
Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3076 update | Chapter 6399 & 6400 Chapter 3076 You are so awesome! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3076 You are so awesome!  Hearing Jacob Wilson's cheerful agreement, President Pei immediately said happily: "Oh, Jacob, thank you so much!" 👇 Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). or play my YouTube videos friends... After saying that, he quickly said: "Jacob, it's already past four o'clock, people like them are used to it play egg-cracking in the box for a while before eating. See if you can implement it quickly. They should be gone after a while." After saying this, President Pei whispered to Jacob Wilson again: "Jacob , if you can still ask Mr. Orval Hong to arrange a diamond box like last time, I will take you there to get to know each other for dinner today. Let me make it clear to you that those present today are all our superiors. The key personnel in the department establish a good relationship with them, and maybe you

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3075 update | Chapter 6397 & 6398 Chapter 3075 I’m asking you for a favor | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3075 I’m asking you for a favor The next afternoon, the calligraphy and painting lecture at the University for the Elderly suddenly had a new lecturer. As the vice president of the Painting and Calligraphy Association, Jacob Wilson did not attend. Instead, he hired a substitute teacher from the Painting and Calligraphy Association to give a lecture for him. 👇 Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). or play my YouTube videos friends... Han Meiqing specially brought the invitation written by He Yuanjiang for Jacob Wilson, but she did not see him come to class, so she waited for the substitute teacher to come up after class and asked: "Hello, why is Vice President Wilson not here today? " The substitute teacher replied: "Vice President Wilson has been busy with the association recently, so he asked me to come over and give lectures for him at the Universi

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3074 update | Chapter 6395 & 6396 Chapter 3074 Losing people does not lose the formation | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3074: Losing people does not lose the formation When Charlie drove Jacob Wilson back to Thompson Villa, Jacob Wilson's mobile phone happened to receive a WeChat message from Han Meiqing. 👇 Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). or play my YouTube videos friends... Seeing that he was approaching the door of his house, Jacob Wilson hurriedly said to Charlie: "My dear son-in-law, please pull over first!" Charlie stopped the car and asked him curiously: "What's wrong?" Jacob Wilson said: "Your Aunt Han sent us a WeChat message. " With that said, he opened the dialogue with Han Meiqing in front of Charlie. Charlie took a casual glance and saw that Han Meiqing's WeChat nickname turned out to be "AAA July Flowers, Birds, Fishes and Insects Confucius Temple Store". He asked in surprise: "Dad, what is Aunt Han's We

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3073 update | Chapter 6393 & 6394 Chapter 3073 There is light in the eyes | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3073 There is light in the eyes Before Charlie came, Jacob Wilson was still angry that Han Meiqing was about to marry He Yuanjiang. After Charlie came, now he was only worried that Han Meiqing would send him an invitation. 👇 Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). or play my YouTube videos friends... At the same time, Han Meiqing and He Yuanjiang were negotiating the guest list for the banquet. Although their social circles are different, their attributes are basically the same. Almost all their friends are in the United States, and they only have some relatively distant relatives in China. As for Aurous Hill locals, both of them have some colleagues. Although Han Meiqing has some classmates, they have almost no contact with her, so Jacob Wilson still sees each other often. So, the two of them discussed which ones to invite or which ones not to invite. Han Meiqing wa

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3072 update | Chapter 6391 & 6392 Chapter 3072 Murphy’s Law | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3072 Murphy’s Law  "What a fool!" 👇 Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). or play my YouTube videos friends... When Jacob Wilson heard Charlie's words, he was immediately frightened to death. He blurted out very nervously and asked: "Charlie... Your Aunt Han will go directly to my house to send an invitation to invite me, right? If Elaine knew that your Aunt Han returned to China, I kept it secret from her for so long, she would have to follow me desperately!" Charlie had already seen through Jacob Wilson, and he would never be able to escape Elaine's shadow and clutches in his life, so he shook his head and said, "I have no way of knowing whether they will invite you or not. If you are afraid, you can tell Aunt Han then that you are not invited to the wedding and you don’t want to go." Jacob Wilson sighed and said, "This

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3071 update | Chapter 6389 & 6390 Chapter 3071 The good days are coming to an end! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3071 The good days are coming to an end!  Hearing what Jacob Wilson said, Charlie guessed that he should already know about Han Meiqing's intention to marry He Yuanjiang. 👇 Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). or play my YouTube videos friends... So, Charlie said: "Dad, I happen to be not far away. Let's go over now and meet at the door." Jacob Wilson choked up and said: "Okay, then I won't drive and go to the door to wait for you, good son-in-law." Hurry up!" "Okay." Charlie agreed, but still deliberately delayed for a few minutes after hanging up the phone. After all, He Yuanjiang had just left, and he was also on his way to pick up Han Meiqing from the University for the Elderly. If he went there now, the four of them might bump into each other at the school gate, which would be even more embarrassing. Charlie is n

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