Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3017 update | Chapter 6281 & 6282 Chapter 3017 is so awesome! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3017 is so awesome!

 At this time, in the mountain courtyard, Sister Sun watched everything happening in the Buddhist hall through the monitor and said angrily. : "Madam, this Jingqing actually wants to persuade Miss Ito to become a monk. Isn't this a serious deviation?"

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    An Chengqi smiled and said: "Don't worry, after Jingqing became enlightened, he has become a Buddha. In the world, he cares most about it." It is the Buddha, the Dharma, and all living beings. And Nanako Ito is already very enlightened and wise. Not to mention Jingqing, if she were a Taoist great master, I would also want to accept her as a disciple. Otherwise, why do you think I want to enlighten her? Enlightenment? If such a genius is always lingering outside the door, it will be a waste of natural resources. But based on my understanding of Nanako, even if Jingqing uses 7 billion people in the world to morally kidnap her, she will never agree, and you don't have to worry. "


    Ito Nanako subconsciously took a half step back and said apologetically: "I...I already have someone I love, how can I convert to Buddhism..."

    An Chengqi in front of the monitor smiled and said: "Sister Sun, have you noticed the details? Nanako Before, he called herself a disciple in front of Jing Qing, but now she directly changed it to 'I', and she immediately drew a clear line with Jing Qing."

    Sister Sun nodded and said with a smile: "If she hadn't asked for Jing Qing, Miss Ito would have taken over the door. Escaped."

    At this time, Master Jingqing also realized that Nanako Ito was very wary of converting to Buddhism, so he said seriously: "Donor, love is important, but wouldn't it be more valuable if it could save all living beings? The Buddha said to give up the ego. To achieve the great self, to give up small loves to achieve great love, to save the suffering, and to save all sentient beings, this is the highest realm that eminent monks and great virtues have pursued for thousands of years! Moreover, the donor also said that she is a Buddhist believer, don’t you want to Do you want to do something for all sentient beings?"

    Ito Nanako pursed her lips and said timidly: "All sentient beings have their own destiny. I am just a female, and I have no lofty ambition to save all sentient beings. I just want to take good care of my relatives and my sweetheart, if this can be done well, it will be perfect."

    Master Jingqing said sadly: "In this world, there are donors with such wisdom, I am afraid that I can't even get it together with one hand. Buddhism can lead to deeper understanding and enlightenment. If the donor wastes this talent, it will be a big loss for all Buddhist disciples."

    Ito Nanako shook her head and said: "I believe in Buddhism because I feel that Buddhism can make people better. Being a kind person brings peace of mind, and at the same time, it can also give you more spiritual sustenance. Just like I go to a restaurant to eat, you can't force me to stay in the restaurant and be a cook, right?"

    Master Jingqing said quickly: "Amitabha, The poor monk did not ask the benefactor to stay, but persuaded the benefactor to stay. The benefactor just used a restaurant as an analogy. Although the logic is similar, the realm and meaning are not necessarily the same. A restaurant can make people full of food. If a good chef has developed A good recipe can make people eat with balanced nutrition, even make people feel happy, and sublimate their taste buds. It may also have the effect of strengthening the body, curing diseases and saving lives. However, a good restaurant and a good recipe do not have the ability to save all sentient beings. "

    Speaking of this, Master Jingqing added: "Actually, every religion has its own classics. The reason why it has been spread and has far-reaching influence from the era of slash-and-burn farming to modern times with advanced science and technology is because Its underlying logic is a universal value established on the basis of people-centeredness. What it explains is a deeper and more original human nature."

    After that, Master Jingqing asked Nanako: "Does the donor know why modern technology is like this? Today, with development and productivity exceeding those of the ancients, many people still regard scriptures written thousands of years ago as beacons on the road to life?"

    Nanako Ito shook her head in confusion: "I... didn't think about it carefully..."

    Master Jingqing Said: "Actually, the difference between ancient people and modern people is not only that the development of science and technology and the broadening of their horizons are much worse than those of today's people, but also means that the lives and thoughts of ancient people were simpler and purer, and they were closer to the origin of human beings." "

    They can spend a lifetime thinking about one or two philosophical issues, and they will not be affected by today's prosperous world of materialistic desires. This makes their depth in philosophical issues far greater than that of modern people who are impetuous and utilitarian.

    "This is why all the great thinkers from the East and the West appeared around 400 BC to 300 BC. In the East there are Laozi, Confucius, and Mencius, while in the West there are Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle. " Virtue;"

    "The birth of Buddha was one or two hundred years earlier than these Eastern and Western philosophers;"

    "These wise men among the ancients were geniuses with great wisdom. After spending his whole life thinking about the underlying logic of life and writing his own experiences into a book, this book has become a classic in the true sense. "

    No matter how society develops, people are still human beings, and the more society develops, the more people's energy is dispersed. Therefore, the more society develops, the more it highlights the most profound philosophy of the ancients. This is why the three major religions Believers have always regarded the scriptures written more than two thousand years ago as a beacon on the road of life. Countless people have repeatedly studied the scriptures written more than 2,000 years ago, just to get more inspiration from them. "

    Ito Nanako pursed her lips, looked down at her toes, and then looked at Master Jingqing. She thought for a long time and didn't know what to say, so she slowly raised her thumbs up and timidly said: "S... Si Guoyi ..."

    Si Guoyi is the pronunciation of sugoi in Japanese, which roughly means: wow, so awesome.

    Master Jingqing was a top student before he became a monk. In addition, he has already been enlightened and traveled around the world for many years. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has learned a lot. Naturally he could hear what Ito Nanako, a soft Japanese girl, meant in Japanese.

    Thinking that she had said so much with so much earnestness, Ito Nanako only replied to Suguichi. Even though she was a good mage, her mentality was a little unbalanced at the moment.

    He While trying to calm down, they recited silently: "Amitabha, sin, sin, sin..."

    When An Chengqi and Sister Sun saw this scene, both of them couldn't help but laugh out loud. An Chengqi couldn't help but sigh: "She is really smart, come to China After such a long time, it is impossible for her to subconsciously say a word in Japanese. She must have done it on purpose. When you look at Jingqing, the Buddha's heart is affected. "

    Sister Sun smiled and shook her head and said: "I don't know why, but I suddenly fell in love with Miss Ito..."

    An Chengqi's eyelashes trembled slightly and did not speak.

    At this time, Master Jingqing tried hard to adjust his mentality and said again: " I wonder if the donor has discovered that with the continuous development of social productivity, today's human beings are getting farther and farther away from their origins, and their creativity in some fields has long been inferior to that of their predecessors. Just like so many pianists in the world, they have no No matter how much people can match Chopin, Beethoven, or Tchaikovsky, even if it takes another two hundred years, pianists two hundred years from now will still perform their works;" "

    In addition, today's human beings have the same understanding as the ancients. It is much inferior in comparison. When the impetuous and utilitarian modern people go back to study the ancient classics, it is difficult for their understanding to be at the same level as the ancients. "

    So, when many modern people look at religious scriptures from more than two thousand years ago, they are unable to understand the principles contained in them because of their awkward and difficult-to-understand words. "

    At times like this, we need people like us to put aside our emotions and go..."

    Nanako Ito suddenly raised a hand and said cautiously: "Sorry to interrupt, I want to ask, the 'we' you are talking about does not include me, right?"

    Master Jingqing took a breath and nodded: " Not included, the poor monk refers to us as all the people like the poor monk."

    Nanako Ito stroked her heart, and after taking a long breath, she sighed: "That's good, that's good... you continue..."

    Master Jingqing lowered his head and was silent for a long time. Then he slowly raised his head and said with some dejection: "What the poor monk wants to say is that the world needs people like the poor monk to study the Buddhist scriptures wholeheartedly and understand the meaning in them. After the mystery, use the language and methods that modern people can understand to explain the classics to them, so that they can understand, comprehend, and make the right choice before the big questions. Every religion needs the key to a similar role, the Master. Priests, priests, and imams all exist for this purpose. Our goals are the same through different paths. We all hope to save all sentient beings and allow everyone to find solutions to their problems..." 

After hearing this, Nanako Ito put her hands on her chin, He applauded very slightly and carefully, and said with admiration: "Si Guoyi..."

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  1. I am just wondering why the author gave only a small role of Claire who is the wife of Charlie, whereas the other characters have much more roles. Does this mean Claire is not the female lead in this novel? I hate this. Since the start Claire has been in the dark. It looks like in 95% of the story, Claire doesn't know anything about her husband Charlie and Charlie kept it a secret all throughout the story.


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