Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3010 update | Chapter 6267 & 6268 Chapter 3010 You are really good at predicting things! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3010 You are really good at predicting things!

Hearing his old father say these words with difficulty, Steve was already so excited that his heart was beating wildly.

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    Although he had been manipulated by Charlie and forced to betray his father and family in the past two days, at this moment, he couldn't help but want to yell: "Charlie is awesome!"

    Immediately, he sighed in his heart: " Charlie is really a god! The development direction of the whole thing is simply developing according to Charlie's script!" "

    I helped him send the Sifang Baozhuang back to China. As soon as the news came out, my father fell ill and lost his life. In order to continue to be in charge of the family, several other brothers and grandchildren also lost the opportunity to make contributions in this incident. As the eldest son and the original heir of the family, I naturally took over the position of being the helmsman of the family! "

    What is perfection? This is fcuking perfect! If my son could be half as good as Charlie, I would be satisfied!"

    Steve sighed in his heart, and said to Howard with a very respectful face: "Father, then you first Recuperate well, I'll have a good chat with the doctors, discuss the best rehabilitation plan, and let you start rehabilitation training as soon as possible!"

    Howard was very satisfied with Steve's performance.

    The rich family is so cruel. When he was hit by the disease, his son got a huge fortune.

    The more this happens, the easier it is for a father to feel dissatisfied and even resent his own son.

    But Steve was impeccable from the moment he walked in the door.

    He has a conscience, a filial piety, a general understanding, and an understanding of the overall situation, but you can't see any excitement or excitement in him.

    When a son can do this, the father is naturally very pleased, and it happens to be at this sensitive stage.

    So, Howard nodded slightly and said to him: "You... you go ahead and inform everyone... tomorrow... there will be a meeting in Conference Room No. 1 at ten... ten o'clock tomorrow morning. By... then, I will announce to the world that you... Steve... Rowe... Rothschild... will... become... the new... new Patriarch... of the... Rothschild... family. ..."

    Steve said respectfully: "Everything will be done according to father's arrangements. My son has only one wish, that you, father, get well as soon as possible. Everything else is unimportant!"

    After saying that, Steve also knew that a perfect marriage was going to happen. When performing, you need to be able to retract and release freely. You must not become addicted to acting and cause excessive exertion.

    So, he immediately said to Howard: "Father, I won't disturb your rest. Doctor, please organize the relevant experts. If they are not here, let them prepare for the online meeting. We will have a meeting in ten minutes. "

    The doctor also knew that Steve in front of him would be the head of the Rothschild family from tomorrow, so he nodded without thinking and said: "Okay, young master, I will make arrangements right now!"

    Steve was about to leave. , Howard stopped him and asked: "Yes... that's right... you... are... going to Canada... this time to talk... to... the Northern... Nordic female... Queen Helena... How is it?"

    Steve quickly said: "Father, we have already talked with Helena, and her attitude towards us is still very friendly. Unlike other royal families in Europe who want our money but don't want to talk to us again. It's too obviously involved."

    After saying that, Steve added: "By the way, Helena heard that you were ill, and she also said that she would come to visit you in person after settling the matter in Canada. If she comes, should I find a reason to decline?"

    Howard sighed, and sighed: "I...I this...sooner or later...I still can't hide it, so...just let her come. Well...I...I'll give it a try...see if I can...can it facilitate her alliance...marriage with Royce...if...if it can...then...then again...again It couldn't be better..."

    The entire Rothschild family has always had a royal dream.

    But before the end of World War II, anti-Semitism was prevalent around the world. Although they could protect themselves and their wealth very well, it was really difficult for them to develop in depth with the European royal families. The attitude of all royal families towards them was:

    You have to give us money. flower? Yeah!

    Do you want to marry us? Get out of here!

    Although it was not so direct after World War II, the core idea is still the same, except that everyone has become civilized, and they will not be so direct when asking for money, and they will not be so ruthless when refusing.

    Nowadays, Helena is very proactive and even comes from Canada to visit her. The royal family must have their own considerations when doing things. This shows that the Nordic royal family at least hopes to go further with the Rothschild family.

    Steve knew that he was about to officially take over the family. Helena coming here at this time would definitely add luster to his face, so he quickly said: "Father, I will contact Queen Helena later and see. It depends on her time."

    Howard nodded: "Okay! I'll leave it to you..."


    After Steve left the ward, he immediately arranged for the doctor to prepare the conference room, and he himself found a After closing the door in an empty room, he called Charlie.

    The call was connected, and Charlie's voice came: "Steve, have you met your father?"

    "Yes, yes!" Steve said diligently: "Mr. Wade, you are really good at predicting things, father. He said that he would summon all direct members of the family tomorrow and announce that I would take over as the patriarch of the family! Mr. Wade, this is all thanks to you!"

    Charlie smiled slightly and said: "You're welcome, everything was paid for by your own efforts. Don't forget the agreement you and I made before, Steve!"

    Steve said quickly: "Don't worry, Mr. Wade, from now on, I will not hesitate to do anything you ask me to do!"

    Although Steve said this, he also had his own concerns in his heart.

    As long as he is firmly in the position of the clan leader, he no longer has to worry about being manipulated by Charlie. If Charlie dares to make a request that makes him dissatisfied, he will directly fall out with him.

    However, now is the critical period when he is about to take over the family, and nothing can go wrong, so he naturally agrees.

    After saying that, he asked Charlie again: "By the way, Mr. Wade, I would also like to ask you to ask Queen Helena for me. She said that my father also hopes to see her. Let's see what time is convenient for her. I will do it in advance. Be prepared."

    Charlie smiled and said: "Of course, the sooner the better for this kind of thing. If Helena goes there earlier, your father will definitely be more satisfied with you."

    Steve said with a smile. : "You're right! My father does attach great importance to this matter, Mr. Wade, why don't you bother!"

    Charlie asked him with a smile: "By the way, when does your father plan to officially announce that you will succeed the family patriarch? "

    Steve blurted out: "Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock sharp! After the official announcement internally at ten o'clock, my father will announce the decision to the outside world. By then, I will be completely stable!"

    Charlie hummed, He smiled and said: "Okay, let Helena go there tomorrow morning. Let her meet your old man first, and then let her witness your succession as the patriarch. It can also be regarded as a compliment to you!"

    Steve He said happily: "That's great, Mr. Wade! Thank you so much!"

    Charlie said casually: "Look, why are you so polite to me? Just tell the old man that Helena will be on time at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Go to the Rothschild family, but Helena has a special status now, so it’s best not to go there publicly. You can arrange a helicopter to come to Canada early tomorrow morning to pick her up.”

    “No problem!” Steve agreed, excited. He said: "I will personally take a helicopter to pick up Her Majesty the Queen tomorrow morning!"

    After that, he asked politely: "Mr. Wade, do you want to come with us?"

    Charlie smiled and said: "I won't join in the fun. When you successfully succeed to the throne, I will ask someone to send you a congratulatory gift."

    Steve smiled and said: "Oh, you are too polite. If I successfully succeed to the throne, I should have expressed my gratitude. How can I accept your gift? ."

    Charlie said casually: "Forget it, you and I don't have to be polite here. When you successfully succeed to the throne, we will have plenty of time to continue being polite." "

    Okay!" Steve said with a smile, "We still have to do it. Thank you Mr. Wade, everything is thanks to you!"

PS: thank you all for your wishes and pray

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