
Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3115 update || Chapter 6477 & 6478 || Chapter 3115: Seize... Seize less?! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3115: Seize... Seize less?! No one expected that the deal would be concluded so easily, except Zhou Liangyun. He has full confidence in his vision and even more absolute confidence in his pricing. He firmly believes that as long as a collector has seen the real thing and can afford 20 million, he will definitely not miss this big leak. After all, it’s not often that you can make millions right from the get-go. When the other nine contenders heard that collector No. 1 was about to take action, they felt a little depressed, but they were all expected. After all, they had already made the purchase and knew that the bronze Buddha was definitely worth the price. The only person in the audience who was shocked beyond words was the vendor who followed him to inquire about the news. At this time, his expression was simply that of a loser, his eyes were so wide open, he was staring at the bronze Buddha, and asked himself a question repeatedly in his mind: "Is this piece of shit wo

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3114 update || Chapter 6475 & 6476 || Chapter 3114: No one said anything at first glance | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3114: No one said anything at first glance At this time, Zhou Liangyun saw that the rules had been explained to everyone, so he stepped forward to open the store door and invited everyone to come to the store. Although Zhen Baoxuan's single-floor area is not large, because the store is empty, it looks very empty. Twenty or thirty people come in, so it is not very crowded. Zhou Liangyun locked the door from the inside, and then said to everyone: "Everyone is an old collector at first glance, and the rules when looking at things must be very clear. Please don't take photos or videos during the whole process, thank you." Tibetan friends are very particular about it. Respecting the personal wishes and privacy of the treasure lord is very important. When everyone heard this, they knew that he had produced this thing and did not want the outside world to know too much of his personal information, so they all nodded and held their mobile phones, then they all put th

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3113 update || Chapter 6473 & 6474 || Chapter 3113: Tailor-made | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3113 Tailor-made Before Zhou Liangyun appeared in the antique street, more and more collectors came to collect the Northern Song Dynasty bronze Buddhas at the door. In a short time, more than a dozen Tibetan friends gathered outside the store. Since Zhou Liangyun only left ten numbers, the remaining people one after another left in disappointment after seeing that they could no longer get the numbers. Among the ten people who had gotten the numbers, except for the number one, the others Many people are also anxious. The message posted by the seller online was that the price of 20 million was non-negotiable and it was first come, first served. If the first person bought it directly, then the other nine people would also have made a trip in vain. However, if the seller holds a small auction on the spot, the other nine people will have some chance, but in this case, the profit will become thinner and thinner with the continuous bidding. If I originally paid 20 million, I was conf

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3112 update || Chapter 6471 & 6472 || Chapter 3112: Impossible! Absolutely impossible!!! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3112 Impossible! Absolutely impossible! The melon-eating people in the group were a little confused when they saw this video. Some people wondered: "Is it possible that people from other places know that Zhou Liangyun is a big injustice and want to come here overnight to visit?" Someone immediately replied: "Although Zhou Liangyun is very serious, it is not worth coming so far to see, right?" Another person said Said: "Perhaps he knew that Zhou Liangyun was a big idiot, so he came over with fakes to sell to him?" This statement was recognized by many people, and they all replied: "This is reliable! After all, such a idiot It's not easy to find!" "Yes, knowing that there is such an evil person in Aurous Hill, the counterfeiters are probably all excited." Chen Yufei just opened his eyes at this time, and replied with a voice message: "These scammers are probably following him. Like flies, they will come when they smell t

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3111 update || Chapter 6469 & 6470 || Chapter 3111: First come first served!! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3111 First come first served Just when Jacob was getting carried away, Zhou Liangyun also completed uploading the information about the gilt bronze Buddha from the Northern Song Dynasty. The website he uses is the largest collector communication and trading website in China and also has the highest overall level of collectors. On this website, everyone can set the type and age of the collection they focus on. For example, some people pay special attention to Tang Dynasty calligraphy and painting. For such works, you only need to add this category to your special attention. Once a collector on the website uploads a Tang Dynasty painting and calligraphy work that he intends to sell, it will be sent to the users who focus on this type of work in the form of push notifications and text messages as soon as possible. Copper products of the Northern Song Dynasty are rare, and some collectors who are interested in them have already paid special attention to such antiques. Therefore, w

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