Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3117 update || Chapter 6481 & 6482 || Chapter 3117: The world is awake …! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3117 The world is awake 

Just when Zhang Ermao was helpless for a moment, the news that Zhou Liangyun made 20 million a day had spread like wildfire on the antique street.

Although he had threatened Chen Yufei not to talk nonsense, the key point was that dozens of customers came to Zhou Liangyun's store early in the morning, and the entire antique street had already known about it.

Everyone is curious. Zhou Liangyun just had his eyes opened yesterday, and today dozens of people came to buy things. What kind of medicine is being sold in the gourd?

After the collectors from all walks of life came out because they had not bought the bronze Buddha, many good people had already found the opportunity to approach them and ask why.

These people did not hide it, they directly explained the general situation.

I just heard that this group of people had taken 20 million and rushed over overnight to snatch the "fake goods" Zhou Liangyun had received yesterday. Before he could grab them, the entire Aurous Hill Antique Street began to doubt their lives.

So everyone spread the word, and the news soon spread like wildfire.

Everyone's mood was almost one of envy, jealousy, and hatred. Many people even couldn't help but sigh in their own WeChat Moments. There were many antique makers in Jacob's WeChat Moments, and almost everyone posted in WeChat Moments to lament how much Zhou Liangyun had earned overnight. Twenty million legendary operations.

At this moment, Jacob was drinking champagne with his legs crossed, just using his mobile phone, constantly checking Dubai to see where there was fun and places to visit, and he didn't even look at the explosive content in his circle of friends.

Elaine on the side quickly made a contribution.

She also ordered a glass of champagne, matched with the environment in the first class cabin, took a selfie, and attached a text, which read: "Flying to Dubai for vacation with my husband, but the first class cabin of Emirates Airlines does have to give a The bad reviews are because the environment and conditions are far worse than those of a private jet."

Elaine, who posted the post on WeChat Moments, no longer wanted to study Dubai, and kept scrolling through WeChat Moments, waiting for other people's likes and comments.

As a result, she didn't even get a like or a comment, but she came across a piece of content that left her stunned!

That circle of friends was posted by a proprietress of a spa and massage parlor. The content was: "I heard that there is a guy in the antique store across the street. He spent 300,000 yuan on an antique last night and resold it for 20 million yuan the next night. When will I have such good luck? Good luck and richness!"

In addition to this text, the picture is also a picture of the God of Wealth.

Elaine looked at it and couldn't help but sigh to Jacob: "Hey, husband, someone in my circle of friends said that you are the only one who often goes to that antique street. Yesterday, a guy spent 300,000 yuan to buy an antique and sold it for twenty million, you often pick up leaks. When will you pick up such a big leak? "

Jacob curled his lips and said, "Just tell me, in this fcuking age, you can still find such a leak, so he just lied to you? Such uninformed laymen, when we insiders hear such words, it is completely nonsense!"

Elaine nodded and said with a smile: "It seems a bit unreliable, 300,000 has become 20,000,000, and the TV series is also I don’t dare to take pictures like this.”

After saying that, she suddenly saw that the lady boss who had just posted the post on Moments added another comment that was visible to everyone.

The content of the comment is: "I am talking about real family members. You don't have to doubt that the antique collector was laughed at by his colleagues in the antique street last night. They all said that he was deceived and bought an antique for 300,000 yuan." It’s a fake. It turned out that he sold it today. I just asked my friend who opened a shop in the antique street. They said that it was indeed the case. It seemed that someone used that thing as a fake from the Ming Dynasty to deceive the boss. , I didn’t expect that thing to be a genuine item from the Song Dynasty! I have never heard of such a thing for more than 40 years, but my eyes were opened today!”

When Elaine saw this additional comment, she quickly said to Jacob: "Hey, husband, it seems that this matter was not made up. Someone said that someone took something and pretended to be from the Ming Dynasty, and sold it to that person for 300,000 yuan." The boss, but actually the thing was from the Song Dynasty, and the boss sold it early this morning."

When Jacob heard this, his whole body seemed to fall into a black hole, and all his consciousness was wiped out in an instant. , the champagne in his hand slipped unconsciously and touched his crotch.

Elaine quickly wiped his pants with a hand towel and said, "Husband, why are you still getting your pants wet?"

After saying that, she saw Jacob's eyes widened and his mouth wide open, as if he had been knocked out of his soul, and quickly shook his shoulders: "Husband, what are you doing so stupidly? Husband, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Jacob came back to his senses instantly, his eyes suddenly turned blood red at this moment, and he suddenly stood up , blurted out with eyes split open: "Fcuk! My 20 million!!! Open the door! Open the door for me quickly! I want to get off the plane!"

All the passengers and flight attendants in the first class cabin were suddenly yelled at by Jacob Stunned, Elaine was also confused and quickly asked: "Husband, what do you mean by your 20 million?"

Jacob was about to walk out of his cubicle, and said impatiently: "It's too late. I will explain to you later, get off the plane quickly and go get the 20 million back!”

The flight attendant hurriedly walked up to him and said, “I’m sorry, sir, we have closed the door now and the plane is about to be launched, please hurry up. Go back to your seat and fasten your seat belt!"

Jacob's eyes were red and he jumped anxiously: "Push me over! I want to get off the plane!"

The flight attendant explained: "Sir, the plane is ready. Exit is closed, we can't return unless there is an emergency. Please sit back in your seat and don't disturb the order on the plane!"

Jacob cursed angrily: "Bullshit order! I have to go and get it back!" If you don't open the door for me, can you afford to compensate for my loss?"

The flight attendant said seriously: "Sir, if you are in an emergency, you can book the fastest flight back after we arrive in Dubai, because we have strict regulations. According to the rules and regulations, you must not open the cabin door unless there is an emergency."

Jacob cursed angrily: "What bullshit rules and regulations! Why don't you open the door for me yet? "

The stewardess had no choice but to explain: "Sir, the door has been closed and the bridge has been evacuated. We cannot reconnect the bridge without sufficient reasons. Please forgive me!"

Jacob said angrily: "I didn't. I'm sorry! I want to get off the plane right now!"

A middle-aged man in the cabin couldn't stand it and said, "What's wrong with you? You don't understand what the flight attendant said? " If you can't open the door, you can't open the door, you understand?"

When Elaine saw that someone dared to confront her husband, she immediately got angry and pointed at him and yelled, "Who's unzipped your crotch and exposed it? What's wrong with you? Son? Who do you think you are? You dare to point fingers at my husband? Believe it or not, I will scratch your face!"

The middle-aged man said angrily: "I am also a passenger on this plane! The order of the plane is affecting my travel experience and threatening my aviation safety! Why can't I accuse him of his wrong behavior?"

Jacob gritted his teeth and asked, "What if I give up my 20 million If I don’t get down, will you compensate me?”

The man was helpless: "You are being unreasonable. What I said is that you cannot disrupt the order of aviation. As for whether you are 20 million or 200 billion, what does it have to do with me?"

Jacob cursed angrily: "You can't compensate I don’t want to talk nonsense there! I just want to ask you to open the door and let me out immediately!”

Elaine also came to her senses and quickly asked Jacob: “Husband, could that person in my circle of friends be you? Was it sold yesterday?" 

Jacob burst into tears, gritted his teeth and nodded: "Yes! So I have to get it back no matter what!", suddenly became anxious, this is a total of 20 million! If you include interest, even if you spend 10,000 a day, you can spend seven or eight years! How can you say it's gone just like that?

So, she also yelled at the flight attendant: "I'm talking to you, do you hear me? Open the door quickly!"

The flight attendant was a little slow to respond. Fortunately, at this time, a man in a white shirt came from the economy class. , a young man in black trousers, the man came over and said to Jacob and Elaine: "You two, I am the safety officer of this plane. I now solemnly warn you two, don't make trouble anymore! Otherwise! If you do, the consequences will be very serious!"

Elaine didn't know what the security officer was doing. Seeing his warning tone, she immediately scolded: "Who are you talking to? This is how you treat noble First-class passengers?"

The young man said seriously: "My job responsibility is the flight safety of this plane. If you two continue to make trouble like this, then I will contact the ground to take measures!"

Elaine said with a smile: "Then you take measures quickly! Open the door and let people outside take us down! If you don't let people take us down, we will open the door and go down ourselves!"

The young man said: "Madam, you are threatening the aviation of the aircraft. Safety is no joke, I advise you to calm down!”

Elaine asked angrily: "Didn't you hear what my husband said? Are you responsible for the loss of 20 million? Can you afford it? Open the door for us quickly!"

Jacob also echoed: "That's right! These are twenty million! Can you take responsibility?"

The young man asked: "If I contact the ground, the airport police will threaten the safety of the aircraft and detain you. Do you think you can take responsibility?"

Jacob spat: "Bah. ! You’re still detaining me? I got on the plane because I paid for the ticket, and I got off the plane because I don’t want to take the plane anymore. Why are you detaining me? I’m telling you, if you don’t open the door for me, I’ll do it myself. Pull that slide down!"

The young man didn't want to continue messing with him, so he said coldly: "Sir, if you don't sit back in your seat within 10 seconds and continue to yell like this, then I will contact the ground immediately. You can go down as you wish, but the penalty you face is not an administrative penalty, but administrative detention. If you dare to pull the emergency slide today and go down, you will most likely be charged with sabotaging transportation. Detention, you will face public prosecution!"

Jacob looked disdainful and shouted openly: "If you can, arrest me now! Frown, I am your grandson!"

When Elaine heard that he was going to be detained, her arrogance disappeared immediately, and then, awake and regaining her IQ high ground, she quietly pulled Jacob's sleeve beside her and said nervously: "Forget it, husband, if you keep making trouble like this, you will be detained!"

Jacob said contemptuously. : "If he is really capable, let him arrest me!"

Elaine quickly whispered in his ear: "Husband, believe me, you can't stand the life there, and I can't stand it. Think about what I suffered there. How much is the crime? Let me just stop arguing and go to Dubai first! If you can’t get there, come back as soon as possible. It’s just a matter of one day, it’s better than staying there for more than ten days, right?”


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