Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3057 update | Chapter 6361 & 6362 Chapter 3057: Dispel doubts | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3057 Dispel doubts

In view of the time difference, Charlie did not call Fei Kexin immediately, but thinking about this matter would not be any difficult for Fei Kexin. He would call her to communicate with her in the evening and start planning the follow-up. .


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So, Charlie said to Nanako: "Nanako, in my opinion, you don't need to go back to continue practicing martial arts. Why don't you come with me to the Mid-Levels Villa to help me in the afternoon. When you're done, we'll go back to Thompson First Grade together."

Nanako nodded without hesitation and said, "Nanako listens to Charlie."

With that said, Nanako asked: "Charlie, do you want me to say hello to Master Hong Tian?"

Charlie waved his hand and said: "Don't go now, he must still be teaching. Let's talk to him in private later."


Later, Charlie took Nanako back to his mountainside villa and went to the basement of the villa. Nanako was surprised to find that there was a simple oral liquid filling equipment here, and there were many unused oral liquid bottles next to it. Bottles and corks.

Nanako asked in surprise: "Charlie, why do you still have pharmaceutical equipment here?"

Charlie smiled and said: "It's just a set of simple filling and sealing equipment. I plan to prepare some strength-enhancing pills for the martial arts students in Champs-Élysées. However, there are too many students in Champs-Élysées. One pill for each person." I can’t afford it, so I’ll just use the elixir to turn it into water and dilute a batch of oral liquid for them.”

Saying that, Charlie added: "Originally, I prepared more than two hundred bottles. I didn't expect there would be so many people at that time. Who would have thought that later Long Siqi, Hong Tianshi's great disciple, would bring the entire Taizhen Tao to Aurous Hill?" They’re here, so I’ll prepare some more and give them to them tomorrow.”

Nanako suddenly understood and said with a smile: "Miss Long's acting style is vigorous and resolute. The more than 200 people in Tai Zhen Tao, regardless of gender, old or young, are governed by her. Even Hong Tianshi does not dare to speak loudly to her. As long as she and Tai Zhen  Tao can serve Charlie wholeheartedly, it will definitely be of great benefit to Charlie in the future."

Charlie nodded and said: "Now is the time when we are most short of manpower. The more than 200 people in Taizhen Dao cannot be underestimated. It would be better if we can make further progress in strength in the future."

With that said, Charlie said: "Wait for me a moment, I'll go and mix some medicine, and come over later to fill it."

With the help of Nanako, Charlie worked hard to make another batch of oral liquid, filling more than 400 bottles in total, bringing the total volume to 700 bottles.

Charlie plans to use the extra two hundred bottles as incentives among the students, so that those who make the fastest progress and have the best attitude can receive additional rewards, which will also increase their enthusiasm.

When he finished filling the oral liquid and came out of the mountainside villa, it was already dark.

Seeing that it was already past seven o'clock, Charlie drove back to the city with Nanako.

After returning to Thompson First Grade Apartments, Charlie first sent Nanako to the basement and parked the car he drove from Purple Villa in the parking space bought by the Ito family in the basement.

Charlie turned off the car and planned to take Nanako into the elevator first, then go up to the first floor from the elevator, and then walk back to his villa.

When he and Nanako were about to get out of the car, a female driver had already got out of the car in the parking space diagonally opposite. After she locked the car, she carried her bag and walked to the elevator hall.

When Nanako saw her, she said to Charlie: "Mr. Charlie, she is the neighbor I mentioned. It was only when I heard her calling a friend that day that I learned that Master Jingqing was coming to Aurous Hill."

Charlie nodded slightly and said with a smile: "It seems that I must thank her properly when I have the opportunity. One phone call from her helped you realize the truth by accident."

"Yes!" Nanako also agreed with Charlie's point of view and said, "If it weren't for her, I might not have the chance to realize it."

Saying that, Nanako asked Charlie: "Charlie, do you want to meet Master Jingqing? Maybe he can give you some inspiration."

Charlie shook his head: "I'm in a special situation, so I'd better try not to meet strangers like this who have already been enlightened."

After saying that, Charlie looked at the woman's back, suddenly became more discerning, and immediately sensed it with his spiritual energy.

He didn't doubt this woman in his heart. He used his spiritual energy to sense her, and it was entirely because he thought of the 'scholar' from the Po Qing Society, and he felt that the coincidences in this world may not all be coincidences.

Therefore, he thought about using spiritual energy to confirm. If the other party was an ordinary person who didn't understand martial arts, let alone spiritual energy, it would prove that he was worrying too much.

After sensing it, he discovered that this woman was indeed neither a warrior nor a monk, which made him completely relieved.

The two pushed the door and got out of the car. When they walked to the elevator hall normally, the woman happened to be waiting here. When the two arrived at the elevator hall, one of the elevators just opened the elevator door.

The woman walked straight in, turned around after swiping her card, and saw Nanako and Charlie following them. She suddenly said with some surprise: "Ah, it's you!"

Nanako smiled and nodded and said, "What a coincidence, you just got off work?"

"No." The woman said with a smile: "I am just a housewife. There is no easy class to attend. I just came back from having dinner at my best friend's house."

After saying that, she looked at Charlie curiously and asked Nanako: "Is this your boyfriend?"

Nanako's pretty face was slightly red, but she still shook her head subconsciously and said: "He is my friend, and he happens to live in the same community. I will take his car back."

She didn't dare to acquiesce or admit that Charlie was her boyfriend in front of her neighbors. After all, Charlie himself was the owner of Thompson First Grade Villa.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if they met him and Claire Wilson again someday.

After hearing this, the woman nodded and asked Charlie, "This gentleman also lives in this building?"

Charlie shook his head and said, "I live in another building."

With that said, he pressed the button for the first floor on the elevator.

The woman nodded slightly and said with a smile, "I thought you were a couple. You seem to be a perfect match."

Ito Nanako said shyly: "No, no... we are just ordinary friends..."

The woman nodded and stopped teasing.

The elevator quickly reached the first floor, and Charlie said goodbye to the two of them, got out of the elevator, and walked back to the villa area.

At this moment, he never dreamed that the woman who was in the same elevator with him just now was his biological mother's subordinate, and the reason why she came back before him was because everything was planned.

An Chengqi was worried that Charlie would think too much, and deliberately asked her to find an opportunity to appear in front of Charlie, so that Charlie could confirm that she was an ordinary person who did not understand martial arts and spiritual energy.

The reason why we have to calculate the time to let this woman enter the basement first is to further reduce the possibility of being suspected.

After all, people are subjective animals. If a person follows you to the same place, an interested person will think that he is being followed, but the opposite is different, and the level of suspicion is greatly reduced.

An Chengqi intervened in Nanako's enlightenment. In order to prevent Charlie from noticing anything unusual, she had to dispel all Charlie's doubts. Otherwise, with Charlie's character, he would definitely get to the bottom of it before giving up.

A few minutes later, Charlie returned to Thompson First Grade's villa area.

In the villa at this time, Elaine and Jacob Wilson were watching TV in the living room on the first floor.

They said they were watching TV, but they just turned on the TV and listened. In fact, they were both half-lying on the sofa, each scrolling through their mobile phones.

Claire Wilson has not returned from the United States, and Charlie has been out for many days. From the beginning, the enemies fought every day, and gradually became tired and tired, and evolved into the most familiar strangers. Although the two were under the same roof, , but there is almost no communication between them.

Charlie opened the door and came in. They both stood up from the sofa subconsciously, looked at Charlie in surprise, and said in unison: "The good son-in-law is back!"

After saying that, the two of them looked at each other with disgust, as if they were disappointed by the tacit understanding just now.

Jacob Wilson was about to take a step forward to talk to Charlie. Elaine had already limped to his side. She twisted her butt to the side hard, catching Jacob Wilson off guard. He immediately lost his center of gravity and waved. After a long time, his arms couldn't regain their center of gravity, so he could only stumble back to sit on the sofa.

Jacob Wilson looked up angrily. Elaine had already reached Charlie and said with a flattering face: "Oh my dear son-in-law, why did you come back at this time and didn't say hello to mom in advance? Have you eaten yet? Do you want mom to give you some?" Can I make something to eat?"

Charlie smiled and said, "Don't bother mom, I've eaten it."

Jacob Wilson stood up quickly, walked up to him quickly, and said, "Good son-in-law, why have you been gone for so many days this time?"

Charlie smiled and said: "The business volume this time is relatively large. I visited several houses and factories in a row. The main reason is that this customer is strong."

"Ouch!" Elaine said happily: "Such a powerful customer must be paid a lot of money, right?"

"That's right." Charlie nodded and said casually: "This customer is very willing to give money. Before he came back, he even gave me an extra million for carriage fees."

 Elaine exclaimed: "My dear! He Will give you one million just for the carriage fee. What kind of magical customer is this!"

Jacob Wilson on the side also sighed: "This is a rich man. If you give me an extra million, it should be regarded as a tip? You are really spending money like water!"

Elaine thought of something at this time and quickly said to Charlie: "Good son-in-law, I read on the news that the youngest son of the richest man in India got married, and the pre-wedding party alone cost more than 100 million U.S. dollars, which is over 1 billion in RMB, you said that if you could find such a client and help him choose a wedding location with Feng Shui or something, it would be worth tens of millions of dollars to you?"

Charlie laughed dumbly and could only nod and said: "It's almost the same, but I don't know the customers in India, so I guess I won't be able to make this kind of money."

Jacob Wilson pulled Charlie to sit down on the sofa and said: "Good son-in-law, you should take a longer view. Always showing Feng Shui to Chinese people is a kind of cultural obstruction. Our Chinese civilization has a long history, but most foreigners don't believe it. Foreigners don't believe it." Let's forget it. Many young people in our country don't believe in the wisdom left by our ancestors. They would rather study zodiac signs and tarot cards all day long than study the things of our ancestors. So tell me, why can't we allow foreigners to study our secret techniques of Feng Shui and the Eight Diagrams of the I Ching?”

Charlie thinks what Jacob Wilson said makes sense, but his idea is a bit wishful thinking. If you look at the history, the cultures of the East and the West can be said to have a long history, and even the East is even worse, but the West has seized the Golden Forty in the late World War II. In the past forty years, the world's cultural, commodity and financial exchanges have become increasingly close, and the speed of cultural communication is naturally astonishing. Therefore, their modern culture is the most widely spread. Things like zodiac signs are just like Hollywood movies. It has already taken the world by storm, but if the secret technique of Feng Shui, the Yijing Bagua, wants to take the West by storm, it may still have a long way to go.

However, Charlie did not argue with Jacob Wilson, but just smiled and said: "Dad, you are right, cultural confidence and cultural output are both important. When there is an opportunity in the future, I will definitely go overseas to promote Feng Shui."

Jacob Wilson couldn't help but sigh: "Sometimes I have the urge to risk my old bones and publicize our long history and culture of China to the world!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but sigh: "I don't understand Feng Shui. If I were a Feng Shui master like you, I would have to go to the White House in the United States and show them a good look! Tell them, tell them, the White House How to modify them to make their Feng Shui better! When the American TV station reports, hey! Jacob Wilson, a Feng Shui master from China, was invited by the President to go to the United States to solve the Feng Shui dilemma for the White House. His superb Feng Shui attainments made people & the president even praised's amazing, it's amazing!"

Elaine blurted out: "Jacob Wilson, are you out to promote culture or are you out to betray the country? I'll show you what you can do and even go to the White House to check the Feng Shui. Why don't you go next door to check the Feng Shui for Hoorya and help her get married as soon as possible? Where’s the great career?”

Jacob Wilson said awkwardly: "Isn't this just chatting? If I were really a Feng Shui master, could I show Hoorya Feng Shui? It would be a bad idea for her!"

Seeing that the two of them were arguing again, Charlie helplessly shook his head secretly.

At this time, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang. He picked it up and saw that it was a video call from his wife Claire Wilson!

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  1. Oh, Claire please go home. Charlie is being planned of being taken away from you by his mother and is making moves to pair Charlie with Nanako. Hope you show your love for Charlie and consummate your marriage already and give him bunch of children. Charlie might develop feelings for Nanako since they are always close with one another. Don't let your good relationship with each other be destroyed.


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