
Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3014 update | Chapter 6275 & 6276 Chapter 3014 Which one do you prefer? | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3014 Which one do you prefer? Because Charlie is not in Jinling, Ito Nanako has been studying martial arts with all her heart for the past few days. She simply lives in Champs most of the time. Li's dormitory, and only occasionally came back to spend time with her father. Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi).     Yesterday, Takehiko Ito missed his daughter, so he had someone prepare a sumptuous Japanese banquet. He called Nanako Ito back, and the father and daughter had a meal together.     Banquets are generally sumptuous and complicated, and it is common to eat a meal in two or three hours, so Ito Nanako did not rush back to the Champs Elysees last night, but stayed at home for one night.     In order not to delay her morning practice, she got up quickly at dawn, washed briefly, and prepared to drive to the Champs-Elysees.     When taking the elevator to the b

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3013 update | Chapter 6273 & 6274 Chapter 3013 Escape intact | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3013 Escape intact Hearing Wu Feiyan's words, Wu Tianlin was shocked and blurted out: "Master Ying, you... why do you think so?" Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi).     Wu Feiyan said : "Because he had killed Uncle Chang Sheng and witnessed Uncle Chang Sheng's death, he knew that he could not give Uncle Zhongyong a chance to die, and he had to kill Uncle Zhongyong with one blow. Therefore, he used such an unusual method. Killing people by any means."     After saying that, Wu Feiyan added: "I really didn't expect that he would be everywhere like a ghost. What made me even more unexpected was that Chang Shengbo's death did not cause him much harm. Hurt, not long after, he killed another earl of mine!"     Wu Tianlin asked: "Master Ying, the fire just broke out here not long ago, doesn't this mean that this pers

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3012 update | Chapter 6271 & 6272 Chapter 3012 should be the same | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3012 should be the same In the afternoon, Charlie  said goodbye to Helena, said goodbye to Zhou Liangyun, and left to return to the United States alone. Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi).   Not far from Ottawa to Burlington, but the border is a little more troublesome, but the relatively lax management of the US-Canada border, coupled with the absence of the Rothschilds secretly watching, is not difficult for Charlie .    After a smooth entry into the United States, Charlie drove to Burlington, where his plane was waiting and ready to take off.   At the small airport a few dozen kilometers from Burlington International Airport, DHS was still conducting an extremely detailed search of the Gulfstream 650, but there was no valuable discovery.   The DHS also began to wonder if this would be an outright prank, or if the intelligence officer was mistaken, but as long a

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3011 update | Chapter 6269 & 6270 Chapter 3011 Hidden in the city! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3011 Hidden in the city When Steve Rothschild thanked Charlie from the bottom of his heart, Charlie hung up the phone and started talking to Helena. Helena discussed how to pour cold water on him early tomorrow morning. Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi).     Since Helena's visit to Canada will end in two days, the schedule is relatively loose. In addition, Helena had previously announced that she was ill, so the Canadian side did not have a very full schedule.     Tomorrow morning, Helena will have completely free time, but there will be a routine meeting and visit in the afternoon.     So she could leave for New York to meet Howard at seven o'clock and be back by noon.     What Charlie needed her to do wasn't too difficult. After meeting Howard, she could get it done in half an hour.     Since he experienced the charm of AI models last time, Charlie

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3010 update | Chapter 6267 & 6268 Chapter 3010 You are really good at predicting things! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3010 You are really good at predicting things! Hearing his old father say these words with difficulty, Steve was already so excited that his heart was beating wildly. Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi).     Although he had been manipulated by Charlie and forced to betray his father and family in the past two days, at this moment, he couldn't help but want to yell: "Charlie is awesome!"     Immediately, he sighed in his heart: " Charlie is really a god! The development direction of the whole thing is simply developing according to Charlie's script!" "     I helped him send the Sifang Baozhuang back to China. As soon as the news came out, my father fell ill and lost his life. In order to continue to be in charge of the family, several other brothers and grandchildren also lost the opportunity to make contributions in this incident. A

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3009 update | Chapter 6265 & 6266 Chapter 3009 There is an expert behind the scenes | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3009 There is an expert behind the scenes The doctor's words made Howard start to re-examine the matter of Sifang Baozhuang.     It is true that I have suffered heavy losses for the Sifang Baozhu, and even my own health. However, if I still hold on to it now, objectively speaking, it will only expand the losses, and there will never be any chance to make up for the losses. Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi).     Therefore, the most reasonable thing at the moment is to stop the loss in time. All the previous investment will be in vain. You must recognize, accept and accept it in your heart. As long as you can hold on and not expand losses from today, this is the current situation. Find the best solution.     After all, he is the manager of a top family and a capital master who is well versed in investment. Howard realized that something was impossible, and he i

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