
Showing posts with the label Claire

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 1401 to 1500 Charlie Wade Story

Chapter 1401 On the way home, Charlie drove, and Claire sat in the co-pilot, still excited. Her circle of friends has completely exploded today, and countless people liked and commented, envious of her having such good luck to be able to eat with the most popular female star Sara. Claire kept bowing her head, fiddling with her mobile phone, her expression of excitement was beyond words.   After replying to the comments of a few friends, she looked at Charlie with a look of admiration, and blurted out: “Husband, I only found out today that you are really amazing. I didn’t expect that even big stars like Sara would appreciate you watching Feng Shui. Do you really have a few brushes besides fools?” Charlie smiled and said, “I never said that I think Feng Shui is a fool, but you, dad and mom always think I am fooling. For people, Feng Shui is the essence left by the ancestors, and there are traces to follow.” Claire nodded and said seriously: “I know that Feng Shui was left by the ancestor

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