Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2957 update | Chapter 6161 & 6162 Chapter 2957 Killing | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2957: Killing

At this point in the video, Gustavo recalled that he was almost killed by his son, but he still had to educate his son with sincere words in the video. And when family members must unite as one, he felt a burst of sadness and anger in his heart. 

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If he had followed his original idea, he would have simply told all the members of the Sanchez family that it was his son who wanted to kill him, and let them avenge him no matter what, and even let him They ousted their sons from their positions as family patriarchs.

But after thinking about it carefully, he realized that Charlie's plan was actually the most suitable.

His son is now in great power. If he tries to expose him at this time and force his men to rebel, it will only make him completely tear off the mask of hypocrisy and openly reveal his identity as a patricide to the world.

Even if other members of the Sanchez family are dissatisfied with him, they have no strength to challenge his position as head of the family. What's more, now the interests of the entire Sanchez family are no longer tied to themselves, but to their own sons. The Sanchez family The other members of the group, for their own benefit, could not stand up and speak for Gustavo.

So the best way now is actually to follow Charlie's instructions and maintain a superficial relationship with his son. As long as his son's dignity is not harmed and he is given a way out, he will definitely not choose to break up and become a Patricide.

It was precisely because he had to leave room for his son as a loving father that he felt particularly tormented and unhappy.

Therefore, he could only turn all his anger onto the Rothschild family, grinning at the video and shouting: "I hope people all over the world can remember that Howard Rothschild is the most hypocritical person in the world! He was behind everything that happened in Brooklyn Prison!" "

Whether it was locking me up here, trying to kill me, or killing the antique dealer surnamed Zhou. Being locked up in an underground secret room is all the will of that b@stard Howard! Now that the matter has been exposed, he has pushed his grandson out as a shield. Just one fcuking word for such a person, damn him! All those who have betrayed their trust must be damned. Damn it!"

When the video played here, Gustavo in the camera had murderous intent on his face.

His right hand made a pistol shape and kept tapping on the ground, as if he was enjoying the pleasure of executing Howard with a pistol.

Afterwards, he calmed down a little and ended the video recording.

Everyone who sees this video has no doubt about the authenticity of the content of this video.

Because Gustavo is in Brooklyn Prison, and Brooklyn Prison has indeed just been proven to be secretly controlled by the Rothschild family.

It’s just that not long ago, the Rothschild family dumped all the blame related to the Brooklyn Prison on Matt.

At first, people believed Howard's words, but they didn't expect to be slapped in the face so quickly by Gustavo's personal statement.

Even super drug lords like Gustavo stood up and accused Howard, which convinced everyone that Howard was the manipulator behind this.

Because Matt Rothschild is just a playboy who likes to sleep with other people's wives. How could such a person have the qualifications and ability to secretly have sex with a murderous drug lord like Gustavo?

Howard spent his life trying to move as far as possible in the cesspit, and he just barely managed to avoid getting excrement on himself by relying on Ramat to enter the cesspool as a stepping stone.

Just when Howard was standing on the edge of the manure pit rejoicing, Gustavo suddenly rushed out from nowhere, hugged Howard without hesitation, jumped into the manure pit, and gave Howard a decisive blow.

In an instant, insults against Howard sprung up on the Internet.

The Rothschild family never dreamed that they would be stabbed in the back by Gustavo, and they panicked for a moment.

Making deals with drug traffickers, giving them prison privileges, and using drug traffickers to obtain benefits in Mexico is simply not a possibility.

It would have been easier to put it in the semi-civilized 19th century during the Opium War. After all, everyone was a drug dealer. Even the British nobility and royal family were drug dealers. It was no big deal that the Rothschild family was involved with drug dealers.

But now is the 21st century of modern civilization. The British royal family has long since whitewashed itself. The Rothschild family is still dealing with drug dealers. This is an extremely disgusting behavior in today's society. The Rothschilds were almost instantly The family's reputation was at its lowest point.

Howard sat up from the bed angrily, looked at the eldest son who came to report the news and asked angrily: "Who is going to kill Gustavo?! When did I say I was going to kill him?!" 

The eldest son said awkwardly : "Father, we have a cooperation agreement with Gustavo. How could we kill him? There is either some misunderstanding or Gustavo made it up." 

Howard asked: "Gustavo has already reached an agreement with us. What good does it do him to make up nonsense and frame us at this time? And I can't figure it out. Yes, he is enjoying a lot of food and drink in Brooklyn Prison, and he gets whatever he wants. Only we can give him this kind of treatment. Now that he has come forward to report and expose us, doesn’t that mean he has been sold out? If the U.S. government starts investigating this matter, then he will lose all the privileges we provided him. How can he live a good life by then?" 

The eldest son said with a confused look on his face: "I don't understand why. In this way, both emotionally and logically, this Gustavo should not stand up and bite us."

Howard said very seriously: "Let's think carefully about what reasons could make Gustavo give up his current privileged life. Do you want to stand up and fight against us?"

The eldest son shook his head and said: "I can't think of it. For him, the best choice is to cooperate with us. Even if the entire Sanchez family is like this, betrayal at this time will be harmful to them. It's all harmful but useless."

Howard was silent for a moment and said seriously: "Unless Gustavo's life is really threatened, someone must really want to kill him, so she was forced to drag us into the water. ."

The eldest son quickly asked: "Father, who do you think would want to kill Gustavo? The Gustavo now is not the same Gustavo he was back then. Even if he enjoys more privileges, he is still the U.S. government. At this time, Beach has not only offended the Sanchez family, but also offended the US government. What's the point?"

Howard said coldly: "Go and investigate this matter, I want to find out the ins and outs of the whole thing!"

Meanwhile, Jalisco, Mexico.

The headquarters of the Sanchez family is entrenched in this place famous for its agave.

The mansion where the Sanchez family lives can no longer be described as a manor. They own more than hundreds of square miles of land. On this fertile land, they have planted a large number of valuable agave and built multiple extremely luxurious mansions. Super estate.

Unlike those so-called tens of billions of entrepreneurs on the Forbes list, the Sanchez family's tens of billions of dollars are almost worthless.

An entrepreneur's worth is mostly due to valuation and shares that cannot be cashed out. For example, his listed group has a market value of 100 billion U.S. dollars, and the entrepreneur personally owns 51% of the shares. In theory, he is indeed worth 50 billion U.S. dollars, but these shares You cannot reduce your holdings at will, and you can pledge part of it at most. However, the money obtained from the pledged shares cannot be spent how you want. If one day the business is not good, the market is not good, and the company's valuation plummets, the pledged money will be lost. You have to return it honestly. 

Sanchez family is different.

Their worth is all real money exchanged by drug dealers from the United States and the world, so they can spend money unscrupulously.

    In the center of the entire Sanchez family base camp, there is a majestic building complex like an ancient castle. This is where the core members of the Sanchez family live.

Gustavo's son, Héctor Sanchez, lived here.

Since he replaced Gustavo and took charge of this drug empire, he has taken a helicopter every day to inspect the entire Sanchez family's territory, and every inspection has strengthened his determination to continue to develop this empire.

However, now the Sanchez family is being led by the Rothschild family.

The reason is that his father, Gustavo Sanchez, is in the hands of the Rothschild family.

His father was imprisoned in the hands of others, which made Hector particularly passive. However, whenever he wanted to draw a clear line with the Rothschild family, everyone around him would remind him that his father Gustavo It is still in the hands of the Rothschild family, so no matter what, we must maintain a friendly relationship with the Rothschild family and not be too impulsive.

Hector has many plans that he considers to be brilliant and strategic, but during this period, the plans he thought of were basically overturned by the Rothschild family. Whenever he wanted to fall out with the Rothschild family, Gustawo will always be the opponent's seven inches to take advantage of him.

This made him deeply feel that the Rothschild family was the stumbling block that hindered the Sanchez family from continuing to develop and create greater glory.

In order to completely get rid of the control of the Rothschild family, he planned to find someone to kill his father in prison, so that Rothschild would no longer be able to control him.

Although Héctor had already fallen asleep at this time, in his dream, he still hoped that Joseph could kill his father as soon as possible and completely cut off his future troubles.

But at this time, his uncle, Gustavo's younger brother Ricardo Sanchez, suddenly called him. The moment the call was connected, his uncle said impatiently on the phone: "Eh? Joseph, look at the news, something happened to your father!"

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