Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2862 update | Chapter 5971 & 5972 Chapter 2862 Can I live forever?! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

Chapter 2862: Can I live forever? 

Charlie knew very well that what he was looking for this time was not Wu Feiyan, but the place Wu Feiyan was going to.

After he released Meng Changsheng's portrait, Wu Feiyan immediately silenced the Po Qing Association, which proved that she was indeed very frightened.

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But the more frightened she became, the more she secretly came to China alone and went to Shiwan Mountain, which proved that she must be very urgent now.

Charlie speculated that she was most likely looking for the secret left by Meng Changsheng back then, perhaps the secret of longevity mentioned by Uncle Chang Sheng before.

Therefore, after Wu Feiyan leaves Shiwan Mountain, he will go in to search for it, regardless of whether there will be gains or not, at least it will not increase the risk.

And at the same time.

In Shiwan Mountain.

Wu Feiyan is like a heroine in a martial arts film who hangs wires and walks over the eaves and walls, quickly shuttling between the dense forests in the mountains. The mountains, mountains and old forests in the eyes of ordinary people are like walking on flat ground in front of her.

Although she walked deeper and deeper into the mountains, her progress became smoother and smoother. 

When she got away from the highway and gradually entered the deep mountains, she found that the Shiwan mountains in front of her hadn't changed much compared with three hundred years ago.

The green hills here are still there, and they are still uninhabited.

Wu Feiyan relied on her memories of that year to walk from dawn to dusk in the mountains.

In the mountains and forests at night, you can't see your fingers. The moonlight and starlight are almost blocked by dense trees, and because the air humidity increases after nightfall, the mountains and forests are already shrouded in fog. It is difficult for ordinary people to walk here, but Wu Feiyan seems to be able to See through the darkness and fog, and keep moving forward without slowing down.

At this time, she was surrounded by insects, snakes, rats and ants, as well as various animals and beasts, but wherever Wu Feiyan went, all the animals scattered like birds and beasts, wishing to get as far away from her as possible.

After Wu Feiyan walked through the fog for nearly half an hour, she came to the bottom of an extremely low valley. The fog here was already surprisingly thick, and the humidity in the air was so exaggerated that water could be squeezed out.

Because the terrain of the valley is too low, a large amount of moisture and carbon dioxide are deposited here, so that the oxygen content at the bottom of the valley is very low. It is impossible for ordinary people to survive here for too long.

What’s even more frightening is that the air here is not only moisture and carbon dioxide, but also toxic components similar to methane emitted from a large number of rotten trees and swamps. After countless years of fermentation and various natural chemical reactions, it has formed a harmful substance to lactation. A miasma that is highly toxic to animals.

Moreover, although there is no human habitation here, wild animals often come here accidentally for food. After the animals come in, they soon fall into coma and die due to lack of oxygen and toxic components in the air. After death, their bodies are left in the The rotting, rotting corpses are decomposed by microorganisms, making the air here more dangerous.

If someone is really blind and has climbed countless mountains to come here, then basically there is no return.

However, when Wu Feiyan came here, her expression was not the slightest bit nervous, but became more and more excited.

She walked into the fog without thinking. Although the dirty and toxic fog would not cause any real harm to her, it made her a little nauseous, so she held her breath and walked all the way to the lowest and deepest place.

At this time, there was no light at the bottom of the valley, and Wu Feiyan's spiritual consciousness filled the surroundings, and everything around her was clear to her.

When Wu Feiyan came to the deepest point, many thick stone pillars five to six meters high and two to three meters wide appeared in front of Wu Feiyan.

Although these stone pillars seem to be natural and without any traces of artificial processing, it seems that they should not appear here in large quantities. It seems that someone has deliberately collected these stone pillars and placed them here.

Moreover, there are a large number of these stone pillars, and they are arranged in a disorderly manner like a stone forest. 

 Wu Feiyan was not surprised at all. Instead , she caressed these stone pillars with some emotion, and murmured, "Master, brother, Feiyan is back."

Stone pillars, constantly moving left and right according to specific rules.

This stone forest is the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams Formation laid down by her master Meng Changsheng during his lifetime.

The mystery of this formation is that if you don't know the way to break the formation, no matter if you walk into the stone forest formation from any position, it is impossible to find the real exit.

The only way for outsiders to crack this formation is to destroy all the stone pillars, leaving no one behind.

However, this formation was originally used by Meng Changsheng to protect the cave. According to his plan, once someone breaks in, he will know it immediately before the other party has destroyed all the stone forest; if the other party is not as strong as him, then he He can kill the opponent in secret; 

If he encounters someone stronger than him, Meng Changsheng is not afraid, because the stone forest composed of these stone pillars is large in scale and numerous, and every Each stone pillar was extremely thick and heavy, and it would take a lot of time and energy for the other party to destroy them all. He would have enough time to escape. In this way, by the time the other party destroyed the stone forest, he would have already escaped.

At that time, Meng Changsheng relied on this formation to hide the cave where he practiced. For hundreds of years, no one has been able to break into it.

The only two people who have entered it are Wu Feiyan and her senior brother Lin Zhulu.

Wu Feiyan, who came back here again, chose a route with ease, and then quickly walked left and right in the stone forest.

After walking through many times, Wu Feiyan suddenly dodges, and the exit of the eight trigrams formation appears in front of him, an arched stone gate carved by hand.

On both sides of the stone gate, a pair of couplets are engraved in cursive calligraphy. The first couplet is about 800 years of retreat and practice, and the second couplet is about wearing the stars and wearing the moon for nearly a thousand years.


The upper and lower couplets are ordinary, but the horizontal lines are very different. Most of the horizontal lines of other people's couplets have four characters, but the horizontal lines of this couplet have five characters. Can you live forever?

Wu Feiyan was very familiar with this couplet. She looked up at the five words in the middle and murmured, "Master, what is immortality? Five hundred years or a thousand years? You have lived for a thousand years and renamed yourself immortality." I have been cultivating here for five hundred years, but I still cannot escape death in the end? Is there a way in this world that can make people live as long as heaven and earth?" At this point, Wu Feiyan smiled sarcastically, shook her head and said, "It's

Feiyan If you think too much, how do you know the answer? If you had known, you would not have died three hundred years ago."

Then, without looking at the couplet, she raised her hand and pushed the arched stone door open.

The door opened, and inside was a stone room of about forty square meters. Wu Feiyan was very familiar with this place. Back then, she and her senior brother Lin Zhulu practiced here all day long.

At this time, there was still a futon in the stone room where the two of them had meditated on, and there were even dark, long-dried blood stains on the ground, which were left when she stabbed Lin Zhulu with her sword.

Lin Feiyan was in a trance and a little stunned. She stretched out her hand to touch the blood that had dried for more than three hundred years and murmured, "Senior brother, the sword that Feiyan stabbed into your heart back then still makes Feiyan's heart hurt so much. If you agreed to Feiyan, how could you and I be separated by three hundred years? If you and I had joined forces back then, we might have driven Qing Gou out of the customs long ago. Wouldn’t the world belong to you and me? You are the only one to blame If you don't know the current affairs, you won't be able to enjoy it."

As she said that, she couldn't help but mutter in a low voice, "Compared with three hundred years ago, everything in front of me seems to have not changed at all except that my senior brother's blood has dried up. In other words, In the past three hundred years, no one has come back here..."

Then she paused slightly and frowned, "So, the person who took out the Master's portrait has never been here, nor has Changying Wade and his wife. Who came here before, who is that person? Where did Changying Wade and his wife find the secret of longevity?"

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