
Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3092 update || Chapter 6431 & 6432 || Chapter 3092: Revisiting the old place | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3092 Revisiting the old place  Charlie saw that the two of them had changed from the tense situation just now to the relationship between each other, and his impression of Elaine suddenly changed a bit. Even though Elaine has so many shortcomings, in her marriage with Jacob, she is the one who is truly sincere and emotionally moved. 👇 Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). or play my YouTube videos friends... As for his father-in-law, he seems to have never had true feelings for Elaine. When it comes to his past with Elaine, he always complains and complains, but now it seems that Elaine may be the best destination for him. Otherwise, with his character and style of dealing with things, even if he and Han Meiqing were together, I went to the United States, and now I'm afraid they have gone their separate ways. Jacob has too many shortcomings common to men of his

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3091 update || Chapter 6429 & 6430 || Chapter 3091: Survive from death | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3091: Survive from death Although Jacob indeed has no ability or real ability, he has always thought highly of himself for so many years. In front of his wife and daughter, he never admitted that he was inferior to anyone. Therefore, when he suddenly spoke in front of his wife and daughter and bluntly said that he was a piece of shit, both Elaine and Claire were shocked. 👇 Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). or play my YouTube videos friends... Such words have not been heard from Jacob for decades. And Jacob himself was unwilling to say such words to ridicule himself. But before coming over, Charlie repeatedly confessed that this sentence must be said, and it must be said out loud. This is the real risk of death. Because Charlie was sure that these words were the key to him getting through the crisis this time. After Jacob said this, his heart was bleeding crazil

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3090 update || Chapter 6427 & 6428 || Chapter 3090: Burning the boat | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

Chapter 3090: Burning the boat When Elaine heard this, she felt extremely sad. She really didn't expect that Han Meiqing was doing so well now. She is said to be worth tens of billions of yuan, many times more powerful than himself. 👇 Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). or play my YouTube videos friends... While she felt sour in her heart, she couldn't help but feel scared. It was fortunate that she hadn't seen Han Meiqing. If she really saw her, she would smile and greet her in person and ask her how she was doing. How would she answer? Han Meiqing is not Hooriah. She can easily find a sense of superiority over the latter, but Han Meiqing is better than her in every aspect. She is prettier than herself, gentler than herself, more knowledgeable and smarter than herself, and even her figure is dozens of miles ahead of her. If she compares herself with her, she

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3089 update || Chapter 6425 & 6426 || Chapter 3089: What he has become? | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3089 What he has become? "Real sweetheart?!" Elaine exclaimed, "What do you mean?" Charlie said seriously, "Mom, the reason why Aunt Han returned to China is because of her sweetheart, who is her current fiancé." 👇 Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). or play my YouTube videos friends... As he said, Charlie added: "Her fiancé's name is He Yuanjiang. I know this person before. He is a top economist specially invited from the United States by our Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics. When he was in the United States, he worked on Wall Street and was a top professional manager. If he go to any of the world's top 500 companies, he will definitely be able to become a continent-level CEO." Elaine pouted: "What kind of professional manager is he? He is not a wage earner!" Charlie said: "Don't b

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3088 update || Chapter 6423 & 6424 || Chapter 3088: I’ll catch you once | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3088: I’ll catch you once Charlie was left speechless by Jacob. He is about to be kicked out of his home, but he still wants to live in a mansion and drive a luxury car. Helpless, he could only remind him: "Dad, if this thing doesn't work out, I will definitely not be able to rent you a very good house, let alone give you Cullinan." 👇 Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). or play my YouTube videos friends... Jacob asked subconsciously: "Why... ..." Charlie said: "Don't forget, when the time comes that you leave this house, I will still live in this house!" After saying that, Charlie said again: "If I rent it for you outside, I will rent you a mansion, and then I will open the library for you. Mom may not be able to hold a grudge against me. I will have to protect myself by then. I will rent you a shabby little house. If mo

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3087 update || Chapter 6421 & 6422 || Chapter 3087: My good son-in-law gives me a hand! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3087: My good son-in-law gives me a hand! When the traffic policeman said that Elaine was going to commit suicide, Claire suddenly said nervously: "Take me over quickly to see her!" The traffic policeman also said hurriedly: "Come on, come on!" After saying that, he quickly took Claire with him. Then walked to the room where Elaine was. 👇 Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). or play my YouTube videos friends... Charlie happened to follow him. He put his luggage at the entrance and chased after them. He stopped the two of them and asked, "Comrade Traffic Police, where is Mr. Wilson who came here with Mrs. Elaine? Can I see him first?" " The traffic policeman asked curiously: "Who are you?" Charlie explained: "I am his son-in-law. I am not thinking that my wife will persuade my mother-in-law, and I will persuade my f

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3086 update || Chapter 6419 & 6420 || Chapter 3086: is indeed too difficult!! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3086 is indeed too difficult! Claire has little experience in love. She doesn't know much about how women think about problems when they are involved in a triangle relationship, and how extreme their emotions can become. But after Charlie explained it like this, she understood the general situation. 👇 Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). or play my YouTube videos friends... She couldn't help but sigh: "Actually, dad behaved very badly when Aunt Han first came back. He didn't care about mom's life and death at all. He only thought about Aunt Han and even invited her to our house for dinner. If I were in mom’s place, I would definitely be very angry." Charlie said, "Let's not talk about this here and go to the traffic police team first." "Okay!" Claire nodded, and then pulled Charlie back. Said: "Husband, they a

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