Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2905 update | Chapter 6057 & 6058 Chapter 2905 Welcome to New York! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2905 Welcome to New York!

In Antonio’s opinion, a guy like Charlie who wants money rather than his life is just trying to commit suicide.

He has already revealed his identity as a mafia, and he still wants to ask for money from him. Isn't this asking for money at the expense of his life?

What's more, how could I give him the money?

You must know that although you are worth more than 100 million, every penny in it is the hard-earned money that you have worked hard to take out from the pockets of the people at the bottom. If outsiders want to take away a penny, they will kill themselves.

Originally, he was worried that Charlie had already called the police and the police were right in front of him. Although he had killed countless people, he had finally begun to clear his name. How could he attack this kid in front of the police? 

But who could have expected that this kid would take the initiative to follow me into the house to get money? Isn't this a wolf entering a tiger's mouth?

As long as he enters his own door and is not under the eyes of the police, he can directly ask his men to beat him to death, and then fake a scene of him stealing at home. When the police come, they will say that this man tried to steal and was shot to death by his own men. As long as he finds a A reliable lawyer will most likely not go to jail. Even if the lawyer performs abnormally and is sentenced to a real sentence, the person in jail will still be his younger brother and has nothing to do with him.

Therefore, from the moment Charlie said he wanted to go in with him, he had already made up his mind not to let Charlie come out alive.

At this time, the policemen also knew that once Charlie went in, there was a high probability of disaster, so one of the policemen kindly reminded him, "Sir, if you have any problems, I advise you to solve them outside and don't go in." ."

As he said, he added, "In addition, I don't think it's a good idea to ask for one million U.S. dollars for this matter, sir. This is obviously an unreasonable asking price, so I still advise you to accept the suggestion of ten thousand U.S. dollars." 

Naturally, Charlie knew the intentions of the police and knew that they had good intentions, but for him, the play he was going to perform for Antonio today was called Death, so of course he had to go all the way to the end.

So he told the police"I'm sorry, I don't accept the proposal of ten thousand US dollars, I insist on claiming one million US dollars!"

After that, he turned to look at Antonio and said, "Let's go in, I'll wait for you to collect the money."

The police had no choice but to ask Charlie again, "Sir, if you have reached an agreement and there are no objections, then we will evacuate. Do you have any other questions?" 

"No." Charlie smiled slightly and said, "Thank you, Comrade Police."

Several American police officers looked incomprehensible when they heard the term comrade. Then they looked at each other, put their guns back into their holsters, got back in the car, and drove away.

As soon as the police left, Antonio's expression changed. His fake smile quickly disappeared, replaced by a cold face full of murderous intent.

He stretched out his hand, pointed at Charlie contemptuously, and then pointed at Qiang Zai not far away, and said to his subordinates, "Take these two distinguished guests to the wine cellar. After I have entertained the distinguished guests, I will go there myself." Talk to them!"

When Antonio said the word VIP, Charlie even heard the sound of his teeth gritting.

But at this time, Charlie was not worried at all. Instead, he said with a dissatisfied look, "Is inviting people to the wine cellar the way you Italian mafia treat guests?" "Please?"

Antonio's mouth twitched, his expression cold. She said extremely, "Today I will let you feel what the real Sicilian hospitality is!"

Julia, who was under control, said to Charlie very nervously, "He will kill you, leave quickly. Don't stay here!"

Charlie smiled and said, "I have never been to Sicily. Today I have the opportunity to experience a chapter in New York.

Wouldn’t it be a waste if you didn’t experience the hospitality of Sicilian people? "

After that, he walked straight towards the manor and entered the door. Charlie said as he walked, "Oh, to be honest, your manor is not very good. Although it is next to Changdao, it is not actually within the scope of Changdao. It is more like At the gate of Long Island, all the really rich people in New York live in Long Island. What kind of thing is it for you to live in this place? Is it possible that we have to look after the gates here for the rich people who live in Long Island? "

As he spoke, he slapped his forehead and said with a smile, "Look at my brain, I almost forgot your own job, the underworld! You are nothing more than the god of death for the poor, the bodyguard of the rich, and the lackey of the powerful. You are on the edge of Long Island, and the rich and powerful live there, so you are a bodyguard and a dog here. You can be considered to be wearing many hats. Not Easy.

" Damn it! " "Antonio suddenly became furious. He grabbed Charlie's collar and said sternly, "Boy! You really don’t know how to write the word death! When you reach my territory today, I will never let you get out alive! Remember how arrogant you are now, I will see how you will beg me for mercy later! "

Charlie was grabbed by his collar. He didn't resist or show any dissatisfaction. He just looked at Antonio with a smile and said, "I forgot to tell you, you can grab my collar, but the price is which hand. Whichever hand you grab will be cut off. Although your girl is very beautiful, there is absolutely no negotiation on this matter. "

Antonio looked at Charlie's needy look and could no longer control his emotions. He raised his fist and was about to hit Charlie in the face. 

At this moment, a whistle suddenly came from behind him. He looked back and saw a man coming from four directions. A convoy of Cadillacs and a Rolls-Royce Phantom were already approaching from the corner.

His expression suddenly lit up, and he didn't care about beating Charlie here. He quickly pushed Charlie aside and said to his confidants, "Hurry up."! The distinguished guest is here! Come with me to greet him. In addition, send the young lady to the banquet hall, and send this boy and his companions to the wine cellar! "

After that, without waiting for anyone to react, he stepped out and walked out.

Several men were about to take Charlie, Qiang Zai and Julia to the manor when Charlie suddenly shouted coldly, "Everyone. Don't move! Otherwise, I'll screw your heads off! "

When Charlie said this, he used some spiritual energy. After these people heard it, they felt their whole souls trembling. They were stunned on the spot for a while, not daring to make any move at all. 

Julia was extremely surprised, she knew what her father's subordinates were like. The people who could follow her father were all murderous demons without blinking an eye. They might be wearing suits and sunglasses now, and they looked like mannequins. They look like dogs, but in fact they, like other mafiosi in Sicily, started out by burning, killing and looting.

These people are fearless. How could they be so frightened by Charlie that they dare not even move?

Moreover, he could clearly see that there was an indescribable horror in the eyes of these people.

Antonio, as well as the followers around him at the moment, did not notice the strangeness here.

In the eyes of several people, They were all the convoy that was slowly approaching.

By the time a few people hurriedly ran out of the manor, the convoy had just arrived.

Antonio ran directly to the Rolls-Royce Phantom and stood outside the car door with a flattering look on his face. He took the initiative to reach out and open the back door.

Sitting in the car was a middle-aged man. Antonio, who was arrogant and domineering just now, was like a quail, bending down outside the car and said respectfully, "Your Honor Mr. Aman Ramovich, welcome to New York! "

Hi friends how many of you remember this guy Aman Romovich?


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