
Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3120 update || Chapter 6487 & 6488 || Chapter 3120: Public Execution | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3120 Public Execution (PS: in previous chapter some lines were missed during the posting and was added later, the people who read first might have missed those, so kindly read that before continuing the was posted after around 100 people read the story, so this message is for those 100 people... sorry for the mistake friends) Now Zhang Ermao has completely given up in his heart. He knew that his rank was no match for Zhou Liangyun, so if he continued to struggle with him on this matter, he might cause even greater trouble for himself. So now he is very clear that if he wants to solve this matter, the only breakthrough point is Jacob. I can only think of ways to make Jacob accept this reality, but there is no other way. Therefore, he could only wait for Jacob to land in Dubai, and then call him to beg for mercy. If it really didn't work, I would give him all the cash I could get my hands on, thinking it was just a waste of money to eliminate the disaster and spen

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3119 update || Chapter 6485 & 6486 || Chapter 3119: Dimensionality Reduction Strike! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3119 Dimensionality Reduction Strike At this moment, Zhang Ermao, who hung up the phone with Jacob, felt that the sky was about to fall. Deep in his heart at this moment, he deeply regretted that he should not have had such a relationship with Jacob. Although Zhang Ermao had long known that Jacob had average abilities, limited skills, and loved to show off, but thinking that he was Charlie's father-in-law, Zhang Ermao really wanted to curry favor with him. Now it seems that no one should be fawning over Jacob. He originally thought that if a normal person saw a dog that was wagging its tail and came forward to please him, even if he didn't give him something to stutter, he would at least touch his head to appease him. Even if he didn't touch his head to appease him, he wouldn't take the food from the dog's mouth. After grabbing it, give it a couple of kicks, right? But he never expected that he, Jacob, could do such a shameless, conscienceless and bottomles

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3118 update || Chapter 6483 & 6484 || Chapter 3118: You must get it back from him! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3118 You must get it back from him! In fact, Jacob is not usually so bold. The reason why he dare to grin at the safety officer on the plane today is because the amount of 20 million is so huge. Wine can make people bold, and so can money. 35,000 might not cause a stir, the prospect of 35 million has the power to drive people to extreme lengths.. What's more, this is a total of 20 million! Moreover, it was equivalent to the 20 million that Jacob threw out himself, and he also threw it into the pocket of his enemy. This made him even more evil. However, Elaine's words immediately calmed him down. If you go to the detention center, what good will happen? Elaine would come out with a broken leg after two or three days. If she was really detained for fifteen days, he didn't know how much she would have suffered. Thinking of this, he didn't dare to continue to argue with the security officer. He could only sit back in his seat with great dejection, tears of grievanc

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3117 update || Chapter 6481 & 6482 || Chapter 3117: The world is awake …! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3117 The world is awake  Just when Zhang Ermao was helpless for a moment, the news that Zhou Liangyun made 20 million a day had spread like wildfire on the antique street. Although he had threatened Chen Yufei not to talk nonsense, the key point was that dozens of customers came to Zhou Liangyun's store early in the morning, and the entire antique street had already known about it. Everyone is curious. Zhou Liangyun just had his eyes opened yesterday, and today dozens of people came to buy things. What kind of medicine is being sold in the gourd? After the collectors from all walks of life came out because they had not bought the bronze Buddha, many good people had already found the opportunity to approach them and ask why. These people did not hide it, they directly explained the general situation. I just heard that this group of people had taken 20 million and rushed over overnight to snatch the "fake goods" Zhou Liangyun had received yesterday. Before he could

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3116 update || Chapter 6479 & 6480 || Chapter 3116: It’s over now…! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3116 It’s over now… Chen Yufei, a shrewd operator, skillfully managed a rat warehouse within the confines of Ji Qingtang. His astute maneuvering allowed him to maintain a stronghold on his position, ensuring that no threats encroached upon his authority. The stakes were high, and Chen Yufei’s unwavering focus on self-interest underscored the cutthroat nature of his actions. Meanwhile, Zhou Liangyun, aware of the precarious balance, sought to escape Chen Yufei’s clutches. His determination to safeguard his own standing drove him to take swift action. The rat warehouse became a battleground, where ambition clashed with survival, and every move carried weight. In this intricate dance of power and ambition, both men grappled with their desires, revealing the depths to which they would go to protect what was rightfully theirs. Ji Qingtang’s corridors echoed with whispered secrets, and the fate of their positions hung in the balance. And what Chen Yufei desperately wants to keep is

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