
Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3126 update || Chapter 6499 & 6500 || Chapter 3126 : Super wronged! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3126 Super wronged At this time, Jacob had regarded Master Hong as his last life-saving straw. Although he always mentioned Charlie in his conversations with Zhang Ermao and President Pei, as if he would call Charlie every minute, he actually did not dare to call Charlie for this kind of thing, Asking for help. After all, what he was doing was deceiving people. How could he talk to Charlie about this kind of thing? Opening this mouth to Charlie meant that his daughter Claire also knew about it. What will the young couple think of himself? From now on, won’t he have to keep his head down and behave at home? Therefore, now he can only seek help from Mr. Orval Hong to see if he can ask him for help. But what he didn't know was that Orval Hong was beside Charlie at this time. Charlie has already predicted Jacob's next move. When his father-in-law finds that he cannot suppress Zhang Ermao, he will definitely find a way to find someone who can suppress Zhang Ermao. Orval Hon

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3125 update || Chapter 6497 & 6498 || Chapter 3125 : Take care of yourself ! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3125: Take care of yourself  A few hours later, Jacob and Elaine's flight finally landed at Dubai International Airport. Jacob turned off the flight mode of his mobile phone as soon as the plane landed, and then stared at the signal sign on the upper right, waiting for the mobile phone to search for communication signals and data networks. Jacob specially activated international phone and data roaming before going out, so after waiting for dozens of seconds, his phone successfully connected to the Internet. And with the successful connection to the Internet, multiple WeChat reminders popped up on his phone. However, Jacob, who was anxious all the way, didn't bother to check WeChat at all. He directly opened the call history and called Zhang Ermao. At this time, Zhang Ermao was in his office, preparing to go to Master Orval Hong's place for a normal inspection. Although the apology letter was pinned to the top of his circle of friends, which ruined his reputation in

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3124 update || Chapter 6495 & 6496 || Chapter 3124 : Chapter 3124 Self-exploding truck! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3124 Self-exploding truck Chen Yufei looked expectantly at the HR manager who walked in again, thinking that things would turn around. But what he didn't expect was that the first thing the HR manager said when he sat down was: "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen. Now the group has determined that you not only made major mistakes at work, but also have big problems with personal ethics and business ethics, according to the group's intention, the labor contract must be terminated immediately." Chen Yufei did not expect that by telling the hidden truth, he not only failed to solve the problem of gross negligence, but also added another issue of professional ethics. He could only bite the bullet and said to the HR manager: "Manager, what did Director Song say? She and the Fifth Master are familiar with each other after all. In this matter, I also considered that we are all acquaintances..." "No need to say anything, Mr. Chen. "The HR manager said coldly

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3123 update || Chapter 6493 & 6494 || Chapter 3123:You have to make him feel pain! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3123: You have to make him feel pain! Now that things have happened, Zhang Ermao is not afraid of being exposed, but that Charlie and Orval Hong will kick him out. And when he heard that Charlie asked him to expose himself and then go to apologize to Zhou Liangyun, he felt as if he had been granted amnesty. He cried and thanked: "Thank you, Master Wade, for being generous. From now on, I, Zhang Ermao, will be a down-to-earth person and will never play such clever tricks again. If there is another time, I...I will definitely die to apologize!"  Charlie asked him: "I asked you to go and plead guilty, but I didn't say I would be lenient with you, right?" Zhang Ermao said subconsciously: "Master Wade... you... what you just said was not that you wanted to be spared. This time I..." Charlie said with emotion: "Zhang Ermao, you are indeed smart, but I still say that in the future, your wisdom should be used on the right path, do you understand?

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3122 update || Chapter 6491 & 6492 || Chapter 3122: Please give me some advice | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3122 Please give me some advice At this time, Zhang Ermao was completely panicked. He never expected that he wanted to give Chen Yufei a favor, but now Chen Yufei turned his back and wanted to bite him. However, Zhang Ermao has been working at the bottom of society for many years and has a very deep understanding of human nature. He understands that it is understandable for Chen Yufei to hate him. It is like he was kind enough to give others a lift, but because of his poor driving skills, he got into an accident and let the other party become a high-level paraplegic and can only lie in bed for the rest of his life. In this case, the other party has to compensate himself. You can't go to the hospital bed, point your nose at him and scold him, just to retaliate for kindness. A wage earner like Chen Yufei, who has extremely limited skills, actually has very few opportunities to find a good job that is decent, profitable, and can also become a frontier official with no one to

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