
Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3146 update || Chapter 6539 & 6540 || Chapter 3146: This is too exaggerated! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3146 This is too exaggerated! When Charlie Wade told his grandfather on the phone that he was going to set up Changying Automobile with the An family, Zhongquan Wade on the other end of the phone burst into tears. When he learned that the name was actually proposed by Charlie Wade's grandfather, he cried even more. Changying Wade was his most beloved son, and the pain that he could never let go of in his heart. However, he once thought that only the Wade family would feel distressed for Changying Wade's death, and the An family seemed to have never taken Changying Wade's death to heart, and even resented them for An Chengxi's death. But unexpectedly, there has always been a place for Changying Wade in the heart of the old man of the An family, and it seems that the weight is very heavy. Later, when he heard Charlie Wade invite him to Aurous Hill to sign a contract with the An family, he agreed without any hesitation. As for the specific signing time, Charlie Wa

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 0801 to 0900 Charlie Wade Story

Chapter 801 At this moment, Tomson Villa. Elaine was lying on the deck chair on the second-floor all-glass balcony, watching her phone close from ear to ear. More than 300 people have liked her, breaking her record since installing WeChat. As for the comments, I can’t count them one after a while, or even return them. Elaine finally felt it today, what is called attention. People in the entire circle of friends are looking at hers, and they don’t hesitate to praise her in the comment area, and she is relaxed and happy. At this time, Elaine’s sisters who played better, sent a message from everyone in the group: “Oh, Sister Elaine moved to the Tomson first-class mansion today, and she has to entertain her for dinner!” “That’s it!” Many people echoed: “Sister Elaine, you are moving to a big house that sells for more than 100 million. It’s such a big happy event, it’s impossible not to invite us to dinner!” After a while, all the people in the group came out and lined up for Elaine to invi

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