yuan. But now, for the same ten-kilometer journey, passengers might need to pay thirty yuan, and drivers can only get eight yuan.

Moreover, Internet companies tend to use the least number of jobs, create the greatest output, and obtain the greatest profit by squeezing upstream and downstream.

But the giants of the manufacturing industry are different.

The giants of the manufacturing industry feed the entire industrial chain.

A car manufacturing company with 10,000 employees can not only provide 10,000 jobs for itself, but also provide a large number of jobs for upstream steel mills and aluminum plants, a large number of jobs for the transportation of various materials, and a large number of large, medium and small enterprises that provide spare parts for it. This driving effect is very powerful.

In China and even the world, the economic lifeline of many cities is likely to be a large-scale manufacturing industry, just like Toyota City in Japan, where the 400,000 people are almost all Toyota employees and their families, and Toyota itself has more than 300,000 employees worldwide. If the supply chain that relies on it is counted, it can at least drive millions of jobs.

Such a manufacturing giant can provide benefits for millions of people in the industrial chain, instead of desperately squeezing their profits and living space.

Nowadays, the domestic production rate of domestic new energy vehicles has long exceeded 90%. If a new energy vehicle giant can be created, all the value it generates will be used to drive the development of related domestic enterprises.

Therefore, He Yuanjiang's proposal immediately made everyone's eyes light up.

Charlie Wade was also very interested in this plan. He said, "I still have plenty of cash in my hand. It is not difficult to take out hundreds of billions of dollars. Uncle He, how do you think this thing can be run with the highest success rate?"

He Yuanjiang said, "You don't need so much money. Two or three billion dollars is already very sufficient. As for the success rate, I personally feel that we should focus on overtaking on the curve. Not to mention compared with traditional fuel vehicle companies, even in the new energy field, they are now in the fifth or even sixth echelon. Just catching up with their peers is a difficult test."

An Kaifeng asked, "Professor He, how do you think we can achieve overtaking on the curve? In other words, what is considered overtaking on the curve?"

He Yuanjiang thought about it, organized his words, and explained, "My personal understanding of overtaking on the curve is not as simple as a curve, but taking shortcuts in the entire track, taking roads that others have not taken, or even unexpected roads, to reach the finish line faster;"

"Just like domestic new energy vehicles, our fuel engines always lagged behind Europe, America, Japan and South Korea in the past, and we were always a little behind no matter how hard we tried to catch up. But domestic new energy vehicles turned the table over directly. We can't make engines that can catch up with them, right? Then don't make cars with engines. You are not that good at motors, right? You have accumulated decades of experience in internal combustion engines, and you are confused about motors. I will take advantage of you not paying attention to motors and get in first to accumulate the advantages of electric drives. When I develop electric drives, I will be ahead of you in the field of new energy. By then, you can cry and tell me that you have been playing with internal combustion engines for decades, and you are proficient in everything from L4 to W16, but I will ignore you. Why? Because I don't play your game anymore."

"It's like a martial arts master who practiced swordsmanship in the cold weapon era. You practiced for thirty years and came out thinking you were invincible, but I made a musket in a year and a half and one bullet could kill you. It's useless to say you've practiced for thirty years."

"Of course, it was not the domestic new energy companies that really overturned the table for traditional global car companies, but the industry pioneer Tesla. This was his idea of ​​overtaking on the curve. However, our domestic new energy companies also have original cases of overtaking on the curve, namely the three major new energy appliances, refrigerators, color TVs and large sofas. Isn't Tesla going for the minimalist wabi-sabi style? Then they go for the luxurious and comfortable style, and they have also seized a lot of market share."

After a pause, He Yuanjiang said, "If you want to find another route to overtake on the curve now and overturn their tables directly, to be honest, it's very difficult, but it's by no means impossible. Whoever can find the right entry point can become the next new emperor in the automotive field."

An Kaifeng also understood that such an entry point must be extremely difficult to find. Once found, it might be able to leverage a trillion-dollar market value. So it's probably a pipe line to get hints from He Yuanjiang for a while.

So, he asked again: "Professor He, if we can't find a magic weapon to overtake and win by surprise for the time being, what should we do to increase the success rate of this project?"

He Yuanjiang said: "If we want to further improve the success rate, my personal understanding is that we must penetrate into more upstream key links. Power batteries are naturally one of them. Electronic control technology and drive technology also need to be focused on. In addition, there is another top priority, which is the research and development of vehicle software;"

"Penetrating into power batteries, one is for technical reserves, two is to reduce costs, and three is to ensure supply. Now Anjia has already made some arrangements;"

"As for penetrating into electronic control and drive technology, it is also to improve the hardware competitiveness of the car. With the same battery capacity and similar wind resistance weight, whoever's electronic control is more power-saving will have a higher endurance, whoever has the strongest drive technology will have better performance. These are all key points related to comprehensive driving quality;"

"If you don't have your own R&D team or strategic tie-ins with related companies, you can only use standardized solutions provided by third parties. In that case, your car will have the same power parameters as a dozen other brands on the market. What's the point of leading at that time?"

At this point, He Yuanjiang said, "As for the car system, I think it is the top priority. Since I started studying new energy vehicles, car software has been a part that I attach great importance to. In fact, making new energy vehicles is like making smartphones. You can't just piece together hardware, but also adapt the hardware to each other, and the software to the hardware. No matter how good the hardware is, once the software lags behind, the car is like a fool with well-developed limbs and a simple mind."

An Chongqiu said at this time, "Oh, I... I seem to have always driven a fuel car, and I don't have any requirements for the car computer. It's enough to have a Bluetooth phone, listen to music, and listen to the radio. I have no concept of this thing."

An Kaifeng nodded and said, "I don't quite understand it either. I have never been in contact with the new energy vehicle industry, and I haven't even driven a new energy vehicle."

After that, he asked Charlie Wade, "Charlie, do you understand?"

Master Wade smiled and said, "Me? I'm not afraid of my second uncle laughing at me. The only time I could drive a car every day was after Stephen Tomphson found me. I never bought a car for myself. The only two cars I have are two supercars given to me by others. I may have driven them once or twice, two or three times. Until now, I still drive the BMW 5 Series that I bought for my father-in-law."

As he said that, he suddenly remembered Liu Manqiong's Tesla, and said, "I seem to have driven a friend's Tesla in Hong Kong Island, but I only drove it for a short time at that time, and I didn't study the car computer and the so-called assisted driving at all."

He Yuanjiang thought about it and smiled, "How to describe this car computer specifically? You know Balotelli who plays football, right?"

Except for the old man, several other men nodded.

Balotelli, who likes to think about life on the court, is familiar to men who like to watch football and those who don't watch football much.

He Yuanjiang continued, "In my opinion, he has top-notch hardware and third-rate car computers. If he could have the football IQ of Messi or Ronaldinho, he would definitely be a superstar. Unfortunately, he can't make up for this shortcoming."

Everyone understood what He Yuanjiang meant.

Charlie Wade said, "Since the software adaptation of the car computer is very important, then build a strong software development team. The big money has been spent, not this little money." 

He Yuanjiang agreed and said, "Yes, that's what I mean. Many traditional car companies have transformed into new energy, and the car computer software can't keep up, so they have chosen to outsource. This is basically a mess, just like the copycat phones of the year, with a very poor experience. Since you have chosen to directly cut into the new energy track and have extremely abundant financial reserves, you must grasp the software well."

As he said, He Yuanjiang said, "By the way, there are also high-precision maps, which is also very important. It is very important. Car navigation, assisted driving and even higher-level autonomous driving cannot do without it. At this stage, everyone has access to several common service providers on the market. If there is an opportunity, you can invest in one or simply acquire one. "

An Kaifeng nodded and said, "These are all very valuable suggestions. We will definitely consider them seriously and strive to implement them as soon as possible."

As he said, An Kaifeng looked at He Yuanjiang and asked, "Professor He, since you have such in-depth research on new energy, I wonder if you are interested in working with us to manage this project?"

Without Charlie Wade's signal, An Kaifeng had already seen the great value of He Yuanjiang.

He and the An family had made a decision when acquiring Gao Heng. After all, it was a project worth billions of dollars, and the professional threshold was very high. It was necessary to dig out a truly knowledgeable expert to manage it. Otherwise, if you just rely on money and a hot mind to do such a big project, the result will definitely be that you have paid the tuition fee. 

Even if he didn't meet He Yuanjiang today, he would still arrange for a headhunter to find a suitable operator nationwide, but he didn't expect that Master Wade would send a top candidate as soon as they returned to Aurous Hill.

He Yuanjiang smiled and declined, "To be honest with you, Mr. An, my mind is now focused on teaching and educating people. Besides, I have been away from practical operations for too long, and all I can talk about are theoretical matters. If I really have to manage the business, I don't have the ability to do so."

Mr. An, who had been silent, waved his hand and said seriously: "Professor He, don't belittle yourself. I think you are definitely qualified for this position. The key is whether you want to do it or not;"

"If you really only want to teach and educate people, then no matter what we say, you may not agree;"

"But if you still have a little interest and expectation in operating such a huge project, then you must consider it carefully;"

"We have invested 3 billion US dollars in Gaoheng Automobile. If we count the power battery, we have invested more than 10 billion US dollars, but for this matter, we can invest another 30 billion US dollars. In that case, this is a 40 billion US dollar plate. This scale may not be available in any new car company in the world. Even the world's top dancers may not be able to show their grace on a 40 billion US dollar stage. This opportunity may only come once in a lifetime!"

The old man's words immediately caught He Yuanjiang's soul.

Starting with a 40 billion US dollar stage is unprecedented in the history of new energy vehicles.

Even Remi, which was popular all over the country some time ago, has only announced an investment of 10 billion RMB.

40 billion US dollars is nearly 300 billion RMB. This is not just about building a car company, but directly building an entire industry chain.

For professional managers all over the world, who dares to hope for such a good opportunity? What kind of start is this? A dreamlike start!

How lucky would it be to realize your ambitions on such a stage? Once successful, what kind of achievement would it be?

At this moment, He Yuanjiang's heart, which was originally as strong as a copper wall, began to crack.

Seeing that he was entangled instead of refusing immediately, Charlie Wade knew that he must have had some thoughts.

So, he immediately added fuel to the fire and said, "Uncle He, didn't you say that it's hard to find an opportunity to overtake on the curve? I thought of an opportunity, I don't know if it's reliable."

He Yuanjiang asked hurriedly, "What opportunity?"

Others immediately looked at Master Wade with a very concerned expression.

Charlie Wade said: "The Rothschild family is building a set of the world's most advanced AI models for me in Northern Europe. The only limitation is that I can't use it for commercial purposes. But it doesn't matter. I am sure that they can give me a commercial license in the automotive field, and it is an exclusive license!" 

The current AI model's main revenue direction is to provide AI computing for individuals and enterprises. Thousands of industries can access and use it, but there is no actual application in the automotive field.

Although Charlie Wade did not dare to guarantee that Howard would give him the entire AI commercial license in thousands of fields, it was not difficult to get an exclusive right to use it in the automotive field.


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