Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2860 update | Chapter 5967 & 5968 Chapter 2860 Shiwan Mountains | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2860: Shiwan Mountains

Charlie and Lin Wan'er's return trip went smoothly.

The plane took off on time at 8:30 and arrived in Aurous Hill at 11 am sharp.

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At noon, the two hurried back to Purple Mountain Villa. Along the way, Lin Wan'er held the young plant of the mother of Pucha and did not dare to relax for a moment.

After returning to Purple Villa, Lin Wan'er asked everyone in the villa to stay away for the time being. She and Charlie went to the top-floor courtyard and immediately started to replant the young plants of the mother of Pucha.

And she looked in the yard and found that if other trees in the yard were not cut down, then the open space next to the hot spring pool would be the most suitable.

She pointed to the open space and said to Charlie, "According to the normal growth rate of tea trees, the space here is probably enough for a tea tree to grow for ten or eight years. I just don't know how fast the mother of Pu’re tea grows. If it grows to a certain scale and soil space here are not enough, we have to change the place."

Charlie smiled and said, "Don't worry about it for now, just settle it here for the time being. It could survive to fight the natural disaster in its previous life, and it will definitely not be affected by it in this life. It was moved a few times before it died, so settle it here first, and maybe move it to another place in the future. After you take over the Zhicheng Group and transform Erlang Mountain, you might be able to transplant it to Erlang Mountain."

Lin Wan'er shook her head and said, "This tree belongs to the young master. The slave family only takes care of it on behalf of the young master. If it cannot be planted here in the future, the slave family will move it to where the young master says." 

Charlie said seriously, "You spend the most time with her.

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" "Chief, it's up to you to decide where to plant in the future."

Lin Wan'er nodded, "Everyone in the slave family listens to the young master."

As she said this, she took out a small gardening shovel. dug a hole about the size of a basketball in the soil next to the hot spring pool, carefully put the roots of the mother of Pu tea into it, filled it with the dug out soil, and then took a wooden Scooping water, I scooped some room temperature water into the water tank next to the hot spring pool, and carefully poured the water down along the edge.

At this time, the noon sun The light shone on the delicate green leaves, making them translucent. Lin Wan'er looked at the perfect green leaves with a face full of information.

Charlie looked at the seedling, and said doubtfully, "It grew so fast last night, and the two missing leaves also returned to their original state without knowing it. Why doesn't it seem that there is any change now?" 

Lin Wan'er said, "Maybe the leaves she saved The energy is spent on the link of breaking out of the ground, and then it will enter a long and slow growth period. After all, it takes thirty years for a Pu'er tea tree to mature." 

Charlie nodded, "The effect of the few leaves she has on ordinary people is worth as much as a blood-scattering heart-saving pill, and it is a rare treasure for ascetics. After all, no matter how much blood-scattering heart-saving pills are eaten, it is impossible to transform them into spiritual energy in the body; ""But this tea tree This is especially rare; "

Even though I can refine many elixirs, so far, only Peiyuan Pill can increase aura, and other elixirs can only cure injuries and prolong life;"

"However, the refining of Peiyuan Pill is too troublesome, and the demand for various materials is relatively high. It is not realistic to really want to refine in batches and have a stable supply;" 

"If this tea tree becomes mature, with the normal production capacity of Pu'er tea trees At least hundreds of thousands of buds can be produced every day. If she can still retain the attribute containing aura by then, it will definitely be a great wealth. With such a continuous source of aura, she can even use it to start a sect Already."

Lin Wan'er asked excitedly, "Doesn't that mean that with it, the young master will definitely be able to defeat Wu Feiyan and the PoQing Society in the future?"

Charlie said seriously, "Wu Feiyan's personal strength is very strong, after all, he has already opened the Niwan Palace. Yes, she and I are not in the same realm at all.

Realm, give me another 20 or 30 years, I may not be her opponent, but with this tea tree, at least a batch of people like the Four Earls can be cultivated in batches If a cultivator with good strength can't win in quality, he will fight for quantity. Although the sea of ​​​​people tactics is a little behind, it is not without chance of winning. "

Lin Wan'er nodded slightly, looked at the seedling and sighed, "Now let's see if she can grow up quickly..."

Charlie smiled slightly, "Be normal, she has her own fortune. "

With that said, Charlie said again, "By the way, Miss Lin invites Mr. Sun to come and talk to him about surveillance. 

Lin Wan'er stood up and said, "Master, wait a moment, I'll call Lao Sun."

Soon, Sun Zhidong, who was in a much younger body, trotted all the way to the top courtyard. 

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he said respectfully, "Miss, Mr. Ye, what do you two want me to do?".

Lin Wan'er said, "Is there a way to mobilize all the monitoring in southern Yunnan these days without alarming anyone?" "

Sun Zhidong said, "Miss, as long as it belongs to the monitoring of the municipal government, it can be found in the system. My authority is high, and I can retrieve it without trace. You just need to tell me where the monitoring needs to be mobilized. 

Lin Wan'er nodded, recalling that Wu Feiyan appeared on Turtle Back Mountain at 10:00 yesterday morning, so she said, "First call me the surveillance cameras throughout Shuanglang." "

" Good. Sun Zhidong said, "Miss, wait a moment. I will arrange for people to prepare. They will use a dedicated line to transfer all the video content to a cloud server. After the transfer is completed, you can view it on the server at will." 

Lin Wan'er nodded slightly with satisfaction and said, "Hurry up and do it. I'll wait for your news."

Sun Zhidong immediately said, "Okay, miss, I'll make arrangements right now. " "


at the same time.

In the middle of the Shiwan Mountains, a highway winds like a long dragon, interspersed between countless mountains, and an off-road vehicle is driving through the mountains at high speed.

The woman driving the car had a serious expression on her face, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands, obviously a little nervous.

But she was nervous, not because of lack of driving experience, but because of the growing familiarity brought to her by the surrounding environment.

The woman driving is Wu Feiyan.

Although she has not been to Shiwan Mountains for many years, she still knows it well.

Back then, this place was a huge maze created by nature's miraculous craftsmanship. It blocked the Qing soldiers who surrounded her and Lin Zhulu, and also brought them a rare opportunity.

But now, this mountain that was once difficult to walk has been completely connected by this highway. Countless tunnels and bridges have closely connected this place with the outside world.

However, although the expressway can change the traffic in Shiwan Mountain, it cannot change the special landform of Shiwan Mountain. Since ancient times, this place has been lined with mountains, vast and sparsely populated, and the transportation is extremely inconvenient. You often have to climb several mountains to see one. Villages, and some people in the villages have never stepped out of the mountains where they live in their entire lives.

In recent years, with the continuous development of the economy and the advancement of urbanization, many mountain people who have lived in the mountains for generations have gradually moved out of the mountains. The population in the mountains is now smaller than that of Wu Feiyan and Lin Zhulu. .

At this time, Wu Feiyan's car had just passed a service area, but she did not choose to stop. Instead, after driving for more than ten kilometers, she pulled over and parked the car in the emergency lane.

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After parking the car, she slowly got out of the car, stood on the roadside and looked into the distance for a moment, murmuring, "This is it...Master, Feiyan is back to see you..."

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