Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2961 update | Chapter 6169 & 6170 Chapter 2961 Dragnet | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2961 Dragnet

At this moment, near the Zhou family manor.

A large number of agents arranged by the Rothschild family are currently hiding around and inside the Zhou family manor.

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They even bought another villa next to Zhou's manor and used it as the command base for the operation.

In the room on the third floor of the villa that overlooks the Zhou family manor, they set up a large number of monitoring equipment and installed a whole wall of monitoring equipment. There are also thermal imaging pictures from multiple angles. In addition, there are More than a dozen people here to guard the place 24 hours a day.

On the roof of this villa, there are always multiple snipers on standby. Combined with the help of thermal imaging, they can accurately kill a mouse hiding in the grass from a distance of nearly a kilometer.

Ever since Sifang Baozhuang was taken over by Zhou Liangyun, they have started monitoring here. They dare not say that they can prevent a fly from flying out of Zhou's house, but at least, any mammal with warmth cannot slip away from under their noses. . 

At this time, a helicopter roared into the courtyard of the villa. After the helicopter landed smoothly, Steve, who was in his prime, walked out of the helicopter with his son Royce.

The person in charge of the scene was already waiting here. When he saw Steve, he immediately stepped forward and said respectfully, "Hello, young master, I am Hank Gilbert. You can call me Hank. I am ready for you." If you have any other needs, please let me know."

Hank is one of Howard's most trusted confidants. He was formerly a top agent of the Department of Homeland Security. Although he only took orders from Howard to perform these dirty jobs for the Rothschild family, he also knew very well that Howard asked Steve to come here this time just to take the credit. Once Steve wins this Thanks to his hard work, he must be the future patriarch of the family, so he was extremely polite to Steve.

Steve also knew very well that Hank was his father's confidant. If he could get closer to him and take him under his wing, it would be of great help to his future succession, so he said very politely. "Thank you for your hard work, Hank. I hope Royce and I won't cause you any trouble."

Hank said quickly, "No, no, you are here for guidance. We have not gained anything from being here for so long. If you're here, you might be able to bring us a breakthrough!"

Steve didn't expect that Hank, a tough guy from the Homeland Security Bureau, could be so nice when he spoke, and he felt a little light-hearted after being flattered. Yes, it’s very useful.

So, he said with a smile, "Hank, if we find the Sifang Treasure Building here, you will definitely be the number one hero of the Rothschild family!"

Steve knew very well that since he was here to pick peaches, the first hero must be his. The reason why he said this was to praise Hank and let him know that he would not treat him badly.

Hank smiled said, "If we can really find the Sifang Baozhuang here, it must be the wise leadership of the eldest young master!" "

Hank also knew very well in his heart that Howard would not treat him badly if he found the Sifang Baozhu. As for whether it was the so-called first achievement, he didn't care at all. The Rothschild family is just a family, and the family is naturally known as the family. The core members are oriented, and they can just take the money themselves. The empty reputation of credit should be left to Steve. After all, he is likely to be his master in the future. 

Therefore, the two parties complimented each other's business, and both of them were very happy.

The father and son were led by Hank to the third floor. Looking at the Zhou family's manor from a distance, Steve asked Hank, "Has the entire interior of the manor been searched? "

Hank said hurriedly, "More than just searching, we have quietly used detectors to scan the entire building and all the courtyard areas, and we haven't found anything yet. 

Steve was a little surprised and asked him, "The square treasure building is made of metal. The detector didn't find it. Does that mean it's not here?" "

"Hard to say. "Hank explained, "Peter Zhou is very cunning. Since he dared to steal the Sifang Bao Mansion, he must be fully prepared. There are more than ten darkrooms in this villa, so maybe there are us in this villa. Maybe there is a darkroom that has not been found. "

"good! Steve nodded and said, "Even if we dig out the entire Zhou family three feet into the ground, we still have to find the four-square treasure building for me!" "

Hank said helplessly, "It's not realistic to dig deep into the ground for the time being. After all, the FBI has warned us that if we go too far, it may cause a lot of trouble. Moreover, we have lost the opportunity with Peter Zhou. Now the whole United States has While blaming us, if we still dig deep into the Zhou family, I'm afraid we will be even more passive by then. "

Steve nodded and said thoughtfully, "Peter Zhou is still in the hospital, but I estimate that he will be discharged from the hospital soon. I estimate that by then we will be forced by external pressure and will not send him back to prison. Once he changes his mind, If he comes back here to be acquitted, maybe he will lead us to the Sifang Treasure Tower himself. "

At this point, Steve said calmly, "Sometimes, we should not catch the mouse stealing food, but let it go.

Go, follow it quietly, find the place where it hides food, and then feed it a nest full of food! 

When Hank heard this, he immediately gave a thumbs up and said, "Young Master, you are absolutely right!" 

If Peter Zhou is released and we follow him secretly, he will definitely lead us to the Sifang Treasure Building! 

Steve smiled slightly and said, "I will call my father later and ask him to make arrangements to acquit Peter Zhou and see if Peter Zhou will come back here. If he comes back, then we will win the deal. "


At this moment, Chinatown, Chen Kee Roast Goose. 

Today is not a weekend, nor is it a traditional Chinese festival, but the whole Chinatown is decorated with lights and colorful, very lively.

Roast Goose at Chen Kee At the entrance of the store, there was a large group of people. Several lion dance teams came from all directions beating gongs and drums, lining up to dance for a while in front of the roast goose store.

Charlie was a little surprised, and didn’t know why these people wanted to go to Chenji. There was a lion dance in front of the roast goose shop, so he curiously asked the man in front of him, "Brother, why are so many people doing the lion dance in front of the Chen Kee roast goose shop?"

The man said with a smile on his face, "Brother Qiang, the owner of the roast goose shop, is now the new boss of the entire Chinese gang! " Not only did they drive the Burning Angel out of Chinatown and take over Chinatown again, but more importantly, the new gang leader announced this morning that the Chinese gang has begun to reorganize and will permanently stop collecting protection fees from Chinatown merchants. This is very important to us who are doing small business. For me, this is of course great news! "

Since the day Chinatown was formed, it has never been able to get rid of the control of gangs. Merchants doing business here have never been exempted from protection fees. They are either handed over to local gangs in the United States or to Chinese gangs in Chinatown. Until today , the protection fee was clearly stopped by the Chinese gang.

When Charlie heard the news, he knew that this must be Qiang Zai’s decision.

Qiang Zai was an orphan left by illegal immigrants, and he had been following Chen Zhaozhong in Chinatown and saw many ordinary merchants. The life here is humble and miserable. Now that he has become the boss of the Chinese gang, it is a good thing that he wants to make some real changes for the compatriots in Chinatown.

This also makes Charlie appreciate Qiang Zai a little more. After all, he does not bully the weak. , has always been his basic principle in life. If a gang wants to grow bigger, it must look up instead of down. If he only thinks about making money from small businessmen and hawkers in Chinatown in the future, the Chinese Gang will be in his hands. It will definitely be difficult for him to achieve great development in his hands.

Now that Qiang Zai can decisively abandon the income brought by the lower class people to the Chinese Gang, it can be seen that he is determined to let the Chinese Gang take over the money-making Orientation is locked at a higher level.

Having upward determination is a good start.

Seeing that the roast goose shop was so busy, Charlie didn't squeeze in anymore. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and called Chen Zhaozhong and asked him to meet at a nearby park.

After the two met, they found an empty bench, and Charlie introduced the energy he had put into the prison to Chen Zhaozhong.

When Chen Zhaozhong heard the story of Sifang Baozhuang, he was stunned. He asked Charlie, "Master, what are your plans now about Sifang Baozhuang?"

Charlie said, "Now I want to make Sifang Baozhuang safe first." Take it out from the Zhou family, and then find a way to transport the Sifang Baozhu back to China."

Chen Zhaozhong thought for a moment and said, "Young Master, the Rothschild family must be monitoring the Zhou family now. If you want to take things from the Zhou family, I'm afraid it will It's not that easy..."

Charlie nodded and said, "The Rothschild family cares so much about that square treasure house. I'm afraid they have turned the Zhou family upside down. If they don't gain anything, they will definitely not give up. They will secretly guard the entire Zhou family. family, so I plan to go to the Zhou family later today to get a feel for their background."

Chen Zhaozhong asked, "Master, if you approach the Zhou family rashly, will it scare the snake?"

Charlie said calmly, "It's okay,  I won't go to Zhou's house rashly. I will definitely find all the people who are secretly watching before looking for opportunities. I'm sure of this."

After saying that, Charlie said again, "By the way, Uncle Zhong, I plan to find an opportunity to bring Sifang to justice tonight. Get the treasure building back and then find a way to transport it back to China. Which channel do you think is the safest?"

Chen Zhaozhong thought for a moment and said, "Master, the Rothschild family has great power in the United States. If the Sifang Treasure Building is lost, they On the surface, they just arrested Zhou Peter, but in fact, I am afraid that they have already laid a dragnet within a hundred kilometers of the Zhou family. It may be difficult to take the Sifang Baozhuang out through normal channels, especially the entry and exit channels. The key point of their strict defense."

Charlie nodded and said, "The Zhou family's manor is on the edge of New York. After I get the Sifang Baozhuang, I will drive back to New York first and make plans after returning to New York."

Chen Zhaozhong asked, "Why do you want to return to New York, Master?"

Charlie said, "Since there is a dragnet everywhere you go, why not just come back to New York. New York is the headquarters of the Rothschild family and the most defensive place for the Rothschild family." It’s a strict place, but it’s also the place where they have the most loopholes and weaknesses. Only here can they find a suitable breakthrough!”

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