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Chapter 3294 Solution to the problem Seeing that her mother also wanted to go to Tokyo together, Claire said, "Mom, we're going to Tokyo because Elsa got tickets for an American singer's concert and invited me and Charlie to go watch it together." Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story ( ). Google pay upi id: ueperumal@oksbi 👇 Kindly watch (just mute and play) this video, like comment.... "Watching a concert..." Elaine muttered a little disappointedly, "I hate that kind of occasion the most. The rumbling makes my brain hurt." As she said that, she quickly said, "How about this, Claire, I'll go with you. We can go shopping together when we have nothing to do. I'll wait for you at the hotel while you watch the concert." Then, Elaine remembered something and continued, "And you see Elsa is alone, right? Doesn't one person have to book a room? W