
Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3153 update || Chapter 6553 & 6554 || Chapter 3153: Your Boss is Worried | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3153 Your Boss is Worried Jimmy didn't care about Steve's words. He looked Steve up and down, and said with a playful sarcasm: "You don't really think that just because I met a lunatic who claimed to be the second in command of the Rothschild family, I would call my boss to confirm, right?" Steve nodded and smiled: "It doesn't matter, it's the same if I asked him to call you." Jimmy laughed at this: "I intended to give you a way out, but I didn't expect you to rush to climb up. Since you don't leave room for yourself, I also want to see how you are going to end it." After that, he pointed at He Yuanjiang and smiled: "It just so happens that I also want to take this opportunity to see how good the new husband of my eldest sister-in-law has found is." Jimmy couldn't believe that a university professor in Aurous Hill really knew the second in command of the Rothschild family. Based on his judgment of He Yuanj

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 1501 to 1600 Charlie Wade Story

 Chapter 1501 A man and a woman at the table, no matter their looks, temperament, and clothes at home, they all looked very luxurious and decent. The man looked a little haggard, and his face and lips had lost his normal blood color. At first sight, he was a chronically ill, or even dying person. But the woman next to him was very well maintained and very beautiful. Her appearance was seven points similar to Sara‟s, and she seemed to be in her 30s. Charlie recognized the two at a glance, they were Uncle Philip, whom he had known since childhood, and his wife, Aunt Lenan. Just when Charlie recognized the two of them, the two also recognized him! Philip‟s whole expression was extremely shocked. His face was already very thin. At this time, his eyes widened, trembling and trying to say something, but he seemed to be in his throat. Miss Lenan, who was on the side, was also dumbfounded. She stood up, pointing at Charlie with one finger and covering her mouth with one hand: “You…you…you are…

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