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 Chapter 3087: My good son-in-law gives me a hand!

When the traffic policeman said that Elaine was going to commit suicide, Claire suddenly said nervously: "Take me over quickly to see her!"

The traffic policeman also said hurriedly: "Come on, come on!"

After saying that, he quickly took Claire with him. Then walked to the room where Elaine was.


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Charlie happened to follow him. He put his luggage at the entrance and chased after them. He stopped the two of them and asked, "Comrade Traffic Police, where is Mr. Wilson who came here with Mrs. Elaine? Can I see him first?" "

The traffic policeman asked curiously: "Who are you?"

Charlie explained: "I am his son-in-law. I am not thinking that my wife will persuade my mother-in-law, and I will persuade my father-in-law. After they have been persuaded, that's it. We took them home together."

The traffic policeman said quickly: "Oh, that's great."

After saying that, he quickly waved to a colleague: "come here, take this gentleman to Jacob's house!"

The man hurriedly said Said: "Okay."

Charlie entered the room where Jacob was first.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Jacob with a messy face sitting on a chair and smoking heavily. Another traffic policeman advised him: "You, don't hide anything from your wife. You should have talked about it."  you have nothing to hide from your wife, so why didn't you tell her earlier? If you had told her clearly earlier, wouldn't this problem have been over?"

Jacob didn't. Realizing that Charlie had come in, he lowered his head and smoked while lying: "I...I don't want to cause trouble."

The traffic policeman smiled: "Come on, we are all men. If nothing goes wrong, I can't wait to tell this matter ." Why don't you let your wife know about it and keep it secret for so long? Is there something else on your mind?"

Jacob didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

At this time, the traffic policeman looked up and saw Charlie and the colleague who brought Charlie in, and gave each other a questioning look.

The man then said: "Jacob's son-in-law is here, let them chat for a while."

Jacob suddenly raised his head and suddenly saw Charlie. He rushed over and cried and said: "Charlie! My good son-in-law, you are really good this time." You have to give me a hand!"

The two traffic policemen hurried out, leaving Charlie and Jacob in the room.

Charlie asked helplessly: "Dad, what's going on?"

Jacob said angrily: "Hey! Don't fcuking mention it, that Xiao Wu in our meeting kept the wedding invitation given by Han Meiqing yesterday in the car!"

"I said let it go, but today he called me so shamelessly to remind me of it, as if he was asking me to take credit for it!"

"It turned out well. Then Elaine sat in front of me. She saw the invitation."

Then she started asking me when Han Meiqing came back. I didn't say, but asked if I had an affair with her. , I said nothing, but it turned out that this bitch seemed to be enlightened. She sat there and babbled and babbled, and she guessed the whole thing. Then she started fighting with me on the highway..."

After that, he looked at Charlie for help: "Good son-in-law, give me a trick and see what I should do now. Elaine is not only following me If I can't make it, she is going to go to Han Meiqing's wedding to question when she came back. Isn't this going to ruin my reputation in Aurous Hill?"

Charlie sighed and said, "Dad, I told you about this a long time ago. Things might go bad, but you don't believe it."

Jacob explained: "It's not that I don't believe it, I'm just lucky..."

Charlie asked him: "Then what do you want to do now? I can find a way to stop the wedding. I don't want to let mom go. Even if she goes, I will have a way to prevent her from entering the scene, but the key is what will you two do in the future? Do you want to leave, or do you want to stay together?"

Jacob's eyes suddenly dimmed. With a long sigh, he spread his hands and sighed: "I wish I could have divorced sooner. I've already been with Han Meiqing. But if we divorce again now, who will I live with in the future? Elaine's character can’t tolerate me continuing to continue living in Thomson Villa? Isn’t she going to have to kick me out of the house? I don’t even have a place to stay, so I can’t shamelessly go live next door with my mother and brother, right?”

After saying that, Jacob sighed again: "I'm sure they won't let me go!"

Charlie asked him: "Does that mean you don't want to leave?"

Jacob said with a bitter smile: "Hey, even now that I'm old, If we can't divorce, then we should just stay together... If we get divorced because of this matter, I won't say anything about it, and I won't be able to bear it if word spreads. Besides, what should Claire think of me? I won't be able to face her again in the future."

As he said that, Jacob sighed again: "People say that you can find a horse by riding a donkey, and you can only lose the donkey after you find the horse. My horse has run away with others, and I want to lose it again. If the donkey is lost, wouldn't it be over? This business has suffered a huge loss..."

Charlie smacked his lips: "Dad, to be honest, staying apart is the most difficult thing to handle now. If you don’t want to get divorced or move out, and you don’t want others to point fingers at you or have objections to you, then the key to the solution is that you have to let your mother’s heart completely get over this hurdle. Do you think it's easy to deal with that character who is bound to retaliate?"

Jacob suddenly felt like an eggplant beaten by frost, lowered his head and murmured: "It's not easy... Good son-in-law, why don't you lend me some money, and I'll hide out for a while. ..."

Charlie asked again: "How long is a period of time? If you run away, do you think mother will spare you? If you run away, your circle will not run away. With her character, she will definitely be with everyone who knows you. If she list your charges and denounces your crimes in front of everyone, then you can never come back."

After saying that, Charlie added: "But it doesn't matter if you don't come back. I know some people overseas who are quite capable. There is a buddy who is a local emperor in the Middle East. How about you go to his place?"

"If you don't want me to go, don't go..." Jacob shook his head like a rattle and said repeatedly: "I just want to go out to avoid the limelight and wait for this matter. I will come back after the news of the incident has passed. It is impossible not to come back in the future... And let me put it this way, I feel that I still won’t go out. If I leave, then she will talk nonsense about this matter."

After saying that, he looked at Charlie with a pleading look and asked: "Good son-in-law, how can you make your mother get over this matter calmly? If you can help me get over this hurdle, , you are my savior. From now on, if you go up mountains of swords and seas of fire, if you say a word, if I blink my eyes, my surname will not be Wilson!"

Charlie sighed and said, "If you really want this matter to end peacefully, I do have a way. If you cooperate with me fully, there may be a chance of recovery, but I can't guarantee that this method will work. If it works, our family of four will leave here and drive home with smiles on our faces; if it doesn't work, then just ask for your own blessings. I don't have any other good ideas."

Upon hearing this, Jacob immediately asked: "Good son-in-law, what is the success rate of your method?"

Charlie said lightly: "Half. Half."

Jacob said with a depressed expression: "I understand, you are not sure either."

Charlie said: "I said, 50-50, if you succeed further, take a step back to be a benevolent person, and go home to live a life. If fails and she can't just ignore it. When the time comes, I will rent an apartment for you in the city. You can move out first and let mom calm down. If she really wants to make a fuss at the Senior Citizens University or the Calligraphy and Painting Association, Claire and I will find a way to stop her. "

After Jacob heard this, he held Charlie's hand tightly and choked with sobs: "Good son-in-law, with your words, dad's heart will be half at ease! Tell me, what can I do? "

Charlie said seriously: "Dad, if you really want to use this method, you have to be willing to go out and be willing to be killed.

Jacob said categorically: "I'm willing to give up, I'm willing to give up anything. As long as I can get over this hurdle, I will do my best no matter what you ask me to do! " "

After saying that, he was unsure about Charlie's words, and quickly asked: "Good son-in-law, if this thing doesn't work out, if you rent me a house, can you rent me a better community? In addition, what about that? Cullinan, can you let me drive again? "

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