
Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2836 update | Chapter 5919 & 5920 Chapter 2836 Bet right! | Wade latest Chapters today's update

 Chapter 2836 Bet right! One of the things she is most worried about is revealing her identity. The young people camping not far away, in her opinion, should be students who are still studying. She is not worried that any of these people can threaten her safety, but she has just heard Charlie and Lin Wan'er's conversation, knowing that her actions are already a bit suspicious in the eyes of others, under this situation, she is really hesitant. And her attention was indeed drawn to another direction unconsciously by Charlie. Now she was only worried about being suspected by others, but never doubted the identities of these young people. While Wu Feiyan was still hesitating, a golden glow spread down, and the sun had already risen from the east. The young people around Charlie who were still excited after staying up all night immediately became excited after seeing this ray of sunshine, shouting loudly that the sun is coming out, and quickly took out their mobile phones to take p

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