
Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2926 update | Chapter 6099 & 6100 Chapter 2926 Looking for Peter Zhou | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

   Chapter 2926 Looking for Peter Zhou In order to satisfy Charlie as soon as possible, the fifteen prisoners started cleaning everything that could still be moved as soon as possible. They threw all the bedding that had not been changed for a long time into the bathroom, leaving a few person is responsible for cleaning, and the rest of the people start cleaning everywhere. As for the injured, as long as they could still move, they all tried their best to participate. Those with broken legs sat on the ground and wiped the lower half of the wall. Those with broken hands stepped on towels and wiped them on the ground. Friends, kindly donate some money to me  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). Thanks to the large number of people and the small area, it didn't take long for the inmates to clean the room and make it spotless. None of the fifteen prisoners expected that this cell would one day be cleaner than a five-star hotel. They knew that if Char

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2925 update | Chapter 6097 & 6098 Chapter 2925 Prison Survival Rules | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2925 Prison Survival Rules Charlie’s request, if placed in the past, would definitely make these people think it was a fantasy. Friends, kindly donate some money to me  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). However, after a few people experienced Charlie's methods and most people witnessed Charlie's cruelty, these people felt in their hearts that Charlie's request was not excessive at all. Therefore, each of them nodded as if they were talking, fearing that Charlie would take advantage of them if they expressed their opinions too late. Seeing them all nodding in agreement, Charlie smiled slightly and said, "Since you all have no objections, we will implement it from now on. This cell is dirty and smelly right now, so all of you should do a general cleaning first. Be sure to: The cleaning must be spotless, otherwise, you will all be punished together."  A group of people did not dare to say anything more and quickly start

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2924 update | Chapter 6095 & 6096 Chapter 2924 Cleaning up the Prison - Discipline | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2924 Cleaning up the Prison - Discipline Dean originally thought that Charlie would continue to torture himself to death in the future, but he did not expect that Charlie would actually give him a chance to make meritorious deeds. As a result, his desperate life seemed to feel a faint light. Friends, kindly donate some money to me  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). Excited, he nodded repeatedly without thinking, and expressed sincerely, "Please rest assured, sir, I will take good care of him and satisfy him!"  At this moment, John Lawrence felt his eyes darken, and he almost fainted. I couldn't imagine how Dean would torture him if he fell into the hands of Dean in exchange for Charlie's appreciation. Thinking of this, he immediately knelt down and begged, "Sir, please forgive me this time. I'm old and I can't bear the trouble!" Charlie waved his hand, "It's okay, don't worry, you will neve

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2923 update | Chapter 6093 & 6094 Chapter 2923 The New King | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2923 The New King At this moment, Dean did not dare to have any doubts about every word Charlie said. Friends, kindly donate some money to me  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). When he heard that Charlie would continue to destroy himself until he died, his heart felt as desperate as a person who grew up in a tropical rain forest and had never seen ice and snow in nature, and was suddenly thrown into a pool filled with liquid nitrogen. . He knew that he was no match for Charlie, and he also knew that all the younger brothers outside him combined were certainly no match for Charlie. Therefore, he knew even more that there was no possibility for him to escape now. If the younger brothers realized something was wrong and came in, they would probably all be subdued by Charlie, and he would still not be able to be saved. And now, there are at least four hours until dinner time. Now, he no longer thinks about how to take revenge, or even how to

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2922 update | Chapter 6091 & 6092 Chapter 2922 A Lesson for You | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2922: A Lesson for You Soon, the prison guards brought Charlie to the door of cell No. 8 where he was assigned. Originally, the prisoners inside were laughing and making a mess. The prison guard shouted through the door, and all the prisoners lined up in the center of the cell. Friends, kindly donate some money to me  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). The two prison guards waiting at the door checked the number of people through the iron railings, and then used the intercom to notify their colleagues to open the gate. Then the two went in first to check, and after confirming that there was no problem, they gave instructions to the prison guard with Charlie behind. , the prison guard pushed Charlie and saw Charlie being brought into the cell. As soon as he entered the cell, Charlie smelled a sour smell. Body odor and foot odor mixed with the smell of bedding, plus the smell of the toilet, made it disgusting.  As soon as Charlie entered, he

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2921 update | Chapter 6089 & 6090 Chapter 2921 It’s time to renovate | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

  Chapter 2921 It’s time to renovate Friends, kindly donate some money to me  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). At noon, when Charlie was sitting alone in a Sichuan restaurant in Chinatown eating, two Immigration Bureau police cars flashed their lights silently and suddenly stopped in front of the hotel. door. Charlie saw everything but pretended not to care and continued to eat with his head down. At this time, several policemen rushed in quickly, took a photo to compare the guests in the hotel, and suddenly rushed to Charlie and asked loudly, "Are you Charlie who smuggled himself to the United States from Malaysia?"  Charlie raised his head, shook his head innocently and said, "No..." The policeman checked the photo again, then sneered and said to his colleagues next to him, "That's him, take him away!" As soon as he finished speaking, several policemen rushed forward. , twisting Charlie's arms to his back a

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